A Pharmacist Speaks, Remembering Fauci's AZT Putsch In The 1980s "I Had To Dispense This Poison And Watch These Young Men Die"
He Tried To Warn Them, But Fauci's "Good Daddy" Spell Was Too Powerful. Was This Mass Ritual Sacrifice?
Hi Celia! Your piece on Peter Duesberg brought back the frustration, pain and anger I experienced as a Registered Pharmacist and a member of the gay community in the 80’s when I first heard the “news releases” from Gallo and Fauci and Ho claiming that testing positive for HIV Antibodies guaranteed a persons “death from AIDS,” when of course all previous knowledge in the immunology field said that having the antibodies conveyed immunity!
I would scream at the TV as they twisted science around their little fingers to drive the gay community and then the World crazy with fear and loathing! When AZT came into the store where I worked in West Los Angeles with a “Skull and Crossbones” on the package insert warning the pharmacists not to open the bottles nor touch the capsules for fear of acute poisoning, my heart sank. I had to dispense this poison prescribed by the AIDS Quacks and watch these young men die. Usually it took 2 to 3 months as it destroyed their bone marrow and vital organs! This became “The AIDS Epidemic” or “AIDS by Prescription” as Neville Hodgkinson wrote. Many of these young men were friends who I tried to warn against AZT but most thought I was crazy and I would watch them die with them believing they had AIDS instead of being poisoned to death! I would go to gay bars and try to tell anyone I would meet about what was going on but end up in an argument with them being abusive and became an outcast. I thought I was the only one who believed like I did until I ran into one or two gay men who also saw thru it and heard about Christine Maggiore in LA and managed to contact her and she asked me to speak to her group about AZT which I did on several occasions and thats when I heard about Peter and it was like finding a long lost friend though I never met him face to face and by that time the Gallo/Fauci Freight Train was busy running back and forth on him and all of us! When I saw Trump hand Fauci the microphone I knew we were in BIG TROUBLE.. I actually called Peter in his lab once jusf to hear his voice and offer encouragement and he was very kind and deferential and reminded me of some of my professors at Purdue University when I was there in the Sixties. I later joined the Committee for the Reappraisal of HIV/AIDS and any other similar group. It was about that Time I think I read your article in Rolling Stone too! Anthony Fauci is a Satanic individual, responsible for death and destruction wherever he goes and a nemesis to all that is good! Thank you Dear for your perseverance and honesty and I pray for retribution for all those lives of friends we knew and loved and lost to his evil ways!
—Dennis Kinnane
(Submitted as a comment.)
Note: Soon I will be posting a series of John Lauritsen’s pioneering pieces on AZT. I have a sense people may need more evidence, to even begin to process this piece of true history. Thank you Dennis Kinnane, you are a blessing. Please keep writing. It’s time for us all to remember, as much as we can. Here is the AZT label you spoke of. It never ceases to shock, even all these years later. Dennis, in the phone, I recognize Peter Staley. Who are the others, in handcuffs, do you know?
For the reader: These men in handcuffs were from ACT UP etc. They handcuffed themselves to a radiator at the FDA to demand AZT’s immediate approval, with no safety testing, in 1989. That’s why the FDA did it—because of the activist pressure. This is cast consistently as heroic medical activism and an example for all the follow. “Taking charge” of your disease. But who were these guys? Staley was from Wall Street, that’s all I know. Dennis, you probably know more. Boy oh boy do they look like spooks, now that I see it anew.
Link To More History:
I was in residency back then. We heard stories from those that “escaped” Fauci’s lab. Sociopathic, Gd complex, genocidal, greedy, and completely medically incompetent. His job was to provide an easy path for big pharma to own the government regulatory agencies.
OMG, thank you I worked for a nonprofit AIDS organization in LA in the early 90's. I did a lot of research, read Jon Rappoprt's book and more. It became clear to me that AZT was toxic and that HIV did not cause AIDS. what about fluconzalone that was also being prescribed. (my spelling is off, sorry). never has made sense to me to give people poison when their immune systems are already at risk (chemotherapy, radiation, etc). thank you again.