I was in residency back then. We heard stories from those that “escaped” Fauci’s lab. Sociopathic, Gd complex, genocidal, greedy, and completely medically incompetent. His job was to provide an easy path for big pharma to own the government regulatory agencies.
OMG, thank you I worked for a nonprofit AIDS organization in LA in the early 90's. I did a lot of research, read Jon Rappoprt's book and more. It became clear to me that AZT was toxic and that HIV did not cause AIDS. what about fluconzalone that was also being prescribed. (my spelling is off, sorry). never has made sense to me to give people poison when their immune systems are already at risk (chemotherapy, radiation, etc). thank you again.
Holy cow, and thanks for the link. I just watched this speech by Dr. Robert Willner... my head is spinning. With what he said, and other things I’ve more recently learned, I’m re-thinking everything I thought I knew.
I’ve puzzled over this ever since sitting at a dinner table in 2003 with Kary Mullis and the conversation turned to AIDS... and Kary stated his belief that HIV did not cause AIDS. Huh? My late husband was hostile, but I was more curious as to why he would think this... my husband and I both laughed him off later as “how crazy can you get?” I wish I could go back in time and have a different conversation now.
AIDS is caused by chemical toxins inundating the body to such a degree that the immune system raises the white flag and collapses. There is really only one cure for AIDS - a toxin free, organic diet full of nutrients and free of toxins. I believe that Nora Gedgaudas’ most recent book offers the best source of information to achieve this diet. I have no interest in drugs, even if they are banned by the satanic Rockefeller medicine cult, as a “cure” for AIDS. As this article was written by a gay about the “gay plague,” there was a reason why it affected the gay community in a far greater fashion than others. But rather than reinvent the wheel, I refer you to chapter 6 of Official Stories written by the late, lamented Liam Scheff, titled “HIV - The Scarlet Letter.” It is available from Amazon in electronic (Kindle) format which can be read on any computer or handheld with a download of a free application, for $4.99.
The preceding Chapter 5, “Vaccination - The Religious Science” is also relevant, and I would also recommend when you finish Chapter 6 you go on to Chapter 7 - “Shake-Speare, not Shakespeare.” Actually, I would recommend that you read the whole book.
I did my belated senior thesis (after dropping out of Brown University as a chemistry major and returning to finish up 20 years later), on a related compound to AZT. I was an undergraduate who was picked up by a graduate group with a grant from Dupont, which hoped to get on the AZT gravy train with a similar toxin, Anthramycin. My assignment from the professor in charge of this group was to use a very advanced (for the early 1990s) desktop and structural software to ascertain the energy of bond interaction of this compound with DNA as well as to take pretty pictures of its computer simulated structure to pass on to Dupont.
Here is what the CIA Handbook says about it.
Side effects[edit]
Use of anthramycin has been largely limited due to a cardiotoxicity so high that it limits dosing. Acute tissue necrosis has also been noted at the injection site of the antibiotic, and side effect of its high cytotoxicity. Repeated injections in mice have been shown to adversely affect mitochondrial metabolism. The mice also showed abnormal electrocardiograms. As such, the side effects of such medication may outweigh the benefits.
Remind you of a similar Fauci touted toxin?
This computer I was working on was the only one on campus and as an undergraduate I found myself in front of it usually at 3 AM. Anyway, this is the point. What both AZT and Anthramycin do is to drape itself through a “groove” in DNA and then form strong covalent bonds to the outer nucleosides of both strands. It thus forms a strong molecular tether and prohibits the DNA of replicating by the simple mechanism of making it impossible for the two strands to “unzip." Since all cells in the body have a specific lifespan (with a few exceptions), it is not hard to see that these “drugs” will kill people at the original dosage “recommended” in a few months by prohibiting the body from renewing its cells.
Thank you for sharing Dennis Kinnane's comment, Celia. And thank you Dennis for warning as many people as you could about AZT. A good friend I had gone to college with in the late 60's died in 1990, allegedly of AIDS, but now I'm convinced that he, like so many others, died of AZT poisoning exacerbated by extreme anxiety (he had been perniciously conditioned to perceive his positive HIV test as a death sentence). This was mass murder.
Celia, I used to be a subscriber to Red Ice Radio out of Sweden and remembered with your postings today that Henrik did a one hour interview with Peter Duesberg dated Nov. 11, 2013. I went to their website and they appear to be still going strong. Their archives are partially open to non-subscribers. It appears that they keep the full 2 hour interviews the last two months open to non-subscribers, so that looked promising as the interview was in November. But it does not appear in the date spot it should. I suspect the reason is that their interviews are two hours, and this might have been considered a “special," since as I recall PD requested that it be kept to one hour. However, I saved a copy of it in my archives which I had knocked down to 48 kbps to squeak under the 25 MB limit for standard email attachments, but it still is quite clear. If you would like a copy of it for your own listening or posting, I would be happy to send it to you if you supply me with an address. You obviously have my address as I am on your mailing list.
Difficult to control emotions even after all these years.
I greatly admire Peter D. although I have to say in my view he (along with people like Judy Mikovits) still insists that the virology itself is a real thing. I disagree.
But the point is that there is solid evidence that Michael Gottlieb (UCLA) who was the first to report /describe 5 patients with an immune "defect" to CDC's "weekly morbidity" report June 2981. In that report it is clear that Sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim was a factor in all Five of those patients. (have receipts) (Also called Bactrim).
According to Heinrich Kremer (see article: Acquired Iatrogenic Death syndrome - Pneumonias and Lung diseases in Continuum 1996) Bactrim was a cheap drug recently invented which was being used in Gay Medical circles in large cities to stave off multiple infections or as prophylaxis and it was known from the Nuremberg trial notes that Sulfa CAUSED Pneumocystis carinii to overtake the Lung's defenses and cause death by PCP.
In the first four years there were only TWO diseases known as "AIDS" diseases. (Before the HIV antibody "tests" and the AZT and other antivirals). The two diseases were:
PCP pneumonia and Kaposis Sarcoma.
Bactrim (sulfa) wrongly used caused the PCP and
Corticosteroids are clearly to blame for the Kaposis Sarcoma (see early drug inserts for Prednisone brand of corticosteroids and look way toward the end --not under contraindications-- where it states clearly that Kaposis sarcoma is known to occurr when Corticosteroids are used and that removing the corticosteroids will resolve the issue. This has never been told to us by CDC or NIH. In fact we have been led to believe for 40 years that Kaposis Sarcoma is rather uniquely proof of HIV infection.
Heinrich Kremer's article on Iatrogenic causes of PCP is chilling and understated and I have read it many many times over and over since 1996 and still learn something every single time.
After AZT and other drugs were introduced (and PCR) and tests for things like circulating T-Lymphocytes these Tricks of Light and Poisons introduced many more ways to confuse the issues. In the beginning it was much easier to figure out. Bactrim plus corticosteroids literally caused ALL the diseases of AIDs in the beginning but other "co-factors" may have made various people more susceptible.
I had a dear friend in L.A. in the 1980's. Clyde was handsome, funny and gay. He's dead now, killed I believe by AZT. Clyde was healthy, tested positive for HIV and began treatment. Dead within four months. In early April 2020 I was at the local Farmers' Market, speaking to a produce vendor. The plandemic was just beginning and Fauci was on the TV daily it seemed. Don't know how or why this vendor and I satrted talking about Fauci, but she told me she was a social worker in Pima County during the AIDS epidemic. She was required to encourage her clients who had been prescribed AZT to continue taking this "life saving" medication even though it made them very sick. Horrific side effects. At the end of our conversation, she leaned forward across her table and whispered to me, "Fauci is a murderer". I was stunned at the time. Now I know she was right.
I was in residency back then. We heard stories from those that “escaped” Fauci’s lab. Sociopathic, Gd complex, genocidal, greedy, and completely medically incompetent. His job was to provide an easy path for big pharma to own the government regulatory agencies.
Thank you!
OMG, thank you I worked for a nonprofit AIDS organization in LA in the early 90's. I did a lot of research, read Jon Rappoprt's book and more. It became clear to me that AZT was toxic and that HIV did not cause AIDS. what about fluconzalone that was also being prescribed. (my spelling is off, sorry). never has made sense to me to give people poison when their immune systems are already at risk (chemotherapy, radiation, etc). thank you again.
Thank you!
And more than a few honest experts believe that the Fauci recommended Remdesiver is responsible for many of the deaths in American hospitals!
Don’t you mean “Run death is near?” ; )
You taught me a new 'word'.
Cherry On Top
Yes, it causes kidney failure (death).
AZT and Remdesivir make Lil Tony and his paymasters (Big Pharma) millions.
Dr Robert Willner exposes the AIDS hoax.
Holy cow, and thanks for the link. I just watched this speech by Dr. Robert Willner... my head is spinning. With what he said, and other things I’ve more recently learned, I’m re-thinking everything I thought I knew.
I’ve puzzled over this ever since sitting at a dinner table in 2003 with Kary Mullis and the conversation turned to AIDS... and Kary stated his belief that HIV did not cause AIDS. Huh? My late husband was hostile, but I was more curious as to why he would think this... my husband and I both laughed him off later as “how crazy can you get?” I wish I could go back in time and have a different conversation now.
More Celia from a 1993 AIDS trip to Africa
Thank you!
Thank you so very much for sharing this.
Thank you Jack. Deadly.
Watch the movie The Dallas Buyers Club. It chronicles AIDS patients fight for low cost drugs from south of the border.
AIDS is caused by chemical toxins inundating the body to such a degree that the immune system raises the white flag and collapses. There is really only one cure for AIDS - a toxin free, organic diet full of nutrients and free of toxins. I believe that Nora Gedgaudas’ most recent book offers the best source of information to achieve this diet. I have no interest in drugs, even if they are banned by the satanic Rockefeller medicine cult, as a “cure” for AIDS. As this article was written by a gay about the “gay plague,” there was a reason why it affected the gay community in a far greater fashion than others. But rather than reinvent the wheel, I refer you to chapter 6 of Official Stories written by the late, lamented Liam Scheff, titled “HIV - The Scarlet Letter.” It is available from Amazon in electronic (Kindle) format which can be read on any computer or handheld with a download of a free application, for $4.99.
The preceding Chapter 5, “Vaccination - The Religious Science” is also relevant, and I would also recommend when you finish Chapter 6 you go on to Chapter 7 - “Shake-Speare, not Shakespeare.” Actually, I would recommend that you read the whole book.
I did my belated senior thesis (after dropping out of Brown University as a chemistry major and returning to finish up 20 years later), on a related compound to AZT. I was an undergraduate who was picked up by a graduate group with a grant from Dupont, which hoped to get on the AZT gravy train with a similar toxin, Anthramycin. My assignment from the professor in charge of this group was to use a very advanced (for the early 1990s) desktop and structural software to ascertain the energy of bond interaction of this compound with DNA as well as to take pretty pictures of its computer simulated structure to pass on to Dupont.
Here is what the CIA Handbook says about it.
Side effects[edit]
Use of anthramycin has been largely limited due to a cardiotoxicity so high that it limits dosing. Acute tissue necrosis has also been noted at the injection site of the antibiotic, and side effect of its high cytotoxicity. Repeated injections in mice have been shown to adversely affect mitochondrial metabolism. The mice also showed abnormal electrocardiograms. As such, the side effects of such medication may outweigh the benefits.
Remind you of a similar Fauci touted toxin?
This computer I was working on was the only one on campus and as an undergraduate I found myself in front of it usually at 3 AM. Anyway, this is the point. What both AZT and Anthramycin do is to drape itself through a “groove” in DNA and then form strong covalent bonds to the outer nucleosides of both strands. It thus forms a strong molecular tether and prohibits the DNA of replicating by the simple mechanism of making it impossible for the two strands to “unzip." Since all cells in the body have a specific lifespan (with a few exceptions), it is not hard to see that these “drugs” will kill people at the original dosage “recommended” in a few months by prohibiting the body from renewing its cells.
Thank you.
I found your Harper’s piece: https://web.archive.org/web/20060421151346/http://harpers.org/OutOfControl.html
My thanks to the David Pratt link for this! His site is also excellent.
Thank you for sharing Celia’s heartbreaking expose. A sentence so apropos for our present times: “America is a place where people rarely say: Stop.”
What’s happening now is magnitudes worse. Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna reports on microtechnology injected into every recipient of the Pfizer “vaccine.” https://odysee.com/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0/Microtechnology-in-Pfizer's-vaccine:9
Would that be from a good batch or a bad batch?
This is horrifying.
If there's three doses per vial then is there a one in three chance?
Hard to believe, but also expected!
That packed a powerful punch, hearing from the gay pharmacist.
Stunning. Thank you. :(
Thank you for sharing Dennis Kinnane's comment, Celia. And thank you Dennis for warning as many people as you could about AZT. A good friend I had gone to college with in the late 60's died in 1990, allegedly of AIDS, but now I'm convinced that he, like so many others, died of AZT poisoning exacerbated by extreme anxiety (he had been perniciously conditioned to perceive his positive HIV test as a death sentence). This was mass murder.
Celia, I used to be a subscriber to Red Ice Radio out of Sweden and remembered with your postings today that Henrik did a one hour interview with Peter Duesberg dated Nov. 11, 2013. I went to their website and they appear to be still going strong. Their archives are partially open to non-subscribers. It appears that they keep the full 2 hour interviews the last two months open to non-subscribers, so that looked promising as the interview was in November. But it does not appear in the date spot it should. I suspect the reason is that their interviews are two hours, and this might have been considered a “special," since as I recall PD requested that it be kept to one hour. However, I saved a copy of it in my archives which I had knocked down to 48 kbps to squeak under the 25 MB limit for standard email attachments, but it still is quite clear. If you would like a copy of it for your own listening or posting, I would be happy to send it to you if you supply me with an address. You obviously have my address as I am on your mailing list.
Difficult to control emotions even after all these years.
I greatly admire Peter D. although I have to say in my view he (along with people like Judy Mikovits) still insists that the virology itself is a real thing. I disagree.
But the point is that there is solid evidence that Michael Gottlieb (UCLA) who was the first to report /describe 5 patients with an immune "defect" to CDC's "weekly morbidity" report June 2981. In that report it is clear that Sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim was a factor in all Five of those patients. (have receipts) (Also called Bactrim).
According to Heinrich Kremer (see article: Acquired Iatrogenic Death syndrome - Pneumonias and Lung diseases in Continuum 1996) Bactrim was a cheap drug recently invented which was being used in Gay Medical circles in large cities to stave off multiple infections or as prophylaxis and it was known from the Nuremberg trial notes that Sulfa CAUSED Pneumocystis carinii to overtake the Lung's defenses and cause death by PCP.
In the first four years there were only TWO diseases known as "AIDS" diseases. (Before the HIV antibody "tests" and the AZT and other antivirals). The two diseases were:
PCP pneumonia and Kaposis Sarcoma.
Bactrim (sulfa) wrongly used caused the PCP and
Corticosteroids are clearly to blame for the Kaposis Sarcoma (see early drug inserts for Prednisone brand of corticosteroids and look way toward the end --not under contraindications-- where it states clearly that Kaposis sarcoma is known to occurr when Corticosteroids are used and that removing the corticosteroids will resolve the issue. This has never been told to us by CDC or NIH. In fact we have been led to believe for 40 years that Kaposis Sarcoma is rather uniquely proof of HIV infection.
Heinrich Kremer's article on Iatrogenic causes of PCP is chilling and understated and I have read it many many times over and over since 1996 and still learn something every single time.
After AZT and other drugs were introduced (and PCR) and tests for things like circulating T-Lymphocytes these Tricks of Light and Poisons introduced many more ways to confuse the issues. In the beginning it was much easier to figure out. Bactrim plus corticosteroids literally caused ALL the diseases of AIDs in the beginning but other "co-factors" may have made various people more susceptible.
I had a dear friend in L.A. in the 1980's. Clyde was handsome, funny and gay. He's dead now, killed I believe by AZT. Clyde was healthy, tested positive for HIV and began treatment. Dead within four months. In early April 2020 I was at the local Farmers' Market, speaking to a produce vendor. The plandemic was just beginning and Fauci was on the TV daily it seemed. Don't know how or why this vendor and I satrted talking about Fauci, but she told me she was a social worker in Pima County during the AIDS epidemic. She was required to encourage her clients who had been prescribed AZT to continue taking this "life saving" medication even though it made them very sick. Horrific side effects. At the end of our conversation, she leaned forward across her table and whispered to me, "Fauci is a murderer". I was stunned at the time. Now I know she was right.
It gets easier and easier to see, now.
Thank you.