"Enough is enough" --- says it all. Bless all the little people not consenting.

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They are NOT "little people" they are human beings who are NOT PSYCOPATHS as are these VERY SICK minded would be controllers.

We are human beings - people who genuinely contribute to the World and make it a worthwhile world to live in unlike these psychopaths' who destroy, not only other people, but the natural gifts that man has been given.

Psychopaths' ARE the little people - very few of the human attributes that make a mature person and who by their ill-gotten gains are also destroying the gifts of nature, that we The MAJORITY have been given in this World..

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Hope. Yes. That is the right word. For the first time in a long time I have hope too. My husband was also injured by the first dose of Moderna. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be long-lasting or serious, but who knows long term? He also cannot get an exemption. Thank God he works in an industry that doesn't require vaccines or he'd also be out of a job. It's time to call this what it is: EVIL. Utter, unmitigated, demonic, straight from the depths of hell evil. May God bless and liberate our land from tyranny. Amen.

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That is in simple terms - we are fighting for GOOD and to DESTROY the EVIL that has been thrust upon the majority of HUMAN beings.

Do keep any eye on your husbands health. Not unusual to find with the Auto Immune Disorder your husband now has, that it shall come out in other forms of illnesses in time. They can be dealt with but NOT by mainstream medicine as that strongly tends to accommodate Signs & Symptoms but does not fix the underlying cause.

He should be taking various Auto Immune support in the form of Food synergised Supplements, a very healthy, no processed food Diet, and Exercise regularly. Supplements

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The older I get, the more I understand this hockey shoulder patch from my youth


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What happened to the heart ("like") button for these articles?

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Now you have to press the comment balloon first. Then, when the comments pop up, there's a heart button. Not sure why it changed. I first noticed it yesterday.

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Cilia Farber we live in a deep Mockingbird Operation. It's a matrix psyop. Just saying...best not to put too many eggs in this or any basket.

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This a reality war; who has the power and who doesn't. So a bit of caution is called for. Who owns these trucks and who pays for signage on the side? Truck drivers don't usually own the truck. The power structure has scientifically perfected the art of communication and manipulation. Protests are infiltrated and bankrolled by various NGOs such as The Open Society Foundation, not just in the US but internationally.

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I have a patient in his late thirties who was fully "vaccinated" and suffered an arrest during Army Reserve training, and required EMT resuscitation. Not only did doctors and Army alike refused to accept it even happened, they want him to get the booster. He is still recovering since it happened in October 2021.

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Jan 29, 2022
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Unfortunately, the proles opposed to this insanity is nowhere near 85%. A huge portion of the proles have been brainwashed. They are afraid, they support the mandates and they learn their "truths" from the legacy media, never taking the time to be curious. I am not sanguine at the moment. How did the witch hunts end, how long did it take?

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