"The Germans Placed Candles On Their Trenches And On Christmas Trees, Then Continued The Celebration By Singing Christmas Carols…The British Responded By Singing Carols Of Their Own."
My uncle and grandfather and mother were soldiers in WW2. I have worked with Germans and found them to be amenable and good people, very intelligent and with a precise work ethic.
The firebombing of Dresden and other atrocities committed against Germany still anger me as injustices. Our side committed many war crimes and there were no good guys.
One thing that nauseates me is the level of stupidity and the accompanying synergistic level of hypocrisy that gags the proverbial maggot. Entropy seems to be affecting many but what am I talking about? I speak of those who approve of and march for the right to abortion where an innocent unborn baby is burned to death in the womb by the addition of caustic saline solutions. Or the hypocrisy of those same who demand the right to torture and murder innocent unborn babies that are torn limb from limb. Or the callous criminal cowardly partial birth abortion where a full term baby is murdered by being breach birthed until the child is totally delivered except with the head being held in the cervical canal until a reverse scissor instrument is jabbed into the base of the skull effectively murdering the child. This is done to stay within the letter of the corrupt law.
Then we have the animal rights hypocrites who weep and wail and gnash their teeth about those of us who eat processed livestock.
And then there are a special type of stupid who decry genocide but these and all others above are in full favor and even march for abortion rights that is nothing more than a wholesale torture and slaughter of millions of innocent unborn babies. In their inglorious hypocrisy they are exposed as also women abusers due to the reality that abortion is not only the torture and murder of an innocent unborn child but also a wholesale desecration of a woman, in mind, soul, spirit and body. I know some who have had abortions. Look up "Women Exploited by Abortion" (WEBA)
There are times that I wonder how and why God does not do another flood because nothing has changed under the sun from the time when "God looked and saw that the imaqinations of man were on evil CONTINUALLY and it grieved God He had made man."
There are fools who say that there is no God but such are unlearned and ignorant. As for me I would ask these what if they are wrong? What if there is God? What is the penalty of sin? I read all about it, and it mentions in no uncertain terms "eternal damnation."
Were I that stupid even, I would reason. What if there is God and eternal damnation? I would be inclined on the scope of that penalty to believe His presence and reality. It is my belief put to the test many times that God is real, as are the other two of the Triune God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus.
Yet a society run amok hears the words of damned fools who proclaim there is no God. In the last several days I have known of the deaths of three people. They ALL died suddenly. I compare myself to these and feel unworthy, but God is no respector of persons, He accepts by way of His Son unto whom all power has been given, anyone who casts down their arrogance and foolish pride and in humility begs for the forgiveness of Jesus, repents and seeks to walk the road of Salvation.
I will guarantee that at the moment the "silver cord be loosed" and God draws back His hand of protection that all, saved or unsaved, in a split moment will be fully aware He exists, and there are both Heaven and hell.
Laugh if you will but you will remember these words and your eyes will be opened when it will be too late.
Deceptions and lies abound, but we will all answer to Him like it or not. At that moment, try denying His presence and power and omniscience and omnipotence.
Do you mean to say you cannot read? Ask the hand or find the locations I indicated that info. I will not bother with an illiterate fool who sounds like a broken record at every turn. All you need to know, after struggling in your quandary to prove you are double minded as to whether viruses exist or not, is that a virologist diagnosed me. If that is not good enough for a hypocrite, I do not care. There are tests one can buy in drug stores but that was not good enough for me. Might be for you but not for me.
No. You tell me. You seem besotted with Covid, is it your god? And yes, I have been told by my doctor a few weeks ago I am healthy and to continue staying active. I am not a doctor though. You think you are the expert, you tell us pipet in a colostomy bag.
I agree. I spent two years in Germany while in the US Army. I found the Germans to be gracious and kind.
Most people don't know of the atrocities committed by Eisenhower to the returning German soldiers after they surrendered. The book Other Losses goes into what were called Eisenhower death camps. Eisenhower designated the POWs as disarmed enemy forces or DEFs, thus getting around the Geneva Convention rules for proper treatment of prisoners of war.
Contested issues may not be used to cut off factural perception.While respecting your take does not make you privvy to actuality of anyone else's
"Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate."
I have on this topic, the actual first person experiences of real people I associated with, at various intervals throughout my life. Working on construction of an oil fired generating station in the early seventies, I was paired into a working team with a German named Horst. He was a no nonsense man and one particular individual on site started back stabbing him. He was informed of this and told me that Gary KXXXX
was going to have a public meeting with him at the first opportunity available. A week later Horst and I were moved by the foreman to a new place to erect work platforms to enable other trades to access the 30 foot high ceiling. The foreman named Ron L. had no sooner left after instructing us when I saw forty feet away Gary working on another placement. Horst saw him too, told me to come and we walked to Gary and stopped in front of him and several other workers. Horst told him he had heard of the sniping and challenged him to a donnybrook on the spot. Gary declined at which point Horst insulted him and told him anymore lies and sniping would result in a physical confrontation. Horst had "balls" and this was the first time I had seen him ready to make good on his words. We became friends and worked together for two years, arranging to drive together to and from work.
Near the end of the completion of the project, expecting the next layoff to catch us both, we talked one day on the war. I brought it up but he was anxious to tell me about the way it was then in Germany. His soft side I had never seen before for almost two years manifested as he told me his father had been a longshoreman working on the docks. Two "Party" members came to their house one evening and invited his father outside where he sat in a car and talked to them for half an hour.
When he came in, he told his family the "Party" had invited him to join but he declined. Two weeks later the scenario repeated itself but this time he told his family he had refused again and they had threatened him with a forced induction and would ship him to the "front" if he did not join within two weeks.
The night of the fourteenth day two men in uniform came, took him away, and he was never heard of again. News came by way of a man eight months later on leave who visited the family. Their father had been killed in battle. At that point he was near tears, and at that moment I determined that Germans were no different than us, and I became sympathetic to them, seeing them as victims.
Horst was laid off three weeks later and I never saw him again. I thought of him often and a book entitled "All Quiet on the Western Front" I had read in high school sent me the same message of being sympathetic to German people.
That winter I ordered a new Harley Davidson 1200 cc stripped "Night Train" as that model was dubbed, and took delivery of it in May the following year, quit the job, and took the summer off touring Canada and driving to the west coast where I ceremoniously parked my machine, walked over to the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean and washed my hands.
I will not bore you with details but on that trip had some exciting experiences, and met many people also cycle enthusiasts that I have in pictures still by the dozen I still view from time to time. Some of the good memories involve the OPP at a time they were not corrupted as they are now. Add the RCMP, Thunder Bay Police, and Satans Choice MC. Add a girl named Sheena Colleen XXXXXXX who had an Irish accent and a demeanor that mesmerized me, who I quickly took to. That would have meant nothing except I soon found out she felt the same towards me. I was told by the detachment commander there who I knew and who knew everyone in that small town, plus all the parking places popularized by high school students.
She worked at a provincial park in Kakabeka Falls, and I decided to accept her request to see her on my return trip from BC. Call it the luck of the draw. When I returned, I stopped at the Kakabeca Falls detachment to see the commander, Sergeant Don Wilson, who asked me about my trip, and listened to my affectionate words about Sheena. He already knew what was up. He knew her and her parents well, having interacted with her over unruly campers in the park from time to time too deep in their cups.
She may have told him about the renegade she met, for he asked me where I was going next. I told him about her, and when I had finished, he suggested it might be best to reconsider that visit. I asked why? He said "it is your call but she was already engaged to be married."
I noted a look of expectancy from him for me to ride on into the sunset, and so it was I did, calculating that there might be details I might not like about her. No use stoking the fire if you do not feel comfie letting it burn. That OPP commander would be shocked at the immoral corrupt state of the OPP now, which I intend to expose hook, line and sinker. I did not mention that he was my uncle!
Flash forward to last year when an OPP legend, Stan F listened to me telling him the OPP is corrupt. He said six words that signalled he already knew. "We have to get by that" He then walked away and I wondered but did not look to see if he was crying.
It is corrupt. Stupid incompetent DIEverSHITty hires and liars and criminals. There are no more real men therein...no more Sergeant Mayhews, or Sergeant Wilsons, or Terry Halls or Sergeant Steven Flynns, etc
Those are the names of the good guys. But the names of the bad ones are to be told/exposed and even charged under the auspices of the CCC, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, B of R, and paraded all over Canuckistan, and USA.
Entropy has affected the OPP and I am just the guy (I am told) to expose it. But that all depends on whether LECA wants to drag itself out of the sh*thole of biased/colored investigations, lies, conspiracy, theft, rape, fraud, etc because I know the truth and have the details. If the OPP pigs read this, they will know exactly what I am talking about and when the rubber meets the road, they will be sore displeased they allowed and enabled many of the things referred to in their sh*thole to occur.
They might wonder if they f*cked up, persecuting, defaming, and framing a man who just gave a detailed description of people and incidents he experienced, clear and true from a time over fifty years ago.
One more thing for the OPP pigs who can easily check who the detachment commander was at Kakabeka Falls fifty years ago. They might want to check the true story of two missing teens in that time, who were found by that OPP commander who knew all the parking places in his area, all the people, and in short shrift found them at one of those locations. He knew everything about his area, the people, and probably what color socks they wore. He found them in the back seat nude, car engine running but ordered his Constable to help him dress them so the trauma of their parents identifying them would be far less of a shock. I am sure those dirty details were not in his report!
I want to tell the OPP pigs, legends in their own minds that on that trip, I met many fellow cycle enthusiasts and even though most were carrying handguns illegally, I had no cause to distrust any of them even carrying a sizeable amount of cold hard cash in the thousands.
Funny as well, I never heard on the news of shootings like those occurring under the rule of an incompetent fraud, liar, bigot and pos uglier than two curly cone frozen dog turds trying to mate. Turdo. The worst slime minister ever.
I have lots more all from memory but I will stop. You may or may not be interested but I have lots more experiences divided into the good, the bad, and the ugly.
If the OIPRD/LECA really want to boogy, I am all in. Treat my concerns as you would those of a sheeple, but be aware I am not that, never will be, and this whole crooked fiasco by the OPP pigs will be blown wide open.
Germany was a Christian nation. Christians don't indiscriminately murder human beings. Accusations made in the propaganda during and after the two world wars about the Germans are largely untrue.
Yes we saw that when they invaded Poland. We saw what they did in France and the Netherlands, so innocent they were. Never mind north Africa and Italy where my old man was involved in the 8th Army. Hitler was a monster and the German people suffered, but this was not the only war they (Germany) were involved in. The German leadership is authoritarian in nature. It always wants to dominate.
Jack, do you know why Germans invaded Poland? Do you know anything about history? Have you studied the Versailles Treaty and how Germany was carved up after WWI?
Imagine if your state was carved out of the US and handed to a foreign state that hated English speaking people and persecuted them without mercy. Would you want US leadership to do something about it? This is the situation German speaking people in "Poland" were experiencing. They were being murdered in the streets.
England and France declared war against Germany, not the other way around.
Your emotions have been twisted up by an incorrect portrayal of history.
In fact, Hitler did everything he could to avoid war with the West. His beef was with the Communists in Russia. He did not want what happened to the Christian Russian people during the Bolshevik Revolution to happen in Europe. Roosevelt, Churchill and Eisenhower supported Stalin and the Communists. They agreed to carve up Germany once again after WWII.
Yes I do and you won't like it. I am not going to listen to more absolute rubbish and agitprop. The fact is they invaded Poland because they did not agree to
British terms. The made a wrong decision and it cost them heavily. Hitters Hitler’s goal was European domination - Fact. I had family flee from Poland before the war and my father helped kick Rommel's ass in North Africa and later proceeded into Italy.
After being drafted in 1953 into U.S.Army, I quickly saw all soldiers being used as cannon fodder. I tried to be a conscientious objector, but ended up in Lompoc federal prison. "When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?" Today I see it as a joo problem at 90 y.o. 88&8s,Dave
And that is one of the most frustratingly, mentally punishing stories of belligerent enculturation ever, and why God and Christianity are almost 'amoral.
The denouement, if one is capable of deeper interpretation beyond the facade of sentiment, is that a never-ending game of soldiers and atrocious never-ending war, is acceptable and dismissible as long as a Christmas interval is included.
So sad that people cannot see that psychological trick behind the curtain of emotion...
They never tire of goading us into scapegoating and massacring one another. It's an endless blood sacrifice for these monsters (however we want to label them), and it will never end, absent God's intervention.
Spent a long time visiting the places he had seen 'in a certain way'.
Even after being wounded - he was furious to leave the vortex way past Bastogne.
-WW1 is harder- my dad's father was in the Australian light horse(less) cavalry at Gallipoli, latterly no ammo ,australian war pictures of using helmets to kill turks,bare hands,swinging useless rifles as clubs...
-The damage psychologically transferred by the winning of a WW1 sappers victoria cross (ex's grandad,a 3rd 'hero')- while building ( single handed ,under direct fire ,after being gassed)- a Belgian pontoon bridge - everyone else in platoon gassed-active german machine gun 10meters away ...is measureable in many unconscious reactions in real life today -it's not defeat that kills.
Perception in 'the black zone' is the only function that slows the heart -so that choice of action even could be said to exist.
I often wondered about that WW1 christmas- even hearing that a football was sometimes kicked in no man's land.
Thanks for that CF,timely.
200 kicked that football- I heard in Scotland ,early to mid 1970s,from a friend-who had no chance of making that up.
readers of TTB: bonus footage may have encountered previous comments by me in which I have expressed my reasoned opposition to the planned crewed mission to Mars with its estimated price tag of between $100 billion and $1 trillion. turns out that Neil deGrasse Tyson concurs:
Thank you. I forwarded this to my sisters and kids. My mother's father was a Marine Devil Dog (as the Germans called them) in WWI. At the Marine museum in DC, he told me, "I let patriotism get in the way of my good sense."
My uncle and grandfather and mother were soldiers in WW2. I have worked with Germans and found them to be amenable and good people, very intelligent and with a precise work ethic.
The firebombing of Dresden and other atrocities committed against Germany still anger me as injustices. Our side committed many war crimes and there were no good guys.
Except the IDF are good guys .. as they commit genocide and dispossession all over the middle east right now.
One thing that nauseates me is the level of stupidity and the accompanying synergistic level of hypocrisy that gags the proverbial maggot. Entropy seems to be affecting many but what am I talking about? I speak of those who approve of and march for the right to abortion where an innocent unborn baby is burned to death in the womb by the addition of caustic saline solutions. Or the hypocrisy of those same who demand the right to torture and murder innocent unborn babies that are torn limb from limb. Or the callous criminal cowardly partial birth abortion where a full term baby is murdered by being breach birthed until the child is totally delivered except with the head being held in the cervical canal until a reverse scissor instrument is jabbed into the base of the skull effectively murdering the child. This is done to stay within the letter of the corrupt law.
Then we have the animal rights hypocrites who weep and wail and gnash their teeth about those of us who eat processed livestock.
And then there are a special type of stupid who decry genocide but these and all others above are in full favor and even march for abortion rights that is nothing more than a wholesale torture and slaughter of millions of innocent unborn babies. In their inglorious hypocrisy they are exposed as also women abusers due to the reality that abortion is not only the torture and murder of an innocent unborn child but also a wholesale desecration of a woman, in mind, soul, spirit and body. I know some who have had abortions. Look up "Women Exploited by Abortion" (WEBA)
There are times that I wonder how and why God does not do another flood because nothing has changed under the sun from the time when "God looked and saw that the imaqinations of man were on evil CONTINUALLY and it grieved God He had made man."
There are fools who say that there is no God but such are unlearned and ignorant. As for me I would ask these what if they are wrong? What if there is God? What is the penalty of sin? I read all about it, and it mentions in no uncertain terms "eternal damnation."
Were I that stupid even, I would reason. What if there is God and eternal damnation? I would be inclined on the scope of that penalty to believe His presence and reality. It is my belief put to the test many times that God is real, as are the other two of the Triune God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus.
Yet a society run amok hears the words of damned fools who proclaim there is no God. In the last several days I have known of the deaths of three people. They ALL died suddenly. I compare myself to these and feel unworthy, but God is no respector of persons, He accepts by way of His Son unto whom all power has been given, anyone who casts down their arrogance and foolish pride and in humility begs for the forgiveness of Jesus, repents and seeks to walk the road of Salvation.
I will guarantee that at the moment the "silver cord be loosed" and God draws back His hand of protection that all, saved or unsaved, in a split moment will be fully aware He exists, and there are both Heaven and hell.
Laugh if you will but you will remember these words and your eyes will be opened when it will be too late.
Deceptions and lies abound, but we will all answer to Him like it or not. At that moment, try denying His presence and power and omniscience and omnipotence.
Did not read edgelord ..How were you diagnosed with " covid " ??
Do you mean to say you cannot read? Ask the hand or find the locations I indicated that info. I will not bother with an illiterate fool who sounds like a broken record at every turn. All you need to know, after struggling in your quandary to prove you are double minded as to whether viruses exist or not, is that a virologist diagnosed me. If that is not good enough for a hypocrite, I do not care. There are tests one can buy in drug stores but that was not good enough for me. Might be for you but not for me.
So, tell us what extraordinary covid test was necessary, for someone with an extraordinary "immune system" ??
No. You tell me. You seem besotted with Covid, is it your god? And yes, I have been told by my doctor a few weeks ago I am healthy and to continue staying active. I am not a doctor though. You think you are the expert, you tell us pipet in a colostomy bag.
I agree. I spent two years in Germany while in the US Army. I found the Germans to be gracious and kind.
Most people don't know of the atrocities committed by Eisenhower to the returning German soldiers after they surrendered. The book Other Losses goes into what were called Eisenhower death camps. Eisenhower designated the POWs as disarmed enemy forces or DEFs, thus getting around the Geneva Convention rules for proper treatment of prisoners of war.
Contested issues may not be used to cut off factural perception.While respecting your take does not make you privvy to actuality of anyone else's
"Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate."
I have on this topic, the actual first person experiences of real people I associated with, at various intervals throughout my life. Working on construction of an oil fired generating station in the early seventies, I was paired into a working team with a German named Horst. He was a no nonsense man and one particular individual on site started back stabbing him. He was informed of this and told me that Gary KXXXX
was going to have a public meeting with him at the first opportunity available. A week later Horst and I were moved by the foreman to a new place to erect work platforms to enable other trades to access the 30 foot high ceiling. The foreman named Ron L. had no sooner left after instructing us when I saw forty feet away Gary working on another placement. Horst saw him too, told me to come and we walked to Gary and stopped in front of him and several other workers. Horst told him he had heard of the sniping and challenged him to a donnybrook on the spot. Gary declined at which point Horst insulted him and told him anymore lies and sniping would result in a physical confrontation. Horst had "balls" and this was the first time I had seen him ready to make good on his words. We became friends and worked together for two years, arranging to drive together to and from work.
Near the end of the completion of the project, expecting the next layoff to catch us both, we talked one day on the war. I brought it up but he was anxious to tell me about the way it was then in Germany. His soft side I had never seen before for almost two years manifested as he told me his father had been a longshoreman working on the docks. Two "Party" members came to their house one evening and invited his father outside where he sat in a car and talked to them for half an hour.
When he came in, he told his family the "Party" had invited him to join but he declined. Two weeks later the scenario repeated itself but this time he told his family he had refused again and they had threatened him with a forced induction and would ship him to the "front" if he did not join within two weeks.
The night of the fourteenth day two men in uniform came, took him away, and he was never heard of again. News came by way of a man eight months later on leave who visited the family. Their father had been killed in battle. At that point he was near tears, and at that moment I determined that Germans were no different than us, and I became sympathetic to them, seeing them as victims.
Horst was laid off three weeks later and I never saw him again. I thought of him often and a book entitled "All Quiet on the Western Front" I had read in high school sent me the same message of being sympathetic to German people.
That winter I ordered a new Harley Davidson 1200 cc stripped "Night Train" as that model was dubbed, and took delivery of it in May the following year, quit the job, and took the summer off touring Canada and driving to the west coast where I ceremoniously parked my machine, walked over to the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean and washed my hands.
I will not bore you with details but on that trip had some exciting experiences, and met many people also cycle enthusiasts that I have in pictures still by the dozen I still view from time to time. Some of the good memories involve the OPP at a time they were not corrupted as they are now. Add the RCMP, Thunder Bay Police, and Satans Choice MC. Add a girl named Sheena Colleen XXXXXXX who had an Irish accent and a demeanor that mesmerized me, who I quickly took to. That would have meant nothing except I soon found out she felt the same towards me. I was told by the detachment commander there who I knew and who knew everyone in that small town, plus all the parking places popularized by high school students.
She worked at a provincial park in Kakabeka Falls, and I decided to accept her request to see her on my return trip from BC. Call it the luck of the draw. When I returned, I stopped at the Kakabeca Falls detachment to see the commander, Sergeant Don Wilson, who asked me about my trip, and listened to my affectionate words about Sheena. He already knew what was up. He knew her and her parents well, having interacted with her over unruly campers in the park from time to time too deep in their cups.
She may have told him about the renegade she met, for he asked me where I was going next. I told him about her, and when I had finished, he suggested it might be best to reconsider that visit. I asked why? He said "it is your call but she was already engaged to be married."
I noted a look of expectancy from him for me to ride on into the sunset, and so it was I did, calculating that there might be details I might not like about her. No use stoking the fire if you do not feel comfie letting it burn. That OPP commander would be shocked at the immoral corrupt state of the OPP now, which I intend to expose hook, line and sinker. I did not mention that he was my uncle!
Flash forward to last year when an OPP legend, Stan F listened to me telling him the OPP is corrupt. He said six words that signalled he already knew. "We have to get by that" He then walked away and I wondered but did not look to see if he was crying.
It is corrupt. Stupid incompetent DIEverSHITty hires and liars and criminals. There are no more real men therein...no more Sergeant Mayhews, or Sergeant Wilsons, or Terry Halls or Sergeant Steven Flynns, etc
Those are the names of the good guys. But the names of the bad ones are to be told/exposed and even charged under the auspices of the CCC, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, B of R, and paraded all over Canuckistan, and USA.
Entropy has affected the OPP and I am just the guy (I am told) to expose it. But that all depends on whether LECA wants to drag itself out of the sh*thole of biased/colored investigations, lies, conspiracy, theft, rape, fraud, etc because I know the truth and have the details. If the OPP pigs read this, they will know exactly what I am talking about and when the rubber meets the road, they will be sore displeased they allowed and enabled many of the things referred to in their sh*thole to occur.
They might wonder if they f*cked up, persecuting, defaming, and framing a man who just gave a detailed description of people and incidents he experienced, clear and true from a time over fifty years ago.
One more thing for the OPP pigs who can easily check who the detachment commander was at Kakabeka Falls fifty years ago. They might want to check the true story of two missing teens in that time, who were found by that OPP commander who knew all the parking places in his area, all the people, and in short shrift found them at one of those locations. He knew everything about his area, the people, and probably what color socks they wore. He found them in the back seat nude, car engine running but ordered his Constable to help him dress them so the trauma of their parents identifying them would be far less of a shock. I am sure those dirty details were not in his report!
I want to tell the OPP pigs, legends in their own minds that on that trip, I met many fellow cycle enthusiasts and even though most were carrying handguns illegally, I had no cause to distrust any of them even carrying a sizeable amount of cold hard cash in the thousands.
Funny as well, I never heard on the news of shootings like those occurring under the rule of an incompetent fraud, liar, bigot and pos uglier than two curly cone frozen dog turds trying to mate. Turdo. The worst slime minister ever.
I have lots more all from memory but I will stop. You may or may not be interested but I have lots more experiences divided into the good, the bad, and the ugly.
If the OIPRD/LECA really want to boogy, I am all in. Treat my concerns as you would those of a sheeple, but be aware I am not that, never will be, and this whole crooked fiasco by the OPP pigs will be blown wide open.
Your call!
Germany was a Christian nation. Christians don't indiscriminately murder human beings. Accusations made in the propaganda during and after the two world wars about the Germans are largely untrue.
Yes we saw that when they invaded Poland. We saw what they did in France and the Netherlands, so innocent they were. Never mind north Africa and Italy where my old man was involved in the 8th Army. Hitler was a monster and the German people suffered, but this was not the only war they (Germany) were involved in. The German leadership is authoritarian in nature. It always wants to dominate.
Germany got what it deserved.
So, its not largely untrue.
Jack, do you know why Germans invaded Poland? Do you know anything about history? Have you studied the Versailles Treaty and how Germany was carved up after WWI?
Imagine if your state was carved out of the US and handed to a foreign state that hated English speaking people and persecuted them without mercy. Would you want US leadership to do something about it? This is the situation German speaking people in "Poland" were experiencing. They were being murdered in the streets.
England and France declared war against Germany, not the other way around.
Your emotions have been twisted up by an incorrect portrayal of history.
In fact, Hitler did everything he could to avoid war with the West. His beef was with the Communists in Russia. He did not want what happened to the Christian Russian people during the Bolshevik Revolution to happen in Europe. Roosevelt, Churchill and Eisenhower supported Stalin and the Communists. They agreed to carve up Germany once again after WWII.
Yes I do and you won't like it. I am not going to listen to more absolute rubbish and agitprop. The fact is they invaded Poland because they did not agree to
British terms. The made a wrong decision and it cost them heavily. Hitters Hitler’s goal was European domination - Fact. I had family flee from Poland before the war and my father helped kick Rommel's ass in North Africa and later proceeded into Italy.
You believe the propaganda. Hitler was not the monster we were led to believe. Eisenhower on the other hand...
“What is known is not true, and what is true is not known.” Official post war "good speak" German policy.
So explain the competition on Dam Square in ww2 to see how many hearts ,in a row would be penetrated by one bullet? (22)
WW1Chlorine gas to cleanse the enemy - ah yes,deeply christian.
Heartfelt Humanity Story
Especially appreciate hearing it now in such uncertain times.
After being drafted in 1953 into U.S.Army, I quickly saw all soldiers being used as cannon fodder. I tried to be a conscientious objector, but ended up in Lompoc federal prison. "When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?" Today I see it as a joo problem at 90 y.o. 88&8s,Dave
And that is one of the most frustratingly, mentally punishing stories of belligerent enculturation ever, and why God and Christianity are almost 'amoral.
The denouement, if one is capable of deeper interpretation beyond the facade of sentiment, is that a never-ending game of soldiers and atrocious never-ending war, is acceptable and dismissible as long as a Christmas interval is included.
So sad that people cannot see that psychological trick behind the curtain of emotion...
They never tire of goading us into scapegoating and massacring one another. It's an endless blood sacrifice for these monsters (however we want to label them), and it will never end, absent God's intervention.
You mustn't have seen " Gods' intervention" in the very story itself.
" Kill each other boys ..Now stop for two days for me and JC ..Ok, now go back to killing each other.... Bless you all."
Christmas in the Trenches, song by John McCutcheon.
Thanks for that, so powerful. The utter insanity of war in a nutshell.
My grandad was in 82nd Airbourne in WW2
Spent a long time visiting the places he had seen 'in a certain way'.
Even after being wounded - he was furious to leave the vortex way past Bastogne.
-WW1 is harder- my dad's father was in the Australian light horse(less) cavalry at Gallipoli, latterly no ammo ,australian war pictures of using helmets to kill turks,bare hands,swinging useless rifles as clubs...
-The damage psychologically transferred by the winning of a WW1 sappers victoria cross (ex's grandad,a 3rd 'hero')- while building ( single handed ,under direct fire ,after being gassed)- a Belgian pontoon bridge - everyone else in platoon gassed-active german machine gun 10meters away ...is measureable in many unconscious reactions in real life today -it's not defeat that kills.
Perception in 'the black zone' is the only function that slows the heart -so that choice of action even could be said to exist.
I often wondered about that WW1 christmas- even hearing that a football was sometimes kicked in no man's land.
Thanks for that CF,timely.
200 kicked that football- I heard in Scotland ,early to mid 1970s,from a friend-who had no chance of making that up.
I loved the movie Joyeux Noel…I believe it was largely based on these real events.
Good boy! I throw you a little stick and you type all night long bringing back a bloviating tome of self-praise.
Confirming exactly what I said about the pathological, blowhard liar and coward.
....Good boy :-) Here is another stick boy...
Jesus was walking through the trenches that Christmas!🙏✝️
I have a suggestion for your Advent Calendar, kind of a double feature:
readers of TTB: bonus footage may have encountered previous comments by me in which I have expressed my reasoned opposition to the planned crewed mission to Mars with its estimated price tag of between $100 billion and $1 trillion. turns out that Neil deGrasse Tyson concurs:
Thank you. I forwarded this to my sisters and kids. My mother's father was a Marine Devil Dog (as the Germans called them) in WWI. At the Marine museum in DC, he told me, "I let patriotism get in the way of my good sense."
Always a touching story. Thank you, Celia.
God damn all the war pigs to beyond hell.
I always loved the song, “Christmas in the Trenches” by John McCutcheon.