Russians have the best church and folk music, terrible pop music, and some interesting rock. Just when I thought that there was nothing worse than the covid plandemia, the war between Russia and Ukraine began. I feel so sorry for them.

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💕 I am German and I feel sorry for all of us.

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All the most intelligent, serious-minded people i know are turning to Orthodox Christianity.

It's a true oasis amidst the anti-human death-cult that is sweeping the world.

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Do you mean, you know several people in your community who have become very religious? Or this is your general opinion? I only politely inquire because I have found myself in this group...this group of recent joiners of Christianity. Previously, I was very open minded about faith, however because I feel we are dealing with the ANTI-Christ here, I believe Christ is the antidote, and we must earnestly seek closeness in him to fight this evil. I would be glad to hear this may be a movement, or at least a small trend.

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The evil is apparent to people and they are seeking solace.

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Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй меня, грешного.

Gospodi Iisuse Khriste, Syne Bozhiy, pomiluy menya, greshnogo.

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A wonderful Orthodox prayer that I oft-repeated throughout the day.

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when you wake up from a nightmare, say -- purifying, when you saw a good dream, say -- blessing

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Beautiful. The publican's prayer. Thank you.

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But fight we must no matter the consequences. I am right with God. I understand fully that I will live on after the physical. No fear?!

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Mesmerizingly painfully healing, beyond words, thank you.

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Patrick Lenk makes this wonderful and inspiring in all languages. The Latin is amazing. Harps Dei is another great group. This is truly a Divine melody and words to call upon the Grace of God. We are in the eternal war, and humans created in the image of God, were dropped in behind enemy lines. We all serve His purpose. Lift up your heart always - leva cor tuum semper.

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Dear Celia, thank you so much. I think of my friends in Russia every day, and I feel that during the "years of Covid" we have grown even closer to each other because just as before 1989 the "persecution" was the same in some ways. Being catholic I have always enjoyed the music of the Russian Orthodox Church very much. Please allow me to share a link to one of my favorites. I hope it will bring you some consolation und warmth and light during this time: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C7vvPXz-Qes

This specific video also has some beautiful pictures and it shows the monks singing💖

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It's Slavic, but not Russian. Maybe Serbian? Not sure exactly what, but not Russian. (Although Russians have similar beautiful hymns.)

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Church Slavonic, pronounced in the Russian way

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Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us sinners.

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Beautiful and soothing - Lord have mercy; Lord have mercy ... Господи pomiluy; Господи pomiluy

In 2020, as lockdowns commenced and churches closed, we found a small Ukrainian Catholic Church nearby - and the doors were still open - masking optional. We were somewhat familiar with the liturgy, having attended another UCC for a year decades earlier. But this time we were ready to fall in love with the Byzantine liturgy, and we now alternate between Roman Catholic and Ukrainian Catholic. We can't speak Ukrainian but have learned liturgical Ukrainian :^)

Equally touching to your chant is the 15-20 min Panakyda service held after some liturgies to honour and pray for the dead. It ends with the singing of Vishnaya Pamyat, a haunting melody touching the core of the heart - never a dry eye. Alas, I cannot find a youtube that has properly recorded that particular melody. The Byzantine rite may be the refuge of many in coming years.

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Thank you for this beautiful music.

Last year my wife and I read "The Way of a Pilgrim" - excellent book showing the power of the Jesus Prayer.

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That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I’m seeing a synchronicity occurring within peoples hearts by way of the theme of prayers like this. God laid it upon my heart a few weeks ago to pray the prayer of confession from the Lutheran traditional worship service. I’m a big fan of communal prayers like this, and indeed of sung liturgical services in general. There is great power in their beauty.

I’m praying for myself, all my loved ones and indeed the entire world when I pray these words.

Most merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean. We have sinned against You, in thought, word and deed; by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart, we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We justly deserve Your present and eternal punishment.

For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us and lead us; so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your Holy Name. Amen.

God will walk with us, come what may.

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