Dec 3, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you, Celia. That was one of my late love’s favorites. Always brought a smile. When you know you don’t have a lot of time left, it’s the little things that matter most. 💔

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

thank you celia...the grace of andrea bocelli surrounded by the straight ahead whimsy of jim henson's joyful, wise-cracking creations...a bittersweet experience...hope jim isn't spinning at what has infiltrated his clubhouse, that one i could always depend on for a tender laugh and some witty word play...so play it sam, play it again, take me back to you know when, when a muppet was just a muppet and not a puppet for unspeakable evil. sigh, hard to not go there is all...it's heartbreaking to me. who's next? lisa simpson? but it's all gonna be okay...the kidnappers will be sure to pay one day when kermie interviews david icke...hooray!...dear Godness may i be around for that happy day! happy day 2 too.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

So sweet thank you💗

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In Kermit voice, arms flailing: "YAYYYYYYY!" - Thank you so much for sharing this, Celia.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Well I certainly dig Bocelli, he is so great. The Muppets? Not so much. But Thank you for the Jingle Bells!

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But they are such great bit actors and the dialogue is hilarious.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

OK well Kermit is cool because, you know, it's not easy being green, but I suppose It's Disney and PBS that I dislike for being the world's politically correct school marm.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Here's a nice song: https://youtu.be/rRZ-IxZ46ng

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

But this is a nicer one: https://youtu.be/blZsfmAOW6A

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thank for that link MDs...one of my favorite true songs ever. and kermie is the greenist! i will say tho that the ray charles 'cover' is delicious.

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Yeah, Ray is another all time greatest.

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Just earlier, Shopper's DM. North End @ 401 Kingston, a little South of me, the mission - DC (i know) toiletries, and supplements on sale, namely magnesium. (the pharma train rarely likes to stop at THAT station) anyway, the part of town which features the lion share of the subsidized housing, the store open til midnight, private security, one guard, casually floating.

In walk a girl, thin , naturally pretty, the pretty that has no way to disguise it, walks in alone, a tad unsure, or oddly evasive. Evasive? What do you mean, evasive? Furtive. Body language and all that. To an intuitive eye, one that rarely notices who might walk by, unless of course, something seems out of proportion, anything really, so long as it evokes a feeling, and of course it is worth saying, we all experience these things but if it poses no threat or no help seems to be obvious and needed, our directions and motion, need not be impeded. I was as the check out, the self directed kiosk, one of the staff, interrupted to save me some money. She and I having exchanged small pleasantries on occasions prior, well, as it would turn out, the things I were buying, the sale literally did not start until midnight, and I, not one for flyers, and of the view of the sale signs, that by the products, were posted, well, turns out she would save me a but more, than just a dollar, or two.

Despite having her magnetic key at the ready, it would mean rescanning at least, half of everything, but not before, she retraced my steps, to collect the numbers, the sale prices, and so there I was kind of standing, So back to this young women I mention, she's made her way back to the checkout, but stops short of an empty kiosk to start her scanning. There is a staffer behind the counter, he's just there standing, so no line or anything obvious to impede her, but whatever, its all good. Standing to the left of me, I'm not one to get one to one chatty, but in no manner shy, many a time from the stage, did sit or stand I, but a young woman half my age? Happy to respond, but to initiate, hardly fond, so the moment did come when she stepped forward. In her hand was a red and white bag, with three bags inside, milk, it was homogenized. Three point two five. This time of night, for one thing in sight, except, that the lady who volunteered, to save me the unwarranted charges, comes back to the floor as the girl seems almost unsure, as whether her bank card might be able to carry the purchase, wooshes or makes that favorable sound, and all seems well for the purpose. The lady returns, she's has things on her mind, things for which it would seem she remembers, no clear indication, she wrote anything down, so I dare not jar her or screw up her mental index or papers.. but then the girl turns around and sees who's she's found and then it became clear why she was waiting. Her voice, a thin tenor of sound, leans in and asks of the lady. "Do you have any, advent calendars?

'Oh Sure' she says while turning and pointing halfway behind her, the girl heads out of sight, and soon approaches the sale counter.

The lady, I'd guess, largely self trained, proceeds to get on with our business, and the girl, like myself, known, perhaps just enough, for who knows what exactly, but the recipients of the something more than what might otherwise be expected. See, the guy behind the counter, he was a friendly bit of fixture, but as for the girl, I think I see why she waited, because what was created, somehow to me, seems suddenly fated, is furtive, evasive, far from what might be thought of as native, as if choreographed, not by her, but the part, if she were willing, to play it.

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This is a real gift, to me and to all of us. We cling to what we can, our Advent calendar might be the only time in a 24 hour period I feel human anymore, when I am searching for what to choose for a given day, giving me an excuse to soak in merriness and even silliness, sometimes for over an hour. Thank you lumpy, for this moving and surprising short story. God bless that young woman.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

The bread crumbs that come to us. how many do we dismiss as nothing or meaningless coincidence?

Were it not for your post?

The evening would have likely carried on without any further thought.

That which we cannot stuff into the tiny reductionist box is all too often discarded. If we do this long enough, how could we ever spot the patterns?

But this isn't about patterns so much as it is about the idea of connection.

Or something.

Thank you for the nod, and thank you to our creator, for using her, and using me, within our own context of agency, within this simulation, where there is no comparison of an all knowing Ai, compared to those available and willing, for their own roles within your own synchronized ballet.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022Author

LG: Tonight I thought of you when in a truly dystopian suburban cheap stuff mall store called something like Minus Five, not sure. Fuzzy things galore, headphones, socks, notepads.. it all looked icy somehow. I bought a chocolate Lindt bear for my stepmother. I'd been sitting on a bench outside after enduring shopping at Trader Joe's and then phone powered down and I had no way to connect with Doug, who had parked somewhere. I sat on the bench and gave up, everything, gave up even trying to charge my phone, find Doug, just gave up. I was indescribably sad, without hope. A dangerous state, but we all face it now, this new state. Finally I went back in the (not so) cheap goods store and they were helpful, actually! Let me charge my phone. I walked around while phone was charging and saw a box of advent calendars on the floor. I thought I'd get one. I leafed through them. Heart sank. Not one had one iota of Christmas theme, not even winter theme. It was cartoon characters, and space related stuff. I felt even more sad. I noticed actually—had noticed before—Christmas was 95% eradicated in there. Everything was pink, purple, silver, white, blue. In shops, the attacks are fairly clear. At CVS I bought six boxes of Christmas lights, colored and white. It seemed I was trying to quell panic. I was hoarding Christmas lights. In the car Doug's GPS directed him literally the opposite direction from his house. We'd discussed Linda Rondstadt. When I got home there was a Linda Ronstadt video on my YouTube feed. Lewis was happy to see me. We listened to the story of Wenceslaus and that brought comfort. I feel like a dying battery.

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Jan 2021

I designed a shirt that month that says, Will Scrub Toilets for Social Status

and I uploaded this.

kinda apropos for the battery analogy

Spent several hours with my friend John on the phone tonight.. a brilliant artist throwing dough at an authentic Napoli pizzeria in Liverpool, struggling with the grind, that sometimes hopeless hole where the gap between what you were born to do and what your doing widens.. in the end, we both felt better.


You're doing what you seem born for no?


I remember that scene in No Country for Old Men.

I remember many actually, but here is a quote from the Sherriff

"She was tryin to be a reporter. She said: Sheriff how come you to let crime get so out of hand in your county? Sounded like a fair question I reckon. Maybe it was a fair question. Anyway I told her, I said: It starts when you begin to overlook bad manners. Anytime you quit hearin Sir and Mam the end is pretty much in sight. I told her, I said: It reaches into every strata. You’ve heard about that aint you?...I told her that you cant have a dope business without dopers. A lot of em are well dressed and holdin down goodpayin jobs too."

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I love the Muppets, especially at Christmas.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Delightful! Thanks!

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Awe ❤️

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So many great memories. Thank you Celia.

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Another brilliant choice Celia. Thank you.

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Oh, The Muppets! Brought me back to my childhood. And, Andrea Bocelli…his voice transports me to another place. A beautiful place. Thank you.

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