
She's wonderful and the story is absolutely enchanting. By the way she is not merely in "northern Sweden," if you watch the credits to the end you discover…she's in Lapland!! Oh quiet, my heart.

I have quite a "thing" about Lapland, since visiting in 2001, in November. The frequency above the Arctic Circle is (for my body anyway) one of absolute joy.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I’m still crying from this Celia (happy cry)! I adore squirrels! I feed them nearly everyday where I live. Sometimes one will crawl up my leg and eat right out of my hand! God is good! God is pure love!

Thank you Celia! ✝️💕🐿️

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you Celia for these daily Advent meditations. To know life in this way is what God planned. The evil sometimes gets in the way, but those of us paying attention can overcome it. We must keep moving in this direction

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

We’ve been feeding a red squirrel since last winter. We call him Charlie. 🐿️

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Of course you know how much I love this story. So happy she's getting great support. She's a very talented filmmaker--and at such a young age!

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The squirrels are way better than us. Their hands are way cooler. They always stop and take in their surroundings every few paces. I think this helps them equalize pressure when climbing down and up, in their blood.

Their nests are fabulous

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You've seen one? wow. Love your choice of the word "fabulous." made me laugh.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

That was awesome! I don't have any red squirrels, or haven't seen any around all my feeders, but have had 21 gray ones (at least what I was able to count) at one time. They know I feed them, they know I have outdoor cats (who they love to tantalize), and they share they, the birds, and the rabbits all share the grub together. Sadly all of the activity attracts hawks on occasion, even within the small town city limits, a rabbit and mourning dove at least that I've witnessed.

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Too cute. And Danni Connor is a more than competent film maker.

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Thank you Celia.

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Loved it. Thank you Celia. Happy Thursday to you.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

whoa! that was great - thank you, Celia, best one yet!! 💖

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Isn't life beautiful?! Thank you, Celia - and kudos to Dani Connor for living life so well!

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