Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I like to call this the "Trump delusion operation". Trump would say things and it would register on the lie counter, until only those who desperately want a messiah would agree with Trump while the propaganda machine would spend 24/7 countering it.

The murder of JFK in broad daylight was the ultimate display of hubris. RFK, Jr. may know this but there's never been real democracy in the US or anywhere for that matter. The institutions at this point are so corrupted they can possibly be "reformed" or "returned" to some time that never existed.

The world went on its merry way after a few days of mourning. It all passes until no one cares.

Just like the "pathogenic virus". Eventually it will be revealed that there never was a virus, and the "cure" was an injection of poisons some bodies survived and many didn't until no one really cares.

9/11 was an obvious inside job, however it was executed, it doesn't matter, but stalls the truth to argue over it for decades. It too will be revealed, more or less, until no one really cares.

It's the system folks. As long as the system rules, it will be more of the same.

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Like the FBI controllling twitts, this ain't news to us in the conspiracy movement, er, the medical freedom movement, er, the building seven truth movement, this is not at all news...if only.

Then some refuse to hear Tucker, so brainwashed by liberal bias. So sad.

Of course he who refused already knew the CIA was at fault. Tis their job.

Club of insane Assasssins

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

This is news we knew for years. The spooks we created now run a shadow government with their own means of funding beyond their paltry billions from US taxpayers. They run drug cartel and probably human trafficking. The CIA spy on all of us, every post, tweet or phone call. They run covert operations around the world. How much are involved in Ukraine? Enough to lead us into a nuclear war?

My question to everyone is how do we end this corrupt organization? The politicians can’t do it, neither can the military.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Interesting that this has been allowed. See 2014 documentary Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

“I am not suicidal”. Tucker Carlson.

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Such a strange moment in time. Everything is coming out of latency, including truth. In Chinese Medicine, we avoid bringing things out of latency until we believe the patient is strong enough to process what comes up. Is our culture strong enough to process the truth?

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

But why now? The timing is interesting

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I know my replies to your posts sound endlessly cynical but this feels completely contrived especially now I’ve seen RFK JR’s promotional tweet. If you really want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole have a read of this Miles Mathis piece which puts forward compelling evidence that neither JFK or RFK were murdered. http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

This is why I like and respect Tucker, despite his flaws.

Thank you, Celia.

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Anyone construing this as a distraction or psyop is either a shill or simply lacks imagination.

Has anyone else noticed the surge in such comments when Celia is right over target? It would be naive to think the FBI doesn't *also* have agents assigned to substack. Hello guys and gals. Try harder, if you know how.

Tucker - who has a large audience of normie conservatives - likely just planted a huge seed of doubt in their "trust officialdom" worldview.

Forget about Tucker and 9/11. Consider the MESSAGE, not the messenger. This is information warfare at its finest.

PS: I just learned something *else* about Pompeo while he was CIA director. I wonder if this is why he's running for President? He must know he can't win the nomination. But it provides a nice insulating layer, doesn't it?

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So many of us have been deep down the JFK rabbit hole for the last 40 years or more. This Tucker broadcast feels like a controlled narrative op--like most of the MSM noise tends to be. Daniel Lizst(aka Dark Journalist) has been connecting dots between the secret space program and ET/Alien disclosure and JFK's wish to share the intel with the Russians and American people. Anyone who's heard Laura Eisenhower speak knows that Ike revealed he'd met with at least one ET race.The Langley clowns have a fantastic money laundering scam going in cahoots with the DoD. The fact that former clown director GHWB became POTUS suggests too many plausible connections with the Big Event in Dallas--not to mention E.H. Hunt's clown connection.

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I feel like it is an attempt to appease us free thinkers, lull us into thinking that Tucker is the only “media” we can trust. “They” only allow information “they” want us to see/hear. I do watch Tucker as I think he is allowed to say more than others, but everything with a grain of salt, as it is ALL scripted. So yes, as asked by many above, what is going on behind the scenes we are not supposed to see as this information is allowed to be shown?? I prefer to live my own show: Just for today I am grateful for the Abundance that is my life; Just for today I am Full of Joy; Just for today I am honest in all of my dealings; Just for today I am worry-free; Just for today I am compassionate toward all; For today allow me to see all possibilities available, not just the ones I am told to see. ❤️

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I was in the eighth grade when President Kennedy was shot. It had a devastating effect on our country - we weren’t all connected by the internet. We were isolated. And we were totally brainwashed believing anything our government and MSM told us. NOW we are finding out what exactly has been done to our psyche and it is good ( for the conspiracy theorists ) and bad - cause people are still asleep. Only God can help us at this point. And i thank Him for honest people like you getting the word out and for a man like Donald Trump trying to take on the pure evil we see in this world. God bless you, Celia!! You are one of a kind and we need you in this time!! ❤️

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I’m just going to continue watching all of these people and things unfold. It’s nothing we all for most didn’t already know

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This would be all well and good had JFK been assassinated in Dealey Plaza. He wasn't; it was a hoax, though the trauma on the American psyche and the power the CIA assumed was the same. They don't mind which story you believe - lone gunman, grassy knoll, mafia, bankers or the brilliant storm drain theory from "From JFK to 9/11...", as long as you think he died. This is why the others had to die, especially JFK Jr., else everyone would be asking why he wasn't reopening his father's case. The info is out there and very well reasoned. He went to live in Greece (and swanned around Europe) on Onassis's private island, Skorpios.

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BTW, E Howard Hunt left his audio confession of his Kennedy assassination participation with his son St John Hunt who published it on the Web in 2007 and as far as I know its still out there somewhere!

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