I like to call this the "Trump delusion operation". Trump would say things and it would register on the lie counter, until only those who desperately want a messiah would agree with Trump while the propaganda machine would spend 24/7 countering it.
The murder of JFK in broad daylight was the ultimate display of hubris. RFK, Jr. may know this but there's never been real democracy in the US or anywhere for that matter. The institutions at this point are so corrupted they can possibly be "reformed" or "returned" to some time that never existed.
The world went on its merry way after a few days of mourning. It all passes until no one cares.
Just like the "pathogenic virus". Eventually it will be revealed that there never was a virus, and the "cure" was an injection of poisons some bodies survived and many didn't until no one really cares.
9/11 was an obvious inside job, however it was executed, it doesn't matter, but stalls the truth to argue over it for decades. It too will be revealed, more or less, until no one really cares.
It's the system folks. As long as the system rules, it will be more of the same.
Tucker Carlson won’t publicly even entertain the notion that 9/11 was an inside job...I watched a reporter ask him to talk about that and he got mad and treated the reporter with extreme disdain. “They” must need a new distraction ... so they allowed him this?
Interesting. Whitney Webb read directly from some Matt Taibii writings (interview with James Corbett) in which he called 911 narrative disbelievers " di--heads" or something like that. Bari Weiss thinks anyone critical of Israel -- including Jews -- is an anti-Semite. THEY are the Twitter File "heroes." The CIA was much more exposed, with enough doubts about the JFK murder, by the Church Committee in the 1970s. Much of MAINSTREAM society and politics were suspicious of coverup at that point. So what happened? Iran/Contra. Panama. The creation of al Qaeda. Yugoslavia. Sept. 11. Etc., etc., etc. Now there's a whiff of discontent over the covid/injection scam, so let's appease the mob with some totally controlled information to get revenge on the "libtards," released through embedded "liberal" reporters. Maybe JFK is enough in the mass memory hole that they feel it's safe to simultaneously release tidbits on that to add even more to the "honesty." Sept. 11 is still too recent and connects too directly with the underlying psyop dynamics of the plandemic. And from what I gather, the dominant groups STILL banned (some permanently) from Twitter are "dangerous right wing extremists" AND "hate speechers" who blast U.S. foreign policy, including the very current war in Ukraine.
Perhaps Carlson WILL admit that 9/11 was an inside job, in about 50 years, and after a number of terrific & irrefutable books have been published on it. Give him time....
Neither will any other MSM personality or virtually all politicians that you elect. And almost all their bureaucrats that you also allow to office. Why is it always Tucker must pass these endless "Purity Tests" and no one else has to?
Like the FBI controllling twitts, this ain't news to us in the conspiracy movement, er, the medical freedom movement, er, the building seven truth movement, this is not at all news...if only.
Then some refuse to hear Tucker, so brainwashed by liberal bias. So sad.
Of course he who refused already knew the CIA was at fault. Tis their job.
Good one. Or Clandestine Institute of Assassination. I ain't in "the conspiracy movement" whatever that is. I'm in the Truth Movement. Truth in politics, truth in history, truth in medicine, truth in astronomy, truth in the military. The Truth will set us free.
Sadly it is. We now live in the Post-Truth World. The Ruling Elites seem to think the World is now just like one of their minions crap Movie script, they can edit it however they want.
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.
This is news we knew for years. The spooks we created now run a shadow government with their own means of funding beyond their paltry billions from US taxpayers. They run drug cartel and probably human trafficking. The CIA spy on all of us, every post, tweet or phone call. They run covert operations around the world. How much are involved in Ukraine? Enough to lead us into a nuclear war?
My question to everyone is how do we end this corrupt organization? The politicians can’t do it, neither can the military.
How do we end it? I truly beleive and HOPE Bobby is going to throw his hat into the ring as a last minute candidate. He's already stated the only way to turn this all around is by abolish all of these alphabet agencies! His reputation for being a anti-vaxer is not only an absolute lie but the fact he's a staunch advocate of safe vaccines I beleive will catapult him into the WH as we will be at the height of deaths from these lethal injections! All this being said there is no way in hell they'd go after him especially after this - there is a solution and he is the only person to fix this! If you look at who he associates with and who he KNOWS he can rightfully fire and REPLACE every single one of these bastards immediately! I truly beleive judging solely by his actions and behavior this past year and a half the man IS going to run - IF FOR NOTHING more than to merely seek revenge for what they have done to uncle and father! Unlike all the other scum that runs - he has FAME and FORTUNE and certainly knows how the game is played and who can be trusted! Unlike DeSantis he cannot be bought and paid for! I beleive he has the potential to be the greatest leader the world has ever known! BTW I have never voted nor will as I refuse to support or enable the massive corruption - but I find him to be a man of honor and integrity!
Well I had hoped for trump to end the 3 letter agencies but I’m afraid he would be assassinated and he knows it. He has seen the power of the CIA.
I’m thinking it’s only a one by one succession of states that brings down the federal government and their spy apparatus.
Musk is just making waves at Twitter, harmless waves. He bought Twitter because of information control. He has to look like a reformer to get the conservative base back. I was permanently banned and unlike many others will never return to that data collecting platform.
I’ve been getting my news from Substack writers that vet some of their information and aren’t the talking head msm or the blue check marked power users on Twitter and gettr.
Thanks Celia for your articles and that’s to everyone here that expressed thought out opinions. Thanks BJ
We end it by building a better alternative from the ground up...so that we need not rely on such a corrupt and destructive system. It starts with one person, then ten, then 100. What else are you going to do? Read opinions on the internet? No one is coming to save us.
Here's MY suggestion: we need to SHAME Congress into forking over as much cash to all of us as they hand themselves, w/out "means-testing". It might not end the corruption, but it would surely end poverty, allow us to jump-start local economies, & greatly reduce the elites' ability to prey on the rest of us: https://diy.rootsaction.org/petitions/end-poverty-demand-a-ubi-equal-to-what-congress-pays-itself
C'mon, it's worth a try. I'm dying to hear them try to justify getting $170K+ per year while 3/4 of the country is living in poverty or right on the brink--a purely POLITICAL problem, which CONGRESS refuses to rectify.
True. Ideally, they should get paid Federal Minimum Wage & be forced to LIVE on that alone, FOR LIFE. (But nothing to prevent them from raising Fed. Min. Wage to a COMFORTABLE level, as they could have done all along.) Having the same rule for UBI would be better still, as why should having enough to live on depend of job availability & the actual physical & mental ability to work? My point being that nobody in Congress be allowed to be any better off than their poorest constituent. They are, after all, OUR public servants....
The first time I searched for this documentary a few months ago on Duck Duck Go, only one or two sources popped up. Just repeated the process a minute ago and found it is the first source of two full pages of references. Interesting.
Such a strange moment in time. Everything is coming out of latency, including truth. In Chinese Medicine, we avoid bringing things out of latency until we believe the patient is strong enough to process what comes up. Is our culture strong enough to process the truth?
Speculating here, but I believe the answer to “why now” is partially due to the release of CHAOS by Tom O’Neill. He spent the last 20 years researching MKUltra and other CIA programs trying to link them to Manson murders, JFK, etc. Dick Carlson, Tucker’s dad, contributed his investigative notes to O’Neill’s research (he’s listed in the acknowledgments).
I know my replies to your posts sound endlessly cynical but this feels completely contrived especially now I’ve seen RFK JR’s promotional tweet. If you really want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole have a read of this Miles Mathis piece which puts forward compelling evidence that neither JFK or RFK were murdered. http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf
Deenzy, I read most of it. Actually, maybe half. It is a fascinating text. I had only ever heard anything remotely like this from occasional listening to Owen Benjamin. I remember him disputing that JFK was killed by gunfire. This is truly next level. Who is Miles Mathis?
Like James Fetzer, among others, Miles Mathis is a charlatan.
He is part of a psy-op to discredit serious critics of official stories
and sow confusion.
Anyone who takes these clowns seriously needs to work on their critical reading skills and to read serious writers about the Kennedy assassinations like Jim Marrs and Anthony Summers.
Be careful Celia lest Mathis claim that AIDS never happened and no-one died from AZT.
No, Mathis is not a charlatan. He makes some mistakes, and he's annoyingly full of himself, but he's also highly intelligent, and an outsider who's having fun making the academic establishment look incompetent, as they are.
I don't follow him closely because physics is a minor personal interest, but I've read some of his writing on Sept 11 and he's more accurate than most researchers.
What I know from my research in areas of longtime interest is that, like Mathis, I find that virtually everything people have been led to believe is BS. And even suggesting that is bound to make most people very uncomfortable.
Throughout history, the few who see through the fog and speak truth are shunned and ridiculed because truth is disruptive. Occasionally humanity realizes they were truthful long after they've murdered them for blasphemy.
Carefully constructed nonsense like this is used by the intelligence agencies to undermine and ridicule serious investigations of real false flag events like the JFK and RFK assassinations, 911, and the bombings in Oklahoma City.
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but instead of being reasonable you're being ridiculous.
You're arguing that Mathis is being paid by some intelligence agency to convince people that government is completely corrupt and lies about everything, and covers up far more false flag events than most people realize. And he makes the scientific/academic establishment look very incompetent by exposing errors by the thousands in physics & math papers. So essentially, you say they're paying this guy to attack faith in the authorities and lead people to question pretty much everything they're told.
You don't see how ridiculous that is?
And how about providing some evidence, if you're accusing someone of being a paid intelligence asset?
I think you're just jumping on the 'new thing' of labeling everyone you disagree with or who makes you uncomfortable as 'controlled opposition', to make yourself feel better. That way you don't have to question or reason.
Miles Mathis is supposedly a portrait painter who happens to be a super genius. Most of his papers are about his Unified Charge (physics) theory. He's also written numerous papers about fake history. Mathis often writes about a split/war within the intelligence community. It's possible he's legitimate. It's possible he's a frontman for a rival CIA writing committee that exposes Deep State secrets to embarrass other factions. It's also possible he's a frontman for something higher than the CIA- perhaps Tavistock or even the Illuminati. I follow him because I think he's at the minimum a Limited Hangout and it's even possible he's exposing the crown jewels.
David Icke says TPTB were the ruling class of Sumeria, Egypt, Babylon and Phoenecia. Icke says the Phoenecians settled England millennia ago and also reached North America long before the Vikings. Mathis agrees with that and says the Phoenecian Elite were also the ruling class of Greece, Rome, India, China and the British and American Empires. The twist is he also says Ancient Israel and Phoenecia were one and the same and the Bible was edited to hide this. This theory explains why Elite Jews (ordinary Jews who are not related to the Elite families are innocent), the European aristocracy, the British Royal Family, the Vatican, the Venetian ("Phoenecian") Black Nobility and all US presidents (including Obama and Trump) are part of the cabal. It's because they're all descended from the Elite Phoenecian families, who ran the Ancient World and still run the world today.
Mathis is educated and clever—essential qualities for doing his work well.
His work, like James Fetzer's, is to undermine serious investigators of false flag events by proposing absurd, obviously nonsensical conspiracies of his own.
If there be a "Renaissance man" of our times, I would think first of Miles Mathis. Artist, scientist, master mind of "conspiracy theories", even a poet! Check out his work, Celia, you'll be glad you did. www.mileswmathis.com
My favourite so far is his John Lennon faked his own death piece. I managed to get a copy of the film “let him be” which is his main reference point & it’s 100% John Lennon! http://mileswmathis.com/lennon.pdf
When you become ultra cynical like me you ask yourself why RFK JR is allowed to say & write the things he does? If he is revealing such devastating truth to us about AIDS, CONVID & vaccines etc. why does the deep state not shut him up? The only conclusion I can come to is that “they” don’t care about the information he is releasing & that there are bigger lies that RFK Jr is helping to prop up with his work. That bigger lie must be virology itself
In a book detailing a Kennedy family biography, rfk jr told of his father’s incredible courage - or some would say, stupidity. Rfk refused extra secret service protection. He was aware he was a target, and suspected he, too, would be assassinated, but refused to limit his lifestyle. Since jr was 14 when his father was assassinated, and already a strong rebel, it is possible he retains the same attitude. His father went down fighting, as did his uncle (and potentially his cousin John who had started up George, the magazine).
But, then again in this Truman-Showesque culture, hey, anything goes.
BTW, there is a major spelling error in the rfk jr tweet. One would think it would be carefully vetted ??
RFK Jr has played the price exponentially - they have banned - slandered - disgraced - vilified - defamed and tore this man to shreds I think he has spent more time writing refutations to false and egregious allegations than he has writing briefs for his court cases. How many times have they turned his own family against him with false allegations?
You make like RFK Jr is the only one saying those things. Lots of people are, scientists, MDs, Virologists, even a few politicians. They haven't silenced all their opposition yet, but they sure would like to. Undoubtedly they use Toadies to put out nonsense like "No virus" theories and "Fake Moon landing" crap. The CIA's "Poison The Well" strategy.
You sure the "no virus" theory is nonsense? I'm not. We have been deceived at every level of this plandemic.
Here's some nonsense for you: Social distancing, masking, quarantine, and asymptomatic carriers. All of it garbage. PCR tests are fraudulent and they're what the entire horrific mess was based on. "Treatment" with ventilators & Remdesivir is a death sentence. The jabs are in no way vaccines. But the virus is the real deal???
Read Jon Rappoport sometime. The man has spent more than 2 1/2 years investigating "covid" and picking apart the narrative. He's been uncovering phony "viruses" for decades. It's looking like the world got psyop'd but good this time.
Everything else you said was true. But NO-Virus is crap, more CIA diversion strategy. Paul Cottrell was one of the first to reveal the truth about the Plandemic. He's been at the forefront of truth seeking:
Dr. Paul Cottrell lambasts "no-virus" theories and shows actual pictures of the SARS-COV-2 virus:
Vodka Wars Ep29 (Absolute proof Dr. Ardis is WRONG. SARS-COV-2 photos) by Dr. Paul Cottrell
The only real weapon we have is The Truth, advocating for nonsense, will be used against us. The CIA/FBI/DHS and their owners know that very well, so they set many traps for us to take the bait. Don't take the bait.
The more replies like this that I see in Substack comments sections & in Telegram groups the more my inner tuning fork resonates that we are on the money regarding viruses. Your argument is basically yes they lied about absolutely everything but on virology they are being totally honest!
More replies that prove viruses do exit? Those replies? Vs your made up bullshit that just sounds like CIA propaganda. Makes me think you are a CIA sockpuppet misinformation toadie, rather than a thinking human being.
However, award winning journalists whom I respect have convincingly challenged the virus theory—Liam Scheff and Janine Roberts come to mind.
My doctors, who are pretty hip about diet, exercise, and supplements assure me that viruses are real but that we are still trying to understand exactly what they are and how they work
Right now, having had and beaten Hep C, I fall on the "viruses are real" side.
Appreciate you posting those links. Will check them out.
In the meantime, some questions:
The symptoms for covid and seasonal flu are the same. How do doctors distinguish between flu and "covid" based on symptoms? And why were cases of the seasonal flu almost non-existent in 2020? Where did it go?
The PCR test is fraudulent, completely useless in "covid" detection.
Even the criminal entity CDC admitted that in a July 21, 2021 bulletin. And of course, that's not stopping them from continuing to use it. If "covid" actually exists, and the PCR detects nothing, how do we know that people have been infected with it?
A significant number of scientists, researchers and doctors have asked for proof of the existence of the "novel" virus that has changed the world. Why haven't they been shown the proof? They are asking to see the process used to isolate "covid". The debate could have been ended had this information been provided. Computer simulations of the "virus" don't count. Anyone questioning "covid's" existence was labeled anti-science, marginalized, criticized and silenced. Where are the samples of "covid" for scientists to study?
"The added immune modulator is the S-2P proline mutation that was partially invented and owned by the NIH. The additional immune modulators include insertions of synthetically recreated toxins from snake venoms, as well the HIV envelope, HIV GP120."
If viruses don't exist explain why the CIA & US military are spending certainly 10's of $billions on research on viral pathogens in bioweapons labs, many in 25 different foreign countries, 46 in Ukraine alone. Deadly pathogens are transferred under diplomatic cover. Sure going to a lot of trouble & expense for something that doesn't exist. Sure would be REAL HELPFUL to hire shills to spread disinformation such as "Viruses Don't Exist". Sure wouldn't want the public to scrutinize these illegal, expensive and dangerous Frankenstein Science research.
"...UP-4 project became known, which was implemented with the participation of laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa and was designed for the period up to 2020. Its purpose was to study the possibility of the spread of particularly dangerous infections through migrating birds, including highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza [VIRUS], the mortality rate of which reaches 50 percent for humans, as well as Newcastle disease [VIRUS].
Due to the fact that Ukraine has a unique geographical location where transcontinental migration routes intersect, 145 biological species were studied within the framework of this project. At the same time, at least two species of migratory birds were identified, whose routes pass mainly through the territory of Russia. At the same time, information about migration routes passing through the countries of Eastern Europe was summarized.
Of all the methods developed in the United States to destabilize the epidemiological situation, this is one of the most reckless and irresponsible, since it does not allow to control the further development of the situation. This is confirmed by the course of the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, the occurrence and features of which raise many questions. In addition, the R-781 project is interesting, where bats are considered as carriers of potential biological weapons agents [VIRUSES].
Among the priorities identified are the study of bacterial and viral pathogens that can be transmitted from bats to humans: pathogens of plague, leptospirosis, brucellosis, as well as coronaviruses and filoviruses [VIRUSES].
The project is being implemented with the involvement of not only Ukrainian, but also Georgian biological laboratories controlled by the Pentagon in cooperation with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the US Geological Survey.
The analyzed materials on the UP-8 project, aimed at studying the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses [VIRUSES] in Ukraine, clearly refute the US public statement that only Ukrainian scientists work in the Pentagon biolabs in Ukraine without the intervention of American biologists. One of the documents confirms that all serious high-risk studies are conducted under the direct supervision of specialists from the United States.
In addition, the studied materials contain proposals for the expansion of the US military-biological program in Ukraine. Thus, there was evidence of the continuation of completed biological projects UP-2, UP-9, UP-10, aimed at studying the pathogens of anthrax and African swine fever [VIRUS].
The Pentagon is also interested in insect vectors capable of spreading dangerous infectious diseases. The analysis of the obtained materials confirms the transfer of more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats – fleas and ticks from the biolab in Kharkov abroad.
Another example is the German-funded project No. 68727 EN on the study of Congo-Crimean haemorrhagic fever pathogens and hantaviruses [VIRUSES]. As part of this project, one thousand blood serum samples of citizens from different regions of Ukraine belonging exclusively to the Slavic ethnic group were donated to the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (Hamburg).
It is highly likely that one of the objectives of the US and its allies is to create bioagents capable of selectively targeting different ethnic populations..."
Damn right same as the Van Allen Belts, more invented nonsense. Calculated dosage passing through the Van Allen belts to the moon and back is a meager 2.1 mSv. You will get 10mSv from a CAT scan. The overall dosage is largely determined by the level of Solar Proton Flux. Which can in a bad year amount to 406mSv for an Apollo type Moon mission.
I read 1/2 the 88 pages. Haven’t gotten to the why yet. What happens to JFK and Bobby after they are not assassinated? Face change? What about their family?
Anyone construing this as a distraction or psyop is either a shill or simply lacks imagination.
Has anyone else noticed the surge in such comments when Celia is right over target? It would be naive to think the FBI doesn't *also* have agents assigned to substack. Hello guys and gals. Try harder, if you know how.
Tucker - who has a large audience of normie conservatives - likely just planted a huge seed of doubt in their "trust officialdom" worldview.
Forget about Tucker and 9/11. Consider the MESSAGE, not the messenger. This is information warfare at its finest.
PS: I just learned something *else* about Pompeo while he was CIA director. I wonder if this is why he's running for President? He must know he can't win the nomination. But it provides a nice insulating layer, doesn't it?
So many of us have been deep down the JFK rabbit hole for the last 40 years or more. This Tucker broadcast feels like a controlled narrative op--like most of the MSM noise tends to be. Daniel Lizst(aka Dark Journalist) has been connecting dots between the secret space program and ET/Alien disclosure and JFK's wish to share the intel with the Russians and American people. Anyone who's heard Laura Eisenhower speak knows that Ike revealed he'd met with at least one ET race.The Langley clowns have a fantastic money laundering scam going in cahoots with the DoD. The fact that former clown director GHWB became POTUS suggests too many plausible connections with the Big Event in Dallas--not to mention E.H. Hunt's clown connection.
Not maybe I’d say definitely. Conspiracy research is extremely interesting / intriguing but it’s ultimately a total waste of our time. Once you get to a certain level of understanding about how fake our reality is & how endless the branches off the rabbit holes are then you have to consider if it’s all by design to keep us distracted from learning about ourselves? Quite a few truth channels have come to this conclusion & it resonates with me
Despite the unlikelihood that we'll ever know the indisputable specifics re why JFK was assassinated, it is plausible that we do know what agencies and plausible players were behind his removal-- as far as multiple motives are concerned. The most important detail to focus on IMHO has to do with the fact that our Federal Govt now has 17 intel agencies that we know of, and the entire matrix is an apparatus of the Technocracy(to include AI). Clearly JFK and RFK were enemies of the deep state...and a cast of unsavory characters felt the Kennedys were in the way. Ditto-MLK. If all the JFK files were released 'unredacted'-- I'd consider this a miracle--and I just might choose to join a monastery as a result.
Is that the same GHWB that was in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 and made some call from a phone booth a distance away to "prove" he wasn't there at the time of the shooting? Or is it the GHWB that Warren Commissioner Gerald Ford installed as CIA director following the firing of William Colby who, per Kissinger (Wikipedia) was "too open" with Congress during the mid-70s CIA hearings? Colby "died interestingly" about 20 years later.
...and to add to your witty observations: it's most interesting that LBJ appointed Allen Dulles (Dulles--who was already exhibiting signs of dementia) as a member of the Warren Commission team! Teflon memory is a handy tool when creating a cover story.
I feel like it is an attempt to appease us free thinkers, lull us into thinking that Tucker is the only “media” we can trust. “They” only allow information “they” want us to see/hear. I do watch Tucker as I think he is allowed to say more than others, but everything with a grain of salt, as it is ALL scripted. So yes, as asked by many above, what is going on behind the scenes we are not supposed to see as this information is allowed to be shown?? I prefer to live my own show: Just for today I am grateful for the Abundance that is my life; Just for today I am Full of Joy; Just for today I am honest in all of my dealings; Just for today I am worry-free; Just for today I am compassionate toward all; For today allow me to see all possibilities available, not just the ones I am told to see. ❤️
No. They are trying to block any information they don't want us to see, but so far they haven't succeeded. Their effort will take a quantum leap after they manufacture their Cyberattack False Flag Operation.
I was in the eighth grade when President Kennedy was shot. It had a devastating effect on our country - we weren’t all connected by the internet. We were isolated. And we were totally brainwashed believing anything our government and MSM told us. NOW we are finding out what exactly has been done to our psyche and it is good ( for the conspiracy theorists ) and bad - cause people are still asleep. Only God can help us at this point. And i thank Him for honest people like you getting the word out and for a man like Donald Trump trying to take on the pure evil we see in this world. God bless you, Celia!! You are one of a kind and we need you in this time!! ❤️
This would be all well and good had JFK been assassinated in Dealey Plaza. He wasn't; it was a hoax, though the trauma on the American psyche and the power the CIA assumed was the same. They don't mind which story you believe - lone gunman, grassy knoll, mafia, bankers or the brilliant storm drain theory from "From JFK to 9/11...", as long as you think he died. This is why the others had to die, especially JFK Jr., else everyone would be asking why he wasn't reopening his father's case. The info is out there and very well reasoned. He went to live in Greece (and swanned around Europe) on Onassis's private island, Skorpios.
BTW, E Howard Hunt left his audio confession of his Kennedy assassination participation with his son St John Hunt who published it on the Web in 2007 and as far as I know its still out there somewhere!
I like to call this the "Trump delusion operation". Trump would say things and it would register on the lie counter, until only those who desperately want a messiah would agree with Trump while the propaganda machine would spend 24/7 countering it.
The murder of JFK in broad daylight was the ultimate display of hubris. RFK, Jr. may know this but there's never been real democracy in the US or anywhere for that matter. The institutions at this point are so corrupted they can possibly be "reformed" or "returned" to some time that never existed.
The world went on its merry way after a few days of mourning. It all passes until no one cares.
Just like the "pathogenic virus". Eventually it will be revealed that there never was a virus, and the "cure" was an injection of poisons some bodies survived and many didn't until no one really cares.
9/11 was an obvious inside job, however it was executed, it doesn't matter, but stalls the truth to argue over it for decades. It too will be revealed, more or less, until no one really cares.
It's the system folks. As long as the system rules, it will be more of the same.
Tucker Carlson won’t publicly even entertain the notion that 9/11 was an inside job...I watched a reporter ask him to talk about that and he got mad and treated the reporter with extreme disdain. “They” must need a new distraction ... so they allowed him this?
Interesting. Whitney Webb read directly from some Matt Taibii writings (interview with James Corbett) in which he called 911 narrative disbelievers " di--heads" or something like that. Bari Weiss thinks anyone critical of Israel -- including Jews -- is an anti-Semite. THEY are the Twitter File "heroes." The CIA was much more exposed, with enough doubts about the JFK murder, by the Church Committee in the 1970s. Much of MAINSTREAM society and politics were suspicious of coverup at that point. So what happened? Iran/Contra. Panama. The creation of al Qaeda. Yugoslavia. Sept. 11. Etc., etc., etc. Now there's a whiff of discontent over the covid/injection scam, so let's appease the mob with some totally controlled information to get revenge on the "libtards," released through embedded "liberal" reporters. Maybe JFK is enough in the mass memory hole that they feel it's safe to simultaneously release tidbits on that to add even more to the "honesty." Sept. 11 is still too recent and connects too directly with the underlying psyop dynamics of the plandemic. And from what I gather, the dominant groups STILL banned (some permanently) from Twitter are "dangerous right wing extremists" AND "hate speechers" who blast U.S. foreign policy, including the very current war in Ukraine.
Maybe someone should put tucker’s shoes on, get into media, and try to put out the truth about 9/11. On TV. And see if bodyguards are enough.
He would be out inside of 24hrs if he did that. They wouldn't even let Spike Lee put a small segment about 9/11 Truth on his latest video.
Yup, I remember
Perhaps Carlson WILL admit that 9/11 was an inside job, in about 50 years, and after a number of terrific & irrefutable books have been published on it. Give him time....
Neither will any other MSM personality or virtually all politicians that you elect. And almost all their bureaucrats that you also allow to office. Why is it always Tucker must pass these endless "Purity Tests" and no one else has to?
Whatever happened to the Bush Family Crime Syndicate? Guess that was pre-Twitter so not real.
Like the FBI controllling twitts, this ain't news to us in the conspiracy movement, er, the medical freedom movement, er, the building seven truth movement, this is not at all news...if only.
Then some refuse to hear Tucker, so brainwashed by liberal bias. So sad.
Of course he who refused already knew the CIA was at fault. Tis their job.
Club of insane Assasssins
Good one. Or Clandestine Institute of Assassination. I ain't in "the conspiracy movement" whatever that is. I'm in the Truth Movement. Truth in politics, truth in history, truth in medicine, truth in astronomy, truth in the military. The Truth will set us free.
How old fashioned!
Sadly it is. We now live in the Post-Truth World. The Ruling Elites seem to think the World is now just like one of their minions crap Movie script, they can edit it however they want.
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.
This is news we knew for years. The spooks we created now run a shadow government with their own means of funding beyond their paltry billions from US taxpayers. They run drug cartel and probably human trafficking. The CIA spy on all of us, every post, tweet or phone call. They run covert operations around the world. How much are involved in Ukraine? Enough to lead us into a nuclear war?
My question to everyone is how do we end this corrupt organization? The politicians can’t do it, neither can the military.
How do we end it? I truly beleive and HOPE Bobby is going to throw his hat into the ring as a last minute candidate. He's already stated the only way to turn this all around is by abolish all of these alphabet agencies! His reputation for being a anti-vaxer is not only an absolute lie but the fact he's a staunch advocate of safe vaccines I beleive will catapult him into the WH as we will be at the height of deaths from these lethal injections! All this being said there is no way in hell they'd go after him especially after this - there is a solution and he is the only person to fix this! If you look at who he associates with and who he KNOWS he can rightfully fire and REPLACE every single one of these bastards immediately! I truly beleive judging solely by his actions and behavior this past year and a half the man IS going to run - IF FOR NOTHING more than to merely seek revenge for what they have done to uncle and father! Unlike all the other scum that runs - he has FAME and FORTUNE and certainly knows how the game is played and who can be trusted! Unlike DeSantis he cannot be bought and paid for! I beleive he has the potential to be the greatest leader the world has ever known! BTW I have never voted nor will as I refuse to support or enable the massive corruption - but I find him to be a man of honor and integrity!
Well I had hoped for trump to end the 3 letter agencies but I’m afraid he would be assassinated and he knows it. He has seen the power of the CIA.
I’m thinking it’s only a one by one succession of states that brings down the federal government and their spy apparatus.
Musk is just making waves at Twitter, harmless waves. He bought Twitter because of information control. He has to look like a reformer to get the conservative base back. I was permanently banned and unlike many others will never return to that data collecting platform.
I’ve been getting my news from Substack writers that vet some of their information and aren’t the talking head msm or the blue check marked power users on Twitter and gettr.
Thanks Celia for your articles and that’s to everyone here that expressed thought out opinions. Thanks BJ
BJ... 🙏💗👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
We end it by building a better alternative from the ground up...so that we need not rely on such a corrupt and destructive system. It starts with one person, then ten, then 100. What else are you going to do? Read opinions on the internet? No one is coming to save us.
We have to fall off the cliff for it to end.
Here's MY suggestion: we need to SHAME Congress into forking over as much cash to all of us as they hand themselves, w/out "means-testing". It might not end the corruption, but it would surely end poverty, allow us to jump-start local economies, & greatly reduce the elites' ability to prey on the rest of us: https://diy.rootsaction.org/petitions/end-poverty-demand-a-ubi-equal-to-what-congress-pays-itself
Congress has no shame and NEVER will. Wishful thinking...
C'mon, it's worth a try. I'm dying to hear them try to justify getting $170K+ per year while 3/4 of the country is living in poverty or right on the brink--a purely POLITICAL problem, which CONGRESS refuses to rectify.
Hmmm…170,000/year doesn’t even include their insider trading and other bs. They should all be _______!
True. Ideally, they should get paid Federal Minimum Wage & be forced to LIVE on that alone, FOR LIFE. (But nothing to prevent them from raising Fed. Min. Wage to a COMFORTABLE level, as they could have done all along.) Having the same rule for UBI would be better still, as why should having enough to live on depend of job availability & the actual physical & mental ability to work? My point being that nobody in Congress be allowed to be any better off than their poorest constituent. They are, after all, OUR public servants....
Interesting that this has been allowed. See 2014 documentary Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick.
Thank you Carole, I've seen it twice, I only wish he sourced some of the claims. It all sounds very accurate though.
The first time I searched for this documentary a few months ago on Duck Duck Go, only one or two sources popped up. Just repeated the process a minute ago and found it is the first source of two full pages of references. Interesting.
You can try Bitchute, Odysee and Rumble for many things banned.
You can pull this up on YouTube. Strangely enough.
“I am not suicidal”. Tucker Carlson.
Such a strange moment in time. Everything is coming out of latency, including truth. In Chinese Medicine, we avoid bringing things out of latency until we believe the patient is strong enough to process what comes up. Is our culture strong enough to process the truth?
That's very important. Interesting principle. I think we can handle anything now.
Agree 100%!
Well said, ATR!
But why now? The timing is interesting
Speculating here, but I believe the answer to “why now” is partially due to the release of CHAOS by Tom O’Neill. He spent the last 20 years researching MKUltra and other CIA programs trying to link them to Manson murders, JFK, etc. Dick Carlson, Tucker’s dad, contributed his investigative notes to O’Neill’s research (he’s listed in the acknowledgments).
I know my replies to your posts sound endlessly cynical but this feels completely contrived especially now I’ve seen RFK JR’s promotional tweet. If you really want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole have a read of this Miles Mathis piece which puts forward compelling evidence that neither JFK or RFK were murdered. http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf
Deenzy, I read most of it. Actually, maybe half. It is a fascinating text. I had only ever heard anything remotely like this from occasional listening to Owen Benjamin. I remember him disputing that JFK was killed by gunfire. This is truly next level. Who is Miles Mathis?
Like James Fetzer, among others, Miles Mathis is a charlatan.
He is part of a psy-op to discredit serious critics of official stories
and sow confusion.
Anyone who takes these clowns seriously needs to work on their critical reading skills and to read serious writers about the Kennedy assassinations like Jim Marrs and Anthony Summers.
Be careful Celia lest Mathis claim that AIDS never happened and no-one died from AZT.
No, Mathis is not a charlatan. He makes some mistakes, and he's annoyingly full of himself, but he's also highly intelligent, and an outsider who's having fun making the academic establishment look incompetent, as they are.
I don't follow him closely because physics is a minor personal interest, but I've read some of his writing on Sept 11 and he's more accurate than most researchers.
What I know from my research in areas of longtime interest is that, like Mathis, I find that virtually everything people have been led to believe is BS. And even suggesting that is bound to make most people very uncomfortable.
Throughout history, the few who see through the fog and speak truth are shunned and ridiculed because truth is disruptive. Occasionally humanity realizes they were truthful long after they've murdered them for blasphemy.
Carefully constructed nonsense like this is used by the intelligence agencies to undermine and ridicule serious investigations of real false flag events like the JFK and RFK assassinations, 911, and the bombings in Oklahoma City.
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but instead of being reasonable you're being ridiculous.
You're arguing that Mathis is being paid by some intelligence agency to convince people that government is completely corrupt and lies about everything, and covers up far more false flag events than most people realize. And he makes the scientific/academic establishment look very incompetent by exposing errors by the thousands in physics & math papers. So essentially, you say they're paying this guy to attack faith in the authorities and lead people to question pretty much everything they're told.
You don't see how ridiculous that is?
And how about providing some evidence, if you're accusing someone of being a paid intelligence asset?
I think you're just jumping on the 'new thing' of labeling everyone you disagree with or who makes you uncomfortable as 'controlled opposition', to make yourself feel better. That way you don't have to question or reason.
I can't wait to see Mathis's next article about how MLK invented the story of the slave trade.
What a troll!
When you're not articulate and cannot forge a convincing argument, there's always ad hominem.
Miles Mathis is supposedly a portrait painter who happens to be a super genius. Most of his papers are about his Unified Charge (physics) theory. He's also written numerous papers about fake history. Mathis often writes about a split/war within the intelligence community. It's possible he's legitimate. It's possible he's a frontman for a rival CIA writing committee that exposes Deep State secrets to embarrass other factions. It's also possible he's a frontman for something higher than the CIA- perhaps Tavistock or even the Illuminati. I follow him because I think he's at the minimum a Limited Hangout and it's even possible he's exposing the crown jewels.
David Icke says TPTB were the ruling class of Sumeria, Egypt, Babylon and Phoenecia. Icke says the Phoenecians settled England millennia ago and also reached North America long before the Vikings. Mathis agrees with that and says the Phoenecian Elite were also the ruling class of Greece, Rome, India, China and the British and American Empires. The twist is he also says Ancient Israel and Phoenecia were one and the same and the Bible was edited to hide this. This theory explains why Elite Jews (ordinary Jews who are not related to the Elite families are innocent), the European aristocracy, the British Royal Family, the Vatican, the Venetian ("Phoenecian") Black Nobility and all US presidents (including Obama and Trump) are part of the cabal. It's because they're all descended from the Elite Phoenecian families, who ran the Ancient World and still run the world today.
Great synopsis, thanks for posting
Intelligence agencies do not hire dummies.
Mathis is educated and clever—essential qualities for doing his work well.
His work, like James Fetzer's, is to undermine serious investigators of false flag events by proposing absurd, obviously nonsensical conspiracies of his own.
If there be a "Renaissance man" of our times, I would think first of Miles Mathis. Artist, scientist, master mind of "conspiracy theories", even a poet! Check out his work, Celia, you'll be glad you did. www.mileswmathis.com
A polymath whose bio reads like it’s Good Will Hunting’s but from what I can gather it’s legit! http://mileswmathis.com/bio.html
He has written reports debunking pretty much every event or person that has existed so you are in for some entertaining reading.
The first one that was shared with me & piqued my interest in ready more was his take down of JK Rowling http://mileswmathis.com/potter.pdf
His debunking of the Manson murders is totally compelling http://mileswmathis.com/tate.pdf
My favourite so far is his John Lennon faked his own death piece. I managed to get a copy of the film “let him be” which is his main reference point & it’s 100% John Lennon! http://mileswmathis.com/lennon.pdf
The whole list is here, it would take a year or more to go through them all http://mileswmathis.com/bestfake.html
In the words of John Lennon (albeit he probably didn’t write the words himself!) “nothing is real”
Sounds like another CIA psyop.
I’m well aware of this so as always ultra discernment is the key
When you become ultra cynical like me you ask yourself why RFK JR is allowed to say & write the things he does? If he is revealing such devastating truth to us about AIDS, CONVID & vaccines etc. why does the deep state not shut him up? The only conclusion I can come to is that “they” don’t care about the information he is releasing & that there are bigger lies that RFK Jr is helping to prop up with his work. That bigger lie must be virology itself
In a book detailing a Kennedy family biography, rfk jr told of his father’s incredible courage - or some would say, stupidity. Rfk refused extra secret service protection. He was aware he was a target, and suspected he, too, would be assassinated, but refused to limit his lifestyle. Since jr was 14 when his father was assassinated, and already a strong rebel, it is possible he retains the same attitude. His father went down fighting, as did his uncle (and potentially his cousin John who had started up George, the magazine).
But, then again in this Truman-Showesque culture, hey, anything goes.
BTW, there is a major spelling error in the rfk jr tweet. One would think it would be carefully vetted ??
Yes the typo was odd
RFK Jr has played the price exponentially - they have banned - slandered - disgraced - vilified - defamed and tore this man to shreds I think he has spent more time writing refutations to false and egregious allegations than he has writing briefs for his court cases. How many times have they turned his own family against him with false allegations?
Just read the short Wikipedia bio. Incroyable.
You make like RFK Jr is the only one saying those things. Lots of people are, scientists, MDs, Virologists, even a few politicians. They haven't silenced all their opposition yet, but they sure would like to. Undoubtedly they use Toadies to put out nonsense like "No virus" theories and "Fake Moon landing" crap. The CIA's "Poison The Well" strategy.
You sure the "no virus" theory is nonsense? I'm not. We have been deceived at every level of this plandemic.
Here's some nonsense for you: Social distancing, masking, quarantine, and asymptomatic carriers. All of it garbage. PCR tests are fraudulent and they're what the entire horrific mess was based on. "Treatment" with ventilators & Remdesivir is a death sentence. The jabs are in no way vaccines. But the virus is the real deal???
Read Jon Rappoport sometime. The man has spent more than 2 1/2 years investigating "covid" and picking apart the narrative. He's been uncovering phony "viruses" for decades. It's looking like the world got psyop'd but good this time.
Everything else you said was true. But NO-Virus is crap, more CIA diversion strategy. Paul Cottrell was one of the first to reveal the truth about the Plandemic. He's been at the forefront of truth seeking:
Dr. Paul Cottrell lambasts "no-virus" theories and shows actual pictures of the SARS-COV-2 virus:
Vodka Wars Ep29 (Absolute proof Dr. Ardis is WRONG. SARS-COV-2 photos) by Dr. Paul Cottrell
Vodka Wars Ep12 (Bioweapon labs in Ukraine and the USA spin) by Dr. Paul Cottrell
The only real weapon we have is The Truth, advocating for nonsense, will be used against us. The CIA/FBI/DHS and their owners know that very well, so they set many traps for us to take the bait. Don't take the bait.
The more replies like this that I see in Substack comments sections & in Telegram groups the more my inner tuning fork resonates that we are on the money regarding viruses. Your argument is basically yes they lied about absolutely everything but on virology they are being totally honest!
More replies that prove viruses do exit? Those replies? Vs your made up bullshit that just sounds like CIA propaganda. Makes me think you are a CIA sockpuppet misinformation toadie, rather than a thinking human being.
Lies are more effective when mixed with truth.
However, award winning journalists whom I respect have convincingly challenged the virus theory—Liam Scheff and Janine Roberts come to mind.
My doctors, who are pretty hip about diet, exercise, and supplements assure me that viruses are real but that we are still trying to understand exactly what they are and how they work
Right now, having had and beaten Hep C, I fall on the "viruses are real" side.
If I'm wrong, it will not be the first time.
Appreciate you posting those links. Will check them out.
In the meantime, some questions:
The symptoms for covid and seasonal flu are the same. How do doctors distinguish between flu and "covid" based on symptoms? And why were cases of the seasonal flu almost non-existent in 2020? Where did it go?
The PCR test is fraudulent, completely useless in "covid" detection.
Even the criminal entity CDC admitted that in a July 21, 2021 bulletin. And of course, that's not stopping them from continuing to use it. If "covid" actually exists, and the PCR detects nothing, how do we know that people have been infected with it?
A significant number of scientists, researchers and doctors have asked for proof of the existence of the "novel" virus that has changed the world. Why haven't they been shown the proof? They are asking to see the process used to isolate "covid". The debate could have been ended had this information been provided. Computer simulations of the "virus" don't count. Anyone questioning "covid's" existence was labeled anti-science, marginalized, criticized and silenced. Where are the samples of "covid" for scientists to study?
The Spike protein is likely fake, which means SARS-COV-2 is fake too.
The Wuhan lab-leak/GOF virus is also fake:
The global economy started to tank in 2019, which is the reason for the COVID hoax.
The global economy is tanking because energy is finite:
"Dr. Ardis is WRONG." - Snake venom-wrong?
"The added immune modulator is the S-2P proline mutation that was partially invented and owned by the NIH. The additional immune modulators include insertions of synthetically recreated toxins from snake venoms, as well the HIV envelope, HIV GP120."
If viruses don't exist explain why the CIA & US military are spending certainly 10's of $billions on research on viral pathogens in bioweapons labs, many in 25 different foreign countries, 46 in Ukraine alone. Deadly pathogens are transferred under diplomatic cover. Sure going to a lot of trouble & expense for something that doesn't exist. Sure would be REAL HELPFUL to hire shills to spread disinformation such as "Viruses Don't Exist". Sure wouldn't want the public to scrutinize these illegal, expensive and dangerous Frankenstein Science research.
"...UP-4 project became known, which was implemented with the participation of laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa and was designed for the period up to 2020. Its purpose was to study the possibility of the spread of particularly dangerous infections through migrating birds, including highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza [VIRUS], the mortality rate of which reaches 50 percent for humans, as well as Newcastle disease [VIRUS].
Due to the fact that Ukraine has a unique geographical location where transcontinental migration routes intersect, 145 biological species were studied within the framework of this project. At the same time, at least two species of migratory birds were identified, whose routes pass mainly through the territory of Russia. At the same time, information about migration routes passing through the countries of Eastern Europe was summarized.
Of all the methods developed in the United States to destabilize the epidemiological situation, this is one of the most reckless and irresponsible, since it does not allow to control the further development of the situation. This is confirmed by the course of the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, the occurrence and features of which raise many questions. In addition, the R-781 project is interesting, where bats are considered as carriers of potential biological weapons agents [VIRUSES].
Among the priorities identified are the study of bacterial and viral pathogens that can be transmitted from bats to humans: pathogens of plague, leptospirosis, brucellosis, as well as coronaviruses and filoviruses [VIRUSES].
The project is being implemented with the involvement of not only Ukrainian, but also Georgian biological laboratories controlled by the Pentagon in cooperation with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the US Geological Survey.
The analyzed materials on the UP-8 project, aimed at studying the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses [VIRUSES] in Ukraine, clearly refute the US public statement that only Ukrainian scientists work in the Pentagon biolabs in Ukraine without the intervention of American biologists. One of the documents confirms that all serious high-risk studies are conducted under the direct supervision of specialists from the United States.
In addition, the studied materials contain proposals for the expansion of the US military-biological program in Ukraine. Thus, there was evidence of the continuation of completed biological projects UP-2, UP-9, UP-10, aimed at studying the pathogens of anthrax and African swine fever [VIRUS].
The Pentagon is also interested in insect vectors capable of spreading dangerous infectious diseases. The analysis of the obtained materials confirms the transfer of more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats – fleas and ticks from the biolab in Kharkov abroad.
Another example is the German-funded project No. 68727 EN on the study of Congo-Crimean haemorrhagic fever pathogens and hantaviruses [VIRUSES]. As part of this project, one thousand blood serum samples of citizens from different regions of Ukraine belonging exclusively to the Slavic ethnic group were donated to the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (Hamburg).
It is highly likely that one of the objectives of the US and its allies is to create bioagents capable of selectively targeting different ethnic populations..."
Personal anecdote.
I had Hepatitis C for many years. It's caused by a virus.
Gilead Labs developed Harvoni a few years ago.
A 6 month treament cost me $250,000 but rid my body of the virus.
God bless America and American corporations.
Knowledge of viruses is still emerging.
They're vertiginously little sons of bitches.
But they're real.
I'm all out anti-vax.
But if bitten by a rabid dog, would take the shots, painful as they are.
Thank you, SmithFS.
I could not agree more strongly.
Three words: Mazzucco, American Moon
I would say that's 3 words too many.
Same as Van Allen Belts?
Damn right same as the Van Allen Belts, more invented nonsense. Calculated dosage passing through the Van Allen belts to the moon and back is a meager 2.1 mSv. You will get 10mSv from a CAT scan. The overall dosage is largely determined by the level of Solar Proton Flux. Which can in a bad year amount to 406mSv for an Apollo type Moon mission.
Radiation Analysis for Moon and Mars Missions:
Excellent point- I’ve read and do believe he has to be Controlled...
What a rabbit hole. Could be true. I really didn’t understand the why
I read 1/2 the 88 pages. Haven’t gotten to the why yet. What happens to JFK and Bobby after they are not assassinated? Face change? What about their family?
Can’t wait to read the rest
This is why I like and respect Tucker, despite his flaws.
Thank you, Celia.
Anyone construing this as a distraction or psyop is either a shill or simply lacks imagination.
Has anyone else noticed the surge in such comments when Celia is right over target? It would be naive to think the FBI doesn't *also* have agents assigned to substack. Hello guys and gals. Try harder, if you know how.
Tucker - who has a large audience of normie conservatives - likely just planted a huge seed of doubt in their "trust officialdom" worldview.
Forget about Tucker and 9/11. Consider the MESSAGE, not the messenger. This is information warfare at its finest.
PS: I just learned something *else* about Pompeo while he was CIA director. I wonder if this is why he's running for President? He must know he can't win the nomination. But it provides a nice insulating layer, doesn't it?
So many of us have been deep down the JFK rabbit hole for the last 40 years or more. This Tucker broadcast feels like a controlled narrative op--like most of the MSM noise tends to be. Daniel Lizst(aka Dark Journalist) has been connecting dots between the secret space program and ET/Alien disclosure and JFK's wish to share the intel with the Russians and American people. Anyone who's heard Laura Eisenhower speak knows that Ike revealed he'd met with at least one ET race.The Langley clowns have a fantastic money laundering scam going in cahoots with the DoD. The fact that former clown director GHWB became POTUS suggests too many plausible connections with the Big Event in Dallas--not to mention E.H. Hunt's clown connection.
I suppose we will hardly ever know anything. Maybe we are wasting our lives trying.
Not maybe I’d say definitely. Conspiracy research is extremely interesting / intriguing but it’s ultimately a total waste of our time. Once you get to a certain level of understanding about how fake our reality is & how endless the branches off the rabbit holes are then you have to consider if it’s all by design to keep us distracted from learning about ourselves? Quite a few truth channels have come to this conclusion & it resonates with me
Despite the unlikelihood that we'll ever know the indisputable specifics re why JFK was assassinated, it is plausible that we do know what agencies and plausible players were behind his removal-- as far as multiple motives are concerned. The most important detail to focus on IMHO has to do with the fact that our Federal Govt now has 17 intel agencies that we know of, and the entire matrix is an apparatus of the Technocracy(to include AI). Clearly JFK and RFK were enemies of the deep state...and a cast of unsavory characters felt the Kennedys were in the way. Ditto-MLK. If all the JFK files were released 'unredacted'-- I'd consider this a miracle--and I just might choose to join a monastery as a result.
Is that the same GHWB that was in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 and made some call from a phone booth a distance away to "prove" he wasn't there at the time of the shooting? Or is it the GHWB that Warren Commissioner Gerald Ford installed as CIA director following the firing of William Colby who, per Kissinger (Wikipedia) was "too open" with Congress during the mid-70s CIA hearings? Colby "died interestingly" about 20 years later.
...and to add to your witty observations: it's most interesting that LBJ appointed Allen Dulles (Dulles--who was already exhibiting signs of dementia) as a member of the Warren Commission team! Teflon memory is a handy tool when creating a cover story.
I feel like it is an attempt to appease us free thinkers, lull us into thinking that Tucker is the only “media” we can trust. “They” only allow information “they” want us to see/hear. I do watch Tucker as I think he is allowed to say more than others, but everything with a grain of salt, as it is ALL scripted. So yes, as asked by many above, what is going on behind the scenes we are not supposed to see as this information is allowed to be shown?? I prefer to live my own show: Just for today I am grateful for the Abundance that is my life; Just for today I am Full of Joy; Just for today I am honest in all of my dealings; Just for today I am worry-free; Just for today I am compassionate toward all; For today allow me to see all possibilities available, not just the ones I am told to see. ❤️
No. They are trying to block any information they don't want us to see, but so far they haven't succeeded. Their effort will take a quantum leap after they manufacture their Cyberattack False Flag Operation.
I was in the eighth grade when President Kennedy was shot. It had a devastating effect on our country - we weren’t all connected by the internet. We were isolated. And we were totally brainwashed believing anything our government and MSM told us. NOW we are finding out what exactly has been done to our psyche and it is good ( for the conspiracy theorists ) and bad - cause people are still asleep. Only God can help us at this point. And i thank Him for honest people like you getting the word out and for a man like Donald Trump trying to take on the pure evil we see in this world. God bless you, Celia!! You are one of a kind and we need you in this time!! ❤️
I’m just going to continue watching all of these people and things unfold. It’s nothing we all for most didn’t already know
This would be all well and good had JFK been assassinated in Dealey Plaza. He wasn't; it was a hoax, though the trauma on the American psyche and the power the CIA assumed was the same. They don't mind which story you believe - lone gunman, grassy knoll, mafia, bankers or the brilliant storm drain theory from "From JFK to 9/11...", as long as you think he died. This is why the others had to die, especially JFK Jr., else everyone would be asking why he wasn't reopening his father's case. The info is out there and very well reasoned. He went to live in Greece (and swanned around Europe) on Onassis's private island, Skorpios.
BTW, E Howard Hunt left his audio confession of his Kennedy assassination participation with his son St John Hunt who published it on the Web in 2007 and as far as I know its still out there somewhere!