As important as this is, and it IS important, nothing compares with the importance of what TPTB; i.e., Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the WEF, the WHO, etc. have in store for us, regardless of what happens to their "vaccines" or their other covid measures. ALL that matters is enslaving us with their Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) that will enable them to control every aspect of our lives. While focusing on injections, we are losing sight of the end goal. That end goal is far more important than the struggle to avoid poisonous injections. Covid is a means to an end; the injections facilitated that means by identifying the injected with a digital ID, but the real goal is enslavement, and ending the injections now merely gives the impression that we have an opportunity to return to "normal." Nothing could be further from the truth. No matter what Fauci has done, and he is a monster, he is merely al tool of TPTB who are intent on enslaving all of humanity. Please don't lose sight of the real enemy here.


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Yes, I'm sure Fauci is a tool of higher ups, but those people at the top depend on the layers of corrupt politicians and corrupt bureaucrats, and the hospital administrators and school board members and doctors and teachers to get the job done. If all these lower level minions start to see their confreres paying a heavy price for serving these evil masters, they'll start doing a cost-benefit analysis and decide maybe at least a modicum of integrity is safer. Without these players to administer and enforce their agenda, all the wealth and seeming power in the world is worthless. So, yeah, I say go after Fauci and Cuomo and all the rest, down to the lowest level, in whatever manner we can to actually get them, and make them pay the heaviest possible price, and maybe we'll start to derail this runaway train.

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With history literally at our fingertips in the information age, how does anyone still believe in “settled science”? 

Science can’t BE settled. That’s what makes it SCIENCE. It’s an investigative tool. Any scientists who claims their answer is the correct answer is a shit scientist. At best, they have evidence to support a theory, but it’s STILL a theory. Consume scientific conclusions at your own risk.

Ample evidence in the current pandemic shows that the fear generated by government and media is far out of proportion to the real risks and dangers of the virus. Many in power know that the more the public is in fear, the easier it is to manipulate emotions and direct public money into the coffers of Big Pharma and other elite groups who have much to profit from this fear mongering and intimidation.

"I have been a doctor for more than twenty years. I have never witnessed so many vaccine related injuries until this year. There was no plausible explanation for these injuries other than the fact that the patients had recently been vaccinated. I have spoken with colleagues who have also had similar experiences. While some seem willing to accept these vaccine injuries as unavoidable collateral damage in a mass vaccination program, many do express dismay. None of them would speak publicly about their experience." 

  ~~  Dr. Patrica Lee with 20 years as an ICU MD and surgeon, 10/28/2021

More alarming yet, she relates how fellow doctors who were seeing similar results were unwilling to share their experiences for fear of the potential backlash. If doctors are not willing to share the severe problems with these vaccines, who can we trust?

The High Court in New Zealand ruled vaccine rollout illegal. The lawyer didn’t argue civil rights, democracy or discrimination, instead her argument was simple - the vaccines are in a trial phase until 2023. So the Court ruled that medical trials can only be carried out on a select number of people and that by logic the entire population cannot be considered a select group!

Today, science is being perverted for political ends to an unprecedented extent. To look for an appropriate analogy, we would have to go back to the authority of the Church in medieval Europe.

“Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.” — Anthony Fauci

So G-d speaks through the mouth of the Pope, and maybe the Prophet Elijah and Charles Manson. But the Good Doctor of NIAID is the one with a direct line to Science.

My point is not that Fauci has grown too big for his britches, but that science is not religion. The whole reason that we trust science is that it’s a community of open debate. Dr Fauci aspires to be the high priest of epidemiology. But if science carries more weight than the Church, it’s not because its priests are smarter or better qualified, it’s because science has no priests.

Science means arguing the case on its merits, and arguing on the merits is exactly what they are trying to avoid by calling anyone who disagrees with them, “anti-science”.

A real scientist said, “Science is not a set of beliefs. Scientists don’t believe anything… You always have to be ready to have your favorite theory proven wrong, and if you’re not, you shouldn’t be doing science”.

The unstated implication is that vaccines are so obviously and universally safe that the only reason even to study their safety would be an anti-science bias which, incidentally, is common among fanatics of the Far RIght.

Why do some people decline the COVID vaccine? According to the New York Times, it must be that their thinking is deranged. It can’t possibly be because vaccines are less safe and less effective as a COVID preventive than traditional, well-tested measures such as vitamin D, zinc, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine. It can’t have anything to do with the fact that twice as many people have died from the COVID vaccines compared to the sum total of all other vaccines in the history of the VAERS reporting system. [This simple numerical statement has been fact-checked by all the usual suspects and ruled “false”. What does this say about the fact-checkers?]

America’s most popular expert on natural medicine received death threats when he posted evidence on his blog that vitamin D lessens the severity of COVID. Treatments are still being suppressed by government, by social media, and by medical authorities. This has cost millions of lives worldwide. It is being done to keep fear of COVID alive, and to make sure that vaccines are the only game in town.

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Lets not forget UBI. Universal Basic Income for the slaves.

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If Fauci falls the whole corrupt medical establishment falls. They can't let him go down. It doesn't matter how much evidence of his criminality comes out, nothing will happen. He is in the equivalent of an armored car surrounded by armed guards. Occasionally his head pops out from the window and he proclaims : I AM THE SCIENCE!

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Covid psyop was created by very powerful financial criminals and Fauci is in their mafia. We all know what group THEY are but we cannot say because it makes people very uncomfortable. I won't say it but lets take some guesses as to who THEY are.

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Did you mean ((THEY))?

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I did. Who are THEY?

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I think you mean jews when you type 'THEY' in all caps. When I mean jews, I use the word 'jews'. If that makes people uncomfortable, then so be it.

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Jan 11, 2022
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On some sites, people use that symbology to denote that they are referring to jews without actually using the word 'jews'.

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Teflon Tony, we shall see.

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Interesting development from the Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez today.

If the Pandemic is lowered to the status of Endemic there will be no need for mandates passports,and many other of the restrictions that have and continue to cause havoc.

This could just be the news we were waiting for.

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In the UK, covid-1984 was officially downgraded from its high-impact disease status ca March, 2020, and what happened?

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Project Veritas drop: "Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zgoENmeddA (looks like it went live around 9:30pm ET)

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if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Same principle applies to Fauci. Whatever skeletons Fauci has in the closet do not matter if the mainstream media ignores it, and they will.

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I’ve got popcorn and a beer ready!

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It won't change a thing. Dingbat fauci is an icon impervious to prosecution, removal or criticism. People have trusted this murdering buffoon for 40 years and were completely buffaloed by his horrendous activities for decades.

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Im chomping at the bit waiting!

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Veritas tends to expose things that are already out there somewhere. I've not been impressed.

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Jan 11, 2022
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Exactly. Might be 'not-so-obvious establishment'.

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If this is about the Project Defuse documents, they need to credit DRASTIC. That’s where the Defuse docs originated. Unless of course they have something new.

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I included this comment of yours in the original post. And now I get it, thank you. Holy rabbit holes.

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My pleasure. I should change my name to Alice, ‘cause I launch myself into more rabbit holes than I probably should.

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I cannot connect/ I am getting timed out

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More promo for setting up Fauci as the fall guy while pharma continues to murder.

What deadly engineered virus? It didn't even kill much in China

We know most that died were older and had comorbidites.


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Hi Celia..where are these new Fauci revelations?

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Jan 11, 2022
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I thought it would be at the YT channel but I can't find it either.

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Project Veritas drop: "Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zgoENmeddA (looks like it went live around 9:30pm ET)

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