Love your work Celia. I am doubting highly that Elon took any of these jabs. Trusting his part in this phase of the global psyop is not advised.

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We have no facts about is vaccination but his Tweet could save thousands of lives. I accept that for now as a win.

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He already has a savior complex and he could be perpetrating that to get people to trust him. He is a billionaire and he is compromised and he is there for a reason. Just like Zuckerberg and Dorsey and all of these other front man for the evil in the darkness. Just like Q was operation trust, this is most likely the same thing.

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Total sheep in wolf's clothing strategy.

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Savior complex? Idiot

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I agree 100% ... no way he took the pokes.

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So why wait until February to drop the files? If Musk were a “savior” (and he really has a God complex)...if he were a “savior” he’d already have a bullet in his head!

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Yes, to me Musk is a 21st century Howard Hughes.

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Funny when I went to like your comment, there were 17 likes already ha ha ha I still believe in queue too many coincidences for it to be a PSY op

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Hopefully, but at this point, I see it the other way. His reckless all-in pro jab Tweets before almost certainly cost more lives than any he might be saving now. I accept it as win, but I'm not convinced the motives are genuine.

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They don't need to be. Look at the numbers. How many millions who saw the Tweet, close to 17 million I think. It's the Snowball I am after. Not Elon Musk's conscience.

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Let's change course for a moment and calculate the consequences in human life that Trump's daughter, Ivanka, has been a Klaus Schwab WEF young leaders member since 2015. Could this have anything to do with Trump's continued promotion of the clot-shot?

- https://tinyurl.com/ttwsvv9h

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I don't know, but I don't trust Trump either. The last 3 years have revealed so much. Sadly, they have also taught us that where Power is concerned, it's smart to be suspicious of everything.

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It has always been prudent to distrust those “in power”.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Celia--Here's to snowballs!

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

In basketball that was a “pump fake”! Remember two years ago when the warped speed of that jab was ready coming from #45!! What did Joe & kamala said?!?! We won’t taking that jab from you, NOT SAFE! Now, lets see if the present administration will point the blame from #45!!

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

He most likely led more sheep to slaughter with his April 7th 2021 tweet than saved with his most recent. It now sounds like he doesn’t believe the science is unequivocal.

“ To be clear, I do support vaccines in general & covid vaccines specifically. The science is unequivocal.”

In very rare cases, there is an allergic reaction, but this is easily addressed with an EpiPen.


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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

No one can lead you if your not willing. Wake up

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Such poetic wisdom. Please elaborate

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We see other public figures reverse course and congratulate them for finally waking up. We might consider that Musk woke-up too until proven otherwise. After all, is side-effects happened after he bragged on the Vaxx. Changing his mind sounds reasonable.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Yes all well and good but I still contend the damage is done. No one is lining up now for the shot. His tweet in support, nearly two years ago, in the hay day certainly led many others to get injected.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I agree! People in high places are changing their tune AFTER the general public figured out the fraud. Too little, too late. Those who seem truly committed have been speaking out since before it was popular and before it was socially acceptable to do so. I’m always happy when people come around to the truth but I will remain suspicious of the motives of those who come out only when the gig is up.

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This event was probably a huge embarrassment to whorse-face - https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1614067718231314432/pu/vid/480x852/iyzm-boX2C4n6acw.mp4?tag=12

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RemovedJan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Musk's powerful, but momentary propaganda exposing vaccines is only a single battle won in a huge propaganda war. He knows he has to be likeable to sell his Neuralink project promoted as "brain enhancement". Just think. Eliminate the need for expensive University diplomas...who knows? He could see the unfolding and unstoppable Mengele mRNA disaster as a window to get volunteers to enlist in his brain-wiring clinical trials. What real harm could there be if Neuralink could allow people to stop being suspicious about government hoaxes and murders like the JFK assassination, the poison Jabs and the Fake moon landing.? The Sky's the limit. Including a chance at immortality with family discounts. Better than freezing heads. -- Consider joining Elon's neuralink clinical trials - https://neuralink.com/about/

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I agree on the saving lives part, but what if he'll destroy more lives by getting people to trust him. The damage may already been done with these injections. I do appreciate your sentiment though.

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I agree. I guess it comes down to whether Musk, like Twitter, is an Op. I think he is. He's also, as you imply, a megalomaniac and a totalitarian. Many more people see through Bill Gates now, but when you peel back the superficialities, the two men have much more in common than not. All that notwithstanding, I agree that chasing the "snowball" is worthwhile. The globalists and their deep state are playing with fire. They are not necessarily as in control as they'd like us to believe. A snowball of their own making that gets out of their control can still hurt them. Who knows. Just my two cents.

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Musk's powerful, but momentary propaganda exposing vaccines is only a single battle won in a huge propaganda war. He knows he has to be likeable to sell his Neuralink project promoted as "brain enhancement". Just think. Eliminate the need for expensive University diplomas...who knows? He could see the unfolding Mengele mRNA disaster as a window to get volunteers to enlist in his brain-wiring clinical trials. What real harm could there be if Neuralink could allow people to stop being suspicious about government hoaxes and murders like the JFK assassination, the poison Jabs and the Fake moon landing.? The Sky's the limit. Including a chance at immortality with family discounts. Better than freezing heads. -- Consider joining Elon's neuralink clinical trials - https://neuralink.com/about/

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RemovedJan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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I've never met anybody who says Elon Musk is their savior.

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So you think that by NOT tweeting what he did Musk could save more lives?

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I can't stand that guy...he was touting the jabs from the rooftops, now he's a "truth teller." He says he wants to protect the environment, yet dumps black carbon on the earth like a maniac. He and his satellite program must be stopped.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

You mean like the SPARS Pandemic paper from Johns Hopkins detailed a few years prior to covid? We’re at about page 50 now.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

But Johns Hopkins also released a paper stating that not only were lockdowns useless, they were harmful. I was really surprised, unless they want to get ahead of the lawsuits coming down the pike.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

One paper was years prior to covid and a “scenario”.

The other was just a wrap up after the fact.


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Elon didn't get the killshot and I don't even believe in electricity!!!

Just joking, just joking.

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You are an idiot.

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Great comment Catherine. I’m sure your family is proud

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deletedJan 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks. Wasn’t aware of that. Neuralink though does not lend itself to trust though

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Interesting....that dated article reveals the aspirations of Elon's controllers. Neuralink clinical trials are recently underway and rely on public trust and likeability of Musk, the techno front-man... a clear motive for liberating Twitter and trashing mRNA clot-shots. What will they have Elon do next? .... hmmmmm

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks Celia, as always. This *might* be organic, but some of us have been warning of the "vaccine rug pull" theory for some time.

Be careful, this may be yet another psyop. Reasons unknown (probably not unknown, I have my theories - Jacinda resigning is a massive red flag if you think about it) but I have been warning people about this for the last few weeks.

The theory goes that the idea is to suddenly pull the curtain back that the vaccines are deadly and to enrage people to the extent that they go full on 1776/1789. A period of Mad Max happens and then the Globalists have their pre-prepared plan to "solve" the crisis they created.

I don't fully buy into this theory but I think about everything to the greatest extent possible.

But ponder Ordo ab Chao. That's exactly what this would look like.

Just remember that Musk is NOT to be trusted in any way. There is a good reason I have given him the nickname "the Antichrist". He is 100% on "their" team and is there to act as a wolf to the sheep on our side. Do NOT be fooled.


I was writing a much longer comment but for some reason this got posted and the rest got deleted. No idea why.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I was writing about how it is likely Musk is an In-Q-Tel baby and a military industrial contractor and government teat sucker,

Clott Adam was not gracious in the slightest (as usual). He said his claims were on his scientific data and that everything the "anti-vaxxers" were basing their "opinions" on was "heuristics".

That is a massive insult. Fuck you Clott.

My data was based on the 2017 Moderna paper, that showed that the lipid nano particles did not stay in the arm and penetrated the blood/blrain barrier, leading to all kinds of damage to major organs and causing neurological diseases due to beta sheets.

My data was based on all previous coronavrirus vaccines, which all lead to antibody dependant enhancement in animal studies and had to be abandoned,

My data was based on the fact that all mRNA animal trials had been a disaster.

My data was based on papers BY THE FDA that stated quite clearly that the "vaccines" did NOT stop transmission or infection. Plus the absolute risk reduction. Plus the fact that the "pandemic" was over by March 2020 and that the virus was a moderate flu and so getting vaxxed for a disease with less than a 1% chance of killing me (that I had likely already had) was pointless.

So yeah, Clott, we are the "hueristicists", because we can actually find and read scientific papers and you are too dumb to not be able to do that (probably because you are a midwit who uses Google). Or you are an intel agency shill.

This guy can go and fuck himself. And so can Musk.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Another sub stack person told me to look up in Q tel. Holy F !

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Welcome to the Matrix.

It doesn't get any better from here, so only take the red pill if you want to. 😂

But congratulations, you got further than most people.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber


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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I agree that Musk can’t be trusted. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Be careful of what he says. Why are the curtains being pulled back now? Are the Twitter files part of the evil bastards plan?

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Great question:


Not a prediction, but I wouldn't be surprised if Fauci, Biden and Trump all get thrown under the bus. They are all old and everyone hates them.

The real perpetrators will get away with it all and still be there for the next round.

Covid was a US military operation/oligarch operation - I don't have time to show the evidence of what happened to the dissenters but several heads of state/presidents/prime ministers were murdered or bribed with IMF money to lockdown.

To answer your question, the "twitter files" will cherry pick the data they need to finger the suspects they want. It's all a massive distraction from reality.

Remember, we had: "the zoonotic theory", then the "wet market theory", then the "lab leak theory". All of them are psyops. The virus was circulating perhaps as early as July 2019, and there were probably multiple things they released.

Everything about Covid 19 is a military op and a psyop. Always remember this: signal to noise ratio.

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You're on the money with everything except the so-called virus. I encourage you to dig deeper there. I'll get you started....

(And to be clear, people were getting sick - just like they always do - nothing "novel" occurred here.... except perhaps more toxins introduced - Wuhan being one of the worst polluted cities in the world, and there are some interesting points made by researcher Whitney Webb about fentanyl suddenly blowing up and the parallels in symptoms & what it does to the body. Then there was the rollout of 5g in 2019/2020. And many many other things that happened to help "drive up the numbers" and even anecdotal evidence of "more people getting sick". Fear & stress also create disease....)

1st link is a very detailed video (with sources shown in the video, and some others in the comments)

2nd link is very detailed written research with plenty of source links provided.



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I fundamentally disagree with you based on my own empirical experiences, and I think this school of thinking is letting the bastards of the hook for the crimes they committed but I will say this, I think your side of the argument makes some very good points which I have considered and which actually support my arguments quite well.

For example, why did no-one purify the virus? Because you can't. The original virus could never have become a global "pandemic" because a coronavirus RNA virus is too unstable (this is why I think the sub-variant stuff is complete horseshit, it's sampling non-replication competent viral fragments in people's noses using a flawed PCR test to detect....literally nothing of importance).

Now, deliberately release a double-stranded DNA infectious clone (this could, admittedly all be bits of computer code rather than a "real virus", who knows) which breaks down into an RNA virus....

It's all conjecture but I do get the feeling that people on your side of the argument are right about quite a lot.

We know that Ralph Baric was creating infectious cDNA clones of MERS. This is well within the bounds of possibility.

There was no leak at Wuhan though. That is a definite psyop. We also know that Baric was experimenting with measles and coronavirus spike proteins as chimeric viri.

I have a lot of sympathy for your side because I think you are 100% correct about a lot of things, it's just I think things are far more complicated than you can imagine (but I thank you for your input because it makes a lot of things make a lot of sense).

Without wishing to be insulting, my friend is a Flat Earther, and although I can easily debunk almost everything he shows me, there are certain things (mostly based on NASA's photos of Earth over the decades) that clearly aren't right. There are anomalies I really can't explain.

I suppose the tl'dr is: I think HIV was a polio LAV that went wrong. I think AIDS doesn't exist. I can see that what we call "the flu" might in many cases be Vit D defficiency in Winter, although I also believe the flu is a real thing.

A year ago I would have called you a well-poisoning idiot, but now I can see why you think what you think, although I'm not convinced that the reasons you think what you think are valid.

I hope you don't find this offensive in any way. I'm open to all ideas and have genuinely thought through your position. I do think you are on to something, just maybe not for the reasons you think (or 99% of people think, what I am studying is like 1% of the population stuff, and very little of it is my own discovery - it's not like I'm claiming to be some kind of genius here, I just think a lot and I found a lot that answered a lot of my own question recently - whch would include a lot of YOUR questions as well).

Sorry for the rant, hope it made sense.

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A compromise position is "infectious viruses" are real- although many illnesses are actually due to something else- but the virus genomes are all fake and we simply don't have the technology to discern and sequence fully intact ones. It's also possible infectious viruses are a PSYOP ordered by the Powers That Be who control the scientific consensus. Global warming due to CO2 is fake and yet why do so many scientists "believe" in it? Simple- because they're paid to believe in it and they're just as susceptible to brainwashing as the rest of us.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

Infectious viruses are ABSOLUTELY NOT REAL! Please see the source material above. The onus of proof is on those making the claim - and the proof is severely lacking.... nevermind the fact that there are NEVER any controls in these experiments, or the fact that hundreds of experiments trying to prove contagion have all FAILED MISERABLY.

There are NO doubts on whether so-called "infectious viruses" exist if you actually take the time to look at the methods in these papers making the claim - in order for something to "exist", it must be able to be observed, characterized,, etc.. and that has NEVER happened. Its absurd to suggest otherwise. Stop believing what you are told and look into it yourself.

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Obviously you didn't bother looking at the source material above. So I won't bother giving a decent rebuttal, nor will I bother reading beyond the first sentence of your reply. You are relying solely on BELIEF and correlation - which DOES NOT equal causation.

People get sick. No one is denying that. But it certainly has never been shown WITH PROOF to be caused by so-called "viruses".

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

" won't bother giving a decent rebuttal, nor will I bother reading beyond the first sentence of your reply"

Zoomer detected. Sorry to hurt your feefees. "I won't bother reading your reply" is so basic bitch it's unreal. Been on reddit, dealt with your kind before, won't waste my mental energy. You are a buffoon.

Viruses exist and your flat earth bullshit psyop won''t work on me. Yes, there are a ton of problems with virology, everyone knows that. But you are an idiot who can't even argue in good faith. So get fucked.

I don't give a fuck what you think. Now fuck off. You are a child mentally.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Yep, theyre using various tactics to get their Great Reset. They dont care if its triggered by them, or by the people via civil war once they realize how fucked up everything is....

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Ukraine is a massive psyop (and I am not claiming that people aren't being killed). I have volunteered to help Ukrainian refugees, I sympathize with the people, they are just being fed into a political meat grinder like they have in every war for at least the last one hundred, or maybe, the last two hundred years.

I have stated very clearly throughout this Covid BS that Divide et Impera is the number one governing tool.

We now live in a society that is being distracted, and at each other's throats, because politicians no longer understand what a woman is, for example.

Meanwhile we allow our citizens to starve to death and allow limitless immigration, in the UK at least, in the lap of luxury - in four and five star hotels.

I have been talking about "anarcho-tyranny" for at least the last seven years. France, Germany, the UK, and the US are in a state of anarcho-tyranny. It's an alt-right term that describes a deliberate breakdown of society that allows criminals (from government ministers down to criminal gangs) to have anarchy, and makes the tax cattle into criminals for even minor offences.

I'm not "alt-right" in the slightest, but I recognized this because I work with a lot of regulated companies and could see how regulators would smash the little guy and let the big guys get away with the most insane crimes imaginable (e.g. the LIBOR scandal - what's a few trillion between friends, amiright?).

People *know* that everything is fucked up. Even normies see it, one way or another. My point is, it just needs a match and the whole thing blows up.

In early 2021 I was advocating for a 100% peaceful "Occupy Westminster" movement. I could see the danger of where we might be heading then. Everyone ignored me, which is unfortunate because I have a horrible track record of being right. I don't see how things are going to turn out well from here. I gave the world the Ghandi option. Now I see Ron Paul memes in our future.


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2021 - the year I learned the meaning of "Cassandra".

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They are all psyops

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Who the f--k is that woman from the WEF? They have NO standing to make ANY mandated "rules" for anybody, anywhere.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber


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Not from WEF but EC, although that may be interchangeable nowadays: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/commissioners/2019-2024/jourova_en

The dependable woman holds the EU reins tight:


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For about 1 month I was waking up with horrible stomach aches and feeling nauseous. I would walk to work while it was still dark and let the tears fall down my face. I asked God every day during these walks “what have we done? How will we survive this horror?” I believe this feeling came from the anticipation of what is happening now. I could feel the storm in my gut and now it’s here. I don’t feel like I’ve WON anything. I have what was always mine to begin with but I weep for the innocent victims, I just can’t be mad anymore.

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I have felt the same things. Going to work most days after fall of 20, was full of little shocks and agonies. I still have a lot of anger though. I wish I didn’t. I am still furious and gravely disappointed with many people I know. Underneath that is despair and regret that I didn’t do more and speak out more. Anger keeps me moving. I was never a properly social animal though. I am not able to have any good thoughts for the oligarchs who profit from this culling. Jesus or Siddhartha I am not. I will dig the graves and pray for the souls of the culled. But I will prepare other tools, not just shovels, for other tasks.

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Your faith is your strength, SS, and know that justice will come, and what happens here is miniscule and material compared to the glory of salvation from evil. 🙏🏽❤️🌎

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Greatest crime in world history.

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...the opium trade...

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Covid 19 began with the roll out of 5G in Wuhan.

Then it followed suit in Italy, Iran and so on.

If you don't know this by now I am asking


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I agree with you, thus it seems the unvaccinated are as susceptible to 5G as the vaccinated. What do you believe is the relationship between the vaccine and 5G or is there any? I believe they were developing a vaccine in the Wuhan Lab when the opportunity arose to give it to the population through a false pandemic. Fauci has always been obsessed with developing a universal vaccine-what a joke. I still have not made the connection with the vaccine and 5G, so many theories ...I would appreciate your thoughts.

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When radar and telegraphy were rolled out for WW1, the people being trained to use Morse code became very ill. To cover up the real root cause of the illness, a cocktail vaccine was quickly developed by the Rockefeller Institute and widely distributed to all US recruits who would be travelling to Europe to fight in the war. Lots of them died with multiple and various symptoms. Nobody suspected the radar and telegraphy. The only suspects were 'viruses' and the vaccines, which were later exported all over the world, causing more deaths than the two world wars combined.

The same thing is happening now. 5G is trashing the health of all living things. ALL LIVING THINGS not just human beings. The rushed vaccines are toxic and so they are blamed for all the strange symptoms. It worked for the Spanish flu, everyone was deceived. It is working again now.

People are easily distracted from truth.

All the predator class has to do is provide a plethora of possible theories, backed with provable suspicious activities, like those of Fauci..... and voila - NOBODY LOOKS IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

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I’m so sick over all this and no one I know feels as sick as me. My husband wants to block it out. I can’t take it anymore!! I really feel like I’m the only one who cares!!! I know it’s not true but in my world no one gives a shit. Thank God I can go in substack and release my anger😢😢😢

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Isiah 41:10

10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

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Love your work Celia, but im not gonna lie.... im tired of hearing about the Twatter files. First, its a garbage platform. Second, nothing has changed, and I dont expect anything will - there will be NO accountability regardless of what is released. Third, and perhaps MOST IMPORTANT, none of the information thats been released is "new" - most of us already had the receipts 2 years ago. This is just confirming shit we already knew.

Lastly, I'm tired of people propping up Elon Musk (I know you aren't, but I just wanted to end with this because its plastered on every platform every day, and far too many people have fallen for his "here to save the world" shtick) - he is absolutely NOT on "our side".... he is a limited hangout. Which I think should become quite obvious for anyone on Team-Elon, or anyone on the fence, when you realize all the so-called Twatter file drops are old news, there are far too many people still not allowed on Twitter, and he clearly bought that platform, not because he gives a shit about "free speech", but because IT HAS YOUR DATA (and he plans to make everyone verify their identity) and all of his companies are propelling the WEF's technocratic agenda.

I just hope everyone has realistic expectations for the so-called "Fauci-drop" (and why would he need to wait until February, just because his "lead researcher" can't travel until then? What a ridiculous excuse. He could easily send secure, encrypted files online 🙄 this is a blatant distraction). Ok that is all. Read the article below for more on why Musk is a limited hangout


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I didn't watch Scott's video - I find him loathsome (and his Dilbert comic brilliant) - but it seems just like him to tweet that the wackos won, instead of coming out and admitting HE was wrong.

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What did we win? Front row seats watching our fellow man Die Suddenly? We need compassion for those that took the jab.

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The “evil bastards” can’t hide this “Died Suddenly” much longer. I have to say watching all the videos in your article Celia made me ill. We all need compassion for the people suffering from the jab, and those who must be mentally suffering,wondering if the clot shot will injure them in the future. The internal conflict must weigh heavy on their minds. The evil bastards

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I would no sooner trust a Team Fauci MD than would Shark Week-educated Robert Shaw (Quint) put on a life jacket in “Jaws”.

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I don’t know what to believe anymore except my gut instinct to not comply with any of this insanity.

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> Americans are finding their children dead in their beds.

And this is the part of the play where the people that idiotically sacrificed their children to unnecessary medical experimentation will become enraged at the people that tried to warn them. Maybe not everybody but it's human nature.

We told them, so they knew. They have no excuse and, really, nobody to blame but themselves. If anything the people that warned them are the ones that should be angry at these people! But we just get to sit back and watch the disaster unfold.

This is one of those stories where everybody involved loses.

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Scott Adams, **there are no winners!** Those jabbed died or suffered serious side effects and more will most likely continue to die or suffer. Those caring for them are also deeply affected in more ways than one. And those who didn’t get jabbed, we lost our businesses or were forced to quit. We were hurled cruel words and treated badly. Suicide, substance/alcohol abuse, child abuse/sex trafficking, and depression all increased. Winners?!!!! **There are no winners**, only deep indescribable grief stemming from all those responsible for these crimes against humanity, and including those who remained silent and still remain silent for status/fame/money. I see you. We see you.

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PATIENT MAKES ANGRY VIDEO AFTER BIG VAXX DISABILITY - "Multiple blood clots in the lungs, ventricular tachycardia, vascular neuropathy." This is what your ‘safe’ vaccine has done to me.”


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yup. it's in the post. horrific.

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Did you know about this?

HHS using bribes to these organizations to shove the jab, and destroy truth or conversation.


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I think, as best I can tell, epidemiological studies indicate all-cause-mortality stayed on par throughout 2020 except in specific regions in the USA. These deaths coincided with policies and procedures used by state governments and hospital administrations.

The start up of the injection campaign saw rises in deaths which ebbed and flowed through 2021 - 2022.

If a person looks at the fatality rate after 30+ years of reporting vaccine injections, you'll note that these have always been harmful and for the most part (entirely?) useless in protecting a person from seasonal symptoms. A percentage of deaths occur.

Many of the people subjected to the injections at the start were the frail, elderly and those with comorbidity. This created the peak in deaths when injected with a concoction of metals and chemicals. If mRNA does exist (as advertised) at all, it requires a high level of quality assurance that likely cannot be attained if/when scaled up to billions of vials. In the process of multiple hand-offs and drive to produce warp speed numbers with no accountability of quality along the manufacturing work-flow, it's fair to say much of this stuff was contaminated, and much not even the label description fulfillment (virtually placebos, planned and unplanned).

Rather than think the injections are intended bio-weapons, the main purpose was to create a crisis of fear (which also contributed to deaths) and to shutdown so-called normal activity, including economic activity. In other words, given the history of injections, the number of people injected (particularly the most frail at the start) it was understood that a significant number would be significantly harmed, and many would die to achieve the shutdown through this military operation.

The goal was/is to reset the economic structure to meet a pressing system need to transition to a digital currency (erase unsustainable debt), away from Petro-dollar USD reserve. US has and continues to have a strategic goal of Full Spectrum Dominance. This is unceasing for decades.

I'm beginning to think that the WEF is a staged performance more than masters of the future. The US vis a vis Russia/Eurasia and China seem to be the real geo-political frontier.

At bottom, for me, it's civilization itself which is the impetus for all of this destruction.

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