In James Corbett’s stunning and typically well researched 3 part series “How BlackRock Conquered the World,” he basically concludes that beyond Gates, beyond Rockefellers, beyond banksters, beyond WEF, as the largest asset manager in the world handling trillions of dollars, BlackRock essentially controls the global economy which in turn controls most all aspects of a society.

Corbett explains that interlocking connections with Vanguard and State Street (next largest asset managers in the world) enables BlackRock to have strategic controlling interests in just about every corporation in the world and in just about every government in the world.

Economist Ellen Brown stated that there was only one entity that could force the world to lock down instantly and simultaneously in 2020 and that was BlackRock.

In 2020, in a no-bid contract (!) BlackRock was given charge of the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve. https://cosmoschronicle.com/blackrock-has-taken-over-the-us-treasury-and-federal-reserve-bank/

Real people make up Blackrock's Board of Directors. Realizing they had to walk their talk, today's Board is woke-diversified. But below was the 2020 BlackRock Board. The composition exemplifies the "fearsome vultures" (Elizabeth Nickson’s words) BlackRock's Board had always been since its founding.

Larry Fink

Robert Kapito

Robert Goldstein

Ben Golub

Gary Shedlin

Derek Stein

Mark Weidman

Mark Wiseman

Say their names. Make your own conclusions about BlackRock. Read James Corbett's report.


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In England, in the Middle Ages, Christians were barred from collecting interest on loans, because the Bishop of Rome had held that "Usury" was a sin. Jews weren't bound by this determination - because they weren't Christians. They were, however, considered property of the Kings of England. As such the King used the Jews to do the thing which he and his retinue could not - make loans with interest attaching. Around this time the concept from Jewish law, of the "Shetar", became incorporated into the common law. It allowed seizure of property, where they were the collateral on loans, or mortgaged properties, in event of non-payment and default.

As you might imagine this didn't help the popularity of the Jews in England. But the anger was misplaced. What they were doing, was acting on behalf of the Kings, and helping them to grow wealthy. The Kings were the silent partners in all of that.

I suspect deeply that the British Royals are still running the same kind of game. When lists of the World's wealthiest are put out - it feels like they're always omitted for some reason. Rather than a Rabbi being the hidden hand, it's more than likely the English Crown, and the 'Black Nobility' of Europe - who aren't Jewish themselves - though they appear frequently to be Zionists.

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You are mistaken that Christians were barred from collecting interest during the Medieval Ages. See, for example, the biography of Jacob Fuggers, a Christian, in "The Richest Man Who Ever Lived," by journalist Greg Steinmetz. Fuggers definitely charged interest, as did other Christian money lenders of that time.

See also Harvard's Rowan William Dorin's 2015 PhD thesis, "Banishing Usury: The Expulsion of Foreign Moneylenders in Medieval Europe, 1200-1450" https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/23845403

You are right that Kings were silent partners with the moneylenders and people's anger was as much against the titled class as the moneylenders.

For an excellent analysis decapitating the canard that Jews were forced into money lending in the Medieval era, see Andrew Joyce's scholarly "Reply to Danya Ruttenberg on Jews and Usury" published in an obscure web journal in 2018. [Alert: Ignore the bizarre photo that someone other than the author attached to Joyce's well documented work.] https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2018/11/16/reply-to-danya-ruttenberg-on-jews-and-usury/

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Great article there in reply to Ruttenberg's lies and fabrications.

Joyce's scholarly "Reply to Danya Ruttenberg on Jews and Usury" published in an obscure web journal in 2018.


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Right, it didn't help the popularity of Jews in England that they (i.e, their elites) were "used" by the kings to do what the kings couldn't; including or especially to their own.


Find it, at a somewhat affordable price. If you can.

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And WHO are the monarchs puppets to?

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You were cut-off. You never finished your sentence.

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What! Not a "Chinese" among them??

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But wait, I thought FAUX news told me China was taking over the world?

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I know. Isn't it something? In a similar vein, I think the authority on Truth, the New York Times, headlined that the WHO was scolding China for covering up raccoon turd, I mean really important stuff on how the greatest threat ever may have originated. But wait, doesn't China "control the WHO?" So, is part of its imperial strategy to scold itself?

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"So, is part of its imperial strategy to scold itself?" lol!

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Black Rock and Vanguard are pocket change compared to the wealth of the Vatican. The Vatican owns half the private real estate in America to begin with.

The Rothschilds are Vatican bankers according to the Encyclopedia Judaica.

Look at the educational backgrounds of the WEF and NWO movers and shakers and the heads of most of the devil's steering this global circus.

Sock puppets of Mystery Babylon the mistress of witchcrafts which deceiveth the nations by her sorceries.

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What do you mean by "The Vatican owns half the private real estate in America"? Is that related to Admiralty Law/Law of the Sea and Roman Civil law? I'm genuinely curious. I've listened to a number of alternative radio shows on Admiralty law and trust agreements and people have suggested that there are a number of legal tricks going on, such that we don't really own what we think we own. I've listened to a doctor who goes by the pseudonym "KL" on crrow777 radio who says that the early US govt never paid down the debt to the international bankers for the Revolutionary War and that they kept pushing it off in to the future. And that there have been other "resets" that we weren't even aware of (with "reset" referring to the restructuring of the debt) at key historical events, which is when the US govt would put up more of the nation as collateral (including us, apparently, with the Birth certificates). Anyway, this guy KL says it all has to do with Roman Civil Law--is that what you are talking about, or are you referring to something completely different?

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What good is a trust deed when they are staring down the barrel of a musket held by a starving patriot? Discard all the input and focus on the divinely inspired constitution. It is the only legal document standing in the way of the NWO and backed by truth and freedom will save us once again.

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It doesn't look like the Constitution is in operation any longer. I don't think the government abides by it at all. I think it is part of the deception.

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The Government has fallen. What we see is a stage play. The original document was an accident or once in a blue moon creation of a bunch of stoned millionaires and their pals, but that doesn't make it any less potent... like "Dark Side Of The Moon". It is a talisman against the dark arts. The NWO Fabian Fascist spell must be broken. Use the Force of light and love and big stick. Have mercy on the brainwashed masses but none for their tormentors.

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Yes, the US government has been captured, at least by 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act, if not sooner. I think the only way out of this nightmare is going to be a global revolution. The banking cartel has declared war on humanity- they want to reduce the population, perhaps all the way down to a billion, who will serve as slaves to them. These demonic psychopaths have been plotting against humanity for hundreds of years and they are not going to give up now.

Former Russian Military Intelligence Officer, Vladimir Kvachkov: 'Pandemic' is Planned Depopulation


(He says there is NO pandemic, this is a global strategic special operation, command exercises of the behind-the-scenes powers who want to control humanity. The goal of the behind-the-scenes financial powers is depopulation--he says it's their fixed idea, they want 1 billions of ordinary people left to serve about 100 million of them).

Book: "They Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency" http://newpeopleorder.com/

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I very much doubt the constitution is divinely inspired. I'm afraid that the other fella had more than a hand in its construction.

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fwiw- I recently stumbled on Mike Gaddy- he had an independent radio show on American history. He worked at UVA and got to read Jefferson's papers and basically says things are different than what we were told--that banker agents had a hand in the creation of that document. You can find some of his videos here:


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Thanks. I just watched one. I liked him.

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Take the bad with the good my friend. All is well. All is not darkness. That is what old moloch sells.

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I agree that all is not darkness. Nevertheless it is important that people understand the difference between the bible which *is* divinely inspired, and the constitution which is the work of man.

Confusing the two is definitely the work of the devil.

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The Jesuits were instrumental in the foundation of the United States. Our so-called freedoms are a ruse so that the Catholic church could eventually dominate the American economy, government, and military. Washington is in the lap of Rome.

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They may have been set up as a ruse but USA has become the best place to rock it on Earth, at least it was for a little while. Folks still risk their lives to get here illegally. Why? Because the Constitution rocks. Read it. Tell me it isn't evident. But yea, it's gone for now until we prop it back up.

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I mean they own half the private land in America. The Vatican is wealthy beyond our imagination.

Their Jesuit order rules the global banking system.

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If a claim like this is made, then perhaps some proof would be helpful.

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They probably own more than half today. The half figure is from 40 years ago. Avro Manhattan, a Knight of Malta and THE authority on Vatican politics and Edmond Paris both discuss the wealth, power, and corruption in the Holy See. Their books are almost impossible to find other than online archives.

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Vatican Bank.

Pedofilia ring.

The Inquisition.

The Vatican archives.

Involvement with CERN.

The Crusades.


The invention of Roman Catholicism .

Nazi Ties in WWII.

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Your right about some of it. The rest - well, no.

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Yes. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

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This is why we can't have nice things!!!!

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There are followers of Jesus Christ and then there are those deny and denigrate him. Those who denigrate him have established further hatred of him. It is undeniable what the Palestinians have endured in the open air prison allowed by the united nations. Ask yourself why this brutality and genocide continues and the global MSM will not speak of it. We live in a creation of fictional people and groups and categories. So, I say this. There is no such thing as a Jew, Catholic or Muslim. Those that the world calls Jews are impersonators of the biblical tribe of Judea. The scofield reference bible deceived the world with misinterpretations and outright lies. The world is a corporation labeled "The Crown". The birth certificate changes us from a natural born child of God to a citizen commoner subject of The Crown. This is factual and undeniable. We live in the Crown Corps creation of lies and deception. We know now that there is a global open genocide happening. All the royalty of the world is related. US presidents are all related. Hollywood and everyone that we see in movies all over the world are related to this bloodline. First and foremost, this is a ruling bloodline conspiracy. Secondly, those who call themselves Jews and the positions that they occupy are undeniable in this world. Not because they are better than the gentiles, but because they have been setup as impersonators of the biblical chosen. All modern-day religions are a creation of man and are all shit and one of the biggest scams ever. The current pope is a mason and he hates Jesus Christ openly by his actions and words. Most of the people that identify as jews today are atheist. We and all of those throughout history have been deceived by organizations that hate Jesus Christ and Christ-like values. Today they huddle in Private Membership Associations (PMA's) that are not public but private. People that call themselves Catholics today and go to organized religious structures are not followers of Christ but anti-christ. Modern day Jewry is not the biblical chosen, just impersonators to get all the spoils. Certain groups are attacking and killing those who call themselves Christians and Catholics as part of an agenda. The world is full of anti-christs and this is one of the biggest reasons everything is going to shit. Fuck all houses of worship created by man and never go to them again. Your personal church and relationship with the most high God is what you create in your private life behind closed doors. Fuck the Pope.

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"All modern-day religions are a creation of man ..." All religions, not just modern-day ones . But that is because religion, as well as art, are the two most powerful entities we have to deal with the tragedy and unfathomable nature of our existence. They offer what I once heard called "a solution for that which has no solution." The totalitarians understand this and they, through their religion/ideology offer answers to the same yearnings in the human heart. Evil answers, but that resonate with our evil inclination. As Bob Dylan said over 40 years ago, "Gotta serve somebody."

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The real solution is the most coveted secret of the ages. The engine that drives the occult priests that administer to the servants of Darkness. The secret that is openly shared by the Hermits to their acolytes. The secret that is inverted and sold to the hungry masses. The secret that is so obvious that the dark magicians have spent millennia subverting in the pursuit of total mastery of the masses. As Above so Below, as below so Above. All is Mind, Matter is Mind. Mind is Matter. Mind is Universe. Keep both in your eyes, serve the light and all will be well.

It is those that have been illuminated that have become Earths most dangerous foes. They are drunk on their knowledge and power but forever stymied by the forces of Nature and truth. That's why the path of light always eventually wins out. The higher planes rule the lower. Stay frosty my friends. Stand in the light. Get a tan and smile.

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Yes it appears that all of the Abrahamic organized religions are doing the work of Moloch. WHO is Moloch you might wonder?

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Your net needs to be much, much wider. Blinders such as these we don't even put on horses.

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WOW! You laid it out precisely right!!! Kudos!

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This is like Kanye's recent observations, except in his case I sense no malice, just faulty context which a broader education could fix. Now we could have gone over the major screenplay writers in early Hollywood and not found any names akin to these above. And would that have meant that there was some broad societal/religious/cultural purpose to explain it? Some might say so. Not I. And by the way, I don't believe Black Rock has any nukes or a navy yet. The WEF and its fawning chumminess with Chairman Xi and (until his scripted, but likely temporary exit to the 'wings') Putin to me points to a far greater peril than the one, all decked out in 21st-century armchair musings. I do not doubt a confluence of interests; the attacks come from every direction as befits well planned, deadly serious warfare. Eventually (if we're here to see it) the guys with the real muscle will dine upon their one time USEFUL idiots (We never stress the adjective enough) in Davos and elsewhere.

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Duh? Again?

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Is that the Larry fink of the twin towers insurance fraud?

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No, that was Lucky Larry Silverstein.

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Thanks the name sounds apt

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Gosh you do enter delicate territory! I respect that; And your authentic, inquiring content.

It's a shame atheism and socialism have come to be lumped in the same category. As a lifelong student of early Buddhism, that is, the Tripitaka, the earliest canonical works of the historical Buddha, this contemporary conversation can be seen through an entirely different lens. Was the buddha an atheist, a non theist? The short and simple answer is, yes. His teachings on cultivating awareness (sati), equanimity (upekhha) and compassion (karuna) are in no way connected to or contingent upon any belief in any deity. Does that qualify then as atheistic? Probably. But that's missing the point. It's just that in regards to developing these universal human qualities, from

the Buddhist perspective, theism is not required. The Buddha's teachings are not explicitly atheistic; theism is neither a requirement for or disqualification from practicing the dharma. Indeed today, people from many different religious backgrounds, believing in their different version of theism, also simultaneously practice the dharma, the Buddha's universal, non-theistic teachings. It is true that the Buddha was often critical of the theists of his time, but that was not in advocacy of atheism. I could go on, but my pasta is on the stove! Suffice to say, I know many many wonderful non theists who are deeply connected to the soul of the universe and are in no way advocates of the emptiness of the corrupted Davos Man we see painfully manifest today.

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Thank you for that! I never have been able to classify my religion Some people feel comfortable with anthropomorphic reference but I feel it is often a trap I have this theory about the concept of nothing being responsible for the world phenomenon of the relinquishing of the gift of personal responsibility However no one seems to share this thought Excuse me please if I am being out of order mentioning this to you but your reply to Celia got me thinking

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Beautifully said.

After all said and done (raised a liberal Christian, early adopter of Vedic-based meditation, late-life seeking truth again in the Orthodox church) the "God" I relate to best is AA's "Higher Power." No mythical martyr needed. Only a Great, Loving Intelligence. That's good enough for me.

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Atheists make good "useful idiots" and are to be pitied and prayed for, but committed socialists/communists deserve our contempt. I read Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Bukovsky and all of Diana West's works years ago but only added The Devil's Chessboard last month and am currently (finally) reading Creature from Jekyll Island. I never imagined the size of that red pill and find myself gagging on every nauseating mouthful.

On the bright side, God has already won this war.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7

"Those who love God HATE evil." Psalm 97:10

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In communication there is always partial misunderstanding. That is what my college speech professor said. I believed him.

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Dale that's golden.

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How could there not be? Every word (except "word") is a metaphor; we speak in acoustical pictures, but no one can see the picture that our mind attaches to them.

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You're completely right.

The atheists and socialists want to build heaven here on earth. At least this is what they tell themselves.

Religious people know that us humans are not up to that, that it will end in disaster every time, and that the only heaven to be found is after death.

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The dominating forces may want to create heaven on earth for themselves but that seems to mean making hell on earth for everyone else. Everything is being inverted. That is satanism.

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they know hiding behind image of charity/humanity helps them in their con manipulating the masses

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It is appealing to want to ban the ‘hate mongers’ or ‘lunatics’ but….

As Evelyn Beatrice Hall, paraphrasing Voltaire, said: “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. If we are against the censorship that is applied by the MSM, we should not condone it anywhere! Also not in a blog. Matters of dissent can only be discussed when out in the open and not banned.

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I agree....

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Interesting that it is the most secular Jews who beat the drums most loudly about anti-Semitism. Observant Jews - Zev Zelenko comes to mind - have no problems and throw no accusations.

I recently posted about the strident crusades against anti-Semitism in a magazine edited by a former acquaintance - who was living comfortably with a goy when I knew her. Go figure.


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Let me begin by labelling myself a Marxist Libertarian. I don't normally label myself but in order to understand what I'm about to say, a label is required to comprehend the backstory.

The vast majority of the populace neither comprehends what a Marxist is, let alone a Marxist Libertarian. Furthermore, the vast majority of people comprehend neither socialism nor communism. The vast majority of people can't even eloquently describe what a woman is (Matt Walsh's documentary). I just said that to underscore how deeply ignorant most people are with regard to even simple concepts.

Academic Marxists have terms like "actually existing communism" and "actually existing socialism" to differentiate between what we've experienced in the past/present as opposed to what those economic systems/ideologies would become in the future, through evolution of the concept.

For example, my parents escaped Hungary in 1956 during a revolution against the Soviet power structure that dominated their lives and prevented them from engaging in democratic outcomes. Contrast that experience with that of my husband who grew up in Hungary post-revolution during what was called "Goulash Communism", a period where everyone had a free home, a job, a summer home, vacations, free public transit, free post secondary schooling and free healthcare. The basics were covered and the vast majority of the populace were equal (with the exception of the corrupt politicians, of course, but they were a minority!) Funny, right? My parents leave their homeland due to authoritarian struggle in 1956, and my husband grows up afterwards in a system where everyone is pretty much equal and gets all their basic needs met. What a paradox!!!

Now to the question of what is a Marxist Libertarian? We are people who believe that Democracy in the workplace (as well as in private space) is the best way to represent the electorate, and that capital accumulation is unnecessary if everyone has their basic needs met. For example, social housing in Vienna is a great example of how the state can subsidize (or not) the living spaces for middle to lower income earners who need to rent. We don't ban private homes or private capital accumulation for those that are wealthy. We just say to those that are privately wealthy, go ahead do your thing! It doesn't affect us because we have jobs, homes, education, healthcare and social structures. We're good! (Please google social housing in Vienna. It's quite remarkable.)

There are a myriad of academics and scientists who've studied capitalism in order to understand marxism. I'm one of them. Communism was the end-goal. It never happened anywhere. Yes, the various political parties called themselves Communists but they never achieved the end-goal of Communism. Communism is the most democratic economic and social system. However, it was never allowed to blossom into full-fledged Communism because too many sharks in the sea devoured its very foundational goals. (Namely the US.)

Stalin was a mass murderer. Hitler was a mass murderer. Mao was a mass murderer. Let's not conflate these three (plus more!) mass murderers and suggest that the economic/social paradigm of "Communism" was a bad idea. If you've studied it as long as I have, and your family lived under it, one would hope that you understand the nuances, the historical differences, the propaganda, and the fact that we've *never* had a proper Communist country on this earth as we believe to know it. Never happened. It was a complete fabrication of the term "Communist". The Democrats call themselves "Liberal" (actually, they're Neo-liberal, anything but liberal). The Republicans call themselves "Conservative" (actually, they spend as much public money on non-essential things like war as the Democrats do -- hardly "conservative"). "Communist" was just a label, that never evolved into the egalitarian society that its founders envisioned.

I hope we can continue this discussion forward. I can't wait to get your book that I ordered. Should be out shortly! Cheers, Celia, and thanks for listening (if you read this).

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One aspect of the situation in Austria as published by Independent in their online format on February 1, 2022:

'A national coronavirus vaccine mandate has come into force in Austria, with the unjabbed facing large fines if they refuse to comply.

The new law, which applies to all over-18s except pregnant women and those who are medically exempt, makes Austria the first country in Europe to compel all its adult citizens to be immunised against Covid-19. Other nations including Germany could soon follow suit.

People living in Austria face penalties of up to €3,600 (£3,000) if they do not receive the necessary shots. The government has acknowledged that the measure is not universally popular, as sizeable anti-vaxx protests continue. But it insists the step is needed in the interests of public health.

Karoline Edtstadler, Austria’s constitution minister, said she and her colleagues understand “it is really a strong step and really hard measure".

"We as politicians, have the responsibility to be sure that the healthcare system is still working, that society, as a whole, can live normally," she added.'

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It's quite clear that people in power have no basis in understanding neither how RNA viruses work nor how the adaptive immune system works. Bullocks.

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Sophia, that law was indeed on the table (no doubt to pressure the populace), but withdrawn. A mandate to vaccinate the general population was never enforced in Austria.

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Thank goodness. Thank you!

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I have a friend there and I was very worried for him, so I know firsthand xox

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Woah. Austria is not a socialist society. It's a capitalistic society.

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I stand corrected, Kati. I just revised my comment. Thank you. I am looking for the place online that commented on a goal towards socialism currently happening in Austria but most likely that goal is from a particular group within and not reflective of the all of the political parties in the country.

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Mar 18, 2023Edited
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Communists deny the existence of human nature (as they exploit it).

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FOUND THIS at the 21 minute mark on the jewish part of operation paperclip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkvM_1_fDuE Prof Hamamoto.... and of course Ford wrote his researched books and coined the term 'International Jew' so he refers to just a sliver not a blanket accusation

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The only problem I found in that post was the use of "atheist" when it should be Luciferian.

It really is a death cult we face, atheism is part of their cover.

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Um, I'm an atheist. I don't condone a "death cult", and I certainly don't condone atheism as a part of a covert war against believers. That's pure nonsense.

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Well, it's like being an "anti-vaxxer" out there in the big normal world, I guess.

It seems we cannot escape labels and their, false, detrimental, unfair, untrue and sometimes downright ridiculous assumptions.

No matter what side of the current battle we are on.

Good and evil are no respecters of faith, belief, gender, age, nationality, religious practice, education, culture, intelligence, political ideology/dogma, or whether or not you own a television and eat junk food.

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There's huge difference between militant atheists, those who use their self-imagined superiority as a cudgel against believers of any stripe (and who DO believe in some superior power, just not the one they feel themselves at war with, and the person who finds himself an atheist by default, because he cannot muster any faith in a power above him. Even this second category is vulnerable to smugness and consequently moving into the first category. The person, however, who his entire life continues to strive for belief in and access to a power above himself, call it what one might, may technically be an atheist, or he may go back and forth (for, after all, "believe" is a verb which means one can take the action or not, and the conditions for its activation may vary.). Personally I find this active struggle phase wholly admirable but rare. I feel it ought to be part of every religious person's psyche as well, for pat, comfortable belief is an indicator of indolence, an enemy of everything good.

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Context Kati.

I was speaking of Celia's aforementioned reference, not the general public.

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Celia, thank you for raising these very important and provocative discussion topics. I value your sharing your thoughts, feelings and observations!! I think you might appreciate the beautifully formulated request for a religious exemption from the covid shot requirement that a vastly spiritual, principled, courageous and loving friend of mine submitted to the community college where she teaches. Since she doesn't refer to God or any organized religion, they denied it right off the bat, but she persisted and eventually got it. Her students love her classes. https://babsislivingsystemsexplorations.substack.com/p/invitation-to-an-accomodation-for

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Dear Celia,

I have to give vent to my vexation at your comments on atheism, socialism and Judaeo-Christian values.

Where I am coming from: At seventy I have spent all my life considering these issues and I have a right to voice my verdict. Christianity is the worst thing which has happened to me. For others it will be communism, and for others having been tricked by transhumanists or Satanists into taking poison. Some have found their salvation in belief much as some swear by the benefits of a particular diet. I have banished the word God from my vocabulary, but you are free to have one divinity, or three for that matter, just understand that imposing this talk on me is a provocation. I imagine I speak for many others here, especially in secular Europe, where I am at home. Belief in God without prayer, worship and much else is empty rhetoric, falsehood avoided by atheists (who may be devoted to Truth and Freedom).

Because someone is averse to Christianity does not imply even remotely that they endorse anything from the vilains you mention. On the contrary, most Christians seem to have sided with the “measures,” and many enthusiastically so. Why you should wish to associate yourself with Christian rather than Enlightenment values is a mystery. Christianity is a damaged brand.

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" imposing this talk on me is a provocation" ...? Since when are words freely chosen to be read imposed? How strange. And then the language of threatening, not even veiled: "a provocation." A provocation to what? Finally, and this is of a different nature, I would say all human endeavors are "damaged brands." They are informed by us which guarantees defectiveness. So the opposition between "damaged" Christianity and anything else human seems illusory.

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I thought you were crystal clear in your first post but thank you for caring so much about everybody that you took the time to rewrite it! There is so much opposition to goodness in the world. I do believe we have to not only uphold it but protect it. Thank you.

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Certainly, a desire to subjugate humanity requires a rejection of the authority of any divinity.

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I agree, to simply blame "the Jews" is a gross overgeneralization. Many of the criminals running the show are Jewish, but even more of them are not.

What they all have in common is a sociopathic contempt for "the little people".

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You don't have to be sorry for anything. It's your Substack. If someone takes "offense" then they can stop reading. When did people become so thin skinned? Toughen up, buttercups.

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