There have been a large number of mind-stunning revelations over the last two years. Each time we hope or even know that "this one will fell the beast", and yet the beast strides on. Or appears to stride on.

Maybe 15 years ago I read a little book by a French thinker (Emmanuel Todd) on the imminent collapse of the US empire. He had predicted Russia's/communism's collapse 20 years ahead of that event. What remains in my mind from the book is a metaphor he used to depict the US as a once honourable and powerful sailor become old and cumbersome, alcoholic, addicted to bar-room brawls. The sailor's reputation allows him to get away with repeated misdemeanours but as time wears on it becomes increasingly apparent that he isn't worthy of that reputation any more. I think we're in the end phase of that decline; the sailor is now a laughing stock, almost pathetic, but sadly well armed and funded so still has friends (though of diminishing loyalty).

The Hunter Biden laptop has been Out There for quite a while, as has information on the stolen 2020 election, as has incriminating data on Fauci's multiple crimes, as on the vaccines' inefficacy and harmfulness, and so on. It is impossible to keep up with it all. But the giant momentum of Western Civilisation means it can still motor on mortally wounded, yet seem healthy enough to those who need to see it that way. But it IS mortally wounded and gushing its gory riches every which way.

Power attracts the power hungry. Love of money (power) is the root of all evil, of corruption. Has humanity acquired sufficient cultural wisdom to address these issues? I strongly believe this wisdom is in us, both individually and across all cultures. It's going to be a matter of picking that wisdom out and focusing on it as what we were once certain of collapses around us.

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Is the beast insatiable? It’s maddening to think of the extent of violence and deceit that seems to go unaccounted. I have faith that one day the truth about many things will be revealed. Perhaps I am naively optimistic.

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"Is the beast insatiable?" I think it is defined (partly) by that quality; evil is in a sense that which cannot be satiated, only redeemed by its penitence into some other thing or form. I listen often to Jonathan Pageau on YouTube. He talks often of how the Antichrist cannot help but serve Christ in the end. The perversion that evil is, despite its best efforts, cannot stay forever perverted and perverting; the healthier more loving way must win out in the end. It's how balance rediscovers itself, I suppose.

And I think these sorts of observation help to some degree when struggling with the pain you describe in your second sentence, the sort of pain that comes from witnessing evil and not being able to do anything about it but watch on.

In other words: I share your faith and naive optimism. There's much more strength in those things than we might think!

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Mar 27, 2022
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The money has all been stolen and moved off-shore. See Catherine Austin Fitts (https://www.bitchute.com/video/VddGaCa3Tjle/ and elsewhere). 9/11 and COVID were expressly intended to cover that up . . .

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This is an excellent interview with Fitts. Thank you!

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Thanks for this, Celia. Another interview is available here: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/expert-reveals-contents-of-hunter-bidens-laptop-in-shocking-interview/. This is utterly damning evidence of criminality and outright treason on the part of the Biden family.

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The Biden Crime Family.

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Been up since 5 going through this stuff….holy crap. PLEASE let this be a nail in one of their coffins!!!

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I've been doing some digging on this as well. Here is what I found -


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Metabiota. The Military Industrial Congressional Medical Complex is all around us

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I am glad you have referred to the Congressional bit that got crossed out of Eisenhower´s MIC speech draft. Aptly adding Medical amplifies the scope of damage the world has suffered from.

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Bio-Labs in Ukraine were not a secret!

July 8, 2021: https://archive.ph/jTKJZ

1st Area Medical Laboratory Soldiers train with Ukrainian military doctors

KYIV, Ukraine – Soldiers from the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland-based 1st Area Medical Laboratory and the Fort Detrick, Maryland-based U.S. Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases trained with Ukrainian military medical professionals last month.

Six 1st AML Soldiers and a USAMRIID Soldier deployed to the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv from June 3 – 18.

Maj. Jangwoo Lee, the 1st AML chief of Endemic Disease and Biological Warfare Assessment, said the American Soldiers supported the establishment of a Ukraine Ministry of Defense Biological Mobile Diagnostics Unit.

Article continues

James Corbett. Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare


June 17, 2020: How will WWIII be fought?


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After reading this a few days ago

I predeicted BidenHo will be forced to step down and resign within ten days

Maybe another week since I said that a few days ago

Sadly that then leaves us ScKamala

Does this explain bideho biggest push for war crime? War is still a crime, folks

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Celia, I just converted to a paid subscription. I would love to hear you in a live interview on Mike Church’s radio show.

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Thank you Will. I am not quite ready to appear as any kind of authority. Seriously. I am still wool-gathering. There are a few things I can speak to. I'm generally happy to do any interview so long as I am clear what we will talk about as I don't want to speak outside my knowledge. If anybody wants to invite me on a show, I have to route them through my assistant, Dylan. Dylan is my memory. After certain events in 2020-2021, I no longer had connective time-space memory. I forget things from moment to moment. (Ice baths helped but I stopped doing them when it got too cold this winter.) Anyway, the address is: dylanharnettwork@protonmail.com.

The people here are so important to me. I'm just SLOW, like a turtle. I am presently about two years behind on emails... But still have plans to catch up one by one.

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Perhaps trying out a shorter event could provide an indication whether podcasts would be a suitable thing for you. I know it is not for everyone.

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Thank you Castigator. I'm incredibly slow. But doing more talk-related things is something I intend to move toward. I appreciate the encouragement!

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LOL, a "science project"...

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Mar 27, 2022Edited
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It’s uncanny that two of his children are drug addicts and both abandoned laptops with damming evidence in the public realm. His at a repair shop and hers with a roommate?

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When I was in rehab every single person there was abused in one way or another. Usually by a family member

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And add this to the mix: https://nypost.com/2022/03/28/madison-cawthorn-says-dc-is-orgy-filled-cocaine-fueled/ There's a long history of political cover-ups involving pedophilia so these statements should surprise no one.

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They don’t. I delved into the Franklin Cover-up 3 years ago.

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Mar 27, 2022
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Also, last but not least, how.

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Mar 27, 2022
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Doesn't matter. The emails, as I said, speak for themselves. The paper is just a vessel.

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