"At Last, I See A Leader Who Stands Up For The Wee Things, The Tadpoles and The Fish and The Birds and The Soil Microbes, And The Salt Of The Earth People…" By Emily Peyton
Same here. You summed up my feelings a lot better than I can. It is really thoughtful and I was nodding my head in agreement as I was reading it. Although I am English and will not be able to vote. I would vote for him if I could.
Dear Celia, I DO worry about your head exploding from the pressure of all the heinous acts you know about and have brought to light! You are one of the rare ones who have a unique calling to keep standing up, after more knock downs than most will ever experience. That's what I call heroic. Only an open heart, a discerning mind and a steady resort to spiritual sustenance can buoy such a life's work.
Your writing is such a blend of left-brained command of information and right-brained creative expressiveness, and courageous from-the-heart self revelation---just, thank you and know that there must be many besides myself that pray for your well being and safety.
Upon reading your comments on RFK Jr., prior to introducing Emily's letter, the word "statesman" popped into my mind---how long has it been since anyone has used that word in reference to any person in the political arena? No politicians today earn that title, but Mr. Kennedy grew up in that tradition and is a shining example of deep intelligence, commitment to what is right (yes, there IS a right and wrong, despite the current all-out attempt to erase that distinction), and the very human and vulnerable heart that must support his dedication to his good work all these decades.
I also love the stream of consciousness style of writing of this piece, which feels natural and honest, so be easy on yourself!
Keep it as is. Rest. We are going to need you for the work ahead. You are in healing mode right now, too. Celia. Love your voice. Inspired by your resilience and courage. You keep getting back on the surf board. Thank you for showing us so we can, too. Hope springs eternal with such devotion, spirit, Faith.
Don't change a thing. What you have written is tightly woven. I hope it calls upon the fibers in others to see that giving in to the powers against us will certainly defeat us. We definitely need more than hope.
Not weird or disjointed Celia; you meandered through decades of despair - introduced me to heroes I never knew (including one that flew). Every word perfectly placed. Thank you.
I think Christine died from a broken heart, a year after Eliza Jane - or perhaps it was from some CIA 'quiet weapon' that none of us could envision or recognize.
But Robin lives on. And I hear that Charley has grown into manhood - happy and healthy, in spite of those losses - never taking their poisons, or succumbing to the lies and the narrative. The future is always a fresh canvas, waiting for us to draw, whatever it is that we need to see.
I like it. Even as it is. What you have here is an interesting collage that is like a detailed painting of a famous battlefield. Like Gettysburg, or El Cid, or the Russian peasants who just kept coming and dying, but to finally drive Hitler's Operation Barbarossa out of their land. You see the heroes and warriors highlighted, as each are rising and falling along the battle lines. They are now immortal in this painting, in a memorial that only someone like you, who lived through this, could have recorded and rendered historically.
Beyond the carnage in the background, you see the new wave of resistance coming. Their king may not be perfect, or certain to win, but he is THERE for his people, and ready to die in the fight.
Perhaps we can call this collage painting. "The Turning Point?"
I wouldn't change a thing, it's brilliant. Garland Nixon feels the same way, and constantly doubts himself, but you're both doing fantastic work. Just as Bobby is, RFK For President!
I appreciate the feedback. I have been known to destroy writings. Feelings of shame when subjects you were supposed to repress for all time and forever break through.
I have shame thinking back a few years, when a wikipedia entry calling someone an AIDS "denialist" was all I needed to dismiss them completely. OK, perhaps wikipedia isn't fully trustworthy, I thought at the time, but denying AIDS is just too much. Someone I dearly loved passed away from (or with) AIDS.
It's so clear now that wikipedia is a disgusting propaganda machine that perhaps only gets right basic info like the size of lakes or names of stars. I've seen what they've done to the covid heroes. And you more than anyone, Celia, have helped me see that there's so much more to the HIV story than I'd thought. I have yet to go deep enough to really understand, but I see that #TheScience knows no bounds of what it can lie about.
A meticulous and self-critical writer - which I perceive you to be - may occasionally, very occasionally, let an infelicitous phrase slip through. But it is harder to recognize that moment when substance truly triumphs over form.
Celia you have not lost the war, on the contrary your voices are heard even though the grumble is almost not audible. But in the stillness, at the center of the storm, the wailing of truth will emerge.
I don't believe for a second you're a quitter, you were the un or fortunate one to be chosen here at this time. God is always in your heart, lean on him in times of despair.
God bless you, also, dear Michael. Imagine how our words can devastate or uplift, it's so easy to do either. In my life review when I die, I will have words I will have to experience how they affected the other person. We all will. I wonder if this is purgatory. Decades of thinking anger was "understandable."
Keep reaching for the light, Celia. When you see a crack in the darkness, reach for it and widen it. Thank you for your modeling of this, and reminders of hope.🙏
Trump is in the middle of taking down the deep state and nothing can interfere with that till it is finished. I love what I have seen of RFK these last few years but not as president now and not as a Dem
I believe Trump wants to take down the deep state .. I've grown to respect him recently ... but if he had anywhere near the integrity of Kennedy, he would have stood firm about early treatment and negative effects of lockdowns, would never have spoken of Warp Speed as a good thing, or if he did, would deeply apologize.
Kennedy would be a warrior for every place there's a corrupt industrial complex - military, pharma, censorship, telecom, false solutions to environmental problems ...
He's the furthest thing from what the Dem party has become. But he has some of the ideals they speak of now with massive hypocrisy. To not vote because of party makes no sense, at this urgent point.
Please, folks not registered as Dems - register as Dems for this purpose. Change it again as soon as you've voted for Kennedy., This truly is a once in a lifetime chance.
Focus on the Republicans and Libertarians. I found support from the edges when the Dems rejected me for being anti war in 08 in my run for US Senate. The corruption was even worse in another race I ran in 2016 as a Bernie candidate, and was still done by Clinton Dem types who stopped the effort to end superdelegates system. Bernie folded though and ended up supporting her!
They have destroyed the credibility of the party, and longtime Dems are leaving due to this rampant fraudulent activity I witnessed in the Maine Dem Party- who were given the Clinton National playbook.
I think the only chance to avoid the DNC sabotaging it is to overwhelm with numbers that overcome the multiple levels of election rigging they'll try to do, from media lies to DNC tactics to ballots and machines. They didn't expect Trump to overcome it, and he did.
In the primary, current Dems (most, not all), may be too brainwashed still to see the good in him - especially if someone like Gavin Gruesome runs, who, unlike Biden, can say all the popular words in complete sentences.
If there's a big push for Republicans, Independents, Libertarians to change parties and then change back, that may bring up the numbers a lot.
And unlike Bernie, Kennedy won't fold to the DNC, he will expose their dirty tricks every step of the way.
As I write this I see how naive it may be. Of course the system is rigged. Of course they would do everything possible to thwart him.
But so many more have woken up since covid. The broad group Kennedy can inspire can have tremendous power. I just hope people can see through the media's bullshit.
I'm currently independent but will register as Dem so I can vote for Bobby in the primaries. I love the idea of Catherine Fitts as VP!
I think Trump's moment is over, and I'm ready to move on. He inspired a massive movement of patriotism and prevented Hillary. For that I will be forever grateful!
I'm moved by your memories of the war and by the open leter of Emily.
I also happen to love pigeons and doves. I used to have ringneck doves. What beautiful birds
It was so funny to watch them having a shower! We used a bottle with holes where the water trickled down in large drops. They love water. And sand. But no on the same hour.
And doves hate snakes and anything that looks like a snake, like a ballpoint pen or a twig.
Great animals.
One reflection about hope, for everyone here: Kennedy will say that global warming is real and CO2 is evil and all the rest of the lies. He has to say that.
But he knows the big companies always bet on both sides of an issue. Bayer/Monsanto pays fines, and they also get public money from many other things. Everyone is more or less forced to buy stuff from them. They always win, don't they?
That's why the structure was created, to recoup fines and to externalize the damge. All injuries would be paid with public money, not the company's money. It's a huge racket, global, created by lawyers, who become millionaires without producing anything, and by enabling chaos everywhere.
Kennedy, a Lawyer, knows all that better than most people.
Eventually, it would be great if he comes down swinging a telling it like it is: the problem of petrol is not CO2 at all, that's actually very good.
But everyone has to be patient. He can only say the truth when he has enough supporters already on board. Then they cannot pretend they are not listening anymore.
In his natal chart, Kennedy has Saturn and Mars in Scorpio. I think that's good for persuading people. (January 17th, 1954, Washington D.C.)
And Neptune (associated with poisons and pollution, and fraud) is important in his chart.
I think Kennedy can dissolve many spells and illusions that many people live under. I don't know if he can unify, but he is clearly a professional. He knows the art and craft of leading multitdes.
But don't put hope in Kennedy. Place your hope in the idea that many people are going to be confronted with their own errors, and will be given the opportunity to own them.
Don't expect victory, expect doubt.
Doubting is healthy when one is under a spell.
Remember: Always attack the left from the left and the right from the right.
You all may be well past left and right, but the people victims of mind control are deep in that hole. They need a gentle invitation to come out.
I repeat: Always attack the left from the left and the right from the right.
In war, in education, in public debt, in pollution, in vaccines, in everything.
He seems to have the integrity, and the humility, to admit it when he is wrong, like he did with the childhood vaccines. Maybe he can do the same with some of the other leftist nonsense. I hope you're right about him. Do you know if there is a transcript of his speech available? I have significant hearing loss, so videos and podcasts are useless to me, but I would love to read his speech.
I hope the Kennedy campaign will acknowledge the reality that much of what members of the Democrat support is what brought us to this point in time. Republicans are little better but he's running as a Democrat.
Beautifully written. RFK Jr. is a ray of hope, but would he be martyred as were his dad and uncle attempting to save people unworthy of saving? Nonetheless, I have a dream ticket: RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard.
He would probably fill the whole cabinet with truly good people ... maybe Dr Peter McCullough in a health related position. . . The DNC will probably refuse to have debates this time.
From a somewhat remote point of view (Netherlands): I don't see Trump as the devil incarnate (an opinion which tells us more about the cross-fire of propaganda moves at the time than about mr. Trump himself), but mr. Kennedy unites by RAISING the moral & intellectual standards of his mass audiences.
But even when I was more left-leaning - no: when I was less aware of the ways the left indulged in corrupt comfort zones for itself, while treating its (former) base as deplorables - I truly admired the way Trump in June 2019 delicately ignored the ceremonial playbook and defused the North-Korean threat (or was it a would-be threat? even then it was brilliant...).
That hazardous action alone spoke for his gut intelligence, if that's a word; still, he is lacking in substance, historical knowledge, and the depth of reason such as Americans had grown unaccostumed to for decades - which is why Trump succumbed to the Fauci gang; plus the insidious appeal to his 'lower angels' (or boyish preference) with phrases like 'warp speed'... I don't think he lacked the will or the courage to go against the establishment; he lacked the insight.
Dont ever forget, Jesus Christ was scourged and nailed to a cross for speaking the truth and throwing the money lenders (ie bankers) out of the Temple… WE are STILL alive and fighting! The enemy is desperately pedaling their discredited stock to Billions of people who have had an awakening in the last 3 years and no longer believe a word they say,,
Wake up people.....Kennedy is NOT what we need!!! I posted this yesterday and I'll post it again.
“Let’s be honest. The NRA is as responsible for the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas child murders as if they pulled the trigger. The NRA has turned the 2nd Amendment into a suicide pact for our children. When do we deal with the NRA?”
- RFK Jr., 2018..
Seriously now.. Does that sound like someone who believes in the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution?.. And NO.. Kennedy has NOT modified his opinion regarding the private ownership of firearms, nor the culpability of those who would defend the 2nd Amendment.. Pro climate change, pro abortion, pro taxation, pro marxism. Vaccines?? He is on the right side. All else??? Study up folks! Even blind pigs find acorns on occasion, so please, let’s not be fooled by this PIG…..
I propose we don't treat differences of opinion (in this particular arena) as occasions for calling opponents sleepwalkers, which is a bad (but necessary) habit from the covid-era that we need to make short shrift with (although the establisment insists on prolonging that era).
Don't say 'wake up people'. Say 'I disagree, and here's why....'
Although I must confess to a bias here, being European. The whole fire-arms thing never appealed to me, and it still doesn't. As to Russ D's argument above: Kennedy emphasizes an ABUSE of the 2nd amendment, does he not?
NO, it is "WAKE UP"!!!! Most Americans don't do any research on candidates. They only listen to what our LYING media tells them and never research the candidates history.
Every human being has a right to protect themselves and we Constitutional American's believe in our 2nd Amendment. Gun control is a front for the advancement of the socialist agenda. Giving in to the idea that guns are dangerous concedes to the notion that it is better to let some lowlife steal your property, rape your wife, and beat you half to death than it is to expedite his passage into the next world.
Yes, got it, thank you Russ. I agree with your recommenatkion to read up on things yourself.
Oh and 'wake up' was a good battle cry in 2020and 2021 - over here as well. But I can't believe people are asleep - that is to say, they've made a choice by now... nameiy the wrong one; but a choice nonetheless..
As for guns: if I proudly owned my father's weapon. and some petty tyrant would wrest it from me, yes - then you'd be right. But it's not applicable to me - given cultural context (I don't live under the US/Canadian Constitution) and personal feelings (manliness has nothing to do with it). .
Just getting to the end of RFK's announcement speech. I really want to like this guy. Really. But for him to say we got involved in Ukraine because we are good and compassionate, he's either lying or hopelessly naive. For a guy who sees corporate and bureaucratic corruption so clearly, it seems odd that he doesn't see political corruption when it's right in front of him.
He was being analytical. Perhaps a bit political as well; but remember he made several points on the Ukraine topic; the only other thing he could have said is that the US is a schizoid country: both more noble and more evil than most other countries.
Which is what I heard Meryl Nass say (in a conversation with Vera Sharav & Tessa Lena); and it rang true to me.
(But I may have overdosed on James Baldwin's books.)
Maybe this piece is too weird and disjointed, It's several pieces mashed into one. I might take it down and re-write it. But not tonight.
I loved it. I honestly would not change a thing! But, that’s just my opinion.
Same here. You summed up my feelings a lot better than I can. It is really thoughtful and I was nodding my head in agreement as I was reading it. Although I am English and will not be able to vote. I would vote for him if I could.
Dear Celia, I DO worry about your head exploding from the pressure of all the heinous acts you know about and have brought to light! You are one of the rare ones who have a unique calling to keep standing up, after more knock downs than most will ever experience. That's what I call heroic. Only an open heart, a discerning mind and a steady resort to spiritual sustenance can buoy such a life's work.
Your writing is such a blend of left-brained command of information and right-brained creative expressiveness, and courageous from-the-heart self revelation---just, thank you and know that there must be many besides myself that pray for your well being and safety.
Upon reading your comments on RFK Jr., prior to introducing Emily's letter, the word "statesman" popped into my mind---how long has it been since anyone has used that word in reference to any person in the political arena? No politicians today earn that title, but Mr. Kennedy grew up in that tradition and is a shining example of deep intelligence, commitment to what is right (yes, there IS a right and wrong, despite the current all-out attempt to erase that distinction), and the very human and vulnerable heart that must support his dedication to his good work all these decades.
I also love the stream of consciousness style of writing of this piece, which feels natural and honest, so be easy on yourself!
Keep it as is. Rest. We are going to need you for the work ahead. You are in healing mode right now, too. Celia. Love your voice. Inspired by your resilience and courage. You keep getting back on the surf board. Thank you for showing us so we can, too. Hope springs eternal with such devotion, spirit, Faith.
Don't change a thing. What you have written is tightly woven. I hope it calls upon the fibers in others to see that giving in to the powers against us will certainly defeat us. We definitely need more than hope.
It's perfect and beautiful just the way you wrote it, from the heart.
Not weird or disjointed Celia; you meandered through decades of despair - introduced me to heroes I never knew (including one that flew). Every word perfectly placed. Thank you.
I think Christine died from a broken heart, a year after Eliza Jane - or perhaps it was from some CIA 'quiet weapon' that none of us could envision or recognize.
But Robin lives on. And I hear that Charley has grown into manhood - happy and healthy, in spite of those losses - never taking their poisons, or succumbing to the lies and the narrative. The future is always a fresh canvas, waiting for us to draw, whatever it is that we need to see.
I like it. Even as it is. What you have here is an interesting collage that is like a detailed painting of a famous battlefield. Like Gettysburg, or El Cid, or the Russian peasants who just kept coming and dying, but to finally drive Hitler's Operation Barbarossa out of their land. You see the heroes and warriors highlighted, as each are rising and falling along the battle lines. They are now immortal in this painting, in a memorial that only someone like you, who lived through this, could have recorded and rendered historically.
Beyond the carnage in the background, you see the new wave of resistance coming. Their king may not be perfect, or certain to win, but he is THERE for his people, and ready to die in the fight.
Perhaps we can call this collage painting. "The Turning Point?"
Of course it was a patchwork of several pieces, but why should that be bothersome? It was a good read.
maybe just let it be.
I wouldn't change a thing, it's brilliant. Garland Nixon feels the same way, and constantly doubts himself, but you're both doing fantastic work. Just as Bobby is, RFK For President!
I appreciate the feedback. I have been known to destroy writings. Feelings of shame when subjects you were supposed to repress for all time and forever break through.
I have shame thinking back a few years, when a wikipedia entry calling someone an AIDS "denialist" was all I needed to dismiss them completely. OK, perhaps wikipedia isn't fully trustworthy, I thought at the time, but denying AIDS is just too much. Someone I dearly loved passed away from (or with) AIDS.
It's so clear now that wikipedia is a disgusting propaganda machine that perhaps only gets right basic info like the size of lakes or names of stars. I've seen what they've done to the covid heroes. And you more than anyone, Celia, have helped me see that there's so much more to the HIV story than I'd thought. I have yet to go deep enough to really understand, but I see that #TheScience knows no bounds of what it can lie about.
Thank you ...
PLEASE don't touch a hair on its beautiful head, Celia. It's glorious and perfect. I'm so with you every inch of the way...
Thank you 🙏 it’s great!
A meticulous and self-critical writer - which I perceive you to be - may occasionally, very occasionally, let an infelicitous phrase slip through. But it is harder to recognize that moment when substance truly triumphs over form.
Celia you have not lost the war, on the contrary your voices are heard even though the grumble is almost not audible. But in the stillness, at the center of the storm, the wailing of truth will emerge.
I don't believe for a second you're a quitter, you were the un or fortunate one to be chosen here at this time. God is always in your heart, lean on him in times of despair.
God Bless you my dear Celia.
God bless you, also, dear Michael. Imagine how our words can devastate or uplift, it's so easy to do either. In my life review when I die, I will have words I will have to experience how they affected the other person. We all will. I wonder if this is purgatory. Decades of thinking anger was "understandable."
Satan uses sugar! I see that now.
Nobody in the medical freddom community writes quite like you do, Celia. You are our literary star.
That is so kind! :)
Keep reaching for the light, Celia. When you see a crack in the darkness, reach for it and widen it. Thank you for your modeling of this, and reminders of hope.🙏
Trump is in the middle of taking down the deep state and nothing can interfere with that till it is finished. I love what I have seen of RFK these last few years but not as president now and not as a Dem
I believe Trump wants to take down the deep state .. I've grown to respect him recently ... but if he had anywhere near the integrity of Kennedy, he would have stood firm about early treatment and negative effects of lockdowns, would never have spoken of Warp Speed as a good thing, or if he did, would deeply apologize.
Kennedy would be a warrior for every place there's a corrupt industrial complex - military, pharma, censorship, telecom, false solutions to environmental problems ...
He's the furthest thing from what the Dem party has become. But he has some of the ideals they speak of now with massive hypocrisy. To not vote because of party makes no sense, at this urgent point.
Please, folks not registered as Dems - register as Dems for this purpose. Change it again as soon as you've voted for Kennedy., This truly is a once in a lifetime chance.
Very good point. It's such an unexpected thing in one's lifetime. How can we avoid having the DNC sabotage it?
Focus on the Republicans and Libertarians. I found support from the edges when the Dems rejected me for being anti war in 08 in my run for US Senate. The corruption was even worse in another race I ran in 2016 as a Bernie candidate, and was still done by Clinton Dem types who stopped the effort to end superdelegates system. Bernie folded though and ended up supporting her!
They have destroyed the credibility of the party, and longtime Dems are leaving due to this rampant fraudulent activity I witnessed in the Maine Dem Party- who were given the Clinton National playbook.
I think the only chance to avoid the DNC sabotaging it is to overwhelm with numbers that overcome the multiple levels of election rigging they'll try to do, from media lies to DNC tactics to ballots and machines. They didn't expect Trump to overcome it, and he did.
In the primary, current Dems (most, not all), may be too brainwashed still to see the good in him - especially if someone like Gavin Gruesome runs, who, unlike Biden, can say all the popular words in complete sentences.
If there's a big push for Republicans, Independents, Libertarians to change parties and then change back, that may bring up the numbers a lot.
And unlike Bernie, Kennedy won't fold to the DNC, he will expose their dirty tricks every step of the way.
As I write this I see how naive it may be. Of course the system is rigged. Of course they would do everything possible to thwart him.
But so many more have woken up since covid. The broad group Kennedy can inspire can have tremendous power. I just hope people can see through the media's bullshit.
A robust write-in campaign?
I'm currently independent but will register as Dem so I can vote for Bobby in the primaries. I love the idea of Catherine Fitts as VP!
I think Trump's moment is over, and I'm ready to move on. He inspired a massive movement of patriotism and prevented Hillary. For that I will be forever grateful!
Did you see what he was up against? No other could have withstood it!
Wonderful post.
I'm moved by your memories of the war and by the open leter of Emily.
I also happen to love pigeons and doves. I used to have ringneck doves. What beautiful birds
It was so funny to watch them having a shower! We used a bottle with holes where the water trickled down in large drops. They love water. And sand. But no on the same hour.
And doves hate snakes and anything that looks like a snake, like a ballpoint pen or a twig.
Great animals.
One reflection about hope, for everyone here: Kennedy will say that global warming is real and CO2 is evil and all the rest of the lies. He has to say that.
But he knows the big companies always bet on both sides of an issue. Bayer/Monsanto pays fines, and they also get public money from many other things. Everyone is more or less forced to buy stuff from them. They always win, don't they?
That's why the structure was created, to recoup fines and to externalize the damge. All injuries would be paid with public money, not the company's money. It's a huge racket, global, created by lawyers, who become millionaires without producing anything, and by enabling chaos everywhere.
Kennedy, a Lawyer, knows all that better than most people.
Eventually, it would be great if he comes down swinging a telling it like it is: the problem of petrol is not CO2 at all, that's actually very good.
But everyone has to be patient. He can only say the truth when he has enough supporters already on board. Then they cannot pretend they are not listening anymore.
In his natal chart, Kennedy has Saturn and Mars in Scorpio. I think that's good for persuading people. (January 17th, 1954, Washington D.C.)
And Neptune (associated with poisons and pollution, and fraud) is important in his chart.
I think Kennedy can dissolve many spells and illusions that many people live under. I don't know if he can unify, but he is clearly a professional. He knows the art and craft of leading multitdes.
But don't put hope in Kennedy. Place your hope in the idea that many people are going to be confronted with their own errors, and will be given the opportunity to own them.
Don't expect victory, expect doubt.
Doubting is healthy when one is under a spell.
Remember: Always attack the left from the left and the right from the right.
You all may be well past left and right, but the people victims of mind control are deep in that hole. They need a gentle invitation to come out.
I repeat: Always attack the left from the left and the right from the right.
In war, in education, in public debt, in pollution, in vaccines, in everything.
Very interesting.
And I love your passage about pigeons and doves.
(that's a dove emoji)
He seems to have the integrity, and the humility, to admit it when he is wrong, like he did with the childhood vaccines. Maybe he can do the same with some of the other leftist nonsense. I hope you're right about him. Do you know if there is a transcript of his speech available? I have significant hearing loss, so videos and podcasts are useless to me, but I would love to read his speech.
Reuters YouTube stream has the speech and you could turn on closed captioning to read along. Cheers!
Thank you!
There's a transcript you can read along with on YouTube. Click on more under the video, then click on transcript.
Thank you 🙂
I hope the Kennedy campaign will acknowledge the reality that much of what members of the Democrat support is what brought us to this point in time. Republicans are little better but he's running as a Democrat.
RFK Jr for President
Rand Paul for Vice President
Catherine Austin Fitts for VP. No one wants someone like her, who knows banks, to become the President. Best life insurance ever.
WhaT a brilliant idea.
Trump for President. RFK for VP
I have a video of Ron coming up. It's very dear.
Beautifully written. RFK Jr. is a ray of hope, but would he be martyred as were his dad and uncle attempting to save people unworthy of saving? Nonetheless, I have a dream ticket: RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard.
RFK Jr. and Catherine Austin Fitts 2024.
He would probably fill the whole cabinet with truly good people ... maybe Dr Peter McCullough in a health related position. . . The DNC will probably refuse to have debates this time.
Wouldn't we want Fitts as Secretary of the Treasury?
Treasury reports to the Executive...
From a somewhat remote point of view (Netherlands): I don't see Trump as the devil incarnate (an opinion which tells us more about the cross-fire of propaganda moves at the time than about mr. Trump himself), but mr. Kennedy unites by RAISING the moral & intellectual standards of his mass audiences.
But even when I was more left-leaning - no: when I was less aware of the ways the left indulged in corrupt comfort zones for itself, while treating its (former) base as deplorables - I truly admired the way Trump in June 2019 delicately ignored the ceremonial playbook and defused the North-Korean threat (or was it a would-be threat? even then it was brilliant...).
That hazardous action alone spoke for his gut intelligence, if that's a word; still, he is lacking in substance, historical knowledge, and the depth of reason such as Americans had grown unaccostumed to for decades - which is why Trump succumbed to the Fauci gang; plus the insidious appeal to his 'lower angels' (or boyish preference) with phrases like 'warp speed'... I don't think he lacked the will or the courage to go against the establishment; he lacked the insight.
Plausible and well said, thank you.
Not a deal killer.
Celia - you have an amazing gift in the way you pour your heart into words. Keep on trucking - the promise land is starting to appear on the horizon.
Thank you Jeff. I still want to talk to you. It's been crazy busy for a while but will settle down now I hope.
Yes - much to discuss. Missed seeing you in Boston but you’re coming to NJ in a couple of weeks for CHD launch and we’ll get together then.
Dont ever forget, Jesus Christ was scourged and nailed to a cross for speaking the truth and throwing the money lenders (ie bankers) out of the Temple… WE are STILL alive and fighting! The enemy is desperately pedaling their discredited stock to Billions of people who have had an awakening in the last 3 years and no longer believe a word they say,,
Just beautiful Celia, the letter and your essay both from the heart, from the grief💜💔💜
Celia, I love your writing style!
Monumentally impressive
Free-thinking thinkers , please, reunite against the stinking brown darkness !
Wake up people.....Kennedy is NOT what we need!!! I posted this yesterday and I'll post it again.
“Let’s be honest. The NRA is as responsible for the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas child murders as if they pulled the trigger. The NRA has turned the 2nd Amendment into a suicide pact for our children. When do we deal with the NRA?”
- RFK Jr., 2018..
Seriously now.. Does that sound like someone who believes in the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution?.. And NO.. Kennedy has NOT modified his opinion regarding the private ownership of firearms, nor the culpability of those who would defend the 2nd Amendment.. Pro climate change, pro abortion, pro taxation, pro marxism. Vaccines?? He is on the right side. All else??? Study up folks! Even blind pigs find acorns on occasion, so please, let’s not be fooled by this PIG…..
I propose we don't treat differences of opinion (in this particular arena) as occasions for calling opponents sleepwalkers, which is a bad (but necessary) habit from the covid-era that we need to make short shrift with (although the establisment insists on prolonging that era).
Don't say 'wake up people'. Say 'I disagree, and here's why....'
Although I must confess to a bias here, being European. The whole fire-arms thing never appealed to me, and it still doesn't. As to Russ D's argument above: Kennedy emphasizes an ABUSE of the 2nd amendment, does he not?
NO, it is "WAKE UP"!!!! Most Americans don't do any research on candidates. They only listen to what our LYING media tells them and never research the candidates history.
Every human being has a right to protect themselves and we Constitutional American's believe in our 2nd Amendment. Gun control is a front for the advancement of the socialist agenda. Giving in to the idea that guns are dangerous concedes to the notion that it is better to let some lowlife steal your property, rape your wife, and beat you half to death than it is to expedite his passage into the next world.
An armed man is a citizen
An unarmed man is a subject
Yes, got it, thank you Russ. I agree with your recommenatkion to read up on things yourself.
Oh and 'wake up' was a good battle cry in 2020and 2021 - over here as well. But I can't believe people are asleep - that is to say, they've made a choice by now... nameiy the wrong one; but a choice nonetheless..
As for guns: if I proudly owned my father's weapon. and some petty tyrant would wrest it from me, yes - then you'd be right. But it's not applicable to me - given cultural context (I don't live under the US/Canadian Constitution) and personal feelings (manliness has nothing to do with it). .
Just getting to the end of RFK's announcement speech. I really want to like this guy. Really. But for him to say we got involved in Ukraine because we are good and compassionate, he's either lying or hopelessly naive. For a guy who sees corporate and bureaucratic corruption so clearly, it seems odd that he doesn't see political corruption when it's right in front of him.
He was being analytical. Perhaps a bit political as well; but remember he made several points on the Ukraine topic; the only other thing he could have said is that the US is a schizoid country: both more noble and more evil than most other countries.
Which is what I heard Meryl Nass say (in a conversation with Vera Sharav & Tessa Lena); and it rang true to me.
(But I may have overdosed on James Baldwin's books.)