Seems as if more pieces are falling. We only get to learn what they allow us to know. Certainly there’s much more going on underneath the surface - maybe it’s best that we don’t know. Those at the top are almost all slimy and dark. I hope they receive proper punishment.
In addition to giving mucho denero to Ukriane (?) and being a Globalist banker, was Draghi also trying to impose "green new deal" energy quotas on the Italian citizens -- in addition to, I'm assuming covid lockdown and vaccine tyranny?
The majority of Italian citizens want president Mattarella to accept (not reject) Draghi's July-14 resignation, correct?
Wikipedia: "On 14 July 2022, the populist M5S [Five Star Movement] revoked the support to the government regarding a decree concerning economic stimulus to contrast the energy crisis. On the same day, despite having largely won the confidence vote, Draghi officially announced his resignation as prime minister. However, the resignation was rejected by president Mattarella."
Side note: I remember first hearing about the Five Star Movement in Italy pre-COVID tyranny -- in the context that they were anti- childhood vaccine tyranny -- though, on the wikipedia page for the Five Star Movement, there's no mention of anti-vaccine at all -- either childhood or COVID
Wikipedia ( "Ideated as a post-ideological movement, the M5S has been described as populist, anti-establishment, environmentalist, and has been compared to the anti-austerity movement in Spain, Pirate parties, and Occupy Wall Street. The M5S has also been described as a New Right and right-wing party. From 2014 to 2019, the M5S supported some right-wing policies, especially on immigration, despite its promotion of policies advocated by the Italian left-wing, such as a basic income and green-inspired policies; the M5S has been described as anti-globalist, anti-immigration, Eurosceptic, and pro-Russian. Its members stress that the M5S is not a party but a movement, and the five stars in the name and logo are a reference to five key issues for the party, among them the common good, integral ecology, social justice, technological innovation, and a green economy. The M5S has promoted e-democracy, direct democracy, the principle of 'zero-cost politics', degrowth, and nonviolence."
Happy to see Greg Reese mention you again.. I hope it's brought attention to your substack and your well informed take on what's going on. You have known and faced this corrupt evil bunch more than most and earlier than most! You really are the warrior one C! I don't believe the replacements will manage the narrative, as Greg Reese points out they are looking for patsys and those that are even more stupid to just go along with it but the Great Reject has momentum and all their alarmist propoganda is now just being ignored. People are fed up of being frightened and I think are more aware than before they were lied to. Of course a war is the most frightening but we are already in it - I hear they are going to put the vaxx poison in the air? Dr Lee Merrit advises we all take Ivermectin, hydroxychlorquine and Chlorine Dioxide as profolactics. (apologies for spelling mistakes) and drinking our first morning urine (diluted) as a way to combat all of the bio weapons they will be throwing at us.
the WEF guys can eat bugs...
Seems as if more pieces are falling. We only get to learn what they allow us to know. Certainly there’s much more going on underneath the surface - maybe it’s best that we don’t know. Those at the top are almost all slimy and dark. I hope they receive proper punishment.
In addition to giving mucho denero to Ukriane (?) and being a Globalist banker, was Draghi also trying to impose "green new deal" energy quotas on the Italian citizens -- in addition to, I'm assuming covid lockdown and vaccine tyranny?
The majority of Italian citizens want president Mattarella to accept (not reject) Draghi's July-14 resignation, correct?
Wikipedia: "On 14 July 2022, the populist M5S [Five Star Movement] revoked the support to the government regarding a decree concerning economic stimulus to contrast the energy crisis. On the same day, despite having largely won the confidence vote, Draghi officially announced his resignation as prime minister. However, the resignation was rejected by president Mattarella."
Side note: I remember first hearing about the Five Star Movement in Italy pre-COVID tyranny -- in the context that they were anti- childhood vaccine tyranny -- though, on the wikipedia page for the Five Star Movement, there's no mention of anti-vaccine at all -- either childhood or COVID
Wikipedia ( "Ideated as a post-ideological movement, the M5S has been described as populist, anti-establishment, environmentalist, and has been compared to the anti-austerity movement in Spain, Pirate parties, and Occupy Wall Street. The M5S has also been described as a New Right and right-wing party. From 2014 to 2019, the M5S supported some right-wing policies, especially on immigration, despite its promotion of policies advocated by the Italian left-wing, such as a basic income and green-inspired policies; the M5S has been described as anti-globalist, anti-immigration, Eurosceptic, and pro-Russian. Its members stress that the M5S is not a party but a movement, and the five stars in the name and logo are a reference to five key issues for the party, among them the common good, integral ecology, social justice, technological innovation, and a green economy. The M5S has promoted e-democracy, direct democracy, the principle of 'zero-cost politics', degrowth, and nonviolence."
Italy won!? Almost?
Another “central banker” who thinks they own the people and their money..
Happy to see Greg Reese mention you again.. I hope it's brought attention to your substack and your well informed take on what's going on. You have known and faced this corrupt evil bunch more than most and earlier than most! You really are the warrior one C! I don't believe the replacements will manage the narrative, as Greg Reese points out they are looking for patsys and those that are even more stupid to just go along with it but the Great Reject has momentum and all their alarmist propoganda is now just being ignored. People are fed up of being frightened and I think are more aware than before they were lied to. Of course a war is the most frightening but we are already in it - I hear they are going to put the vaxx poison in the air? Dr Lee Merrit advises we all take Ivermectin, hydroxychlorquine and Chlorine Dioxide as profolactics. (apologies for spelling mistakes) and drinking our first morning urine (diluted) as a way to combat all of the bio weapons they will be throwing at us.