Celia, I appreciate you immensely. I miss the 24 hour Zoomers. At 75 and way too limited $, I feel compelled to support you. I mention your name as often as possible. The paywalls I hope will increase your ability to reach more people. There are maybe a very few on a short list of which you are on that I think speak TRUTH without personal motives. Please anyone with the means support this writer. Praying.

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Something stinks.... Why is Stella Assange writing in her Substack that she is desperate for $520,000 to pay off a debt for the private jet used to transport Julian hither and thither?

This saga is not ending, is it? We were milked for our sympathy and now our spare pennies are to be sucked out of our economy to pay for cleaning up this dirty tricks soap opera?


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Yes it's odd.

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No contingency is a Little White-Haired-Boy too far.

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He chose to ride on the tiger when he was first busted for internet hacking.

He had a choice of a big bill, or play the part of the whistleblower guru.

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Interesting question. What jet owner lets anyone rack up a half million $ debt?

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Apparently the Australian government arranged the flight and demands reimbursement. Assange arrived at US court in Northern Mariana Islands: https://youtu.be/8PP5iaGoI14?si=OUar3friKM57zyRb

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Next up: '' Assange arrested for nonpayment of jet bill! ''

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Will Julian be billed for the time of Mr. Rudd?

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Assange is a controlled asset. He is a Limited Hangout and a 911 gatekeeper.

He is the go-to messiah for the forces of CHAOS.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Sure…I’m guessing you can back this up with evidence?

Lol…Assange decided to put his life on hold for 15 years and be held in a maximum security prison because he’s working for the MAN.


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I think the Establishment's "message" - "Don't try to expose us or THIS is what will happen to you" - had already been sent and received. And Assange will never receive real "justice."


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Pleeeeeease! he's a fucking shyill.

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Thanks to Judge Nap for clearly explaining why Julian Assange committed no crime, and cited previous cases to prove it! I, too, am ecstatic and furious at the same time.

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Question: Where was Assange and Wikilies on the scamdemic and the vaccines?

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Thanks for posting. I hope he gets off the CIA location alive.

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Arrrrrrrgh! ...................Assange is a shill.....ARRRRRRRRRGH!

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Shoo, little troll! Shoo!

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Tell the kids what Assange and Wikilies said about the Covid Scamdemic and 911 little fool.

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I haven't been able to confirm my suspicion yet, but I suspect Assange (and his wife Stella) is precisely the type of old school Leftist who is anti-Israel/pro-"Palestinian" -- which would be ironic, given that 90% of the famous & semi-famous Alt-Pundits who support him are themselves ardently, irrationally pro-Israel.

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Thanks for this video!

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Interesting when a journalist or whistleblower from the alternative media tells the truth, you get jailed. When the lamestream media script readers knowingly LIE all day long EVERY day on tv, you get a raise and a new contract. Its backwards...

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Very good news. The lowlifes that went after Julian should be tarred and feathered.

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Thank you for sending this out. Much appreciated.

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