Australian Government Has Rescinded Order To Doctors Against Speaking Truth About Covid—Also, Fink, Burla, Musk Monarch Signaling, and How The New WEF Fetisch of "Compliance" Was Seeded In…
You Guessed It: "HIV/AIDS." The Germinating Field For Everything Ghastly, Now Upon Us
Postscript Update: SusieJoy Barry was angered at the lack of clarity in this post so I have now put in clarifying short sentences as subheads, in haste:
This part of the post is about a relaxing of tyranny in Australia:
Clip here with a flake of what appears to be “good news.” Maybe they’re letting it all go, who knows.
Australia by the numbers.
More seemingly good news for the resistance:
The list of elected officials signing their names to pulling Covid shots from the “market.”
Now we move to how the opposition is sounding, always with them—unchanged
Here I seek to describe what I hear as “fractal” language of the elites, also Monarch programmed language, meaning you can’t know what is being communicated and it lacks “there-there.”
Larry Fink babbling “fractal” or now I would say “Monarch” about declining birthrates around the world and “hope.”
Bourla getting excited by the “compliance” potential of microchips people swallow in capsule form, activated by their stomach acid.
Elon getting excited by the potential to “turn someone into a frigging butterfly if you want, with the right DNA sequence.” [End of clip.]
That’s not Monarch-ish at all. And shows no sign of sorcery fetish!
And Alex Jones…was right.
Here the post descends into me trying to identify my tormentors as the originators of all the things we are all now living with, which previously was contained the “the AIDS thing.” It was the same people. By “Druidic religion” I mean that HIV/AIDS AND Covid AND LGBTQ are all emerging One New World “Religion” taking shape. After this point I see no need to clarify anything, it’s written more straightforwardly.
I want to make a very important point: “COMPLIANCE” as a “thing,” as an arm of the new Druidic religion, came from AIDS.
AIDS was the crucible for so many of these revolutionary, NWO, creepy notions—I should make a list.
What came from HIV/AIDS Cult? This is a partial and very insufficient list:
1. Never test new poisons for “safety” or “efficacy.” Make everything an “emergency.” An emotional typhoon. Make FDA safety testing a thing of primitive vanquished civilizations. (ACT UP Peter Staley et al) (Please read this one if you can spare the time.)
“Health” through poisons that you can never take enough of.
‘Testing” as the oracle of “health.” “Surrogate markers.” (HIV Tests, Viral Load tests…) No body is healthy until many numbers line up. NUMEROLOGY as the new “medicine.” Health exported out of human body onto computers. Fear driving markets. No small business.
Crushing anybody in media who challenges any of the above. Calling journalism, free science, all free discourse “Deniers” and “dangerous.” Cancel culture applied to human biology. Erasure of history. Revolutionary biology/Lysenkoism.
Militant global police state in which you have lost your right to get sick or even die however you may wish.
“Compliance” and monitoring of “patients.”
Inducing people (in this case gay men) to worship their captors. Deny toxicity and/or death of loved ones. Uphold the lies of the system at all costs, in exchange for social and professional status.
Chemical armageddon.
Mass death. “Lessons learned.” Demands for more funding.
Entitlement and wealth for the rulers of all the above
Compliance. (Now) Adherence.
Activism, NGOs, Fauci, all the King’s horses and all the King’s men, they all chanted and chanted about “compliance,” which meant gay men had to set TIMERS to take their HIV “meds,” which, if taken too late, would not work their rarified life saving magic. I see it now.
How can I explain it? There were all these rituals, all these obsessions. This video is what I would call Monarch Middle.
This is Monarch Benign. (“Zero” is a big deal for them.)
Vs: Early crude terror propaganda.
They built worlds of meaning that had no bearing on life itself, real life. They made people enter computer games, and seek love and acceptance there, relentlessly brainwashed about what “the virus” was trying to do to them. It’s advanced MK Ultra/Monarch and we discovered there was no escaping it through logic of deconstruction of science. There is a piece by Steve Nagel linked blow that speaks poignantly to exactly this. The structure, depth, and nature of the spell.
Compliance and Fascism
Minnesota, 2012.
Lindsey Nagel had to hold Rico Nagel, her baby, who had been kidnapped from her arms by a Sheriff with a rifle—in front of a CAMERA on a laptop, exact times, to show the “social worker” monster she was “complying” with his “meds.” She had to hold up the bottle, show the label, show it going into Rico’s mouth, and Rico always arched his back, screamed and often foamed at the mouth.
Both are now dead. The website on which I had all my writings about Rico and Lindsey was sabotaged in 2020 by twin brothers I hired to help me upgrade it, but I have the texts (thank you Tom) and will bring them back. The story is more grotesque and cruel than I can prepare you for.
In the meantime, here is a stunning piece from Steve Nagel’s Substack, in which he writes about what I would call HIV sorcery. Please follow Steve Nagel’s Substack, and read carefully what he says and you will understand what precisely nobody in the Neo- “no virus” camps seems to have any feeling for, namely the occult driver of it all.
“Patient Compliance—” a major fetisch of the HIV cult, with the participation of the complying “patients” taking all their pills in a masochistic ritual less well understood by straight people.
PreP Monarch Programming (of the benign variety:)
I have to get back to work.
Poor Magic Johnson. He tested "positive" with the Magic 8 Ball test for AIDS and was forced to retire. The test back then was an antibody test for the "AIDS virus" which of course was a figment of quack scientist, Robert Gallo and Fauci imagination, and the former has made millions on his fake “discoveries." Johnson then went on AZT, a DNA terminator drug which (in those days) never made it through the FDA licensing as chemo. It had a better track record than even remdesivir, killing well over the latter's track record of only 50% in trials. And now this great athlete is no longer with us.
Oh wait! The CIA Handbook (Wikipedia) indicates that he is still with us after several decades having passed his 64th birthday. It turns out that Johnson, after a couple of months of going from robust health to getting sicker and sicker on AZT, tossed his bottle in the trash and went on an organic diet, regaining his health in a matter of months. Many athletic gurus have claimed much of Johnson's magic was his "street smarts" on the court, and it seems that these same street smarts saved his life from the miserable end of Big Pharma poisoning..
Back then they were relying for the HIV positive death sentence test on antibodies testing. But Fauci also had magic on the basketball courts in college being a near dwarf compared to the other players and still captain of his team. And he used those street smarts to convince the medical establishment that showing antibodies on a "test," previously considered indicative of exposure and then immunity against a specific disease, under his new normal, was a de facto death sentence. So Fauci also had magic like Johnson, which only goes to show that incarnate demons can also practice those skills,
My SO recently went to a Thanksgiving dinner where she heard an outspoken gay guy sing Fauci’s praises in regard to the bioweapon fake convid vaccine. Fauci managed to kill an estimated 300k gay guys with AZT. As the old saying goes, you can’t fix stupid.
The belief oxygen plays a role in mammalian physiology is a medical malfeasant misdirect and research retardant.
Dehydration is the tipping point for dis-ease.
The energy molecule: ATP is really a surfactant that aids water to move sub-stances like Na Cl Mg Ca across osmotic membranes. Nothing to do with oxygen.
Water is inert and never reacts, it is always the carrier. Water is an element. This is why it can cycle. Water is not H2O. (Just think: two dry flammable gases would never combine to magically become a wet substance that puts out a fire. We were children trained to receive information without questions.)
We exist in the realm of water: air is the gaseous form of water. Watch water when it is stirred, bubbles emerge, this is the creation of air.
The ocean waves form bubbles, so many bubbles they are a mass of white foam. Like clouds.
Orthostatic hypotension or dizziness on standing is a classic symptom of low blood pressure and low blood volume and dehydration.
Salt + water = hydration
Water follows salt.
Low salt consumption with any exposure to exertion or challenging heat/cold or stress etc reduces salt reserves.
Dehydration or hyponatremia is a deadly emergency.
The adrenals respond to this with all their adrenocortical hormones not just aldosterone.
Chronic dehydration results in chronic adrenocortical response. This changes the kidneys state of ease (releasing sodium) to dis-ease (retaining sodium). And results in adrenal fatigue or adrenal hyperplasia.
Without adequate dietary salt, all stores of sodium are raided to maintain hydration, for example: muscles, joint capsules, bones all lose salt and therefore loss of muscle mass, joint cushioning, bone density results.
The body thrives in a fully hydrated state. Think about a baby versus the elderly - the marked change is hydration. The body is self healing in a hydrated state. This is why hospitals use the ubiquitous saline drip. Rehydration is their best tool.
The red blood cells carry salt + water. Nothing to do with oxygen or carbon dioxide. They are vessels carrying and distributing salt water.
The red light monitoring is checking for hydration not oxygen saturation!
Dark RBCs are contracted and dehydrated.
Light RBCs are expanded and hydrated.
Monitoring the dark versus light RBCs calculates % of hydration.
The lungs rehydrate RBCs by adding salt + water to the alveoli capillary beds as they pass through, the RBCs are spongelike and soak up the salt + water, expanding and hydrating. The saline drip adds salt water to RBCs through venous exposure.
The topic of dehydration is occulted with the medical malfeasant mis-direct to oxidation or oxidative stress.
Re-program yourself to replace oxidative stress with dehydration and the SPELL is broken.
Hydration versus dehydration. Think slick versus sticky. For example: a chronically dehydrated brain is a sticky brain or a demented brain as the tide has gone out revealing plague.
And the eyes are a brain protrusion. Dry eyes are dehydrated eyes. Eyes give off moisture to their environment. Glasses fog from eye moisture. Eye performance deteriorates with chronic dehydration.
I explain why oxygen is toxic and kills in my article titled:
We breathe air not oxygen
It would be great if everyone understood why oxygen is not prescribed for breathlessness.
Instead it is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill.
Palliative care is not kind!