More theatre, very entertaining if that's your cup of sencha.

Meanwhile the censorship and erasure of information, enslavement and culling of humanity rolls on unabated.

Yeah but did you see the dude claiming to be a broad ? zzzzzzzzzzzz ..........

All aboard !!!

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Theater ? In one sense, yes. In another sense, it's important to realize that living human beings - soldiers and civilians - are dying and being injured. Cities are being destroyed. In the US, we have the luxury of not being invaded by land, air, and sea, as we sit with our popcorn - overweight and eager for the next big thing - and watch the show. And the US govt has made a few very feeble attempts at diplomatic solutions.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

You mean we're not being invaded with tanks and bombs, because the US is most certainly being invaded, by people from around the world, through our Southern "border."

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Fair point.

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I wasn’t trying to offend anyone.

I thought my comment oozed with sarcasm as to reveal it as much.

But in all honesty (in my humble opinion) the same people responsible for…..pretty much everything that negatively affects our lives is responsible for not only that war but all wars.

They planned the bio weapon attack on us and closed society across the world culling and maiming millions.

They had a hand in putting my younger brother in an early grave because of their evil protocols during the manufactured aids epidemic.

Something Celia, our host here, just published a very fine well researched book and if you haven’t already I suggest reading it to get a small glimpse into what these creatures are capable of.

They also helped, because they’re a Non-profit benevolent health agency,

give my sister a life of pain with so many hospital visits that everyone knew her name.

She died just over a year ago with possible help from the covid protocols just like my mother. Who I wasn’t allowed to see on her deathbed.

So if you’re asking me if I have compassion for these poor souls……. I feel I’ve run out of compassion and now it’s something I don’t want to see in myself.

But self defense is not out of the question.

Please listen carefully to the Day tapes.

Our overlords want to cull the majority of us and enslave the rest.

God Bless you

Sent from my iPad

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Thanks for the lengthy and revealing explanation. You have personally seen the worst of the worst. Back to your post: I did understand your sarcasm - and wanted to comment that even though it's all a TV show, there are many, many parts that are very, very real - as you have just explained here. Have listened to the Day tapes, and am considering Celia's book. Old enough to have lived thru the Cold War, JFK, Vietnam War, AIDS, etc, etc. Right now, searching for any hope that my two grandchildren can live in peace and health. Be well . . .

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deletedMay 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Have you listened to the Dr. Day tapes ?

It filled in all the blanks of my entire scripted life.

Most heartbreaking thing I ever came across, sans the death in my family.

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Yes. Over a year ago. For some strange reason I have not posted about it, despite a whole day of copious notes when I first listened. Odd. I'll come back to it.

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Sage Hana posted it about a month ago. What struck me, even though it's minor in comparison to what's really transpiring, is when Dr. Dunegan described the onset of globalism. How they purposely manufactured inferior vehicles in the U.S. to persuade people to buy foreign and at the same time promote, subconsciously, a One World Government.

You see I grew up in that era and distinctly remember this happening real time and it puzzled me all to hell. My thoughts at the time, still in High School, were why on earth would they crucify themselves from a once proud industry. Detroit has never recovered.

There are many more examples but I will leave you with one more observation.

The following song I was not familiar with until about 10-12 months ago.

I had only heard the live version. But for some reason I listened and watched the recorded music video on YouTube and noticed the Chemtrails in the background. Further research exposed the director of the video as a prominent player in the globalist business portfolio.

The song is 'Fade into You' by Mazzy Star.


Freeze it at 1:57 and look at the background, the sky. Listen to the words.

Eerie eh ? It also repeats later in the vid.

The camera angle is not happenstance, there are no coincidences.

Begs the question, was the song written for the chemtrails or was it a convenient way for people to accept manufactured cloud formations.

My whole life has been a production and I didn't even have a say into the writing of the script.

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Thanks! Will check it out now... yeah it’s a struggle to fully appreciate and wrap my head around the implications. Been living as a brainwashed sheep in a sea of lies. On the bright side, at least we are awake now. The vast majority have no idea, or won’t allow themselves to have an idea.

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Are we awake or is this all part of the program? I want to be angry and lash out, but at whom? And then I remember we are not to judge, right?

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May 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Where can I find these tapes?

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Oops I just posted the info above you.

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All good... thanks for the info, I’ll check it all out! Cheers.

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deletedMay 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Thankyou! This Dr. Day is new to me. So thankyou, I think, LOL.

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deletedMay 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Tape two had the majority of the info. Some are repetitive. But I found that listening on YouTube in 1.5 speed as well as reading the cc text made it easiest to follow.

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This is one of most simple and important lessons about journalism: compare the news.

If the EU disintegrates in a series of crises, there will be huge problems in many countries. People will learn hunger and insecurity like never before. Better to prepare now.

The EU red tape is the iron curtain. It destroyed the perception of reality an caused a lot of trouble. The Euro and the unification of higher education and the EU equivalents of the FDA and CDC have caused many problems. Less accountability not more, less security nor more.

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I miss Adolfo Suarez and the Spain of the late 1970s.

I miss Europe before the EU and the puto euro.

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You are right.

People say life was better then. Fewer things, but almost everyone was happier. Then, the vicious idea of progress took over the country. Corruption greater than ever before. And insecurity.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Hiroshima seems like an appropriate place for Zelensky to put an end to it. Perhaps the French will do us all a favor and maroon Zelensky there by declining to fly him home in their aircraft?!

Meanwhile, the Japanese could take Zelensky on a VIP guided tour of the atomic bomb museums in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I will never forget the visits I made there. A deeply harrowing experience. It could not but affect anyone with any humanity, including Zelensky.

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The “atomic bombs” were yet another deception & it’s quite possible nukes never existed beyond a construct to terrify & control us. Nothing is as we were told https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/jerm-warfare/id1475255493?i=1000591286488

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

Well, whatever sort of deception the atomic bombs may or may not have been, the people I met in Hiroshima and Nagasaki appear to have experienced something very real indeed and would probably find your apparent dismissal of their loss, life-changing sickness/injuries and enduring pain and suffering really rather offensive, don't you think?

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Nobody is saying the cities weren’t destroyed & thousands killed & maimed. The legitimate & extremely important question is whether it was atomic bombs or a conventional carpet bombing. There is a lot of very compelling evidence that it was the latter. Listen to the podcast

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No, thanks. I've spoken to people who actually lived through it.

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Fine! I couldn’t care less if you do or don’t. You clearly have it all worked out, good for you

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I guess the Manhattan Project wasn't real.

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But Jesus is real, right?

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The imaginary friend of Paul of Tarsus.

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Imaginary to Saul of Tarsus. But later very real to Paul, Peter, James, John, Mathew, Jude, the Three Marys and over 500 who witnessed His assent. He was very real to Pilate as well. And many other secular historians like Josephus. People see Him even today on occasion.

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People see a lot of things that aren't real: like the face of the Virgin Mary in the cat litter box.

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You believe Zelensky has humanity. ?

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He's an actor, a coke-head puppet of scum like Ihor Kolomoyskyi. I think the atomic bomb museums could have a salutory effect on even him. Worth a try.

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And why do you think the cad is out of the Ukraine? Perhaps he knows what is cooking there?

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Anyone with any clarity, knew how this would end. The terrible loss of Ukrainian soldiers is for nothing. Senseless.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Moloch must be satisfied?

WWII also ended with a large, senseless and unnecessary human sacrifice of the two cities in Japan with the largest Christian communities.

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Excellent point.

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Would it have been less appalling if they had not been Christians?

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What a disgusting question.

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"WWII also ended with a large, senseless and unnecessary human sacrifice of the two cities in Japan with the largest Christian communities."

Your statement was disgusting.

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Then you misunderstood it.

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It's not senseless when a people has to fight to free themselves from 300 years of tyranny and repression. Ukrainian soldiers die so that their country can live in freedom. That's not nothing.

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I received a note from my friend Gary, whose in-laws have been living under Russian occupation in Hola Prystan, near Kherson, for more than a year.

Unstable, harsh and dangerous, their life goes on. We hear the same from those who living for a decade now under the Russian proxies in the DPR and LPR. Freedom is worth fighting for. Against the Russians it is often a case of dying now for your freedom or leaving it for them to kill you later because you did not fight. Young men who never wanted to be part of the LPR and DPR are being forced by Russia to fight agains their fellow Ukrainians. Ill-equipped and badly led. No, better to die on your feet than on your knees.

Here is Gary's quote: "HOLA PRYSTAN NEWS, it is reported that the civic centre was bombed by Ukraine burying many Russians 10 days ago. The Hospital was totally emptied by Russians a while back but Russians were in town looking to see if they left anything. We are informed that the partisan attack does not appear to have any repercussions for the residence. My brother-in-law has not been able to work for about 6 weeks now. Random artillery rounds and missiles are striking residential areas and are presumed to be mistakes by both sides. Most people are staying inside. However, my mother-in-law seems to keeping her rounds of selling vegetables, taking care of the informed and lonely, and feeding uncle Vova every Monday. Everyone knows advance parties for Ukraine are shaping the battlefield and all are waiting for the actual battle to be fought. The Russians have defensive positions and exit prepared & ready. So my mother-in-law is out growing potatoes, cabbages, tomatoes and everything else she likes growing to just keep happy and calling life normal."

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A Ukrainian refugee who I know now in Berlin went home to Kharkiv about three weeks ago. She showed me photos of the damage to the city center. She also said that buildings on both sides of her house had been hit by rocket fire, but for some reason her house was undamaged, but it's unsafe to be there. She came back to Berlin because she doesn't feel at home anymore in her home. She doesn't feel at home in Berlin either. There is only one thing that is certain: she won't live under Russian rule.

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To underscore my point about the men of the LPR and DPR being forced to fight for Russia, this article appears today. They are, however, not young but OLD men. Putin is scared to ask real Russians to join his mad adventure.


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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

I thought they were fighting for the right to brandish swasticas.

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Russia will not be appeased. They were not satisfied after taking the first bite in 2014. They would not regard any territorial concession now as anything more than a second bite. They want the whole apple.

One need only read Russian history. Their aggression against Japan in 1905, Finland in 1939, and the Ukraine in 2014 were stopped only by force of arms and world opinion. Attempting diplomacy with Russians has been an exercise in frustration for centuries. I have written many reviews of books to that effect, and cited many historical figures to that effect on my Substack https://www.grahamseibert.com

If there could be an honest plebiscite - which the Russians have never allowed, anywhere - the people could decide. But it won't happen. Brutal as the reality is, Russia recognizes nothing but force. Ukraine has no alternative but to push the Russians back to the Russian side of the border.

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In an interview with Fiona Hill on Unherd recently, Hill said essentially the same thing. Russia will take any concessions they can get today and then move forward with their agenda. Putin has never met a treaty that he wouldn't break.

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Unlike the United States which honors all treaties.

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For sure, there are broken treaties across the globe, but this is not a situation of my shirt is cleaner than yours. We're talking about a nation of decent people who have been invaded by madmen. They broke for example the Budapest memorandum which Russia guaranteed Ukrainian territorial integrity when they gave up their nukes. Bill Clinton pushed for that, and I read recently that he regrets it, because if Ukraine still had nukes there would be no war.

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Putin is not a madman. If he were, we would all have been annihilated by now because of the provocations against Russia by the U.S. State Department. I hope Russia destroys the Ukraine.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Great news

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You ask why the AFU did not just withdraw. It looks like they did. After the Russians totally destroyed the town with artillery. It is not for us to second-guess either military. I propose that you read Bob Homans on my Substack and Comment is Freed on Substack for deeper analyses.

The Russian milbloggers, Igor Girkin in the lead, are asking if this strategically unimportant town was worth 100,000 Russian lives. Good question. My opinion is that Ukraine was playing rope-a-dope in Bakhmut like it did in Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. Inflicting maximum casualties in yielding a not-very-important objective to the aggressor.

As you read both sides, compare the stridency of the Russians with the measured tone of the Ukrainians. Resembles the measured tone of Tucker, Glenn and Matt on topics like Russiagate. When the facts are on your side, you don't have to shout.

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No, Graham, I did not ask why the AFU did not just withdraw. The person that line links to did. It was a headline, a synopsis of the view of that which is linked on those words. I am just trying to nail down elementary facts as well as elementary contradictions.

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How can you seriously watch RT? It's the Putin channel, all Putin wants all the time. Here, in Germany, my Ukrainian daughter has to sit in her Russian class and watch the shit that they show on RT. It's official German curriculum to show RT to high school students like it's the truth, yet RT is obviously Kremlin propaganda. And even worse it's creating a generation of Russians who hate Ukraine simply because Ukraine provides a window into a better world than the world created by Putin. You give credence to shit when you post shit on your substack. I have the greatest respect for you because years ago I read every article that you wrote in Spin on AIDS, but you harm your credibility by not getting the Russian invasion of Ukraine right.

I first went to Russia in 1992, and I loved it even in crisis mode. It was bittersweet, but wonderful. Under Putin, I had to leave and moved to Kyiv in 2005. There are many things that I love about Russia, but there is far more to love about Ukraine. It was a bucolic and idyllic country, not the politics, but the people and the land. They posed no danger to anyone. The problem with your attempts to understand the situation is that you have ro rely on unreliable sources. If you want to know the truth, you have to pick sources that you can truth. I get my news from my friends all over Ukraine. They do have an agenda; they love Ukraine. This is not a geo-political war. It's not part of the great game. It's about a people trying to free themselves from 300 years of Russian repression, three hundred years of Russia trying to destroy them.

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Abbie Martin, Chris Hedges, Jesse Ventura, and Lee Camp all worked for RT.

I trust any of them more than anyone on CNN or NBC.

And I trust RT more than the New York Times or the Washington Post.

Maybe your daughter should be reading books instead of watching TV.

If she still were in the Ukraine, she couldn't read any good books because the Nazis have burned them all.

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There was probably a time 40 years ago when they were forced to watch Voice of America. Propaganda as well, but more on target one assumes than Soviet propaganda then or Russian propaganda. today.

This is an argument against government schools in general. They teach kids that government is the solution, when most often government is the problem.

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Do you mean in Germany they were forced to watch VOA? I have German friends but they were never forced to watch US propaganda. There was a huge US influence after WWII, mostly because of the GIs who were here. But, you're right about governments. In Germany now, they are bedeviled by the fact that they can't shut down Telegram because it is encrypted. They want to ban it, primarily because they can't monitor it. That's all they care about. They're not interested in the reasons for the unhappiness of protesters. They just want to spy on them so they can control the protests.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Might be the big one folks...

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May 23, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Neo-Cons, lloyd Austin, DOD, Defense Contractors, Lindsey Grahm, Victoria Nuland etc etc have blood on their hands! I hope some Ukrainian who understands it was their blood that was so willingly sacrificed, sneaks across the southern border and kills the bastards.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

Maybe, if they have time, they could also do Graham and Thomas.

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I hate to say anything good about the loathsome Victoria Nuland, but in her defense I think she is too inept to have done this all herself. The Biden team created an atmosphere in which the ruthless Putin thought he could get away with this aggression. That's how Russia has always operated. Putin has always been a gambler. This time he guessed wrong.

Among his many mistakes was overestimating the Russian military. It had been rotted to the core by systematic corruption. Inept leadership, phantom troops, decrepit equipment. It is hard to name a winner in the corruption contest between US defense establishment you cite and the Russian one. Thank God the Ukrainian military is not being led by the likes of Austin and Milley.

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You're mistaken. The Russians have blood on their hands. The US did not invade Ukraine. It's not US soldiers killing Ukrainians. It's the Putin show all the way, one man trying to stay in power by sacrificing thousands to continue his selfish and greedy life.

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Thomas, just curious where do you put Lindsay Graham, John McCain, & Amy Klobuchar's visit to The Ukraine urging them to take the fight to Russia in the narrative? I am not saying that Putin is not a thug, but are you thinking the US is blameless in the carnage?

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Idiot man

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

The reporting of the press here in continental Europe is slightly different.

The loss of the city is pretty much acknowledged but they go at great lengths to downplay its significance. In my Dutch morning paper it took two full pages to downplay the fall of Artyomovsk/Bakhmut - which seems a bit much reporting on a matter of little importance. ;)

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Mr. Zelensky's holiday continues...does he ever return to Ukraine? Or does he continue to run the Ukraine-in-exile Government, from his mansion in Florida?

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In Florida, he'll be neighbors with his peers:

Dictators from all parts of the world come to live in the country of their sponsors.

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Weston-Zuela will need to add a 'little Kiev' district.

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And I wonder, I wo-wo-wo-wo-wonder

Why, why-why-why-why-why

He ran away?

And I wonder where he will stay?

That little runaway

A run-run-run-run-runaway

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Ah, Dion.

Did he not also write,

"Between the idea

And the reality

Between the motion

And the act

Falls the Shadow"?

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

If you want to read the actual truth about Ukraine, go find "Simplicius the Thinker" substack entitled "Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge" (he has two stacks). If you prefer to watch/hear the truth via video, on Rumble, go find Alexander Mercouris, Alex Christoforou, or The Duran channels.

There just is no point taking in the absolute bullshit that MSM and even many alt-news sites post about it. What's been going on, just like the corona hoax, is vastly different that what the lies spewed by MSM.

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My esteemed Xigyi,

We're living in a world in which about three billion people believe in Yahweh and his bastard son, Jesus, whose mother was a virgin.

Two billion people believe in the pedophile prophet and his god, Allah.

And most Americans believe they won the War of 1812.

The truth always loses.


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Whenever I learn about the insanity of war, it makes my blood boil seeing how we are all the puppets of the schemes of rich men we don’t know who smile when they see the profits.

And as someone who has committed my life to discovering and practicing peace, there’s a tiny morsel of hope that what is left of the human race after this disgraceful chapter is over is so disgusted with it that we finally once in for all stop all this ugly shit.

“When will they ever learn;

When will they ever learn?”

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This is so sinister, the military psyops that made this mass murder possible. Washington and NATO should live in shame and regret forever.

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When I was young, I got involved with the anti war movement which was a far cry from the truth and freedom community we are building. But there was some great music including this anthem that rocked my heart.

Beautiful rendition here by Sarah Bareilles and Play for Change https://youtu.be/JEp7QrOBxyQ

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how long has the cabal been trying to gin up WWIII? Most of my life. We haven't bought in. It won't work this time either.

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When I ask my Senators and Rep why we are in Ukraine in the first place, no answers. What is there that we want?

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An excuse to nourish the Masters of War, aka the arms industry.

Minerals, crops, people to enslave, and the opportunity to inflict damage upon Russia for not followlng the Washington consensus.

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War is a big racket, and you ain´t in it!


The top comment is also very informative.

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Fine job by Colin Todhunter and the OFF GUARDIAN.

Thank you, Castigator!

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