I think this post is being throttled by the broader algorithm. I removed the "P" word in the title.

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Please forgive my ignorance; is there an algorithm specific to Substack? Or is the broader algorithm something peculiar to search engines?

Also, is this a form of "controlled opposition" in the sense that these miscreants knew the story would get out eventually, and they're trying to shape the narrative as best they can? So difficult nowadays to know what is true and what is fiction.

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I do hope we can at least achieve a 100% non denial-state. We do not deny this is "real." Whether we can do anything about it is another matter.

I'm beginning to realize the world is not what I imagined for most of my life. Interesting that this never comes up when Wikileaks and Assange come up.

This is very traumatizing material.


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So many terrible accounts from people. Jimmy Savile's predilections were well known. The fact that man had rooms with keys at hospitals and children's homes shows that the powers that be knew. Just like Epstein was given a key and room at Harvard after he was arrested. It's so commonplace it boggles the mind and people shut down. Here's another one: http://whale.to/c/child_sacrificemurder_by_queen.html

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I just finished reading Liz Crokin's articles; she was instrumental in documenting PizzaGate, Pedo Island and the Biden House of Horrors amongst others. In conclusion, the 0.001% that want to control us are part of a larger Pedo sect - these pieces of undefined protoplasm have absolutely zero redeeming characteristics; they're 200 in the 1-100 evil scale..... yuck!

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We need to send them to another kind of island.

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Like, off the coast of French Guiana?

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If there's sharks there, sure.

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Forget the island, drop them in the middle of the shark infested waters.

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ok as long as we don't eat the sharks afterwards- yuck

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Is that Snake Island?

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Used to be called Devils Island Prison Colony.. had a state of the art guillotine. 😳

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Would these people be "the reptilians" other people talk about?

FYI, I don't have a clue about Pizza gate either.

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Look up comet ping pong - it was in the wikileaks back in 2016. was a pizzeria with underground tunnels for sex trafficking. That's when the press came up with the term "fake news" as a cover for pizza gate.

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Thank-you! I saw a pic of the Comet ping-pong just the other day. Didn't have a clue and therefore didn't read the article.

All these years I've thought my Mom and Dad were nuts going on and on about people wanting to take me. Maybe they were and maybe they weren't.

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They are satanists for sure; watch Ronald Bernard speak out about child sacrifice. https://unknownnews.net/ronald-bernard-dutch-banker-who-exposed-illuminati-found-dead/

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Wow this is big. Satanism exposed on twitter.

I am one of these victims of satanic ritual abuse and I am glad the world is exposed to this. People need to know about this.

It's much much bigger than this fashion designer.

They infiltrated governments, justice, police, government healthcare, I assume big tech too. Everything with power gets infiltrated.

But, but, sometimes they expose a bit from themselves so they can control the narrative (I expect they played a role in the pizzagate storm too). Usually they are 3, 4, 5, 10, heck even 10000 steps ahead of everyone. These people are extremely powerful, they have the actual power in the world and FULLY rely on us not believing it.

Because when it gets into the light, it will be over quickly.

Ritual abuse is real no matter how they will try to spin it. And they will try to spin this, not only through controlled media but in every way possible in their power.

That's the only law they see as a true law: the law of the strongest / most powerful. And so it is in nature.

(There is a picture of klaus schwabb in a diaper on the beach by the way, I would not be surprised if he is in it too.)

If you want to dive in how they insanely infiltrated society I advice the documentary: the best modern exposure of freemasonry by Robert Clancy.

It's still on youtube: https://youtu.be/gbUK4cFCTPg

Rumble: https://rumble.com/vqkw7w-best-modern-exposure-of-freemasonrytime-to-wake-up-the-saints.html

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Soren:71/yt5s.com-BEST-MODERN-EXPOSURE-OF-FREEMASONRY---TIME-TO-WAKE-UP-SAINTS:c

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thank you so much. God bless you for surviving and living to tell. If I had more time I would shut down satanic panic stuff here.

Satanic Panic was the psy-op, is my understanding. And everybody fell for it.

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Thanks Celia to bringing this into the light.

The satanic panic was indeed a psy op.

Still ongoing though, they pull as many tricks out of their sleeves as is possible, so it is good to stay critical. Not sure what to make of this. It's good that it gets attention and wakes people up.

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I hope you've been able to heal. Cathy O'Brien's work is AMAZING in all regards.

Was your abuse part of a family multigenrational operation or were you grabbed off the street, or something else?

When I was in about 4th or 5th grade I had 2 creepy guys who were following me in a car on my walk home from school. I was by myself for some reason as I almost always walked home with friends. I had the distinct instinct that they were going to kidnap me because they kept circling blocks, and them going past me slowly so I ran so fast through all these backyards and alleys to get off the street. It was really very frightening.

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The book time to heal has a very promising title. Started right away. Thanks for the tip. 5 years of therapy now, worked really hard, but still dissapointed with my progres.

My parents where not in it, but their friends where. My parents dropped me there when they wanted 'rest' or vacation for example.

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A seated breath meditation practice to quiet, and discipline the mind can be very helpful. There is good data from research on meditation, and mindfullness to help PTSD experience. The morality the Buddha taught is also key to meditation, and mindfulness as much as western researchers want to appropriate just the meditation/mindfulness practices he taught. An amoral or severely immoral mind is never quiet, and constantly tormented.

The mind co-creates the reality with which it interacts so not allowing your mind to proliferate on past traumas is important. It's a waste of present time.

Don't identify with being abused,, learn from it instead. It's not who you are.

Trauma is best seen for what it truly is. It's a teacher. Only a strong, psychologically disciplined person can persevere through trauma. Be that person.

Lastly, if you can truly forgive your abuser(s) which comes from deeply within your heart, you will feel an enormous burden lifted from your being. It wasn't until I truly forgave someone who tried to kill me that all the anger I indulged, on purpose fir a year afterward, was completely released. Getting killed was one of the best things to ever happen to me. You can transform your experience to that as well. It's odd what true forgiveness, love, and compassion can do. They're from, and of God. They're the most powerful things in the universe. They're why Christ Jesus said He is the way, the truth, and the light. He was a human embodiment of perfect love.

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Thank you so much for sharing your story. You have clearly demonstrated strength and personal power that I aspire to. ❤️

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Anyone can do whatever they set a disciplined mind to accomplish. Being a good, altruistic, disciplined person who closely watches one's mind throughout the course of every day is difficult. Being a lazy, evil, sloppy, selfish moron is the easiest thing in the world.

Yoga, not just the poses that people do in their silly clothing, on their mats, but practicing the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, get a good translation which I can recommend if you are interested, and what the Buddha taught, are extremely disciplined practices, not religions. The Buddha NEVER claimed to be anything but a man. He's not worshipped, and did not ask his students to worship him. He's highly revered, not worshipped. Christ Jesus is a different matter. Christ Jesus is God, and divided our human timeline. The idiocy of changing B.C. and A.D. to BCE is just more idiocy by evil people who want to control the minds and spirits of people by marginalizing the Christ who makes all evil tremble with fear.

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You know, in the video series "The Fall of the Cabal" (which i imagine most here have seen, and if not I recommend it) they talk about the history of the west back in the days of Abraham - apparently while the Abrahamic religions followed Yah-Weh (the god we think of) there was another group who followed Ba'al - and in that religion stealing/murder/molestation etc. were all fine and dandy. But the turning point was apparently around 700 years ago in Russia, where the king had kicked these miscreants out of the country (as many countries had before) - and this is when they had the stroke of genius. Supposedly they started to call themselves Jews (Ashkenazi Jews to be precise) but they could have easily decided to refer to themselves and Christians or Muslims.

The thing is, the leadership of this "cabal" knew they had to keep their true goals a deeply hidden secret, so the vast majority of the followers (including, as I recall, Freemasons and Jesuit priests) were blissfully ignorant of 'the plan'. But the Rothschild family, the bankers who profited from every war by lending money to both sides, are among them. I imagine Schwab, Soros and the rest of the reprehensible lizard people are amongst the top echelon in this sick fraternity.

And, as you point out @Hermes, they indeed are very powerful.

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My impression is (I did not dive into the history of satanism) that this cult might even be older than civilisaton itself.

I started with the fall of the cabal but could not finish it due to all the triggers.

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These are the ones God refers to in Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9 - those who call themselves jews but are of the Synagogue of Satan.

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Ah! Most interesting! Thanks!

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Going by Rumble, I take it you meant to say Altiyan Childs, not Robert Clancy?

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The book in the photo shoot, Michael Burremans.

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A question for everyone serious about change. Will you (I) do the hard work of boycotting almost every large corporation and media outlet and bank? Is this the way to do it? What are better/easier solutions? Ouch. Long uphill battle.

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yes. just need complete list.

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BlackRock, alone, owns a controlling interest in just about every product and industry there is. Along with Vanguard and State Street.


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In part paid for by my earning! I really dislike 401k plans as a concept - it's a tax subsidy that funnels money each week from our paychecks to, in my case, literally Vanguard. The whole artificial plan seems like a way to unjustifiably boost the stock market.

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Yes, the State of Texas employee 401k's were all Vangaurd products at one time. Not sure if that's still correct.

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I have stopped using most chains. I don't need to buy much ever, though. I don't shop at Amazon, WalMart, Sam's Club, or most big chains.

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Living with the basics of life, and not trying to find happiness in material things which is not where it resides is the first step toward freedom. Freedom is a spiritual value. Happiness, and freedom are developed in the heart-mind, not the store or online buying crap.

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Yes, thankfully, I've never been materialistic-minded. What a blessing.

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Yes a big battle. I hope people can have the emotional growth that is needed to really take it in so we can can grow to a more emotionally healthy humanity instead one based upon fear, trauma, shame, power and guilt.

The satanists will say that is impossible because you can't save everyone.

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It requires a multi-pronged, sustained effort to drive systemic change. This effort must be underpinned by what is now called an awakening because evil is so pervasive, and deeply integrated into our politicoeconomic, and legal system that boycotts, while good, widely miss the mark which is a sea change in what we consume, why, and where we buy it.

Food, in the grand scheme of consumer goods, is relatively easier to obtain locally for many Americans, than hard goods which are almost all dependent on a global supply chain to some extent. Hard goods like appliances, autos, electronics, etc. are almost all sold by huge corporate chains, and manufactured by large corporations. Clothing goods are also a bit more easily obtained locally, but not much anymore, same with furniture.

The reason socio-psychopaths like Gates are trying to get control of our food supply is because it's the last piece of the slavery puzzle, other than complete control of our minds, they don't substantially control.

Writing your elected, and administrative government officials is also important. They may largely be morons owned by lobbyists, and/or being blackmailed or bribed, but they still keep tabs on the pulse of voters.

I routinely write emails on issues or simply send emails telling Dick Durbin, and Tammy Duckworth that they, and their staff are worthless, compromised pieces of dog shit. I do this because I am a known quantity in Ilinois politics who has donated money to these swine, knows some of their staff, and worked a number of D, and R. campaigns for decades. I let them know I know that PhRMA wrote the MMA (Medicare Modernization Act) when coke head alcoholic GW Bush was POTUS as a give away to Big Pharm because a GSK executive told me so. I usually link most of my screeds to an issue, so sometimes they reply. Other times I just drop a note to let them all know they're worthless scum. I reference my brief stint in state government as an insider's look at what a cesspool it is, and that Washington, D.C. is orders of magnitude worse.

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I still trust Kanye..he may have had his photo taken with some bad people in the past but that alone doesn't make him guilty but I AM watching and paying attention

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Yes. I regret that line.

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No need to regret it Celia. It’s a visceral reaction when we see someone we admire with someone we know to be vile. I’m just optimistic Ye is truly one of the good guys

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Nov 29, 2022
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I changed it. It was reactionary.

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I don't trust Kanye West at all. I mean...why should I?

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Kanye is part of it too. There's LOTS of photos of him making the triangle symbol they all love to make.

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It's a bad idea to trust any of these people, IMHO, who reside in the 1%-ers club. There's a reason they're all there. Most get there via sacrifice. Ye has already admitted his mom was the sacrifice for his success.

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I want so badly to believe that he’s a good guy, and that he’s not “one of them.” But he was the opener for the last big Balenciaga show and supposedly he was wearing Balenciaga boots to his recent meeting with Trump. So, I’m not going to hold my breath. I’m really tired of being fooled. 😔

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yes. Have seen photo of Ye and Milo and Ye is in Balenciga rubber boots. Recent. Jury is out.

Don't trust Milo.

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Nor anyone who hangs out with Mr. man/boy love.

Trust Kanye? I don't get it.

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Not that I like Rolling Stone magazine, but did you see the story about Kanye there? Even if only half of it’s true it’s not good. I do want to like and trust Ye. But I’m not sure …

Reminds me of the movie the Devil wears Prada. I had friends who really liked that movie and to me it was kind of horrifying as an industry. And all of the above just confirms that feeling for me.

Trust your gut. I keep saying that to myself and it is so so true.

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This is just one of the reasons that, rather late in life, I am returning to my roots in Christianity. I am now convinced that we are in a battle between God and Satan. God will win, but I want to do my part.

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This is what happens when you reject god. Yes.

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I saw those last night on Twitter. RTed a few. Facts.

Politically awake/aware consciousness-raising (aka 'evolving consciousness', or other terms) people around the world have never stopped pointing to child sex-trafficking as one of the biggest 'shadows' that needs light shone onto it.

We need to see it, name it, and connect it openly to the globalist leaders running all the shows. Several years ago I disbelieved it all as unhinged conspiracy theory. What a difference a few years makes.

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There's many things I pushed off as silly conspiracy theories just a couple of years ago. Like Celia commented, I now believe most every thing presented to be fact in our American lives has been a lie. The rabbit holes have been many, and amazingly all seem to wind up being originated by the same people with the same purpose - to remove the idea of a divine Creator, gaining material wealth and controlling power over the "common man".

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Satanic Child Sacrifice I Ronald Bernard April 2018 Testimony. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fxb9qyFPdXw&t=14s

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More here. Unfortunately it's not in a playlist but there are quite a few videos. https://www.youtube.com/@irmaschiffers7302

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Home run Celia.

Mike Church spent almost his entire show today referencing your efforts and the Mathew Crawford sustack.

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Really? That's so appreciated. When I am post- deadline on my book I will have time to listen to more of Mike Church.

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@Celia - I actually saw the link to your substack (this article) on FB as I never got any email notification. It was in the comments section of one of the FLCCC doctors FB page.

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Where do I find Mike Church to follow? TIA

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I'm with Judith Rose--let's keep our eyes open. Also, in a recent interview with a Russian officer --he reveals that Izyum in Ukraine was/is a base of operations for horrific satanic child sacrifice. With Russia poised for the final endgame hammer blow to the neo-nazis in Ukraine, I expect more children will be rescued before they are sacrificed. I've been following the child trafficking, ritualistic sacrifice events before Epstein became a media trend. At first I was repulsed by the horrific accounts(finding it difficult to believe at times) --but realized that I'd have to allow this ugly fact to sink in. Otherwise, how can any legitimate healing and justice manifest? One detail that is utterly beyond comprehension for the average good-hearted citizen, is how Obamacare is actually a system created for child trafficking--and this evidence was made known by a former CIA operative. I realize some people cannot listen to any former spook without assuming they are all rotten--and yet, I believe RDS got it right: it's a bad system and there are good people working there. Of course it is also obvious that the agency's roots are murky and the founders were unscrupulous.

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I was paying attention to the whole Izzagate thing back then, and it just disappeared. Really good to see it clearly this time. Truly revolting people in charge of disgusting situations...must end, will end.

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Pedophilia and witchcraft are laced in art and fashion today. I was recently offered a piece by Marina Abromovich by a friend in a UK gallery. (I declined) The art world worships her. Go to Frieze London if you want to see things that make Lotta's instagram look like a hallmark channel account.

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Another girl from the middle of nowhere trying to make it big. Somewhere she learned pedo and Satanic symbolism is all the rage -- and it worked. How did Biljana Djurdjevic, an unknown painter from Belgrade, Serbia, sell her paintings to Tony Podesta? She painted children in distress, half naked and tied up. https://clintonfoundationtimeline.com/july-19-2018-mueller-team-offers-tony-podesta-immunity-for-testimony-against-paul-manafort/ Tony is another peasant trying to look hip and cool. Who are they trying to impress? Are there people with means that want to normalize pedophilia?

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No wonder my organic, home-made, wholesome art does not fetch millions.

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