Actually it was Becerra that extended the PREP Act. He said “COVID-19 continues to present a credible risk of a future public health emergency." Well, I believe it is the HHS, headed by Becerra, that presents the greatest risk as they oversee the CDC, FDA, and NIH.

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Hopefully RFKJR is confirmed to lead HHS.

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What we need is to repeal the PREP Act - Restore liability. I agree with you about Kennedy.

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There’s absolutely no “political will” to repeal the PREP Act! All of Congress is equally complicit. The hearings that Senator Ron Johnson held over the past two years, went nowhere. Nothing has been done to reign in Big Pharma and Big Medicine, (and ALL the Bad Actors at the three letter ‘health agencies’), except them being given free pass after free pass. And I don’t see how Trump or RFK Jr is going to change that. Sorry to be such a ‘Debbie Downer” here, and not on the “Trump Train of Change”, but that’s how I see it.

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I had no idea the law has so many supporters. Is this a benefit of the willingness of pharma to pay-to-play? I am trying to think of how this might have affected the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic's distance from certain subjects.

Thank you for your feedback - I find it very helpful.

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The Select SubCommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic ‘hearings’ were all for show. And even though you had the usual ‘medical freedom suspects’, like Del Bigtree, Dr. Bob Malone, Dr. McCullough and others as well, ‘testifying’ it was a sham! What has happened (like serious investigations, and or bringing charges against people who perpetuated the Scamdemic, ie; all the 3 letter health agencies) as a result of it? As we say where I come from…NADA!

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The reality of things, not you is the Downer. The fix is more elaborate, more diabolically clever than IMO all but a small minority realize. https://www.brighteon.com/c162a1a6-6f7f-4c4d-97a8-0986410ca083

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I think it is going to be all about amounting the pressure they are under. But even more so, a legal team will have to arrange a class-action suit like they did with the tobacco companies. That actually worked out for everyone.

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The PREP Act is illegal - and therefore void.


S.C.U.S. - Marbury vs. Madison

"...a law repugnant to the Constitution is VOID, and the courts, as well as other departments are BOUND thereby."

The PREP Act purports to remove deny we the people of our right "...when the value in controversy exceeds $20. the right to a trial by jury shall be preserved..."

The PREP Act takes this authority from the Judicial Branch and gives it to the Executive Branch, under a "compensation program" which it has the (illegitimate) 'authority' to decide who among the injured gets compensation & how much - with no hearing, no assistance of a lawyer, and no way to appeal. This also violates the 'separation of powers between the branches of the federal government.

Congress does not & never had the power to deny We the People our Rights, nor violate the functions of each Branch of the federation government.

U.S. Constitution Article VI

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made IN PURSUANCE thereof; and Treaties made or which shall be made under (not above nor beyond) the Authority of the United States; shall be the supreme Law of the Land..."

"The Senators & Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several State legislatures, and all executive & judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be BOUND by Oat or Affirmation to support this Constitution..."

U.S. Const. Amend. X

"The powers not delegate to the United States by (We the People through) the Constitution, nor prohibited b it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or TO THE PEOPLE."

Also, through the Office of Budget & Management, the president could cut off funding to the Dept. of HHS, or any division thereof- the CDC, the NIH, to help insure their conformity to the Constitution.

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and Bayh-Dole and 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

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Yea well look how long that’s been in place…the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act…say 38 years or so. And have there been less childhood vaxx injuries, since it’s passing? NO! It only further shielded & protected Big Pharma from being liable for their products!

And the children that were injured, have those families received much compensation? That would be another hard NO!

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So, if Congress will not restore liabiliy to pharma, perhaps closing the CDC and FDA is the best approach. Surely Kennedy must know Congress will not restore liability. And we cannot rely on voting in a different Congress.

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Restoring Pharma’s liability? That will be a cold day in hell, as they say. There will be deals made…and in order to ‘confirm’ RFK Jr to HHS, Big Pharma will ‘stand down’ and not oppose it, and then be left alone (without any prosecutions or legal action) taken by Trump & Co!

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We'll add Bacerra to the list of murderers who need dealing with when they are tried for PREMEDITATED MASS-MURDER! UNJABBED Mick (UK).

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Does fraud waive immunity

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Consider also the potential of civil suits and state-level criminal prosecutions.

Pfauci, Hotez, Collins, Bourla, Bancel, Birx, Walensky, etc etc must all be tried and hanged for the worst crimes against humanity ever, or else no one is safe from mass murder by government mandated mRNA.

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Mandated mRNA (jabs?) will become moot. I'm guessing that instead aviation delivery systems with a new generation of aerosols will be the next means by which to poison the public.

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Blows my mind that hardly anybody seems to care about the chemtrails being laid down in our skies day after day after day. We are so effin stupid and depraved that they can literally spray us like bugs and we’ll insist it’s not happening for our own psychological comfort, and we are so depraved that we’ll do to it each other for a couple bucks per gallon of poison sprayed. If they win, isn’t it ultimately a resounding judgment upon us all?

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I'm right there with ya, bud. It's boiling frog meets slow motion trainwreck.

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This is why it is so important to try and hang Pfauci for his crimes ASAP.

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One nice thing about American jurisprudence in 2024 is that it could be done either after or before the trial :- )

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yes meme-meister, definitely, but we can't stop there. who did fauci take his marching orders from? it's not like a career mediocrity like him came up with the entire global plandemic scheme

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Yes, we need to know who was really pulling the strings. Recently ran across these guys: General Gustave F. Perna and Jonathan Rath Hoffman:


Maybe they were directing Fauci's criminal virus experiments in Wuhan in order to have the excuse to test the DoD's experimental mRNA injections.

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"There are people that know the answers to these questions, but It appears that the people surrounding incoming President Trump are not going to demand those answers because they are sycophants." boom. thanks

narcissists always surround themselves with incompetents who don't threaten them

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I've been hearing that fraud DOES end the Prep Act legal protection. Maybe I'm over generalizing, but I have heard that fraud ALWAYS ends otherwise legitimate contracts

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During the "pandemic" I had the opportunity to read RFK Jr.'s book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the War on Democracy and Public Health. The amount of fraud and criminality that is ingrained in the US health system is so shocking. So, sadly and unless something dramatically changes, I'd say fraud is a standard operating procedure and immunity is a moot point.

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I see millions of victims of fraud and murder defend the perpetrators of fraud and murder.

With Pride.

The people on the left and the people on the right support the same things. They are not divided, there is only an appearance of division.

To support Netanyahu's genocide is the same as accepting masking and mandatory medical pretreatments for predisease to keep your inalienable rights active.

And to support medical tyranny is the same as supporting Netanyahu's genocide.

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That’s how I see it as well. I was almost a total MAGA and Bobby adherent before I watched them condone one of the biggest crimes I’ve ever seen. I cry a lot these days. Who here cares? Have we no heart? What in the absolute hell? And sometimes I transition from sadness to anger and judgment. If that’s how you are, then be ye gone. We all die. Just ask a Palestinian or a parent of a SIDS victim or an mRNA recipient. I’m so tired of it. So tired. How does it get better without a cleansing?

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So, you are traumatized, huh?

Politics is no solution. At best is a displacement of problems toward other people, in the future or in the past.

The nature of politics is to bind people in despair.

Try anti-politics.

Anti-politics is better.

Anti-politics is anything that is not politics.

You have in your power to have compassion for yourself. Avoiding politics counts as an example of compassion, I think.

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Great point! If the products currently under EUAs - with liability protection under the PREP Act, are safe, there is no need for 'legal immunity'.

This alleged legal immunity under the PREP Act is unconstitutional, and therefore void.

The Constitution protects our right to a jury trial "where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars'" . Amendment VII

The PREP Act instead has a "compensation program" that -has no hearing, -does not allow the opportunity for assistance of an attorney, -has no appeal process. This CICP program adjudicates whether or not someone is eligible for compensation in a completely non-transparent process. It is an Executive Branch body hijacking a Judicial Branch function.

Congress does not have the authority to pass laws that violate the Constitution.

In the foundational case of the Supreme Court of the U.S., the justices said:

“If he (the citizen) has a right, and that right has been violated, do the laws of his country afford him a remedy? The very essence of civil liberty certainly consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of the laws, whenever he receives an injury. One of the first duties of government is to afford that protection."

"...it is a general and indisputable rule, that where there is a legal right, there is also a legal remedy by suit or action at law whenever that right is invaded.'

"The government of the United States has been emphatically termed a government of laws, and not of men. It will certainly cease to deserve this high appellation, if the laws furnish no remedy for the violation of a vested legal right.”

"...in declaring what shall be the supreme Law of the Land, the Constitution itself is first mentioned; and not the laws of the United States generally, but those ONLY 'which shall be made in pursuance' of the Constitution, have that rank.

"Thus, the particular phraseology of the Constitution of the United States confirms and strengthens the principle,...essential to all written constitutions, that a law repugnant to the Constitution is VOID, and that courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument."

Marbury vs. Madison

So far, the 'compensation program' under the PREP Act has only agreed that a relative handful of (fewer than 100 if I recall correctly) of the hundreds of thousands injured by the products fraudulently labeled as "COVID-19 Vaccines" - with an average compensation per injured person of $2,300.


The PREP Act requires potential recipients to be FULLY INFORMED of the potential benefits & risks of accepting the product, and the extent to which these are unknown - and their right to refuse.

Did anyone you know who got one of the Covid jabs get this info before they went along with getting it?

Attorney Jeff Childers explains this and more on his June 26th blog at CoffeeandCovid.com

He has filed a lawsuit arguing that the PREP Act is unconstitutional. Linked there.

More on our rights regarding Covid 'mandates': CovidPenalty.com

As American hero Bobbie Anne Cox says, 'Knowledge is Power'.

Her Substack is also worth following.

P.S. - We should all get a pocket copy of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, keep them with us at all times, and READ them.

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Thunderous comment. One of the saddest things to me about this moment is the way the bar failed us when we needed them the most. I’m a dumb lawyer, but I was smart enough to have my hair stand on ends as I recognized the simple genius of so many things men have said in the Anglo-American legal tradition. But except for a small few, they all stepped aside in deference to The Science when it mattered most. Which reminds me that what really matters comes from within and that we have been rotting in that department for a long long time. Most lawyers now are simple-minded opportunists, chasing the paper. The common law was a faith of sorts, based in reason, a set of ideas to govern an ever changing world. At one time I believed it would hold us together. But everything decays if people decay.

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Thank you for your kind words. Though I am not an attorney, I am one of We the People, who "in order to...establish Justice...and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (did) ordain & establish this Constitution for the United States of America". And in whose Name and by whose Authority the States were declared as "Free and Independent", in order to secure the UNalienable Rights of the individual.

When the pronoun subject comes up, I say 'My pronouns are HRH and Your Highness - and the Supreme Court backs me up: Colten vs. Commonwealth of Ky. "...we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents." ' LOL!

If most every American knew this, and that they, too are the Posterity- either directly or in the general sense of successive generations- of those who constituted, created, the U.S.A. to secure Liberty & Justice for them, the officers of our state & federal courts - attorneys & judges alike - might not have strayed so far from "the plain text" of our Constitutions (State and U.S.) they are BOUND by Oath or Affirmation to support. Article VI, Clause 3.

I sometimes wonder if some of our "trustees and servants of the people" (GA Const. Art. I Sec. 2, Paragraph 1.) have ever READ the U.S. Constitution they presumably are under Oath to support. Or their relevant State constitution.

Twisting the meaning of words to deceive is 'the oldest trick in the Book'. Was the deference inappropriately shown to 'The Science' that was the opposite of actual science really deference to it- or to the wishes of those pulling the levers of power? Or did judges & who, in my observation, often think of themselves as superior to the people, allow their higher cognitive functions to be shut down by fear?

John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Who does the Constitution 'govern'? Those who volunteer to serve We the People as officers or trustees; fiduciaries of the people in the newly constituted government.. There is not one word in the Constitution that "governs" any individual one of the People of the United States. Is there?

Which just supports your conclusion.

Be not discouraged! You are not alone.

- Jeff Childers in Fl is challenging the constitutionality of the PREP Act in court; CoffeeandCovic.com. -Bobbie Ann Cox has single-handedly stood in the gap defending Liberty from tyranny in NY. See her Substack. - TomRenz.com in Ohio has been battling government overreach under the excuse of an alleged but unproven "public health emergency" since the beginning. - Robert Barnes is successfully defending a wide range of our rights & freedoms from government encroachment. 1776LawCenter.com -Nicole Pearson & Jessica Barsotti in Calif. have been focusing on medical freedom & Constitutional rights since 2021. Among the resources on their site is an analysis of Jacobson v. Massachusetts showing that it DOESN'T mean what we're told. https://fltjllp.com/resources/ - Dan Watkins & Michael Hamilton in Calif. sued hospitals for medical mismanagement and medical battery, etc leading to wrongful deaths & reveal the financial incentive for this provided by the CARES Act . https://www.back2facts.com/headlines/2022/9/13/fluid-restriction-and-remdesivir-14-families-sue-fresno-hospitals-for-wrongful-death

The more rotten the system, the more important it is that a lawyer like you - who recognizes the ring of Truth - who is willing to stand up for Justice - becomes. YOU are needed to help keep the flame of freedom alight.

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So much for a smooth transition

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When the out-going regime does everything in it's power to disrupt and destroy the transition and disrupt and destroy the nation on the way out it is perfectly clear that we were perfectly correct that the objective has always been


By any means necessary of course

Got to say, the destroying and fire sale of the border fence on the way out is a pretty reprehensible touch. Not different at all than when the "losing" side destroys all munitions, sinks the carriers and destroys bridges, buildings and roads while making a strategic retreat in a long term war

Because WE ARE IN A WAR and as the eternal enemy head fakes and makes a short term strategic retreat they destroy all assets that may be beneficial to the enemy. THAT'S why they're trying to destroy the fence and make it hard to replace. Maybe they can even set us up for complete financial collapse. As they always say, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

Make no mistake. They have not conceded one millimeter because elections and will of the people are of no consequence in the minds of the any means necessary folks

In the past they would starve you to death or work you to death in a Gulag if you did not see it their way. In the age of military grade psyop optics they'll slow kill you with bio weapons while simultaneously driving you to despair and driving you crazy.

It is a multi-prong attack just like a conventional war. The means may vary but VICTORY is always the goal

And what is victory? Well hell, good question. Even the adversary does not know. If you really press them they may come up with an honest answer. "They win you lose"

Other than that don't press them for the details of "what does victory mean for you guys?" because other than "we win you don't they really do not know". No amount of consequent suffering discounts their lust to win.

One thing is certain. If there is a retreat, it is only a strategic retreat. The Indemnity till 2029 is because they 100% intend to be back in the saddle by 2030..

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What if there is enough evidence for 2020 election fraud like the 2000 Mules documentary, the Patrick Byrne info about the 13 million fake votes delivered by the USPS- hired by unidentified contract, the Dominion hacking evidence in Colorado n Arizona, Tina Peters, the provable fraud involving sponsors of "migrants" Pharma corruption, Ukraine money laundering on both sides of congress? Are all of the actions of an illegitimate administration and corrupt legislature suddenly null and void? Does the public get a refund and apology only for the next lot to do it again?

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IMO there is almost zero chance of retroactive justice based on proof of corruption and fraud. For starters it depends on a well functioning justice system and the dysfunction of the justice system is often a huge critical and necessary criteria for the fraud to occur in the first place. The border and voter fraud are easy contemporary examples. We do not need "comprehensive border and immigration reform" as they've been gaslighting us about for over 4 decades. All we need is to enforce the laws on the books and the situation would not be the situation it is. Nor would there be so much voter fraud if laws were enforced and if the fraud were not built in BY DESIGN. Mail in votes, early/late votes, absentee votes, ALL are intuitively and expert acknowledged to be vectors of corruption. So why do they continually expand those options?


When they say "golly we're so upset about the voter corruption" we must call BS because if anyone were REALLY upset they would not permit those things THEY KNOW maximize corruption. You tend to get what you want if it is cooked in to the system.

Suspect everyone has heard the saying, "better to act now and beg for forgiveness later". It's because "just do it" works in lax environments and the most lax environment is the lack of rule of laws, particularly election laws where bust our cheating is rarely if ever SUBSTANTIVELY punished or reversed. No one has ever seen and doubt any one will EVER see a POTUS or elected official deposed because it was proven beyond any shadow of doubt that they were robbed. Everyone's hero JFK for example was elected because he selected LBJ EXPRESSLY to expedite voter corruption. No one ever seems to have a problem with the fact that other than his corruption potential and the necessity of it THE KENNEDY'S LOATHED LBJ. Had there been an election reversal based on probable provable corruption JFK may never have been assassinator because he would not have won. And ironic example because it highlights that corruption will probably stand even if it costs you your life.

Not holding my breath for example for Carey Lake of Arizona to ever be awarded even one of the elections stolen from her.

There is also the tactic of "change the facts on the ground" which is the tactic of invader tyrant dirt bags everywhere. No matter how unjust and unpopular the tyrants will always seek to change the facts on the ground to make the unpopular irreversible. First order of business of every tyrant is to colonize the invaded to cement irreversibility. Still working well in the Russian part of Ukraine as just one contemporary example. That is why the borders are flooded against the will of the citizens and it explains a lot of middle east history. The soon occupied nation can bitch all they want but if the occupation and changing the facts on the ground are allowed to go on without impedance no amount of political maneuvering or "rule of law and justice" is going to reverse it. Biden let untold millions in during his weekend at Bernie's stint and on the way out he is opening the flood gates wider. Changing the facts on the ground in difficult almost irreversible ways. That's how occupier invader traitor leaders roll.

Just "act now" worry about consequences later (because almost certain there won't be any) and "change the facts on the ground" by invading the land or the minds of the population targeted for occupation so no matter how they feel about it and no matter the justice or lack of justice of it the facts on the ground will dictate it is never going to change

That is why some lines in the sand about what people will tolerate are so existential because once installed it is rare indeed that there will ever be a reversal to fix an injustice. When Trump was vanquished it was assumed he was gone forever because a reprise only happened once in history. The fact there is even a chance at a do over is a miracle. But in the end who knows what will happen?

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Great reply. "By Design..." I think a majority of Americans are still floored by how surreal the multiple fronts of destruction taking place seem to be. The gaslighting may be backfiring slightly against the levels of trust previously enjoyed by the ruling forces, but there seems to be an agenda that likely involves AI, a surveillance state, digital ID, currency, and prison. Dissenters will be locked out of the system as some already or still are...

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Good rant Ray with good summation.

Of course a conspiracy theorist might say that Trump wants them to do this as part of the uni party general destruction plan.

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Rants being what they are, rants:) I sometimes forget to add the summary rant. The rant body is therapeutic. The summary is informational:)

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"Criminals" is the ONLY word I can describe these bastards!

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Rightfully so, his guy ( https://jeffreyprather.com/revealing-cabals-ufo-nuke-plan-to-coupe-trump/ 9:05) calls him Pedo (phile) Joe. Among those pardoned are at least one of the Pennsylvania kids-for-cash judges. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Conahan ).

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If he ,(JP) condensed a little - it would help.

To separate almost russian style imprinting techniques- from his broad base points- why should every european ,with time restraints - have to wade through his colloquialism?

15mins should be enough.

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I agree. I indulge him because 1) he is a critical nonconformist thinker of Christianity and Judaism 2) he's not a herd animal and speaks his mind even when he risks losing his allies. He didn't go along to get along when he was in the toxic corrupt FBI that he says has been primarily an intelligence gathering spy on the citizens organization, not the commonly believed law enforcement agency. He often reveals how they are weaponized against the citizens. 3) he has strong ties to intelligence, government and military because of his FBI and DEA background and has a keen nose for fraud, lies and propaganda. When his hunches and interpretations are wrong, he makes a point of admitting them.

Nowhere else can I find all those qualities combined.

Alas those sales pitches are a necessary nuisance.

And, like me, he does get long-winded.

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The US blueprint then presumed to be amplified worldwide , infinitum..

EU same ,

ditto rest of world.

The 'good nazi' escapes description ,

Geez ,anyone would think that Hollenweger forgot to stipulate Bethge's Bonhoeffer bio ,as cultural prerequisite.

JP is compensating for his brevity of past written reports.

In high ranking UK spooks and especially eu spooks is there is no playbook

(mere tourists),and if ever they describe themselves as christian ,chances are zero that that is true.

My experience of US spooks is ,if it were possible , worse.(Brother in law , 7 'nam tours on a spyship).

(It took decades to allow 'conscious disentanglement'-possible christian debriefing from selfsame.I had the luck to attempt conversation decades afterwards:-)

In what circumstance is 'boasting in the flesh' ,substitute for 'sophia'?

3 Conversations ,by Soloviev might help.

I just cant believe a spook expressing his deep narcissim culturally could be seen as anything other than a plant.

There are other younger examples - concerning history channels from 20th century forward ,where said US 'defense expert contractor' in question was ,through obliquey ,not to be trusted.

That resuted in Ronan Bergman 'Rise and kill first ' being actually open about the intended tangentelism on precisely this.

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Unpacking your latest seminar-in-a-box sent my way has me thinking, what an abundance of Xmas generosity. How does he fit so many bullet points into such a small missive box? Rather than hastily unpacking all those gifts at once I think it might be better I slow down for the holidays and breath in the aroma, savoring one at a time.

"The US blueprint then presumed to be amplified worldwide , infinitum.." , for all I know my ignorant self may be looking at a Faberge Egg here. What is that blueprint?

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JP's version is predictability.

Very slanted.

Not least due to 1500 page bill 'passed' through congress in 1 night- given 24 hrs previously

"Our study, Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl, presents strong evidence that the current HPAI H5N1 bird flu clade outbreak is a result of laboratory leaks from the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia"


In short ,blueprint shrinking of imaginative aspirations within the US.

JP decries imprinting - while doing it himself worse than the russians.

'Dumbed down enough -the rest of the world will follow'.

-Sophia is Soloviev's goal - 3 conversations- (one with a general)


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I seem to have lost my compass.

I was looking for a clue as to what U.S. blueprint to which you refer.

You reply stating that JP's (Prather) version is predictability.

Predictability of what?

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As quickly as they put those "protections" in place for those evil companies, Trump/RFK Jr can

remove them. Unless it is an actual "law" that was passed by Congress and signed into law by the president, it can be changed on day 1.

There is nothing that the FJB regime has done that should not be undone.

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"There is nothing that the FJB regime has done that should not be undone."

Which begs the thought, much as I feel Trump, RFK Jr, Tulsi etc are INFINITELY better than the alternative, it begs the question...

Now that the protections have been extended to 2029 will it trigger an instant "day one" type reversal to show good faith for the alleged new agenda.... OR will it serve as convenient cover for a UniParty action and save the new "different" (time will tell) administration the hard unpleasant awkward work of going up against the Oligarchs of Oligarchs namely big Pharma?

Big Pharma pays a lot of the big bills, particularly the big bills of the senators and congressmen who do the voting. Let's see how wobbly they get when it all gets real and they realize their mistresses are going to be pissed off if pharma cuts them off.

I hate to be so untrusting and negative because believe me I want to believe. BUT, the total Peak Soviet level in me and millions of others I am sure has been well earned by the actions of the UniParty state that has abused us all our lives.

To be clear when I say "I reached Peak Soviet" it just means I no longer trust ANYTHING just like many of the eastern Europeans I know. They have hundreds of unbroken years of history horror to get that way. We in America may only have our short by comparison lives to reach Peak Soviet distrust status. Bio weapons attacks will do that.

So the question remains. Will the extended Pharma indemnity serve as a flash point of anger and rejection for the new regime or will it serve as convenient cover so the new regimes does not have to do the ugly work of getting in the face of Pharma and saying

"Time out. The free ride no consequences era of joy and looting for you guys is over. Nothing but pitchforks at the gates for you guys from here on every time you try to abuse us"

This is a put up or shut up moment and I for one will be watching very closely to see what the new regime does about the extended protections.

I say that reluctantly because I really want to believe we've turned a corner

But as they say, fool me once ... nay, fool us all our lives .. shame on us

Let's see what they do. We already know what the old regime will do, bring it all down by any means necessary.

The question is, will we actually have a NEW regime?

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"Will the extended Pharma indemnity serve as a flash point of anger and rejection for the new regime or will it serve as convenient cover so the new regimes does not have to do the ugly work of getting in the face of Pharma . . . ." - Unfortunately, I suspect the latter.

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Another unconscionable move by a government that someday will be held accountable.

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That’s ModeRNA, not Moderns.

Note the capitalization 😉

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Synthetic MODified RNA... Not natural messenger RNA: mRNA.

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Pure evil.

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“Baby Talk Stories"

The issue is not one a mere european will change.

Cognisant area of double think is not to be treated as anything other than Bonhoeffer’s video of

through the act of dogmatic 'parroting ' ,

smart pple ossify to stupid ,which came out of Germany during the cov2scam.


The least patronising take is CF's exellent book Serious Adverse Events , cannot be recommend enough.

It just gets better and better.

Though more than 2/3rds now - something at p56 struck a chord - which ,outside of politics ,might bear some thought...

CF writes a little about Zagury -after setting the scene for major Nature editors' recantations...

- John Maddox ,the editor of Nature ,sent shockwaves through the US and UK scientific communities in 1991 when he wrote an editorial essentially apologizing for not having having given more credence to Duesberg’s view about HIV.What prompted him ,among other things ,was a study that showed mice ,when injected with their own lymphocytes (immune T cells active attackers ,B cells passive ‘rememberers’ giving years long immunity)

-may test positive for HIV.....

Maddox wrote “Now there is some evidence to support Duesberg’s long fight against establishment ( including Nature magazine itself)”

“There was more to AIDS than ‘baby – talk stories we’ve all been fed for years” - said John Maddox editor of Nature scientific magazine

(p56 Serious Adverse Events by CF,slightly redacted)

Where I would ask Celia Farber is where she can circumvent this ,in only mentioning Zagury once in her book,in passing – where Prof Bill Hamilton ,along with many scientists today look at Zagury’s nefarius live small pox related HIV self jabbing in 1988 Kinshasi (and ,by extrapolation today - sub Saharan) as a possible source of ,according to Montaignier ,

42 000 ICL (AIDs without detectable prescence of HIV1-2 or 3) – rendering the CDC present day narratives rooted in timeless ‘baby – talk’...

In 1986 Daniel Zagury ,using a vaccina virus used as vehicle for smallpox vax plus a portion of the envelope,ie outer coat of HIV-1 (viable live transmission),injected himself ,a french colleague,1000 congolese soldiers ,fellow collaborator on final paper 1988, was Robert Gallo. Later it emerged that the vaccine original virus had been supplied by an NIH scientist& that a french version of the vaccine had also been used in the trials. It was further revealed 'volunteers' had included 18 HIV negative Congolese children aged 2-18.2nd fase documented a further illegitimate trial involving circa 30 HIV seronegative adults ,including military volunteers.

Results of this or previous trial never published

the NIH Office for Protection from Research Risks ( OPRR)

subsequently placed restrictions on future Robert Gallo research involving human subjects,forbade Zagury from pursuing any further research involving US provided materials or technology

Dr Zagury's was a live vaccine,containing viable portion of HIV 's envelope

He was unaware that lenteviruses have uncanny ability to recombine -and pass swathes of genetic information from one to another.

Mikovits had already warned Gallo of this ,-but the F word ,again covered it up.

So much for the basis of cross species transmission.Rendering credible CDC 'declaration'

not only moot ,but beggaring belief.

Historically, therefore , H5N1 is connected with free substrate live 'attenuation' ,pre 1957 ,that Koprowski instigated , along with Zagury's live ,viable ,enveloped HIV -1 'premise.'

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Again, unless it is Congressional law, can a new administration just reverse or eliminate this? Further, can they prove he was under the influence of dementia and therefore nullify the pardons alone?

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Consider this:

In the Bible's fist chapter God creates the Heaven and the Earth. (Gen. 1)

In the very LAST chapters, pharmakeia sorcerers burn forevermore in the Lake of Fire.

Revelation 22:15 (last chapter of the Bible)

The Greek word "pharmakeia" is where we get the words pharmacy or pharmacist, and is ONLY translated and used this way in the book of Revelation. Other uses of the word "sorcery" denote more of a spiritual incantation and occult practice.

Revelation is specific about this phamakeia drug use in what we see today in big pharma.

Rev. 9:12, 18:23, 21;8 and 22:15.

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..."They Sure Need A Lot Of Protections For A Bunch of People Whose Products Are "Perfectly Safe.""...you can say that again. Few drugs are safe on their own merits. Most are deadly and destructive and who wants to take on that responsibility? Not the wimpy drug companies for sure. They could never make a drug that would stand up on its own, never.

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