Dead people are cold. Didn't they say the nano needed body warmth? Or was that only in order to assemble.

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They suggested warmth to assemble. It could be that early decomposition could be an energy source, like Grasshopper Kaplan said. I also thought if they walk over the grave with their own bluetooth turned on seeking other bluetooth, maybe that alone could "recharge" or activate the dormant antennae.

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They probably use the residual heat of decomposition as adequate energy source.

This may just be an unintended side effect.

I doubt any of the murderers care

about folks transmitting once the primary Intended effect of Depopulation is achieved.

I do Not believe they did all this just to be able to monitor who had complied, but also I think these rats don't don't know where it would all lead either, and certainly Not precautionary in principle applied as praxis of injections and infiltration

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They implied assemble and never mentioned disassembling

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According to TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN, the government has never done—or never published a longitudinal study comparing the health of the vaccinated and unvaccinated. The authors suspect that such a study has been done but not published because it would demonstrate that those who were never vaxxed are healthier.

The book cites a study by journalist Dan Olmsted of autism among the Amish in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The Amish vaccinate at a much lower rate than the rest of the American population. Olmsted found "fewer than five children with autism" and some of the children with autism were adopted.

Olmsted also found low or zero autism in other non-vaccinated communities: In Chicago, the Homefirst clinic of Dr. Mayer Eisenstein and colleagues, there were no cases of autism "among thousands of unvaccinated children over more than 30 years of practice". A home schooling group had zero autism (and zero vaccinations).

Other communities with low or zero rates of autism were Ethiopian children in Israel who were born in Ethiopia (and not vaccinated) and Somali children in Minnesota born in Africa (and not vaccinated).


(I also posted this comment at POST WOKE, another excellent site)

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The positive readings in the cemetery from the dead jabbed was mind blowing.

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Yes, and the positive readings from the unvaccinated who had submitted to the PCR test. That, I found, even more stunning.

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Thank God I haven’t got the shot or PCR or kissed or had sex with anyone that had the vax or PCR. I’m wondering if just casual contact can transfer the graphine oxide from one body to another?

This video really scared me as it didn’t just say identify but the nano technology could possibly have control of the human mind.

These demonic people who are involved with this evil vaccine must be eliminated.

I’m fairly old and not worried about myself but damned worried about my children.

Pray to God everyone. This is a spiritual war.

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I had suspected the tests were bullshit because we knew they were, so there of course was suspicious sinister invasion

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The same fraudulent PCR test that was the basis of this fraud?

The same test that set false positives with mangoes etc?

It proves nothing.

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Point being that graphene oxide was found in the PCR swabs. Nothing to do with the fraudulent covid testing that's been proved over and over again.

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More funny bullshit.

You know that graphene or mercury etc are effective in vaccines because they're directly injected into the blood right?

So I really don't think a fucking swab even if it has this mythical graphene matters any fucks.

Do me a favor and show me the data on this or shut the fuck up with your paranoid idiotic bullshit

People are dying because the lipids caused issues even before con-vid but idiots like you are obsessed over graphene.

Same stupid bullshit like the germ theory idiots who are obsessed over spike protein

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The documentary was sloppy at this point by not showing us whether they check the MAC address for a know manufacturer, which I would assume they did.

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On my phone when I scan for Bluetooth devices, I always get devices with names also. Your cell phone or tablet that has Bluetooth capability will send a signal with a name -- Iphone, Samsung A10s, Bose (for a speaker), Samsung TV, MarcosPhone (if someone has customized the name of their device) . . . so thinking that a MAC address which is a series of numbers, letters and colons is coming from someone's phone doesn't fly.

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unless they know how to make that happen.

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I live in Mexico. I had already adapted my phone to scan for bluetooth addresses of "devices without names" i.e. MAC addresses before this doc was released or, at least, before I watched it. About 8 months ago I began scanning public places, buses, etc. I can pick up MAC addresses almost everywhere but especially in restaurants largely frequented by tourists and foreigners. Thanks for posting the doc.

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MAC addresses are all assigned to specific network-enabled devices when they are manufactured, because they all have to be unique. It is highly unlikely that you are detecting MACs from people. So what you're really seeing is a reflection that every damn thing under the sun that is now being manufactured is WiFi enabled (your fridge, your camera, your dishwasher, your toilet...) and people don't know how to/can't be bothered turning that function off when they venture out, which is dangerous in itself.

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what you say does not exclude the possibility of people having been injected with devices with mac addresses capable of connecting to public networks.

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Search for IOB -- Internet of Bodies.

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Nov 22, 2022
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it's true, but I think you've all (probably intentionally) missed that people ran the controls very far from every iot device. It's not difficult to get out of blue tooth range.

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Thanks, macDuff. None of them even answered my question. A sign of dismissing something without actually looking at it. Ad hominems don't work on me either. It must be aliens right? Little green men. The intellectually lazy love to resort to that sort of 'half-baked' dismissal. At any rate, Celia posted the documentary and that's good enough for me. Besides, On my property where I live -- 3 apartments and one big house, when no other person is home except me and I'm the only one not vaxxed several times, no MAC addresses come up on a bluetooth scan. When any of the vaxxed are here, I always get a couple of MAC addresses. So it has zero to do with smart fridges and tvs at all . . . Onward.

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I notice that one can now buy a very tightly sealed aluminum sack for one's telephone to block all communications. That seems like a good product if you have to have one of these turds in your life, I've noticed that some of these turds one can't even remove the battery without major surgery. And those batteries seem to discharge a whole lot faster than they should if they were really off. I think "airplane mode" is a joke, all it does is cut off YOUR ability to use the communications hardware, not the boss's ability.

And I don't think that the pilots or the navigator care if you have a cell phone on during takeoff and landing.

I tried it shortly after 911 to prove to myself that the story about cell phone conversations from the planes was b.s. Had my brother on my phone and lost the connection quick enough with a little bit of height. The antennae on the cell towers are all large sector antennae and probably have a vertical beam of less than 3 degrees. Just one of many reasons I knew those stories were exactly as real as the airplane in the images which entered the WTC tower 100% without decelerating or deforming. The people around us will only believe a thing if it's false and only disbelieve it if it's true. William Casey would say that the CIA's work is now done.

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well it could be their telephones. Seems every doofus carries one these days. I guess they're your renters so you don't want to bother them, but the thing to do would be to have them leave their phones far away and come back in and let you do the scan, or verify the mac address of the wifi card on their phone.

These people aren't intellectually lazy (well, there's some of both), they are likely paid shills infiltrating substack just like they do youtube. As you know bots make more messages than humans do.

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maybe you should go and get the quietest one and let them take your place.

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Did you watch the documentary?

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See my comment above regarding the distinction between devices with or without names.

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Nov 22, 2022
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There's also the evidence of graphene hydroxide "razor blades" in the vaxx vials, as reported by graphene hydroxide expert, Dr. Andreas Noack, a few days prior to him apparently being assassinated. See "GRAPHENE 'RAZOR BLADES' In 'VACCINE' (Dr. Andreas Noack); Claim of 'Death following REPORT'?" at https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ervbi96YgrzG/

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Thanks for sharing this difficult material. Although we have seen other information this is true, this video is a very compelling document. Please share this widely everyone.

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I have to say I'm highly highly HIGHLY skeptical of this. That skepticism comes from 2+ decades of being a systems analyst, plus a background in avionics, which consists of a LOT of radios, radio theory, antenna design etc, both analog AND digital, all over the EMF spectrum. The notion that there exists an injectable product that is capable of assembling itself into a transceiver, complete with an antenna, and solve all of the problems of power generation, antenna parameters, impedance matching etc, AND generate a unique(?) MAC address, and somehow respond to interrogations stretches the bonds of credibility way past the breaking point.

The notion that you're going to get passive Bluetooth signals from dead people who are buried in the ground? That's a stellar example of 'not even wrong' IMO.

I have to consider such stories to be "positioning the well", in other words a means to discredit legitimate concerns and objections with the Covid shots, and there are plenty of those that we can focus on, without having to resort to tinfoil hat nonsense.

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Ruling things out after consideration is a big part of what we do here.

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Thank you for listing your concerns. I think you meant "poisoning the well" didn't you?

First of all that documentary is old in the scheme of things and 99% of the public know nothing about these theories. Second, Celia Farber thought it was interesting enough to post it here. Now it can be scrutinized (as she wrote in this thread) and then dismissed or someone can conduct a better designed experiment.

The only legitimate reason NOT to take a vaccine is simple: they are unnecessary. There are no pathogenic viruses or bacteria to arm ourselves against. That is the foundational truth that even the searchers for truth are missing. Over and over and over again.

As long as the greater population fears "germs" they will line up for the "cure" . . . as long as the Health Freedom Movement leaders carry on with the "evil virus" story, even the truthers will argue for the pros and cons of taking a vial of pure madness.

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Yep. Stupid autocorrect.

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My tape tech thinks building seven just fell down because the ones next to it did, and someone else told him that made the building fall down, no aeroplane necessary

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As an electrical engineer of over 30 years in the trenches who does integrated circuit design in the nano-meter kinds of geometries; 100% in agreement with your conclusions. Don't fall for this, people. It is pure hogwash.

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PS, I think you meant "poisoning" the well. :-)

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You could be correct. Why don’t you try and simulate what they did. It’s not too difficult

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I'm considering trying it. I know a large group of people in whom the vax rate is near 100%, so it ought to be trivial to replicate this with a scanner on my phone.

(I'm unvaccinated and have never had PCR)

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Edward. I think that is a great idea. In the documentary, The Great Reset, a group of French researchers performed a very similar experiment. Their sample size was larger which generally yields more reliable results. Their findings were much the same as the Mexican researchers.

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I can get injected and bury myself

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LOL. Plz don't do that, Grasshopper.

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Was joking.

I am already buried alive but not injected

Thank you Mel

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The Great Reset Movie link. To see the French MAC address experiment go to minute: 1:39:25 . . .

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I have NEVER been tested for the very reason that I didnt trust someone shoving something into my brain. Well almost.

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Me either. A year ago there were videos of microscopic images of fibers emanating from the tips of the swabs used for the PCR tests. In fact, more than just a few of these. One Canadian doctor guessed they resembled a form of bacteria. But who knows really? And what kind of "evidence" or "proof" would satisfy most? The entire science of virology is lacking well-designed controls as well as a methodology that actually isolates the organism from everything else and trillions of dollars have been spent to keep that flotilla of labs cranking out thousands of versions of computer genomic sequences of thousands of alleged variants of viruses and NEW(!) viruses so that Pfizer can announce the latest new cure. Step right up!.

So should any of us be surprised at what might be in the vaccines? I think not. Why were literally hundreds of people caught on video with little kitchen magnets sticking to the injection site shortly after they were shot up? These videos came from all over the world. Were they all a video production? Maybe. Can't be ruled in or out.

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All this reminds me of the original TV Superman episode 1.08 "The Mind Machine" -- A scientist has built a machine that can force people to say and do things by remote control. Though built for a benevolent purpose to help cure illness, a mobster steals the invention to change the testimony of witnesses called to testify against him. The BIG PROBLEM? The machine FRIES THE PERSON'S BRAIN and the VICTIMS DIE A SHORT TIME AFTER. Superman races to find the mobster before Lois Lane is called to testify!

{link removed/not working}

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I think our families would be safer if all world political and corporate leaders would commit suicide. So if you agree with me, let's start letting them know that that's how we feel. We could even tell them that we don't think there's a virus, just their press scaring us all, and that once again, if they're all dead, the press will probably stop doing that as all of the people the press owes money to would suddenly be dead. So, are you with me? Should we ask world political and corporate leaders to kill themselves for the cause? It would be the right thing for them to do, and they've been telling us how anxious they are to see everybody do the right thing.

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I have a bucketful of doubts about this. It's quite possible the supposed self assembling graphene is just crystalization, as many scientists have said. As to the magnetic idea... it would be an extremely tiny amount of metal that is injected. I'm not a magnetist but it would seem to me that such a teeny tiny amount is not possible to hold the weight of a fork or other magnet. As to the MAC addresses... those are everywhere and in every thing. I guess we could all run over to the local cemetery and see what we can find.... but.... here in the US bodies are in caskets, some metal, and then encased in 2 inch cement, under 6 ft of dirt. Could you even get transmission through that? And what would be powering it?

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I worked in the oilfield and used electric magnets. It’s amazing how much they can lift. The human body is electric and can be measured using a voltage meter. But as you stated there can’t be much metal. I also agree about the power for these nano circuits in dead people. But what we see is decades behind what is really being experimental now.

The nano circuits in a living body is really not out of the question.

And definitely I’m afraid of 5g

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I'm thinking of the size of an NMR instrument vs nano... and definitely needs to be powered to have that strength. And, ya, it's true what is out for regular info consumption is way behind what the military is currently working on.... maybe 15 yrs behind or more? Yet - a lot of info is out there but us commoners are too busy trying to survive to take time to peruse all of it. Charles Lieber alreaady did the nano wire transistors.... in hand with the Chinese, remember? Have you seen Dr Tour at Rice talk about his nano machines? Amazing - and scary - what they can do these days. I'm sensitive to something - 5g, dirty electricity, emf... something... but my house is plaster walls and wifi does not go through 2 of these walls which makes me question any nano being able to transmit through a coffin.

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well I guess you won't know if you won't make the effort. Learn how to scan for bluetooth mac addresses with no name, and find a remote spot where you see none, then bring a vaccinated person or 10 there and scan again.

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Why would graphene be put in something intended to go in a human body in the first place?

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It has been studied for various uses ... cancer treatment for one. Just do a search for graphene treatments.

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True. There are patents for roaming nano bots that can transmit data back to the doctor which lets them know if one is taking their meds as prescribed.

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More studies like this need to be done. What are these dystopian creatures really up to?

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Something I caught disturbing. So, theoretically, a signal can be sent to the device in you that would affect behavior. All the people just snapping and committing horrible, violent crimes? Induced?

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Wouldn’t the pcr tests be easy to investigate and see what is in them?

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Transmit what? There's no virus. There's no spike protein causing the issues.

The jabs are toxins... There's not enough in one shot to spread around and cause sickness.

If anything the transmission is much like how women synchronize menstruation... A sympathetic communication.

As for the Mac addresses, Bluetooth still requires power, more than even a pacemaker uses to communicate. That has an actual battery, this so called nano transmitter has no power source. Plus, the chips that are implanted in most people are passive rfid, meaning you need to put them near a reader to power them up to transmit their identity.

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I thought I'd watch a movie tonight. I chose "Cell" with John Cusack. Not my normal fare, but this one grabbed my interest, given our current events. Basically, the movie begins when an airport full of people, in an instant, are all "pulsed" through their cellphones and earbuds, which almost all but a few, are using at that moment. The mass of people immediately go rabid crazy and begin killing everyone in reach or themselves. I'm still watching, to see how the few get out of this walking killers world, which has evidently happened throughout the land.

Having read and heard about the nanotechnology, bluetooth signals emanating from bodies, self-assembling circuitry in gene-edited blood, well, gotta say this movie seemed less like fiction and more like a possible prophesy. See what you think.

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Celia, this is slightly off topic but just listened to a recent Blaze CR (Daniel Horowitz) podcast of pathologist Dr Ryan Cole. Cole made very decisive remark indicating that "tin foil hat" crowd has mistakenly believed there is GO in the vxx. He believes what they are seeing is crystalline form of cholesterol. He was adamant about this. But his response does not deal with the real magnetic response to many vxx recipients. Thoughts?

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