That the con theory can be read as the active mindset in 'sustainability' of lies set against feared truth - is evident to me at least. HOW that actually operates as synchronicity is by no means all consciously planned or intended. Rather the mind is assigned the function of protector and guide relative to the evasion of psych emotional conflicts that are in a sense physicalised or externalised to relationships, situations and events or outcomes. And does so as the establishing of a compartmentalised and locked down focus of attention and awareness we call 'waking or surface consciousness' as a front end to a much greater activity that is sub consciously set over the Source of Life which is the true Unconscious or truly moved sense of living that is suppressed, filtered and denied by a lockdown to a socially reinforced separate self sense.
The release to Media or focus of Media of any information has to take account of the inherent bias of such a 'service' that effectively delivers its readership to narrative manipulations that serve invested interests of survival (sustainable face, model or narrative), in common. The public investment of which is the desire to remain in ignorance within a drama of seeking or unfolding resolutions that serve to keep attention investment running.
The truth of the virological and genetic shenanigans will not be found in the frame of their invested belief. But such drama will obfuscate and divert from the underlying psyop/deceit by which we maintain a locked down, distanced and masking 'consciousness' of a covert identity against the true and felt quality and appreciation for being - which must include genuine feedback to conflicting thoughts, meanings and purposes. Conflict begins at home.
That the con theory can be read as the active mindset in 'sustainability' of lies set against feared truth - is evident to me at least. HOW that actually operates as synchronicity is by no means all consciously planned or intended. Rather the mind is assigned the function of protector and guide relative to the evasion of psych emotional conflicts that are in a sense physicalised or externalised to relationships, situations and events or outcomes. And does so as the establishing of a compartmentalised and locked down focus of attention and awareness we call 'waking or surface consciousness' as a front end to a much greater activity that is sub consciously set over the Source of Life which is the true Unconscious or truly moved sense of living that is suppressed, filtered and denied by a lockdown to a socially reinforced separate self sense.
The release to Media or focus of Media of any information has to take account of the inherent bias of such a 'service' that effectively delivers its readership to narrative manipulations that serve invested interests of survival (sustainable face, model or narrative), in common. The public investment of which is the desire to remain in ignorance within a drama of seeking or unfolding resolutions that serve to keep attention investment running.
The truth of the virological and genetic shenanigans will not be found in the frame of their invested belief. But such drama will obfuscate and divert from the underlying psyop/deceit by which we maintain a locked down, distanced and masking 'consciousness' of a covert identity against the true and felt quality and appreciation for being - which must include genuine feedback to conflicting thoughts, meanings and purposes. Conflict begins at home.
Heads will roll.