Bondi Releases Epstein Documents To Chosen Influencers, Setting Off Anger: I Went Back In Time To Find The Missing Pieces To The Epstein Story, And 20 Hours Passed--
A New Theory Of Everything, That's Not New
From Former Spy Details Israel’s Motive Behind Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation, by Whitney Webb, 2019
I’m being strangled by a Jeffrey Epstein post I’ve been working on for 20 hours. I must hack my way through it, since it’s too late to turn back.
Around me are towering oak trees of frightening implications: Saudi-UK arms deals, secret Satanic societies, Iran Contra, espionage software, a war between the CIA and Mossad, between Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, and even a severed cat’s head left on former Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter’s doorstep. Just for starters.
Whitney Webb has spent years untangling this and I don’t know how she starts sane.
I was surprised to discover that Vicky Ward (formerly of VF) was the first to learn of Epstein’s close bond to UK arms dealer Sir Douglas Leese, as early as 2002, via her jailhouse interviews with Steven Hoffenberg.
What you see on X is the fast food version of the story, that ignores the submerged iceberg of very well documented evidence of truly staggering angles you never hear about.
But I’ll start with the recent, and superficial aspects:
Huge outcry on X over the past couple of hours, over AG Pam Bondi’s selection of a handful of conservative influencers who were given first copies of the heavily redacted Epstein files, at the White House, today.
The binder is being condemned as a dud, due to all its redactions, and people are furious that a select few, (who some say were chosen for being supportive of Israel,) were selected to receive the files first. They’re angry that Bondi didn’t upload it straight to the internet, and also angry that the influencers are smiling, which seems to cast a queasy pall over the whole thing.
But as I researched this, all day, and immersed myself in old articles, old podcasts, and very long detailed reports, I realized that story has been distorted by social media (those behind the narrative control) to make you think we’re short on either evidence, or full disclosure.
The horse has long since left the barn—it is well known who Jeffrey Epstein was, where he came from, and precisely who all was part of his nauseating operation and scene.
It now seems to me that “release the files!” is itself part of an OP. Also, most conservative influencers have no attention spans for deep research, context, or documented history.
Meanwhile, the big story on X is yet another conservative civil war, this time arranged around outrage at those who were selected by Bondi to receive the dossier today.
Here are a few screenshots of the furor:
Matt Kim clip here.
Sometimes conservative superstar influencers make it difficult to trust them. (Irony intended.)
It’s child’s play to speculate about Epstein and Mossad, as the history is very well documented, including by none other than Seymour Hirsch, in addition to Webb’s on the record mea culpa with Ari Ben Menashe in 2019.
But you wouldn't know that by scooting around MAGA accounts on X.
Here’s a very detailed timeline of Epstein, and all his exposed (not hidden) intelligence wires, which include but are not limited to Mossad, from 2019, published in The Unz Report, by Marco De Wit.
A slew of eye opening screen shots, if you can bear with me, from De Wit’s piece, before we continue. They’re not in sequential order, but each one lights up part of the story:
And so on and so on.
We’ll work our way through some of the most common angles, and eventually we’ll get to my personal thoughts.
Epstein was not fringe, nor is the story he is embedded in about him. He’s a symptom of, and convenient scapegoat for an entire, elaborate nest of complicit people who mixed, mingled, befriended, and defended him, over decades. In addition to intelligence operatives, they include major media figures, “elites,” bankers, journalists, scientists, and Ivy League deans—and maybe even a few famous and ambitious “conservative” figures.
Screenshots are primarily from these articles:
The Talented Mr. Epstein, by Vicky Ward, VF, 2003
Epstein Pedoscandal Mossad Timeline by Marco De Wit, in The Unz Review
The Venomous Epstein Tapes by Vicky Ward,, 2021
One fact I learned today that are mysteriously omitted from almost all Epstein coverage, and which I learned from an extraordinary podcast series by historian Darryl Cooper:
Epstein, as one of the people directly involved told a reporter (Vicky Ward) as early as 2002, was, yes, “connected to intelligence” and had a close partnership with British arms dealer Sir Douglas Leese. And it wasn’t just any old arms deal. It was “…the biggest British sale of anything, to anyone.” So why does Leese’s name hardly come up, in the context of Epstein?
Article, Sir Douglas Leese, Arms Dealer and Epstein Mentor, here.
Everybody says “Mossad,” but hardly anybody says: “UK,” in the context of Maxwell/Epstein.
This post alleges that Steve Bannon was recruited by Israeli intelligence and Epstein himself to influence US policy toward Israel, via Breitbart News, which he edited at the time, (2008) and claims Jeffrey Epstein wired $50,000 to him to do so. That’s quite a claim! If true…there needs to be a thorough house-cleaning and investigation into Zionist funding of alt.right media. Or should we just assume that those who relentlessly defend Israel are getting paid?
Screenshot: Epstein and Larry Summer
Here’s Whitney Webb’s interview with Epstein victim Maria Farmer, who testified that she was severely abused and degraded by Epstein and Maxwell, because she was not Jewish.
Here’s Julie K. Brown’s 2019 Miami Herald investigation into the backdoor dealings and various players that enabled Epstein to evade justice. Very good work but at the same time, cements Epstein’s reputation as one man Houdini. In this piece, Brown reports that Alan Dershowitz claimed Epstein victim lawyer David Boies fabricated his involvement with Epstein, “made it up.”
In this 2019 podcast, The Whistleblower Newsroom, which I co-hosted with Kristina Borjesson at the time, (Epstein victim) Virginia Guieffre’s lawyer David Boies told us how dead-impossible it was to interested the press in Epstein, for years, until he was arrested. He told us that Alan Dershowitz boasted to him, as a negotiating tool, that it was he who got ABC to kill Amy Robach’s Epstein story.
What remains to be said about the Jeffrey Epstein saga?
All day I puzzled over what was bothering me about it all, and how to cover this, today.
The first thing to note is how repetitive it is—what you are induced the focus on and what you are induced to ignore.
People have long been hyping a long awaited “list” despite the fact that one or several lists have been public for years. That confuses me.
The focus is on famous people who don’t want it known their names are on the list(s) and flight logs—but this is a stale story, chewed to death, and leading to, as George Trow would say, “no context,” other than celebrities being degenerate pedophiles and Epstein having run a blackmail operation.
You’re induced to focus on who is on the list, not who was in fact behind Epstein. Many say “Mossad” but I feel this too is limited hangout to an extent; I will explain shortly.
As for the names, author, and journalist Nick Bryant, who did epic work on The Franklin Scandal, managed to get hold of Epstein’s actual “little black book,” and publish it at the now extinct Gawker, 10 years ago.
The unreacted Little Black Book is here.
Bryant just posted this on X: “The Alpha and Omega of the Jeffrey Epstein Cover-up.”
Here’s the video:
Here, Bryant gives details about Leslie Wexner, one particular murder in Ohio, and how he got the black book. Here’s a website devoted to justice for the victims. (
The First Imperial Press Conference, The Dawn Of The NWO, And The Control Of All Media and History, Since 1909.
The frustrated feeling I had all day was of the historical roots of the Epstein story being occluded, consistently, as it has become a circus of distortions and half truths.
I came upon what I now think is the best coverage of said deep historical roots, by controversial, loved and hated historian Darryl Cooper. (“Hated” mostly because he overturns many conventional narratives about Britain, Churchill, and WW2.)
I laid down on my sofa to listen to it, and about half an hour in, became transfixed. Cooper was filling in the very blanks that were bothering me—the British roots of the entire saga, starting with “Robert Maxwell.” I had said that was his fifth name, but Cooper says he had a total of 12 different names throughout his insane life as a spy for M15, KGB, Mossad and CIA.
It is Robert Maxwell, I assert, and his British identity, even before his Jewish identity, that is the capstone to understanding the Epstein saga.
The first 5 hours, here, “Epstein, The Full Series, Parts 1-3.” It starts slow and takes detours but is genuinely riveting, and original.
“It’s all Britain?”
Ok, now you’ll think I’ve gone off the deep end. But please hear me out and if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I have long felt the sticky, synthetic feeling of an “OP,” when I read the usually fragmented, not quite properly developed (but popular) theory that “the Jews” control the United States. I see the case, and I don’t reject it, but I feel it is not as complete as one competing, alternate theory.
Last few weeks, I’ve been listening to American Intelligence Media, to understand the case they have been making for years that America’s mortal enemy is in fact the British Crown, from whom we in fact never emancipated. They talk about The Pilgrim Society as the Alpha and Omega of all PSY OPs, wars, and miseries. I was a prepared mind for this since Richard Kotlarz told me, some 15 years ago, about the lost economic history of both the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
What Happened In 1909? (Little Detail)
It adds up and checks out, to my mind, that the “it’s all Israel/It’s all the Jews” world view omits the role of the British, of the Anglo-American alliance, and of the global media propaganda apparatus founded by them over 100 years ago at a darkly significant meeting, hardly, (except the Gabriels and their co-host McKibben) ever talk about.
Held in London, in 1909, it was called the “First Imperial Press Conference,” and according to American Intelligence Media, it established the propaganda foundation for everything we have ever been told on any aspect of history. It was organized by the British Pilgrims Society, and included 650 “newspaper men” from Britain and America, who were in fact agents and spies, and who established their mission to consolidate “editorial control of the empire.” It was funded by none other than Burroughs Wellcome, now GlaxoSmithKline, of, among other atrocities AZT fame, as well as the orchestrated takedown of Andrew Wakefield.
A fearless, rarely cited American journalist and researcher named Lillian Scott Troy, devoted her life to exposing this threat to the United States. She documented what she called a 24 point Pilgrims Society plot to “annex America.”
You can read about it, and about her, here, here, and here.
(All downloaded PDFs are in the links above.)
This (above) is a fascinating discussion about this thesis, and Lillian Scott Troy. Everything is tightly documented.
To bring it back to Epstein…
In 2021, I delved into the Epstein/Maxwell saga on the urging of my then editor, Tracy Beanz, at Uncover DC, and my research took me straight to “Robert Maxwell.”
I wound up writing this piece, tracing Maxwell’s many name changes, spy missions, and British-Communist takeover of both the scientific press and the lay press.
Since then, my mind leaned toward a Crown-centered theory of the world, which does not preclude Mossad/IDF, but places them as an important tool of the Crown/Empire—always doing its bidding.
Remember what Amy Robach said about who “…threatened” ABC “…a million different ways?”
How about this?
Jefferey Epstein was a British-Zionist joint operation and project. And because they have controlled all we read, think, hear and believe, since at least 1909, we’re only permitted to understand the “Zionist” part, while (Masonic) Britain continues to manipulate us not to see the role it plays in every last one of our blights and tragedies.
The architects of the New World Order are the central banks, The City Of London. I don’t mean “England,” I mean the Anglo-American banking axis.
Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell…they were British. Robert Maxwell grew to control both lay and scientific media in the UK—he was a communist—and he was a ferocious Zionist. The pieces seem to all be falling into place. But we can’t see it, because we are programmed to think of the British empire as something that suddenly decided to go away.
What if we were to find out that the entire founding mythos of the United States is a deception?
The freedom that mattered was the freedom from usury, from economic enslavement by central banks.
Who killed all our Presidents, who understood this?
Just a thought.
The eugenics agenda is the most important keystone to the Epstein saga. It's behind the pedophilia, blackmail, power, social engineers, mind managers and scientists his universe was enmeshed in. And the origins of the plandemic, including the PCR tests, gene therapies, psychological mind-farkery, media, all of it had Epstein in a pivotal hub between. And as the plandemic was launched he became a loose end, a liability that had outlived his "best if used by" date. I think the pedophilia angle is the distraction. Full of salacious gossip and tawdry images to keep the masses entertained and disgusted. May drag down a few of the expendable ones, a little red meat to satiate the masses. While allowing the much bigger crimes and agendas Epstein was in the middle of, that continue to this day, to remain undetected and unabated. Master race stuff. The Nazi's got it from the US and UK, Germany was their playground before the war. And for some, even during it. Man as god. That's the greatest evil inside the Epstein story. Praying intrepid investigators like Celia and others are able to continue to discover and reveal layer after layer. As we try to do our part, as well.
Brilliant article. I add this: on the very day of the debacle of the Epstein documents "release", Keir Starmer, PM of UK, visits the Oval Office. Delivers an unprecedented invitation/letter from the King. Meanwhile, over the road, at Blair House, where Starmer was staying, as do all international leaders visiting the White House, the Union Jack was flown upside-down.
Upside down. Distress signal. Let that sink in, in light of all the above.
That was no minor protocol error.