The eugenics agenda is the most important keystone to the Epstein saga. It's behind the pedophilia, blackmail, power, social engineers, mind managers and scientists his universe was enmeshed in. And the origins of the plandemic, including the PCR tests, gene therapies, psychological mind-farkery, media, all of it had Epstein in a pivotal hub between. And as the plandemic was launched he became a loose end, a liability that had outlived his "best if used by" date. I think the pedophilia angle is the distraction. Full of salacious gossip and tawdry images to keep the masses entertained and disgusted. May drag down a few of the expendable ones, a little red meat to satiate the masses. While allowing the much bigger crimes and agendas Epstein was in the middle of, that continue to this day, to remain undetected and unabated. Master race stuff. The Nazi's got it from the US and UK, Germany was their playground before the war. And for some, even during it. Man as god. That's the greatest evil inside the Epstein story. Praying intrepid investigators like Celia and others are able to continue to discover and reveal layer after layer. As we try to do our part, as well.

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Is the eugenics agenda about the bio cyber interface (#cybernetics, cyber backbone, cyber physical systems, etc) for the internet of bio nano things / internet of living things? transhumanism?


Warren Sturgis McCulloch.



Robert Naeslund The Human Brain Project


Why were companies microshipping their employees?


Why did they stop? Is it because graphene is in our water, food, jabs, pharma products? Is it possible to build biosensors inside the human body when graphene is in the body?







6 Billion People’s Personal Biometrics Stolen by China for their Quantum Artificial Intelligence Military Program


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That. And more. Celia mentions the Franklin Coverup, pedophilia in the powerful. This Stack of mine a few years ago explored that, linked to eugenics. And Brain-Computer interfaces, surveillance technology, social credit systems, NVidia at the heart of it. The depths of evil behind it. And how that gaming tech company turned out to be the Beta test best-of-breed that's driven it to become one of the highest market cap stocks in the world:


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"How about this?

Jefferey Epstein was a British-Zionist joint operation and project. And because they have controlled all we read, think, hear and believe, since at least 1909, we’re only permitted to understand the “Zionist” part, while (Masonic) Britain continues to manipulate us not to see the role it plays in every last one of our blights and tragedies.

The architects of the New World Order are the central banks, The City Of London. I don’t mean “England,” I mean the Anglo-American banking axis.

Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell…they were British. Robert Maxwell grew to control both lay and scientific media in the UK—he was a communist—and he was a ferocious Zionist. The pieces seem to all be falling into place. But we can’t see it, because we are programmed to think of the British empire as something that suddenly decided to go away.

What if we were to find out that the entire founding mythos of the United States is a deception?"

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See AIM (aim4truth.org) on the Pilgrims Society.

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Brilliant article. I add this: on the very day of the debacle of the Epstein documents "release", Keir Starmer, PM of UK, visits the Oval Office. Delivers an unprecedented invitation/letter from the King. Meanwhile, over the road, at Blair House, where Starmer was staying, as do all international leaders visiting the White House, the Union Jack was flown upside-down.

Upside down. Distress signal. Let that sink in, in light of all the above.

That was no minor protocol error.

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LOL, the Union flag, "upside down" - that subtle British humour, like the joke about the Irish brain surgeon...

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Great observation!

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Your theory that it’s really the British crown & British aristocracy behind it all is indeed the reality, but it’s not an “alternate theory”. It’s also virtually all Jews, and the global domination motive originates from the core of Judaism. The disconnect is that one of the most suppressed secrets of history is that the British aristocracy are all crypto-Jews, and Britain has been a Jewish-ruled state since the Norman (Jewish) invasion in 1066AD led by William the Conqueror that entirely wiped out the non-Jewish aristocracy. MI5/6, Mossad, CIA, KGB, FSB all work together as one because they’re all Jewish, serving Jewish goals of global domination and slavery or extermination of all ‘goyim’. And yes, most of the ‘conservative’ and ‘alt’ media are complicit in the continued coverup and are part of Mockingbird.

The vicious system of threats and persecution of anyone who speaks truth about Jewish history is designed to make sure that this complete blackout of Jewish history becomes permanent.

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Very true. Although now I would venture to say that US dual nationals dominate the slaver sect.

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I might be mistake, but wasn't it a UK politician who pushed for the creation of the State of Israel after WWII?

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The UK was losing to Germany in 1916, which was willing to end the conflict. Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour offered a guarantee of the future usurpation of Palestine for Zionists to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, in exchange for a promise that the US would enter the war. Zionists already exerted enormous political influence on the Woodrow Wilson administration, and even more financial influence via the Federal Reserve Bank, established in 1913. The Rothschilds have controlled international central banking since the Napoleonic Wars. ("All wars are bankers' wars.")

As promised, the US entered the war in 1917 (the same year as the Bolshevik Revolution), the tide turned, and the result in 1918 was the disastrous Treaty of Versailles, which destroyed Germany, and guaranteed another bankers' war in the 1930s.

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Thank you!

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Well said. If you have not already done so, I suggest you visit AIM (aim4truth.org). They focus on the Pilgrims Society, SES, Serco, and other ties that are mostly overlooked.

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That's a huge article. Thanks!

It seems all the pieces are in place.

Celia, you have brought a lot of clarity to all this monstrous saga. It's such a long and detailed story that it seems we are reading something written on the scales of a very long anaconda.

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Well, I believe you are very near the truth. I'll never be able entirely to settle on Truth--we walk on sifting sands; but, I got my start down a more truthful road, as a history student studying 'Problems' in US History. One simply cannot understate the role of finance--and oddly, I remarked earlier today--what is London, other than the center of finance? As for U.S. history and its repercussions on today, I think you have to take it back to Andrew Jackson. It is also important to take a good look at McKinley and why he was assassinated.

I have been disgusted with X more this last couple of weeks than perhaps ever before. Certainly this Epstein release is a complete misdirect--the only thing that makes me thankful is it adds to the list of people whose opinions I disregard. I did a lot of reading about Maxwell when the Epstein story first broke--. I always found it disconcerting that public opinion followed only the low hanging fruit of the Lolita Express, etc. The story is much bigger.

Since the Las Vegas "Harvest" shooting, which seems to me to basically be a cover for some nefarious Saudi Intel Operation gone awry (with the extraction of MBS) it seems clear that other countries intelligence wars were given carte blanche on American soil (why? And to what ends, exactly?)

I really appreciate your thoughtful essay through this topic. I particularly found the remarks of Bismarck interesting. There is a line from Prussian aggression to the Communard to the events pre-figuring WWI--to the financed fascists of 1930s Germany, to the financed Communists of 1917 Russia, to the geo-political re-positioning of Europe post WW2. It is an extremely long game and extremely important to map it as a plan with many parts stretching vastly across the last 200 years or so, at least.

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Awesome article Celia, thank you for all your hard work.

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Yes, I might have read before about much of this ... yet as years pass, i forget many aspects and interconnections of the tangled web ... Your presentation makes the intrigues seem fresh and new ... like reading about it for the first time. THANK YOU for a most informative review of the Epstein saga.

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Oh yes Celia, the UK is the heart of the Knights of Malta. But the REAL controllers are the quiet, unobtrusive, ultimately secretive, ultimately controlling SWISS.

Who controls the UK? Who controls Izrael, America, Russia, the Vatican, China and everything else? The Swiss.

Where does all the money end up? Swiss banks.

What were the only banks Hitler did NOT loot? Swiss banks.

Switzerland is the REAL das Fatherland.

People think its the Jews that run the world, but who runs the Jews? The Swiss.

"The reason there is so much confusion about real Jews, and the 'Chosen Ones', is because they are all the Chosen Ones IF they are the illegitimate offspring of the Bloodlines (the 13 bloodlines that secretly run the world).

As you know, breeding among the Bloodlines is very calculated and orchestrated. However, rampant sex with the locals was not. So wherever the Bloodlines migrated (they were the Pharaohs in the past civilization) they left behind partial bloodline offspring, and communities to raise them.

Being partial Bloodline, the Jews (sons of Jezuits) were the Chosen Ones and therefore educated, specifically in Math, Economics and Finance. That way, wherever the Jews, the illegitimate offspring of the Bloodlines went they would ultimately control the money, and hence the population.

And the Bloodlines' web of control spread.

Each sect of Jews was given a different version of the Religion of the One True God and there were strict laws about mating. Jews could only marry Jews, and in some sects male Jews were permanently marked in a secret ritual to identify them as Jews, circumcision.

So Jews, if they are the illegitimate offspring of the Bloodlines, are the 'Chosen Ones', wherever the Bloodlines migrated and impregnated the locals.

55% of Swiss males still carry the Pharaonic gene.

Switzerland is the Hive.

Izrael is the Nursery."

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The Swiss make chocolate. They don't run the world. But the people who do - the Rothschilds - have a base and much of their wealth stashed safely there.

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No, the Rottchilds are the public face of banking. The Swiss are the ones BEHIND the curtain. The ones you NEVER see.

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All 5 million Swiss?

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"All 5 million Swiss?"

Nope, just the llluminati.

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Ah, them. Yes.

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Everyone should read the original ancient Chinese 'Art Of War'. One of the 'tactics' is to keep the 'enemy'(which, 'we' are the enemy in this scenario) going around in circles with no focal point or 'end game') so that a tremendous amount of energy(whether it be money or 'attention' or 'labor' ,.....) is wasted. Knowing all these supposed truths, what does it benefit you or me in the grand scheme of our lives and those of our loved ones? What 'control' or 'effect' does it give us? Yes, I am/we are no longer deceived, and we see the truth and get confirmations of what we suspected. And yes, it allows purging, or 'selective' purging/correcting of the system. But, is it really to 'clean' it or turn it into something else? How many of us have the 'tools' to be an active participant of these things? But what if, your 'energy', your 'attention', your 'focal point' gave you the 'tools' to actually 'change' your environment and that of your loved ones to something better and greater? Gave you the 'power' to do just that? Where is our 'limited' time and 'energy'/'focal point' better served for you and me? I believe ALL of this is merely distraction. In a battle, who wins between those that are prepared and trained and those that are not? Interesting stuff happening, but a distraction none the less. Right now, in this present time, there is a 'palatable' positive 'energy'/belief happening. I personally want to put most of my energy into that. Riding that wave. The positive things that can help my loved ones, those around me and myself. What I have been finding out in just the past few days is the inconceivable amount we have been lied to by 'science'. I mean I always knew, but i had no idea to the 'depth'. Stuff that was KNOWN 150 years ago as truth, is now being slowly released like it's new. IT IS NOT. The way that this world is set up/made/engineered by 'God' or whatever terminology you want to use. A way that makes it usable, provable, and oh so powerful. For me personally, if I know how something works, I can easily predict/know exactly (have faith/belief) what can and will happen before it does. And this 'type' of 'science' does NOT negate the existence of God at all. But it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt there exists 'something' so far above me and so wise and intelligent and yet, is more than willing to give me the 'keys to the kingdom', so to speak to use. But you can't give a 'tool' to a child that can accidentally use it and 'hurt' those around them. Have to 'learn', be 'instructed', 'taught' how to use them properly. Fine with me. Exciting stuff. I'm not wasting it on some sick, evil, devilish stuff. Just some food for thought.

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When you know the truth, you are no longer on the sidelines. You are a participant within your means. Even if all you can do is correct your own moral compass and perhaps talk to a few loved ones about what is really happening, you have become a participant. That's the difference.

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There will NEVER be a true complete Epstein list because Epstein was pimping girls out of Mar-a-Lago!

And from Mar-a-Lago to Epstein island is a BOAT RIDE.

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Wondering how you learned that?

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"Wondering how you learned that"

It was zero coincidence that Diddy exploded at the same time that the Prime documentary on Prince Andrew and Epstein came out, because the 17 year old girl, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who brought sexual charges against Prince Andrew, testified that she was taken to Mar-a-Iago by Ghislaine Maxwell, and that she was “recruited from Mar-a-Iago” to have sex with Prince Andrew. Because from Mar-a-Iago to Epstein’s island is a boat ride.


Alexander Acosta is the corrupt U.S. State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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Names blacked out…knock me over with a feather, what a surprise.

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apropos of the saudi uk stuff, the Las Vegas massacre I read was a cover up for a Saudi prince (MBS?) to kill off kin who were his enemies

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I heard that Vegas was a Black Ops extraction of 2 Saudi princes from the hotel that went horribly wrong. And gunfire ensued and bystanders were getting shot, so they quickly decided to stage it as a lone-gunman shooting.

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That's certainly the most compelling interpretation of events that I have found, yes.

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Mindy Robinson is a Las Vegas resident, and has devoted herself to uncovering this. I read she produced a documentary on it, which I plan to watch.

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So the new head of the ICC is a Zionist, the people reviewing the JFK files are Zionists, and the people releasing the Epstein files are Zionists. What could go wrong?

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Maybe, everything?:).

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Farber digs beyond and comes up with the British Empire. One hell of an article.

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Epstein is small potatoes. Child trafficking is a global government business.

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What a shit show. Pam Bondi on Fox News everyday telling us how awful the Epstein were. Why is she on the news everyday. One day she said the files were on her desk for review. Really, she just left it on her desk for review like it was a budget item or something. That’s when I knew she was FOS. Plus, she has a history setting up innocent people. She falsified evidence and tried to convict an innocent man while she was AG in Florida. George Zimmerman.

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It struck me at the mention of the British crown connection and how Britain is and has been in a position to manipulate the US, I thought of Keir Starmer‘s upcoming trip to see Trump. What message will the messenger be bringing? The intrigue of generations of British control may bring about a surprising outcome to their meeting. Does the City of London have any tricks up their sleeve to influence Trump to do their bidding?

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