I live in this ‘border sector’. My family lives out in rural San Diego County where this activity goes on, on a daily basis about 30 minutes east of where they live.The area that is is heavily traveled is located around a small town, Jacumba, CA in the eastern part of San Diego County. The border ‘wall’ out there, is let’s say…very permeable and easily penetrated.

Also throughout the winter and spring there have been regular ‘beach landings’ of migrants via boats in the early morning hours and even midday, in the ‘high end’ parts of San Diego/La Jolla and in No County San Diego in the coastal communities of Solana Beach, Carlsbad and Oceanside.

On a regular basis you see these ‘white busses’ filled with ‘migrants’ traveling east from San Diego on Interstate 8 out to Arizona and parts unknown.

What this former BP Agent (now retired) is saying is totally true! It’s frigging nuts here on the US Mexico Border in the San Diego Sector!

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Who is operating the White Busses ? One or more of the many NGOs or religious charities profiting off this program ? Or US gov't ?

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The ‘white buses’ could be the NGO’s or the Government. As they are “umarked busses’ with heavily tinted windows, hard to know. But there are PLENTY of NGO’s like Catholic Charities, even Jewish Family Services, (and some ‘non profits’ that you’ve never even heard of), here in San Diego, that are SERIOUSLY involved in The Grift. They are running the “migrant hotels”, food programs and ‘social service’ programs for these so called ‘migrants’. And on the Mexico side the Cartels are heavily involved in the trafficking of these ‘migrants’, and assisting in their crossing.

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The deep state. I wish I could find that radio show from CBC from the fall of 2019. I was extremely surprised how openly the journalists were discussing the existence of the deep state in Canada. If I remember correctly, they said there is one in US also. As I was listening, I could not believe that they were allowed to talk about the deep state. There were interviews with whistleblowers who had first hand evidence of what is going on in Canada. They said that it's not the government who's running the country but the deep state. It was an absolutely fascinating discussion! I wish I could listen to it again.

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I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

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An immense number of Chinese and Indian "immigrants" have been imported into San Diego since 2020. At the same time, stack-and-packs being built everywhere, very visibly, and lots and lots of "bio-tech" buildings going up all over the county. Of course, the H-1B tech thing has been in force since the 1990s, with Qualcomm and some labs connected to UCSD always attracting a certain number of the South and East Asian populations. But now, I would argue that these two groups make up a plurality or even majority population in some areas of the county.

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biDUMB is identical to turdo. Neither of them are of any use except in applications as toilet plungers head first and their swollen lips used to make a seal with the toilet base. I am a terrible man...sooooooo bad I am told by women here in my life.

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You've probably got Loooooong Coooovid.

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WARNING- OBSCENE LANGUAGE - Unless Whoopi, Maxine, Hellery and Moochelle want to read it. They are already dirty and corrupted poor excuse for women.

You are a waste of skin and air,

You need to shave off all your hair

To just expose your head so square

You are a fool, I do not care.

Come come now pippet, peckerhead

Before you end up graveyard dead

Just stay all day in your bunk bed

And take regard of what I've said.

A poet fake and phony male

His mind works slower than a snail

A huge and noted human fail

Do you know how to weep and wail?

Zeke says to take a huge big lick

Of meaty Malamute long d*ck

You are a really stupid prick

But come back for another lick


A poet? Or a fake? Here is your chance to prove you are not an empty suit but I fear you will be exposed as a liar. Poet? Doubt it.

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😂😂😂😂 I bet you get all types of women riled up 🤣

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I stand naked before you gal!!! You know me. How? You are perceptive. Do you know my profession has put me in contact over three decades with approximately 350 a year? Women of all socio/economic status, ages, race, to a total of over ten thousand. Further gal, you are 100% correct! I tease almost all of them and am a smart ass with my comments. I am very close to some of them but not romantically.

However I can make them laugh with my smart ass comments. Some throw money at me. Ever get a thousand tip on $1400. dollars? I did. And US dollars?

I have two very close. One I refer to as a shhhhnot. Her pronunciation. She called me that once. Another I am close to I refer to as "brat." The names are affectionate.

But you are amazing gal.

You brat! You know me gal. And that is fine because I like you too.

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The smart-ass-ness 🤨 wins me over always! That’s my kind of language 😊

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Yes. The two gals close to me, one being my best friend, are like you. I am a terrible tease but irritated gals are soooooooooo cute. They are both intelligent and focused. I told them a woman who is intelligent is dangerous and added if she is also focused she is deadly. They loved that!

I will embrace a bit of boldness here and tell you an actual event. My closest friend and I were on a day trip a few years ago in the Rockies. She was guiding me but I noted a pull over to gaze at twin peaks. I had to look past her to see the twin peaks and I think you got it already. I was singing the praises and majesty of the twin peaks, the beautiful symmetry and curves. She turned to ask me what curves and (here it comes) I said right there as I gazed at her upper assets. Well, her face became very stern and she immediately put her shawl and coat on and was put out because I was laughing. Her face was so cute, and her pouty lips were pressed tightly shut. It was her eyes. They burned holes through me which made me laugh more.

She suggested we move on in a terse tone which made me laugh harder. She was silent for half an hour but on a big curve suddenly laughed loudly, so hard I pulled over because her laughter was contagious. We stared at each other laughing harder until she stopped laughing to say, "Edward, you are a terrible man."

I instantly pretended I was hurt and looked away, to which she said, Edward, look at me. I averted my eyes and took on a frown as if it was too much for me and she told me, "you are a terrible man but I still cherish you." She said it so affectionately I knew I had conned her and started laughing hard. This made her really incensed but seeing me laugh she relented and laughed too. Then she said, "there is no one like you Edward" to which I said, "is that good or bad?"

She found that funny and told me I was a "treat." I could see her face sweating so I shut the heater off to which she said "i bet you are hot" to which I said, "All the women tell me that all the time so why did it take so long for you to say it?"

She smirked and I told her I loved being in her company to which she said, "I enjoy your company too" which I arrogantly added, "of course you do."

Now that dialogue, lest you judge me, was between friends who had been best friends for decades.

Life is too short to not enjoy a laugh and her and I are perfectly matched.

Some would think the comments were crude but the important thing to me is that she never felt ill at ease with me nor took offence.

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Two desperados make text contact across a gob smacked forum.


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You are a wonderful story teller…teller of stories? I bet you are a good time to be around. It takes a whole lot for me to think someone is crude. You? Not at all, more of an enjoyment, a breath of fresh air around here. Have a great evening/morning/day? (Idk where you are located so I thought I’d cover all my bases)

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That's my boy....... :-)

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Afraid not. You are not anywhere near good enough to be my father and were you, I would be continually ashamed of you and embarrassed.

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And I'm sure a man of your stamp would feel that way kegward...

But tell us about your father kegward.

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Funny is it not that I never noted any woman texting to you ever. Ever ask yourself why pippet? Or is that "snippet" Or is that a reminder you should "zip it?"

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It's more than funny kegward...tell us more of your romantic escapades though.

You couldn't seem to tell us how you were diagnosed with covid.

So, regale us with your faux philandering.......... Pleeeeeze!

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Have you seen this?

Open Letter to the President & Congressional Leaders from Concerned Business Leaders Regarding the Asylum-Seekers Humanitarian Crisis


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The effort required to ignore so much of what goes on in front of their faces must exhaust our "leaders."

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And Texas sent them to New York, DC, and Martha's Vineyard.

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If there is one thing that Marxist vermin are renowned, it is wildly out of control corruption and criminality. Thus it is really unsurprising this shocking story coming from the Biden administration.

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One hundred years ago, the US expanded its territory and annexed Mexican territory. Spoils of war, maybe. This was before international law and the generalized complexification of everything.

I don't know what the Mexican ruling class told the Mexican people back then. Maybe something like: "There are no problems at the border! everything is fine as always! Now let's continue the rites for World Domination and let's seek revenge on the Spanish and their Catholic superstition of not eating real human flesh."

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Just another strategy to destroy the "American Dream".

..And in regard to George Soros prideful utterances to achieve that objective, them in whose name it must be done, shall not be mentioned.

"In (Judeo-Christian) God you trusted" ...Now reap what you have sown most faithful..

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This is old, and many have seen it by now. But it remains as stunning evidence of intent, though of course it does not inhibit this administration's brazen deceit on the subject of immigration. Checking at various occasions on YouTube, I find it, only later to discover that it has been taken down again. But Rumble is always a reliable alternative source. Here is the text, with the video as proof:

“There’s a second thing in that black box: An unrelenting stream of immigration. Non-stop. Non-stop. Folks like me who are Caucasian of European descent for the first time in 2017 will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America….absolute minority. Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America, from then and on, will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.”

Joe Biden, with Alejandro Mayorkas at his left shoulder

February 2015


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I live in this ‘border sector’. My family lives out in rural San Diego County where this activity goes on, on a daily basis about 30 minutes east of where they live.The area that is is heavily traveled is located around a small town, Jacumba, CA in the eastern part of San Diego County. The border ‘wall’ out there, is let’s say…very permeable and easily penetrated.

Also throughout the winter and spring there have been regular ‘beach landings’ of migrants via boats in the early morning hours and even midday, in the ‘high end’ parts of San Diego/La Jolla and in No County San Diego in the coastal communities of Solana Beach, Carlsbad and Oceanside.

On a regular basis you see these ‘white busses’ filled with ‘migrants’ traveling east from San Diego on Interstate 8 out to Arizona and parts unknown.

What this former BP Agent (now retired) is saying is totally true! It’s frigging nuts here on the US Mexico Border in the San Diego Sector!

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