We tried to warn them - they called us "Anti-Vaxxer Denialists".

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Yes, Mathew Crawford (https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/vaccine-induced-mortality-part-9) posted on this also.

I'm just not convinced this means what we hope. There is ample proof that the sheep will continue to ignore, will deny and find others to blame, will act out on their cognitive dissonance.

We all think "Now, they will surely see the light!" I'm guessing they will call it darkness.

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Feb 23, 2022Edited
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Oh my God that song. Thanks.

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I warned of this a year and two days ago. https://www.primarydoctor.org/covidvaccine

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Are you seeing a lot of autoimmune problems?

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Not much in my clinic, because last year I warned established patients as urgently as I could about the vaccines. But now I'm busier than most years with new cancer patients, mostly vaccinated.

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Fenbendazole is incredibly low side effects and somehow it seems to work. I don't understand why it works.

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It's not among the top dozen most effective low cost anti-cancer treatments in my experience. But then, those who found excellent results with it before meeting me would likely not subsequently seek my help. So that necessarily skews my perspective.

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I have a huge amount of respect for you. I follow your work. Thank you for being a kind human being.

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I am not sure what these anti parasitic drugs have to do with eradicating cancer but I'm seeing a pattern with it.

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As I wrote on the other stacks, they can't keep the body drops and bad effects hidden any more. Correlates with the life insurance death data also. The dam is bursting.

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It’s only a matter of time: this fraud is going south-and fast!

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So is (Anti) Social media and the gutter press going to de-platform them? Are the bots and troills going to dispute them and call them domestic terrorists - good that this now matches what's happening in the US but very bad for the folk that took the bait and got jabbed. Perhaps there'll be a deluge from other countries - then the game will truly be up. Very hard to argue with an Actuary I'd say.

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Before we too quickly get too triumphalist, is there an angle in which crashing the insurance industry serves second-order Great Reset purposes? I've worked in both the pharma and the life insurance industry, but I'm wary of this one being as simple as it looks, e.g., "hey let's get a large popcorn, sit back, and watch King Kong slug it out with Godzilla."

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Yes, my thoughts exactly. I want to be excited but my stomach says “not so fast..”

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At least under USA law, fraud automatically nullifies any immunity contracts. So does other criminal activity, in this case various degrees of murder. There is overwhelming evidence that of the first two jabs of both Pfizer and Moderna, 100% of the resultant deaths were caused by 5% of the lot numbers. Mike Yeadon, former VP and chief science officer of Pfizer claimed that this could not be due to manufacturing screw-ups but had to be deliberate and intentional. Additionally, in the USA these lethal 5% between the three companies with EUA never overlapped temporally. The most logical deduction from this is that the companies were conspiring (that terrible word) to keep the death rates lower when they released their death jabs to make it look less obvious. J&J’s involvement in this mass homicide is not as clearly researched though their fake vaccines are certainly toxic and their track record of harm is prodigious.

As to the insurance companies, they are set to lose billions unless they they sue both Moderna andPfizer into the ground as well as pierce the corporate shield and strip the criminals who made billions with these death jabs before they hang in Nuremberg on Pay-For-View. Unfortunately, I am currently on a paleo diet that prohibits both beer and popcorn.

I recommend one listens to at least one of Ed Dowd’s longer interviews. I did not listen to the one he did with Alex Jones as Jones is a terrible interviewer and his voice effects me in a similar fashion to gangsta rap. I found this one to be quite good.


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Insurance companies probably rode the mrna stock up, and then sold short on the way down. I doubt they will suffer because they are in the info loop, big time.

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Top corporate management that personally or corporately shorts its own stock are in for a world of hurt with the general stockholders and their lawyers. Even at this time of peak fraud, I never read of it being done. Of course they are always selling off their stock based on their insider knowledge but that is one step before shorting it. Goldman-Sachs was noted during the collapse of 2008 for shorting the very CDO's that they sold to their muppet clientele and should have been doing hard time with Buba in the same cage, but Lord Blankfiend never shorted his own stock. But then again, he was just doing God's work. But he never mentioned the name of his god.

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Remember when the America One data came out and nobody paid attention and they kept goving the shots? Same will happen with this news. Why will it be different?

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Professor Dolores Cahill was over the target. She put her ass on the line and warned us all.

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The wheels are popping off the covid clown car - hubcaps and all. Thank you Celia and God Bless!

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I tried to warn my family. I am the black sheep that always calls out the Oligarch owned corrupt

governments. They all believe the big scary virus. They all got jabbed. I haven't talked with my parents since last mothers day. Sad world we live in. The amount of people brainwashed by

evil capitalist and main stream media etc....

And no I'm not a fucking Trumper. I don't believe in following any party or so called leader.

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We started ringing the warning bell in mid 2020. Big Pharma is always up to no good. Only thing they have of any value is antibiotics when ya get a really bad infection.

The tsunami of autoimmune problems is washing up on the shore.

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Morons will still line up for the shot. Let them eat boosters.

After the party is over, those of us left won't go along with this psychopathic lying shell game.

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Ethics? That has gone by the wayside decades ago.

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Thank you Celia for keeping us informed. You are a treasure :)

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An article from Germany, that discusses Paul-Ehrlich-Institutes revealing answer to the alarming letter of BKK insurance company board member Andreas Schöfbeck:


Not very surprising he is being vilified as unserious and sharply attacked, being accused of ignorance or fraudulence by the chairman of the Virchowbund, an important association of resident doctors in Germany. It seems, that even strong evidence-based warnings regarding the vaccine campagne are a taboo here, but at least there is some reaction from the responsible main approval agency Paul-Ehrlich-Institute, that seems to be eager, not to loose credibility.

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In the midst of the madness, the truth always rises to the top. Just follow the money. And keep your eyes and ears open. https://youtu.be/NzuNJod_o7g

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