Breaking News: Netanyahu Dissolves War Cabinet --Far Right Demands Untenable, What Now?
Professor: He Got Snared In His Own Manipulations, The Far Right Held Israel Hostage, And ONLY Elections and New Government Can Get Israel Out Of Its Existential Crisis Since The Post Oct. 7 Seige
Note: I watched several international news reports and this one, an interview with Chatham House Professor Yossi Mekelberg, seemed to have the most “to the point” and contextualized perspective.
Chatham House is the foreign policy think tank PR machine for the cabal that has been directing the colonialist British Empire for over a century. It has its roots in the Milner/Rhodes/Balfour, etc machinations that included the concept of pulling the US back into the empire and having it act as the enforcer of British Imperial Policy. For reference, the CFR is the American branch of Chatham House. Matt Ehret, Cynthia Chung, Alistair Crooke, Richard Poe, etc are good resources for these topics.
Netanyahu is a deep state puppet. This Judas is no different than Biden and Trudeau, all 3 brothers in deep state deception. Remember his infamous quote: "Anyone who wants to thwart (prevent) the formation of a Palestinian state should support bolster Hamas and financially aid them. It's part of our strategy." - Benjamin Netanyahu to his own Likud party Knesset members in March 2019. Yes, HE murdered his own people! Remember this is the same guy who had Israelis beaten and thrown in jail for refusing his deep state death jab! A real snake!!