Chatham House is the foreign policy think tank PR machine for the cabal that has been directing the colonialist British Empire for over a century. It has its roots in the Milner/Rhodes/Balfour, etc machinations that included the concept of pulling the US back into the empire and having it act as the enforcer of British Imperial Policy. For reference, the CFR is the American branch of Chatham House. Matt Ehret, Cynthia Chung, Alistair Crooke, Richard Poe, etc are good resources for these topics.

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Further to the above, this group is responsible for the creation of the Federal Reserve, the initiation of WWI (and then WWII), the establishment of the "State of Israel", along with the founding of the FBI, the CIA (largely through the Georgetown Set), ultimately the assassination of JFK and many others...

So yes, there is a "Deep State".

This is a good starting point:


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And, it seems, The Big Guy upstairs, speaking through His prophets, agrees. And He's had enough. In today's prophetic word, Julie Green relays some very specific information, including, and I quote, "John Brennan is about to have a lot of explaining to do," and Susan Rice will be thrown under the bus. Also mentioned by name, Chris Wray. Check it out. https://rumble.com/v522ghr-live-with-julie.html

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So is James Corbett. That's where I learned about Rhodes and his Secret Round Table.

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I have a hunch those you name are fronts for the Rothschilds.

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Jun 17Edited

Netanyahu is a deep state puppet. This Judas is no different than Biden and Trudeau, all 3 brothers in deep state deception. Remember his infamous quote: "Anyone who wants to thwart (prevent) the formation of a Palestinian state should support bolster Hamas and financially aid them. It's part of our strategy." - Benjamin Netanyahu to his own Likud party Knesset members in March 2019. Yes, HE murdered his own people! Remember this is the same guy who had Israelis beaten and thrown in jail for refusing his deep state death jab! A real snake!!

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There just ain't no such thang as the deep state, only the slimey motherfuckin'LuciferianTalmudicjews that want us all dead! Who would've thunk🤫🤣😉😎? Noahide Guillotines will be ready next! Wakey²-sheeple-grabblers. 🖕🫵🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱

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Bang on !

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That guy is smart. He's sneaky like a snake. Always has an escape route ready.

I used to tell people on the net: Netanyahu and his henchmen are clearly not religious people. Why are they doing the bidding of the religious fanatics?

It's a hopeless Socratic question. Most people will not accept they were forcibly put inside the cave and force to watch shadows.

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This seems to be a delaying action by Israel, as Palestinians starve to death.

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A newcomer to this planet, much like my neighbor and millions more like them asked, what is Israel? So I said, if you can rest your phone for 5:18 then here's your answer: https://gregreese.substack.com/p/the-zionist-nazi-connection-and-the

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I saw this when it came out, but glad I watched again. Thanks

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Is it anti-semantic to refer to him as Nutty Yahoo? Asking for a friend.

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My opinion is a little nuanced.

I think Netanyahu has completed his mission and will now retire.

That mission was to attract as many Jews to live in Palestine until the Jewish population of that stolen land surpassed 6 million - which it has now done.

There will be a false flag attack, possibly nuclear, against the fake nation, Israel, resulting in the obliteration of that country. The attack will be blamed on Iran and NATO will respond by attacking Iran. Russia and China have alliances in place with Iran.

The next phase of the diabolical plan is to embroil the entire world in another global conflict (WW3), as predicted by Albert Pike in his letter to Mazzini (whether it is real or not).

The three Abrahamic religions will be completely destroyed by this plan.

Albert Pike mentioned the atheists and nihilists being 'released'. I suggest that the only people who fit that description are the true globalist totalitarians, a World Crime Syndicate that we know by many names such as: The Deep State, The Elite, The Aristocracy, The Black Nobility, The Olympians, The Committee of 300. This small group of humans is already prepared to relocate to Astana in Kazakhstan which is calculated to remain remote from the absolute annihilation that they have planned.

I predicted this scenario a decade ago and re-wrote my theory on Substack in April of 2022 here:


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You may well be right. I wrote about the Pike Mazzini letter. I concluded it was real, by way of Juri Lina's coverage of it in his 2004 book "Architects of Deception."

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The thing you have to remember about Albert Pike is......

.... that he was a cold fish!

He was also an odd fellow......

..... having joined the fraternal Independent Order of Odd Fellows in 1840.

I don't know if the Pike Mazzini letter was genuine or if three world wars have all been planned in advance like the Star Wars trilogy, but if that's the case we'll just have to endure the third one, as we useless eaters don't get to vote on the policies of the The Deep State, The Elite, The Aristocracy, The Black Nobility, The Olympians, or The Committee of 300, do we?

According to this account, had Lincoln lived, Pike might well have been hung as a traitor or a war criminal in 1865. As it was, he did a runner to Canada, and incoming President Andrew Johnson said, "Come back, all is forgiven; and let's conduct Masonic rituals together at the White House."


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Thanks for that link! Steven Hager is an interesting researcher! I am listening to his playlist of investigations into famous assassinations here: https://youtu.be/yA0wo9j4a38?si=5cZFSOBolhTJawfS

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Jun 18
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I think that Revelation is that Roman script. It seems to have been added to the New Testament for the purpose of mind controlling generations of people and utilising their power of manifestation to ensure that, once the time came, people would fail to resist because they would be convinced that it is "all part of God's plan"!!

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Please do not confuse God's Word with Papal Bull. God clearly gave this scripture complete and final. This was nearly 300 years prior to the first pope, Constantine in 280-337AD who changed his pagan religion into what is now believed to be the roman faith.

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It would seem that you are confused by my comment. I believe that the Bible book, Revelation, is far from 'God's Word'. It is nothing whatever of the kind and, furthermore, is nothing to do with Papal Bulls or even Christianity.

I believe it may have been written by clever Romans as part of the 'New Testament'. It should be noted that by controlling their Empire with a new religion, designed to terrorise slaves, they saved themselves a fortune in military expenses.

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Netanyahu is still in charge, the bloody man.

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This is a recipe for “No More Israel”!!! You should be ashamed of yourself

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But they should be.

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A lot more than "ashamed" Celia. How many murdered since the start of The Nakba in 1948? How many murdered since October 7? AIPAC is trying to force legislation banning ANY criticism of Israel at risk of imprisonment through Congress ?

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Yes, much more than ashamed. It is like the blackening out of ALL human values.

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As they piously whine about the evanescent "Holocaust"... getting on for a century ago... Call me any name you like, ban me from your Substack post if you feel it necessary (I hope you won't); still, I begin to weary of the perpetual "Jews as victims" motif... 🤔

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Jun 18Edited
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Hold a new born baby in your arms and the thought "God is bullshit" is farthest from your mind, only awe, wonder and gratefulness to being a part of God's creation is present. "Without a vision, the people perish."

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Jun 19
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BS again, the majority reject God and see what a mess the world is in.

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Maybe in a few years from now we will speak again. God's Bible is the one and only book that has never yet been proven to be false. Please give a bit more substance of research before you swill your mouth out. God has made a covenant with Israel through Abraham Isaac and Jacob. He also cannot accept sin and false gods, therefore Israel will and have been subjected to God's punishment. However Israel will never be destroyed as then God will be liar and He does not lie. How do you think Israel remained the only nation that stayed true to their origin for in excess of 4000 years, 3000 since King David made Jerusalem their Holy Seat (throne) and God established his Holy Temple. The Israelites are God's chosen people, and He will deal with them separately. It is not for man to speak against them. God clearly stated that those that stand against Israel will be judged according to His Will. Read the Bible as a whole book. In any event, one day you will stand in awe of the real Truth.

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Jun 20
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AIPAC members should all be in line to be the first to get the new untested mRNA vaccine. I mean, we cannot afford to lose them!

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Did you ever watch Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life"? That first sketch, "The Miracle of Birth" where the little boy asked his Dad "Why don't you get your balls cut off Daddy?" and his dad replied "It's not as easy as that son!" – even though it was... ? 🙄

Dealing with AIPAC and the ADL and the whole sorry tribe is about like that...

OOPS!! I didn't REALLY write that did I? 😱 ... oh dear... I guess I must have ... 🤔

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Read From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters and see how you are blatantly lied to. I would put the 'false flag' onto the same ones pulling Biden's strings, not on people who did not steal land but came back to their land given to them by our Creator - there was no Palestinian people - the Jerusalem Post was the Palestinian Post. It is not easy to get the history right with so many lies the world accepted as truth. Israel sits with a very grave situation forced on them by the puppet masters and by the many billionaires et al. using their own Arabic people as human shields. It is the same play book used all over in different forms - eg. parents are hunted down in USA for not going along with the sick changes to education. People are used against their own and for sick agendas. Picking Israel as the villain with not all the facts on the table, is false accusations we are not to do. There will be a day of reckoning. Vengeance is God's - the real one everyone will see eventually ...................

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Maybe you have been wrong all along in supporting mass murder?

Like everyone else who was under the spell of this mind control operation to justify the unjustifiable?

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who supported mass murder?

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David Merrifield did, by supporting Netanyahu's war against the Palestinians.

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What would you do if you are attacked by scum using their own people to hide behind? Just leave it and let them carry on their evil agendas? The fact that you call a group of Arabs, Palestinians (not so long ago these same people would not want to be called that because they are Arabs and the name Palestinian was attached to Jewish people) shows that you have not made sure of the facts of what is really true. The Jerusalem Post was called the Palestinian Post and was not an Arab publication. So just shouting the newest lie is not being informed. You are perpetuating lies.

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Go watch a video of a baby crushed by rubble after a Netanyahu bombing. Imagine that baby is your baby. Think, rinse and repeat until you understand what you are supporting.

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The baby is on the evil terrorists and those supporting them. You are not informed.

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What's that old British aphorism? 🤔 "Good riddance to rubbish."? 😐

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Missed a word out - bad rubbish!

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We should all be ashamed of ourselves for lots of transgressions and sins and anything we've done that warrants more than embarrassment.

But why should wishing for or advocating "No More Israel" or "No More Palestine" be a cause of shame? Is there a logical and reasonable argument as to why one of these entities should exist while the other shouldn't?

I can understand rooting for one side or the other if you "have a dog in the fight", but as outsiders and human beings, isn't it our moral duty to roundly condemn atrocities against the defenseless and the innocent? Please help me out on this vexing moral issue.

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You lie. Honesty does not exist in perverts like you who applaud the gang rape of little Jewish girls. Or claims to be a poet but is a fake. Your significance is as piss in the ocean, a grain of sand in the desert, or a munificent fart in a windstorm. Time typing to you is as wasteful as trying to teach a lobotomized leftist with only nine fingers, how to count to ten. I can help your situation. I need a left mudflap for the rear wheel of a manure spreader. While you are dangling from the sub frame you can eat sh*t simultaneously while working through your noon time. Make like the birds and flock off.

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The key take-away phrase from this news interview: …”Netanyahu say’s he didn’t know, but that does not mean Netanyahu didn’t know…”

Pay careful attention to this. This is what marks Netanyahu = “By way of deception he conducts war” = the modus operandi of Mossad agents = puppets of the NWO.

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Cannot stand that walking Abortion !!!!

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I am not fully convinced that the claimed deception indicated here is true. I see lots of accusations but no proof.

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You must not have seen Ben Swan's latest piece. Jimmy Dore show. IDF stood down, gov. orders, Oct. 7.

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So the question is what does it prove if the government ordered IDF to stand down? How does a fantasaic leap suggested prove something far disconnected to the"theories" imposed by individuals that use any excuse to push their take on things?

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Governments employ stand-downs all the time in order to achieve larger goals. 9/11 is a case in point.

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Jun 18
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Would love to hear his explanation for the USS Liberty attacks. "Through deception thou shall do war."

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So what is more credible? Pictures of girls and women murdered or the mental machinating machine of la la land from a pathetic poet in a douchebag? Huh?

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Jun 18
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Bingo. So you are proven guilty of not hearing and more importantly not seeing both sides of the story. Pictures never lie like sheeple do and you are the supreme hypocrite accusing me of believing one side as you have done. Initially pics were taken of young women with blood stained pants on red in their vaginal areas. Plus dead bodies everywhere, plus live action pics of moslem murderers and grotesque corpses. I saw and heard both sides, unlike you whose hatred of Jews was fueled by propaganda. You are sucker.

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Dear (Powder) keg, add this to your 40,000 ft., comprehensive view of the current situation, for a little historical context.


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Jun 19
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Great Jewish people live peacefully all over the world. They are mostly in the upper society in every country. The idea of Jewish state populated by Khazarians who MUST learn Hebrew is fake and imposed state that can only continue to exist by brutal force.

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