I'm standing watching this from a distance. I already knew that the deep state ran Twitter, lots of us did. So exposing it is not a huge deal to me? I think that as most of these leaks occur, it takes a person in charge to do damage control. It would seem Musk was the chosen man for that job. Remember, above all, that everything is a show and designed to interest and mislead us.

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Celia, I am guessing this hints at a Covid dump in the future —

45. Twitter Files researchers are moving into a variety of new areas now. Watch @bariweiss, @ShellenbergerMD, and this space for more, soon.

(From ShellenbergerMD)

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Perhaps. Let's keep an eye.

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80 agents assigned to Twitter.... not assigned to meth amphetamine sales, or the cartels, no they were censoring jokes on Twitter.... nice 1st Amendment violations.

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To piggyback on a former thread where you posted Derrick Prince's sermons on exorcism and the nature of the demons, I once (2015) saw a massive - and I mean massive, seething, hulking, steamingly diabolical bull-head demon thrashing at a steel wall with a sword while I was on Twitter. For 24 hours I could not feel anything but the darkest despair like nothing I have ever experienced or known and I prayed without ceasing the whole time til it broke. That was the day I left Twitter tho I do occasionally follow links to it. Haha.

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The thing became aware of me and turned its head to look and that's when my body went totally - I can't describe it bc it's so unlike anything I have had a framework for, but it was like all lightness was sucked out of me. There was no sense of escape possible, like the worst a person could feel. It was scared of me tho. I was scared and it was scared.

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I'm assuming you mean a video clip and not a hallucination coming from the Twitter screen.

I've been censored so many times on Twitter - closed my account, opened another one - that I've given up having an account. It really is diabolical.

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I hear you & believe you, 100%.

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Perhaps you were granted a look in the hyperspace. It would have scared you, just as your looking in would have scared the inhabitant for his privileges got broken at that point.

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Maybe! When I asked, I was told it was a demon.

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Just another astonishing story that will be ignored by the media and therefore nobody will be held accountable.

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I guess if the CIA came up with facebook, the FBI could not be less and had the get its own

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Is this FBI story the coup de grace Elon Musk announced earlier?

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I would say yes.

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Woosah ~

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We all need to remember that the FBI works at the direction of the Justice Department. Garland has some 'splainin to do!

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Why is everything always such a big mess?

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why is Elon Musk placing a poll out to the Twittersphere to have himself removed from power at Twitter? this makes no sense. what kind of a leader puts his finger into the wind like this?

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