The burning question on my mind is why keep recordings if selsame oil exec wasn't going to use them to either destroy the Bidens or... blackmail the US to give Ukraine more dirty money.

Left, right, republican, democrat - meaningless words for the ONE party corporate dictatorship system. The sooner people realize that, the sooner we can unite and look for the few individuals with integrity and support THEM. As long as we keep labeling and dividing, our house divided will fall. The only way to beat them at their own game is unite and work together - it's the one thing all these reprobates on either side of the tarnished 'political' coin fear most.

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This is the path I'm walking too. Thanks for saying it so succinctly. You covered it all quite beautifully. Bingo! And we're not really even 'beating them at their own game' when we come together and unite ... we're establishing a different way of being altogether. And 'their game' simply becomes less and less potent in the face of it. Here's to it!

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Yes, all it takes is for enough of us to stop giving them and their system our time, money and attention. We stop acquiescing, consenting by silence. We turn our backs on them, shun and ridicule them. It is surprisingly simple yet effective. After that, we can disinfect our communities using our tried and tested system, which goes back millennia:


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thank you for this manual... tonight's reading.

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Exposure is necessary. Sunlight disinfects.

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No one trusts a criminal; meaning, you may need future leverage when dealing with a Punk Vatican Rigged Pedo-Squatter. All gangsters cover their asses.

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Yep, most of Congress are similarly criminal but we aren't hearing about their exploits...

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Until they step out of line....

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I fear our country is in the midst of a hostile take over….I need a fair minded politician to investigate immediately….Ring the nearest golf course

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I consider Senator Grassley to be full of integrity.

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You meant sesame oil exec. This exec and company probably don't talk about how bad allergies to sesame are either and how quickly they can come on!

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Jun 14, 2023
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“His money.” Earned with...you know.

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Two standards of justice... WILL turn our country upside down? Where the hell has he been?

That said, good!

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Had the exact same thought, Kathleen.

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Senators Grassley and Johnson have been researching what was once an allegation of Biden family crimes since 2021. They have uncovered the evidence for the oversight committee to present. High crimes?

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maybe he's up for re-election? I have to ask, though... when has there ever been a fair standard of justice since the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? Was manifest destiny fair? Not to the victims of it.

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BREAK UP the monstrous FBI and CIA!. They have become totalitarian tools of an openly fascist regime.

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Openly fascist and using the rainbow and minorities all the way down. I know a very few who are awakening. But not enough. We need the farce two party system to go!

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It’s gone. It’s a Uniparty, except regarding elections.

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Turning our constitutional republic upside down has already been accomplished. Keeping it that way is where the effort is being spent.

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So much is being revealed but there will be no justice. I pray for our country but the corruption is so deep and wide spread that it will take a miracle to put her back on course. Senator Grassley, unfortunately, has been part of the swamp for years and it is difficult to see him leading any meaningful charge.

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Now if they could also get the more than half of Congress on this bribery shit, but they made it legal by calling it lobbying.

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Thanks, Celia, for the exposure--not that it surprises most of us here on Substack.

The comment below by Beedledee Beedledum, highlights what should be learned from this disclosure: Exit the Political Two Party "Cesspool".

“What makes anyone think that government officials are even trying to protect us? A government is not analogous to a hired security guard. Governments do not come into existence as social service organizations or as private firms seeking to please consumers in a competitive market. Instead, they are born in conquest and nourished by plunder. They are, in short, well-armed gangs intent on organized crime. Yes, rulers have sometimes come to recognize the prudence of protecting the herd they are milking and even of improving its ‘infrastructure’ until the day they decide to slaughter the young bulls, but the idea that government officials seek to promote my interests or yours is little more than propaganda—unless, of course, you happen to belong to the class of privileged tax eaters who give significant support to the government and therefore receive in return a share of the loot.

If anarchists are idealists, they may simply be likened to someone who finds himself swimming in the cesspool and, rather than paddling about looking for the area with the least amount of floating feces, seeks to climb out of the pool completely. When you are presented with a choice between two evils, do not choose the lesser. Choose the exit.” Robert Higgs

Stay free, then stay safe.

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What's spooky is the likelihood that C-I-A runs FBI. The constitutional Republic was compromised too long ago. In order to reconcile with any sense of 'easy justice' in the very near future things will most likely need to get worse before they get better. There's too much hypocrisy and subterfuge to transmute before order might provide a saner more genuine sense of Justice. We are closing in on a possible timeline ending...and yet,the theatrics continue.

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Authorities have all this evidence of crime, and nothing happens, ever? Unless you're of the wrong political persuasion, then they make stuff up.

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Attorney Robert Barnes suspects Trump indictment may provide the means for Biden and his son to escape indictment and prison:

After he loses the next election, Biden will pardon himself, his family, and Trump—the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down.


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Have any body double pardon Biden and Clinton and Barry and all the gang. Who cares at this point. They are literally sterilizing the people the Nazis would call "mentally weak" and they do it using nudges and incentives and positive thinking. It's peak progressivism: racism minus the lynch mobs, because the targets hang themselves. And very few people care, and most people pretend to not see the evil everywhere.

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Jun 13, 2023
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No, that's only the description. The positive thinking is that this scheme will consume itself at some point. Hopefully, because the victims rebel.

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How would Biden lose the election? Are they going to all of a sudden get rid of all of the ballot havesting and other problems somehow?

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UNITE TO USE OUR RIGHTS WE THE PEOPLE - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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So far the Biden tapes exist "allegedly." Maybe the Republicans are getting back at Democrats for the alleged Trump pee tape. You can get a lot of miles out of a decent allegation. Not that I doubt bribery took place. But it just sounds like a chorus of rats gearing up for election theater.

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How much s%$# has to hit the fan before the fan stops?

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Hey, if we can investigate one we can investigate all. Especially the more serious crimes, looking at you AG Merrick Garland.

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Keep looking. Garland is part of the gang of criminals. And they protect their own, not convict them.

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So I want to hear all the recordings. Now. Where are they, who has them other than the oil exec? If we don't hear them, the MSM can continue to play dumb and say they don't exist. I think the oil exec with the tapes may have been blackmailing Biden all along, but for some unknown reason he wants to expose Biden at this point in time. Seems like we never get the whole story for anything.

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