Epic documentary needed about this and all the other signs and symptoms of systemic corruption.

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Oct 21, 2023
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maybe more importantly for many of us, be sure to help fill the public galleries, for those whose testimonies will provide the contents of the documentary-to-come

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This is an example of what happens when all the most important "truth-seeking" organizations are captured. The most important of these captured organizations is the MSM, but the political class is also virtually 100 percent captured. I quantified the "capture rates" in many organizations in this essay.


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I think Jon Rappoport would consider a man like this, Andrew Bridgen, a Rock. Being a rock, as all of that water {danger and bs) flows around you anyway.

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Over last 50 years or so?, everybody who ever reincarnated Earth was here. So, everybody got once last taste. And then chose. Obviously, the bulk of the spiritual iceberg floating through SARS/Covid waters with Earth in throws of Kali Yuga: going forward many fewer bodies souls would agree to reincarnate into. Which makes sense. Clairvoyant consciousness waxes/wanes according to phases of Divine plan for human evolution. With Mother Earth, humans took a big dimensional bite in this 5th Epoch. Gaining self-consciousness and ego––huge step. Getting ugly often accompanies new transformations. But I am grateful...moving smartly forward into the domains of gods and angels.

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Stopping the injectable Nobel Prize plebs killshots implies that governments admit they are criminaly wrong.

I don't believe in prisons for legislators and executives and judges. I believe in liquefaction by Minister-sized blending machines.

It's time people start talking about euthanasing politicians to liberate the public of their misery.

It's not the christiand thing to do, but it's the cold rationalistic thing to do. Blendtec uber alles!

I'm joking of course.

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and from New Zealand: https://nzloyal.org.nz/

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In New Zealand,

"We saw in the data ...clusters. Let me give you one example. On one day, 30 people were jabbed on the same day at the same location. All are now deceased." (From minute 2:00)

(Thank you so much for that link!)

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Wow! Thanks for posting the link.

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“When a Man lies, he murders some part of the World.”

(Paul Gerhardt, German Hymn Writer.)

“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.”

(Marshall McLuan, 1911-1980.)

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Celia - FYI

Call For Your Support: Nuremberg Court Hearing, Costa Rica, November 9th, 2023 To Take C19 Bioweapons Off The Market. I Will Be An Expert Witness.


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Hardly any active military died from or with Covid. And why did more military members die of Covid AFTER the vast majority had been vaccinated? A belated analysis of the military’s Covid numbers ….


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"Intelligence may be being manipulated to take this country to war" this time the war is in a new form in order to in state the emergency use authorization and extract trillions upon trillions of dollars. https://youtu.be/t64H3S7r4wo?si=fJeTyDRq2fSpQm7_

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“Politics is the Entertainment Division of the Military Industrial-Intelligence Complex.”

—Musician Frank Zappa.

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