After Joe Rogan’s mea culpa (apology), I have to come to substack for sanity. Rogan apparently apologized for not being balanced enough. As if vaccine promoters are categorically honest and balanced, as if Rogan’s guests are not honest or balanced or qualified.

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First, no doubt Rogan agreed with Spotify to give a "balanced" apology: He notes how the mainstream view itself turned out to be disinformation in material respects while apologizing all the same. Spotify, I read, has a $100 million contract with Rogan. This needs to be managed carefully while not hemorrhaging the rest of the clientele and the Rogan deal itself. Note that Malone and McCullough, who have indeed been irritating to TPTB (and we'll gladly take it), are a limited hangout. They both believe in the fake virus, Malone has really limited his anti-vax content to the children, not adults, and he himself admits to two jabs. McCullough as well believes in the basic utility of vaxxes, when they are ALL poison, the covid vaxxes being much worse. OK, I don't want to heap dirt on these two, or Rogan, but we're likely going to lose this battle if the "virus" continues to live and the insane argumentation continues forever. Here in central NJ, everyone is masked up and mainly vaxxed, some places, including Princeton just recently, mandatorily so. Not me. So when is Rogan going to interview Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka, Massey or Rappoport? Rogan is only going to go so far. Looks like this is just more theater.

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A few years ago Rogan interviewed Dr. Peter Duesberg, so he should be willing

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Clarification: Princeton mandate is only for the masks.

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He's a big wussy and an idiot for putting Malone on, Yeadon or Bhakti or Desmet have actual soul

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Well, I was stunned over the weekend to hear Mike Yeadon in the Planetlockdown documentary say this about vaccines in general (NOT covid vaccines):

"Most of these vaccines are safe. They're really good. If they harm anyone it's extremely rare and genuinely not intended".

Whaaat? Has he watched VAXXED, VAXXED 2, Vaccines Revealed, or any of the documentaries about vaccine injuries over the past several decades.

He's certainly entitled to his opinion but I find these statements incredible.

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I was stunned as well. As a prior employee of Pfizer, he should know better. So, one more controlled op.

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The latter are nice guys but, unfortunately, still wrong about viruses.

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So happy you used the photo of the little Angel ❤️❤️❤️

The reason we fight🙏

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For those who are unaware, this photo relates to the Freedom Convoy of independent truckers in Canada who drove from Western Canada to Ottawa to protest the Plandemic menace. They've been occupying the parliament square in downtown Ottawa since last weekend. People must be aware that we are now living in a global totalitarian system engineered by the Big Pharma/Fin-Tech/Wall Street ruling class who have ushered in the 4IR (4th Industrial Revolution)-Great Reset in which we are all dehumanized slaves. As its leader Klaus Schwab says, "You will own nothing and be happy." #Resist

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Sirka it is an award winning photo, so poignant. Thank you!

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I didn’t take it , my friend Andrea did. Her boys are in Ottawa, staying till to the end…whenever that is. I will pass on the love…it does say it all doesn’t it?❤️❤️❤️

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The question that keeps pounding is what’s it going to take for so many people to finally open their eyes, their ears and their hearts to this crime that is looking more sinister with every passing day.

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Brett Weinstein has always been interesting (since I heard of him because of the famous Evergreen event) but he is one of these rare people who has grown into a true hero with the Convid19.

Thank god for these people with platforms that have remained strong. Thankyou Celia for bringing this to us. I hadn't seen anything of Brett for a few weeks (after all, who can keep up with this onslaught) and really enjoyed hearing his precise articulation of this concept. I concur completely, having read "The Real Anthony Fauci" and most of "Covid-19 and the Global Predators"

This second by Peter and Ginger Breggins, and it's a must read if you haven't stumbled across it.

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Pharm - serial felons

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I chose to shut off Mccullough interview as he read (ad nausea and beyond ad nausea) Pharma data on a virus that doesn’t exist - waist deep in lies. He and Malone are Pharma darlings. Same old same old . . . No interest listening to mainstream pharmakia.

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Dr Stephan Lanka should be releasing the results from his third control experiment that for sane, rational people will debunk the virus myth once and for all.

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Yes. I didn’t know he is performing a third control study. Will look for it. It is an infection contagion “virus” myth. In addition, Stefan Lanka, PhD, provides an excellent history since 600 BC on pandemic theatre used to control people and the economy.

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The picture of that little girl holding that sign that read "the trucks are coming to save us" brought a tear to my eye.

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Makes me cry every time

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This is why I've been saying for a long time now that one doesn't need to be an MD or a scientist to figure this out. The same people withholding life-saving treatment are the same people urging us to get the vaccine. Therefore, the vaccine -whatever it really is - is most definitely NOT something good for us.

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While we are on the topic of tyranny in Canada, let me introduce you to Francois Legault. He is one reason Trudeau has gone off the rails. Legault is the leader of the only French province in Canada where incidentally, Trudeau has his riding. Trudeau needs the French vote, and Legault is his doorway. Legault has put in place the most severe lock-down policies on earth; locking out the unvaccinated from churches, school activities, liquor stores, Walmart, and he recently announced a ‘vax tax’ charged to anyone without one dose. He has set up pop-ups clinics to vaxx the unvaxx’ed including children . He controls the French media, our finances and the health department.

He is the boogeyman under the bed. World, beware, Trudeau is bad, but Legault is dangerous.

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The Quebecois are irredeemably statist and their politicians reflect that. They switched from Big Church to Big State in the early 1960s with no break in between to establish freedom.

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This is always the main consideration when attempting to remove a tyrant.

Will the replacement be even more extreme considering the corrupt methods employed to put one in place?

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I said years ago, "If you think you have it bad, it could be worse and usually will be".

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Yes simply because that is how they can introduce more extreme control.

I remember those who condemned the idea of Trump getting elected without a thought of what it would be like to have Clinton instead. Now they can reflect on what that choice would have meant.

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I am not happy with the term vaccine as it simply does not define what is clearly a weapon.

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They don't want to deny the vaccine injured and offer no support because they know it is going to cost $trillions. And if lawsuits are ever allowed the courts will be completely tied up for decades.

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We don't need anymore politics and politicians "Under Satan" as they drag us all there. It is time to return to our roots "Under God" -- a system of corruption-free Life, Liberty and Happiness for All Human beings:


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Thanks Celia for the podcast recommendation -- definitely was worth the time to watch. Sure, there are things to pick at Joe Rogan about. For example, I wish he had said something about the fact that journalists of print and television engage people all the time on topics that the journalists lack expertise, get things totally wrong, and rarely apologize, correct errors, and vow to improve. I give Rogan credit for what seemed sincere humility and decency towards all, including Young and Mitchell. His lack of animosity is much needed right now, with our failing news media and fractured public discourse. And sure, his approving statement regarding the disclaimers Spotify may now slap on his podcasts seemed a bit too generous. But on the other hand, what he said was, to me, refreshing and has much to do with why he is popular and has a viewership far larger than mainstream media.

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Yes, Brett and Heather are so interesting to listen to.


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Joe is on a slippery slop - once anyone bends the knee as a 'gesture' they are done, the door has been opened - it's that simple. He must have been under big pressure from the folk that are paying his substantial salary. As for those two undefined pieces of protoplasm that make amoeba look smart, Megan and Harry, don't get me started.....

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It's not a vaccine...it is a gene scrambling-altering spike protein mRNA injection(s) never designed to cure or stop anything as far as a virus is concerned. Never trialed properly, never tested or studied so that emergency acceptance by the FDA and CDC was guaranteed, thus rendering both agencies very harmful to your health.

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