Great news! Thank you Celia, We need more of those!

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Thank God. May justice prevail.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I highly recommend everyone set up a Gettr account and follow some people on there.

https://gettr.com/user/edwarddowd is a former Wall Street guy and is all over this.

The crimes are too big to hide and we have some very smart people on our side (imagine thinking that they could bury the data from the dozens of world-class data scientists we have as allies!).

It's a ginormous team effort but I am confident we are going to win. It may get ugly for a while though....

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deletedFeb 19, 2022Liked by Celia Farber
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If this lawsuit succeeds, appeals will be made, and if the billions wind changing hands, it is the cost of doing business for the corporations. Or maybe a settlement out of court will be reached. Then its back to business as usual for Murder, INC. Dont. forget that the corporatocratic government is making corrupt inroads into the criminal justice system, admiistrative law and Civil law. Only God can see that true justice is done

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deletedFeb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022
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If you take the jab and die, your child will also be motherless. Contact Children's Health Defense (Robert F Kennedy Jr's organization) and as posted below, ICAN (Del Bigtree) for ideas to help you.

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I'm sorry for your situation especially about your child. What makes you assume that you're more informed than someone else? My point was that there are those around you that can help IF you are open to seeing it. I believe where there is a will to do something, the way appears. Have faith. Stay strong. Keep an open mind. Your post indicates you have given up rather than continuing to find a way. To quote Yoda, "Do or do not. There is no try".

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It's only lost when you give up.

As was said recently "There are worse things than death".

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I am so incredibly sad for you, our humanity. Please look up Dr. Mercola he has protocols which help remove spike proteins. White pine needle tea is good for this.

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deletedFeb 19, 2022Liked by Celia Farber
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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

My heart goes out to you for being forced to submit to their tyranny.

I hope that we both see the day when these evil bastards hang for what they have done.

Every business, that has forced the jab on it's workers, deserves to be sued into oblivion and the directors jailed.

My previous comment was to Richards comment though, as we cannot let them believe that they have won the war globally.

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We also have Poland's example of how working people can effect a lot of change...to the both our politicians and to our bureacracies. What if we all decided not to work ? No stores open, no trucked in deliveries. We know we are three days away from empty shelves in all the major cities...are they gonna drop nukes on us?

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

The truth needs to come out.

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The tyrannical regime will fall under the dead weight of it's own folly, lies, deceit, murder, and plain old meanness

Still folks will die with the needle still stuck in from the fifth booster saying get your safe and effective junkie

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

thank you Brook ❤️

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Fascinating read. Thanks, Celia.

Can someone explain to me the mechanics of this lawsuit. It appears there's the whistleblower and attorneys from at least two law firms filing this complaint with the U.S. as the plaintiff. I do not see any U.S. attorneys involved. Is this correct? So, is this a civil suit, rather than a criminal suit?

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Praying and lighting candles...

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This is how big pharma just keeps rolling along. If guilty, they will pay the fine which is chicken feed to them and then go on to murder more people with some other drugs. These bums need to be put in prison for 20-30 years.

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This is smart. Very smart.

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Sorry for the cynicism but feel like 2 billion for Pfizer is a drop in the bucket. Between 2021 and 2022 they're projected to rake in something like 130 billion. That said, it's a start and it's better than nothing. Thank you!

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Let’s all pray this is leads the way to so much more awareness that the media will look even more evil than they already do. I hope that they are sued as well. And at some point criminal charges are brought up against everyone who was connected to this catastrophe.

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Major heroes. So grateful.

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Robert Barnes is her attorney, he's the other half of viva frei's locals/rumble/YouTube channel

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I only hope that this will make a difference

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Berenson, bollox.

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