The picture becomes clearer, wow. I think she goes by Amazing Polly.

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Correct - she does not swim with the current and her observations and research definitely do not jive with the mainstream freedom crowd, like The Wellness Company and their hangers on for example. In summary nothing is what it seems and she's good at teasing it out.

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Polly is truly and ever amazing.

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I often listen to Polly's video talks, although in recent months she has been taking a break.

She seems either very tired or possibly suffering burnout.

This is her Rumble channel:


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It's been a few years for me...listening to her. I cannot - for the life of me - imagine how she endures the day-in and day-out muckraking.

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Me too. I listened regularly for years. I check occasionally to see if she’s still on since she has not posted in a long while.

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She actually was quite ill.

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Including type 2 diabetes, which she is trying to manage through diet and exercise. I think she said that in a recent video.

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I have long been a fan of Amazing Polly, from the time I came across her showing how all the "fact checkers" were untruth purverors owned by the major anti-truthers.

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Polly took a break after a year of being ill and then discovering her body had started on a downturn of metabolic dysfunction, namely Type 2 Diabetes. She also has had vision issues most likely not helped by the blood sugar issue. She also had grown weary of the constant digging and always finding more dirt -- she alluded to this several times. Now it seems she occasionally posts her findings on X . . . a platform she along with hundreds of other researchers were banned from even before the 2020 debacle began.

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She was being picked on hard by other “ truthers” recently. I think her husband profession or something. Can’t remember the details. She has been doing good work for years.

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ooh godwilling she goes keto -- no sugar, good fat, vegathon, red meat -- it healed me.

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And she was or is a smoker. That doesn’t help with the eyesight.

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Very curious indeed 🤔

Seems like a scam is brewing…

Why did these Venezuela gangs choose these apartments????

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The same reason as in South Africa. Exploitation of the homeless by gangs who use abandoned buildings to profiteer.

I assume it is similar to what is happening in South Africa and many countries in Africa that have allowed city centres to go to the dogs and these Countries are becoming sh*tholes.

The legal system in South Africa that prevents legal property owners from collecting rents from occupants because of socialist legal plunder using a myriad of laws at the property owners expense to prevent prosecution, as well as forcing land owners to find accommodation when they try and evict non payers (professional squatters) has led to the abandonment of these buildings in cities where crime is tolerated by the (socialist) authorities.

Buildings are no longer maintained because of this legal plunder and are subsequently used to extract rent by these gangs who use extreme violence against the squatters. Total opportunistic crimes are committed by the gangs and authorities deliberately turn a blind eye. The legal landowners are shunned by the socialist authorities who they claim they are "Capitalist Land Owners" to the glee of their socialist followers wanting "free" accommodation . Hope that makes sense.

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Here is an interesting fact - my wife is Venezuelan and while nearly all her siblings have left she has one sister still there just outside Caracas. Her sister told me that serious crime is actually down; in Caracas - people are sitting outside cafes and restaurants on pleasant evenings and driving around with a greatly decreased risk of being carjacked. Why you may ask. Well Comrade Maduro empties the jails and sent them packing to the Darien to make their way to the US of A with the help of the NGOs the US is funding. Funny that eh!!!

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Ah Ha! Good question

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Member of the bagel boys slumlords association, no doubt. How to get rich in Section 8 housing.

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Nothing gets past Amazing Polly! She, AND YOU have followed the money trail and have correctly pointed out the whole picture. Thank you, so much for that understanding which will set off a whole bunch of discussion on how to deal with slum lords. Cities allowing them to have their tenants terrorized is not kosher, that's for sure!

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Polly and Kristin Elizabeth did a number on the intelligence community who ostensibly sells supplements to people who are still too naïve about the intelligence community.

One part of me wants to protect that naiveté. But it's dangerous too.

Both forcing people to see the problems and leaving them alone is problematic.

I still use kid gloves with people.

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Yea like Dr. Naomi Wolf ‘schlepping meds’ for The Wellness Company. And there are others in the ‘medical freedom community’ also who are ‘sponsored’ by the TWC.

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I just want to say this: guilt by association sometimes is right, sometimes is wrong.

An argument can be made that the people who first renounce suspicious sponsors and run away fast are probably the real double agents and golden ticket takers giving themselves away by overreacting, while the people who continue in the program may be simply financially stuck there, and may be not guilty of any misdeed.

And let's be frank: this kind of thing about businesses and reputations and sponsors is the mid-aged male equivalent of old wives gossip, and it creates the same sort of problems long term.

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Polly St. George, Celia. 👍

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Her real name is Sherri Nelson from Ontario Canada

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Because everyone needs to know that.

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Yes, when I first saw this gang story the stench of deceit was very strong... I knew there was something very off about it. Polly is such a great bullshit decoder and what she has shared makes perfect sense. Now the story is a real story but the real story is not useful to the politicians that no doubt slum about with the criminal landlord. This is how the protected class protects itself.

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NYC landlords are a separate species of rodent.

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No doubt... :-/

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Amazing Polly is pretty amazing. Great researcher/reporter. I like her cell phone podcast and her dot connecting on our so called alternative media, it's not.

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Polly is an anti-covid hero.

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CBZ Management controls the property. They have several in Colorado and Brooklyn. Most of this has been reported on-line and in Colorado papers previously, so Polly's info is not that big of find. CBZ Management, founded in Crown Heights Brooklyn, New York, is operated by Zev Baumgarten, Shalom Baumgarten, and Shmaryahu Baumgarten. All it took was some basic Googling to find this out.

The company's website is here - https://www.cbzmanagement.com/

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I lived in section 8 housing briefly. In upstate New York near Syracuse. The management was harassing, extorting and gang stalking the women on disability.

It was a nightmare. Beautiful apartment though. In 2016 or 17, they got a green grant. It was for 5 g junk, really. Nobody could sleep after they changed the parking lot lights to led , all the bushes were burned from the WiFi being right up our asses. They switched the light fixtures inside so I had to buy standing lamps ( was on a very tight budget and gang stalking depletes finances in numerous ways by design.

I moved out just before lockdown. Escaped New York for Florida. Very thankful.

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I was the only person that believed the lady next door. She had schizophrenia. She showed me the camera she found in the bathroom. People said she set it up.

So cruel. ( during the light fixture changes!)

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