Excellent piece! I’ve been telling everyone I know about Dane Wigington and geoengineeringwatch .org for 2 years now. If only people would believe what is actually going on. This is not conspiracy but actual truth!

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Good for you, but only two years? I, and many others, knew of Dane's work and website years ago. Personally, I have been witnessing the spraying of chemtrails since 1999. Most people never look up, and don't give a care about what the government is doing, to them.

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Yes Dave you are right. I’ve been listening to Dane for a long time too just only started telling people about his site around 2 years ago.

I truly can’t believe how some people are in relation to all this stuff. Such disbelievers! I was telling someone about this the other day. She just looked at me as if I was nuts!

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Susan, I think it's just that they can't live in the world of reality. Remember the movie "The Matrix?" I believe a majority of people would take the pill that kept them happy and comfortable. It's pretty difficult living in the "real" world isn't it? Some of us have no choice and have been seeking the truth for decades. Personally, I continue for my granddaughter and her generation.

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Hi AJF, I think you are positively correct. Some people do have a hard time living in reality. They definitely can’t face the truth and they’d rather block it out and pretend it doesn’t exist. I have a few acquaintances like this. They don’t want to know any information about anything and talk about trivial nonsense non stop. I can’t deal with that. I care ( as do you ) about the world we live in and try to stay as informed as I can. I’m no mental giant but I pride myself with common sense which I find is scarce these days. Knowledge is power!

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Also AJF, I continue for my grandchildren as well.

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Susan, AJF--you like so many have had years to learn what is true and not true. We've made the adjustment to the rampant untruths that many believe.

This article for most people in Oregon who are not acquainted with these truths, or any truth for that matter, because their brains are plugged in 24/7 to main stream media. This article is a 0 to 60 in 4 seconds. My brain can't handle all of it at that speed.

Here's what I've learned--truths must be dispensed in homeopathic doses and that takes a lot of time and energy. For me it would be a hopeless exercise to try to share this information when they are still grounded in safe and effective and on their 10 dose.

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Ha! Rod Johnson thinks we are fools!

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It is time for serious nationalists and industrialists to start joint plans for pogroms of Jews and Jewish corporations.

Much like England gave charters to Privateers to pirate enemy ships, we will pogrom all of USA corporations traded on the Wall Street exchange. Foremost enemies are Neocon Blackrock, Vanguard, and Blackstone. Violent takeover of corporations is hard to imagine today, but conditions will worsen and opportunities will arise.

An untouchable entity needs to create charters, give material support, and coordination for Privateers to take over corporations with local force. For example, an industrial plant will be forcefully taken and the board of directors imprisoned. Local businessmen will control this locally. State governors and sheriffs would ideally be involved. But conditions could get so bad that their support is not needed.

These are the ways that we need to push forward nationalism. If we are not discussing violent pogroms against genocidal Jews now, we may fail and die like Christian White Russians did against the Soviet Bolshevik Jews. White Russians retreated and died in the frontiers of Russia. Currently, all of America’s White nationalists are retreating to the Western Redoubt AND they have no plans to take the East and West coasts and no plan to destroy Jewish Wall Street and Jewish controlled corporations. When the economy fails, you will learn that only ONE entity owns all of the publicly traded stocks in America. Your stocks are derivatives, play things. Your stock portfolio is a fantasy football team. You own jack shit until you pogrom the Jews and take back America with blood and spoil.

The victors with create the new industrialist billionaires and family dynasties. Glory, greed, and ambition will save Nationalist America.

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KILL THE JEWS....before it is too late.

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A truly magisterial article highlighting the federal government corruption and trend from freedom towards totalitarianism. We must as patriots ,become sensitive and aware of these trends, in order to be able to organize to successfully fight this communism/fascism. Otherwise, we are all doomed to a modern feudal state ,where we are the serfs .

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I've examined everything DW has done and I'm 100% convinced he's either a fool or an operative. The people that think he is credible are certainly fools.

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Oh no. I didn't investigate. But I did wonder: "What if…?"

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Some think DW presents info in 'limited hangout' fashion. He does not seem to support newly emerging action. I read his book and received his newsletter for a while and started to feel very stuck and frightened. I do not think people are fools for considering anything, but I do think it is foolish to 'follow' any one person b/c each presents only a slice and overall could be a hindrance to personal action. His site definitely stokes my trauma response. Recently I have been considering the info offered at https://climateviewer.com/ and Reinette Senum's Foghorn Express Substack and InPowerMovement.org -- these folks are big-picture and are actually involved in multiple angles of real action instead of triggering fear-induced frozenness. Plus, educating everybody has never seemed to be the answer (think breast cancer or autism.) My opinion - private citizens sending Notice of Liability to people in positions (at all levels) that are funding & implementing the programs has more teeth than lawsuits in the broken (or purposefully ineffective) court system. InPowerMovement.org organizes 'Waves' and individuals can join and learn the process for one or more of four areas: geoengineering, mandatory vaccinations, wireless radiation, and trespassing technology (so-called 'SMART' meters)

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Ah, now that I've read your comments further down I get where you're coming from: you think geo-engineering Period is ridiculous and we who believe their own reports documenting how long they've been working on it are the fools. Okay, no need to respond to my initial question, but maybe take a look at Lee's site. He's up-loaded tons of documentation proving it.

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I'm vaguely aware there's a certain hostility between geo-engineering watch sites but haven't followed either of them close enough to form an educated opinion. Are you familiar with Jim Lee's work?


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The hurricane land grab is a scaled-up larceny version of the Minneapolis George Floyd riots. I don't recall the exact language that CAF used to describe the city blocks sized destruction whose mom-and-pop stores would be gone forever after the arsonists and the looters were done with their "peaceful" (thankyou, Tim Walz) protests. Back then she used the phrase "fire sale", stating that those gutted buildings and especially the real estate they sat on would be bought up by the opportunistic buzzards like Black Rock for dimes on the dollar.

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The Troodo crew in Canada could well be behind the fact that 112 churches so far have been heavily vandalized or burned down through arson, beginning with the start of the Residential Schools narrative. . The official excuse is that the indigenous people are supposedly so angry at the "colonialists" that Troodo does not blame them.

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Does that qualify him as a benevolent dictator ? :- )

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Opportunity zones

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Bingo ! We live in the land of opportunity :- )

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Yep, no doubt about it, HARRP Attack.

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Thank you for sharing this information. More proof that our own government is destroying the Republic with greed, corruption and lies.

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The Wayback Machine (internet archive) produces this result for a search for BrasscheckTV and Katrina:


There you will find an archived link to the video "The Katrina Myth":


"In 2008, a film he (Ken McCarthy) wrote and produced, "The Katrina Myth", was consistently one of the top 10 YouTube news videos during both the Republican and Democratic conventions and the week in between, a feat achieved by no other video during that period. This marked a turning point in the public's understanding of the true causes of the destruction of New Orleans in 2005."

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Then... Guess what?

It has to leave a signature.

Whichever HAARP was used should show a pulse through the ionosphere.

Hopefully some are recording the energy readings and maps of these "weather" events.


It didn't come from Alaska, I'm betting.

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The optics of mass murder and looting have gotten so much better because you don't know you're being murdered and looted when and while you're being murdered and looted

And the cool thing is just like in the past the looted murder victims get to fund it. Usually without even knowing their being looted to fund their further looting and ultimate annihilation (you loot them before and after you annihilate them.. As in the past you make sure to strip the gold from their teeth before dispensing with them... But the optics are so much better)

It was so crude back in the day. Really hard to ignore the cause and effect of fire bombing cities in to rubble or dropping a nuke. Also was hard to hide who was doing the fire bombing and who dropped the nuke

But these days we have almost mastered the accountability thing and the who to blame thing because ... well because tech is so wonderful. There's so much plausible deniability that can be installed with tech and if necessary you can be hypnotized or brainwashed so well you're sure you did not see what you just saw.

There shall be no accountability, or even the ability to assign accountability. THAT'S the bang we're getting for our extorted bucks. We get taxed to fund programs and make laws to make it impossible to know what was done with that tax. We even have law making such as FASAB Statement 56 making it LEGAL to obfuscate accounting. So BY LAW it becomes increasingly difficult to know what mischief is being visited on us using our dollars. Law and the apparatus of law in the pursuit of lawlessness. Somehow it doesn't feel right

Nowadays mass looting and murder is so much more civilized and humane. Who knew when they dutifully lined up for the clot shot that it might be a death sentence? None of that fear like when they just put a bullet in your head. It's all designed to calm you down, make you feel protected, then zap. MUCH more humane and you can't beat the optics. Like cattle cleverly guided through a ever rising circular chute so that all they can see is the butt of their buddy in front while being protected from any disturbing smells or noises before without warning a bolt is jammed through their head and it's lights out. THAT'S the sort of thing tech can do. Offer humane anonymous elimination for ANY sort of herd that needs thinning including the human lab rat herd.

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Many did "know"....brave Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and the DOCTORS ALLIANCE with Dolores Cahill and Heiko Shoning did object. They demonstrated in the streets and got arrested.

Reiner Fuellmich is in prison after minutely dissecting and exposing this "soft-kill" genocide.

Free Reiner Fuellmich. NOW.

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People really need to think hard about what has happened to the west when it becomes a jail-able career and personal asset destroying offense for merely objecting to be coerced to enter a clot shot death lottery.

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Yes, truly brilliant. But nothing will wake the sleeping masses.....I suppose it is a "bloodless" genocide...and slow...allowing the monsters to extract more assets as we slowly go bankrupt and avail ourselves of their "vaccines"....and pay for the ensuing heart surgeries and medical treatments needed in their wake.

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It's sort of a horror story actually. Like some spiders that keep their prey alive--barely--while they extract all of their juices. These creatures wrap their victims up with sticky string and slowly suck the life out of them. Is that what is happening to us?

Is there a way to stop this? Do we watch passively as they now inject the children and soon...BABIES???

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Brilliant piece! Thank you for all the connected links. Indeed we see the pattern again and again especially in the last few years.

And here in Chinada, they are calling Premier Danielle Smith a conspiracy theorist because she believes chemtrails are a threat.

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A Chinese woman once told me that Chinese people go to Canada, get on the welfare, have it sent to their bank account and then go back to China and just sit there and collect.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

The game always goes like this. First there is an engineered crisis. Then once the dust settles, the powers-that-be will come to the public, hand-wringing, and tell them that because of the terrible crisis, in order to keep them (and/or an institution) safe the next time, they MUST introduce X,Y and Z. Of course you will all understand....meaning further diminishing of your freedoms, and your privacy; greater control for them. Often something technocratic.

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Awesome article on many levels.

I am still flabbergasted at how taken in I was by the AIDS op; never, ever, hearing about alternative viewpoints from scientists and journalists who were being taken down by the beast system.

Well done.

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Very comparable to what is happening now. AZT was the equivalent of the "vaccine" and it did kill those who were told that this poison would prevent and/or cure HIV (Human Immune Virus} So even the terminology was similar. Our man Tony was very much involved in that little killing spree as well. Tony and his lovely wife Christine Grady work as a team....taking out as many helpless victims as they were able. And they are well paid. Tony walked away from the NIH with a $4OO,OOO yearly annuity. On going. He was the hatchet man. This was his "job".

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As it relates to HAARP, one of my concerns is that there is no putting that genie back in the bottle. Now that the technology is known and available to the myriad bad actors in this world, my sense is that there will always be some malevolent group in power somewhere that is willing and able to use it. My assumption is that it’s easier and cheaper than trying to get nuclear weapons, but I don’t really know. What means do we have to battle against or prevent its use? In a cartoon, you’d just unplug the machine or handcuff the people who understand how to operate it, but it seems like it’s been in use long enough that we’re past that point now.

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I wish we were in a cartoon.

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Agreed. I’m thinking that “Calgon…take me away!” commercial from back in the day might’ve been on to something.

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Maybe it is a cartoon and you are now the lead? Honor yourself by taking a few steps back and looking at the number of Hurricanes each year that are at or above CAT 3. If the government had a toy they would use it right? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/09/30/are-hurricanes-getting-stronger/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFrzeVleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHahbZ4uBtXPn-OLcZnoBWnQlXOpNNQYmpWUQ2b6zQaz52xPvwB200kWGuA_aem_kVnfeAEDXwgUefcd0toR4Q

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They are using it and will use it again

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as long as you aren't in the psyop, facts are your friend. If you are3 in the psyop, facts don't matter.

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Brazil tore theirs down. Don't know if it still is...

It was making everyone in the nearby village sick and they got SICK of it.

That's why ours (U.S.) is way up in Alaska. Hard to reach for when we go tear THAT motherfucker down.

And we WILL.

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Come hear me speak at the water conference in Lisbon, October 19th. https://waterconf.org/

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Sure...ok...can you front me the airfare?

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Yeah, stop by when you fly by...

While I'm all for people being able to move about freely I am ever stunned at the amount of international travel people do as if it's a train ticket to town. And we're supposedly in the "top 8.5%". Lies, lies, and more lies.

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I saw late last night on Truth Social and TwiX, people posting audio of them asking Alexa about Helene, and Alexa plainly told them - it was an artificially created hurricane. Man Made!! The government has inadvertently let the truth be known.

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This is about Lithium. That has to be the reason. There is lithium in those mountains. The price to follow UNWEFDStyrant global takeover, is to be robbed of local resources, local strength standing together, and rape the land as they will to make US buy those dmned electric vehicles, so we can wait hours to charge up and not be able to travel cross country, and still say, thank you to those murderous overlords from hell. L I T H I U M

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"The $90 million agreement, entered into under Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III authorities and utilizing funds appropriated by the Inflation Reduction Act, will help support Albemarle's planned re-opening of their Kings Mountain, N.C. lithium mine to increase domestic production of lithium for the nation's battery supply chain. Albemarle estimates that Kings Mountain will be operational between 2025 and 2030."


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We demand that this company be shut down and assets seized and given to their victims.

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I guess it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that communists have infiltrated this psyop. Who else?

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Rust, thank you for this link. More proof of man made storm and the criminalizing of aid!

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Exactly...it is the lithium they are after.

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10 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Cryptogon.com posted the following link of Chris Martenson's (of Peak Prosperity) private exchange with a person on the ground in NC. I think it adds dimension to what's being covered:


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I used to point out the "chem trails" etc to others....but I stopped.

I stopped because I realized most humans are simply overwhelmed with their own survival needs or caring for the survival of their loved ones. They do not have the stamina to consider the monstrous crime happening above us in the sky. I think the "elites" depend on this and so can just keep chemtrailing and destroying life. Why do they hate life? Do they really believe they can "flee to mars"?

Why don't they just go now....

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