Oh I picked my side a long time ago.

And YES, Catherine is another HERO❤️❤️❤️❤️

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CAF is one of our bravest, clearest, and boldest voices in this Grand Awakening to Corruption, Democide, and Tyranny!

I plan to feature her in my new “Profiles in Courage” series, which I just kicked off with Dr. Tess Lawrie (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie/).

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She is awesome. Big balls on that lady to accompany a big brain.

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Haven't watched the video yet but CAF has been an arrow in my quiver for years. Suck it Pelosi. We know who's smarter and sober. We know what the Hell is going on.

Following mass psychosis. Wag the dog. Decades of Fluoride. The list is long. We've reached peak herd stupidity.

Don't look here, look over there. Heads up....

...Get ready for the financial collapse, as they are war gaming it now and they never wait long before they pull the trigger after the games. December 9, 2021, "EXCLUSIVE IMF, 10 countries simulate cyber attack on global financial system". Great Reset coordination collaboration in play. Pay attention to that which they don't want you to see coming.

Invest in hemp. We're going to need a lot of rope.

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Thanks for this. Usually, interviews of Fitts are long and detailed. Nice to see her presenting a recent summary in short form (-:

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Thank you Celia. I knew you are part of the true awakening. Blessing on you. I hope one day to giveandreceive a very big hug.

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Yes! Catherine is absolutely fabulous. Everyone should consider subscribing to her Solari Report. ♥️✨♥️✨♥️✨♥️

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Yes. She is underrated and a TREASURE. Love her.

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I adore her, too. Never miss an interview with her. I learn something new from every talk she gives.

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Agreed. She is one of my favorites.

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She is amazing --- thanks for this good share

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When/if the plandemic chronicle is written, truthfully, Catherine Austin Fitts will figure prominently as a lone voice who understood early what was happening, who was doing this to us, and what their end state was (and the reasons they were doing this). I credit her with my awakening, not to the injections and their purpose (genocide, it appears), but to the passports, tracking, digital currency and totalitarian control of our miserable lives. Few people understood the gravity of the situation as well as she did; even fewer were willing to speak the truth about all of it. She is a brave soul whom history will remember for her contributions to the truth. Would that we had heeded her warnings long before much of what she foretold had come to pass.

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For the past 2 years I have done my best to chronical this insane, senseless Plandemic. I started writing on the Substack platform in July 2021. My previous essays have essentially been censored by Facebook. But even my writings, since July, are probably nearly 200 pages in length. Anyone that takes the time to read the full series will learn a lot.

This current essay is over 50 pages in length and is a wealth of information. What has become clear to me -- and many thousands of physicians, nurses, journalists and activists -- is the true goal of the Globalists -- and Globalist Corporate Media (CNN, MSNBC, FOX etc.) -- is to impose a global vaccine passport for surveillance, forced vaccination and control. This theory explains why they rejected Hydrochloriquine, Ivermectin and other non-vaccine modalities. Because if these drugs were widely available the vaccines would loose their EUA status and the Plandemic would be over. It also explains why Biden (12/04/2021) is now considering force vaccinating infants: the only way to push a universal vaccine passports is if everyone is universally force vaccinated.

Last night I watched SNL where they had no audience because New York is locking down AGAIN, as is California. No one was wearing masks during the awful skits. But at the end of the show every cast member is masked. What a joke. This is not science and I am both a scientist and journalist. These symbolic rituals are part of a massive Psychological Operation to instill fear. And since the Omicron variant emerged they talk about the transmissibility, why we have to lock down again etc. What they don't talk about is Omicron has not killed a single human on planet Earth and the symptoms are nothing more concerning than a mild cold. As a scientist I see that as very good news. The virus is weakening and actual deaths are plummeting. That is the normal course for most viruses.

What they won't talk about are the massive Global Anti-Globalist Protests that are growing throughout the world against forced vaccination, vaccine passports, and emerging quarantine camps. WE THE PEOPLE of planet Earth are in a growing pitched battle with a Globalist Oligarchy whose goal is control and enslavement. It is time to make your voice heard at local City Council Meetings, School Board Meetings and on the streets. We have to stop this globalist agenda before the imposition of universal vaccine passports. Our future now hangs in the balance. All of us is all we need. Become part of the resistance. Do something!

Parallels between the Holocaust and the Plandemic. And why the Plandemic could be worse


Controversial Dr. Peter McCullough Tells Joe Rogan That Lack Of Covid Treatments DELIBERATE

644,782 views Dec 15, 2021



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What a woman.

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