Catherine Austin Fitts Replies Wisely To The Bobby Kennedy Jr. Question
We Can All But See The Hands Of His Squeezers—So Who Are They?
We’re all being spun around to the point of snow blindness by the monarch messaging matrix.
From one hour to the next, the picture changes.
My posts on RFK Jr. yesterday may have caused some whiplash—one minute I was calling for clarity and deciphering the hidden messages about terrain theory in his editorial, and the next I declared that I had given up. I think this is normal, and going to get worse. Things lose form—nothing holds form, or history, it’s all discontinuous.
I was struck by this short clip, in which Catherine Austin Fits is asked by David Knight what she thinks of RFK Jr.’s various statements of late.
Catherine Austin Fitts here.
Fitts’ reply places the focus is where it should be: The intersection between RFK Jr.’s “handlers” (those very close to him) and the apparatus. This will frustrate the cafeteria bullies on X, who want to see him, personally, punched out and shamed, to mirror their own monetized disapprovals and distrusts.
But the important and darkly interesting question remains: How does it work, behind closed doors?
How do they, as Catherine Austin Fitts says, “put the squeeze” on a man like him, or shall we count the ways? Most people don’t care—they just project themselves into an imaginary movie in which they knock down all the agents of darkness and come out with gleamingly perfect statements, and keep their top posts at places like the HHS.
I punched back a little myself, yesterday, after being called a deluded MAGA Zionist stooge by one of these mysterious characters with a very large following.
The tweet I replied with has a typo—it should say “nor is attitude.”
I asked her (Andrea Lynn) if she’d heard of Andrew Wakefield, or seen VAXXED (1) or knew anything about the Murdoch machine and its history of weaponized measles PSY OPs and wrecked careers in science.
She conceded that she had not seen VAXXED.
She has certainly not read The Real Anthony Fauci either, but she has the chutzpah and arrogance to flog Bobby Kennedy as controlled opposition and bullshit, and flog me as a propagandist who should be grateful to her. This is the state of things.
Critics and black-pillers may be proven right in the end. But it’s still poor form to mock people who are only guilty of excessive loyalty to somebody they admire.
Maybe that quality is worth as much, or more, than being right in blackpill prophecies.
Word is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been green lighted to study autism. If true, this is huge.
We don’t know what he is up against, but whatever we can imagine, we can be certain it’s much worse.
Criticisms should at least be contextualized, and emotions kept in check. If people want to be helpful, that is, as opposed to grow their X follower numbers, using cynicism.
At the same time, despair is legitimate. The elephant in the room is an unspeakable number of dead, from mRNA.
As Ed Dowd reflects, it will have to be handled very carefully.
Bobby says he prayed for this opportunity.
Appears God has granted him the opportunity.
Let us all remember to pray every day asking God to guide Bobby through this legal quagmire with enemies ready to target him.
He risks much.
Let’s Pray Big!!!! 🙏
I go with Jeff Childers. Nothing to worry about. Trust Bobby. We know him too well. The op-ed likely not written by Bobby. The style is wrong. Don’t be quick to judge … put your pitchforks away. It only took a day. So what happened? The CDC is down in Texas with cod liver oil. That’s the well known vitamin A measles fix Henry Ealy was vigorously advocating.
Hotez was arguing the side effects of cod liver oil, forgetting that the mortality of the shots is higher than the disease. One should not forget about anaphylaxis.
Hotez is a lot like the DEMs holding there pathetic protest signs at the SOTU.