Bobby says he prayed for this opportunity.

Appears God has granted him the opportunity.

Let us all remember to pray every day asking God to guide Bobby through this legal quagmire with enemies ready to target him.

He risks much.

Let’s Pray Big!!!! 🙏

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Yes! I was reminded yesterday in this latest measles hit job, that I know what to pray for and best get on it…wisdom, guidance, focus, strength, resilience and protection. 🙏

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These people should follow the rules. Going in public spaces carrying fruit or a juice to help protect the vulnerable isn't too much to ask. I confronted one of these anti-fruiters in the grocery store who had no fruit at all in their cart and was wondering into the canned food section. The security guard chucked him out (it was obviously a guy) and said they could do with the space to increase the fresh fruit section now that people are buying so much of it.


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Let's pray and . . . this with Dr. Tom Cowan's podcast from earlier today. Youtube took it down already so we're off to a good start.

RFK needs to investigate this story ASAP. Massive vaXXine fraud, deception and conspiracy in Portland, OR some six years ago. Also, the boy who died in Texas may have gotten MMR injected. Spread this far and wide. Start around 24:45


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I thought the boy in Texas died with it not of it.

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That is correct. They used his death to fear monger and to create yet another medical psy op.

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No, the fear mongering campaign is what occurred. It seems he died neither of it nor with it. It appears he might have been murdered by that death serum those fraudsters call a vaccine.

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Highly likely, I know that Hospital protocols which

included Remdesevir and intubation were used extensively to hasten deaths. Stay away from hospitals at all costs!

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Yeah. Some of the sickest people are the ones with the "best" medical insurance. Oy, wadda world !

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Not so, see above

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Dr Cowan was literally the first red-pill about my field ("science") more than 10 years ago. I am so thankful for that slap upside the head! His podcast yesterday was very good so I'm not surprised it's been censored. I am watching the current matrix story unfold, knowing Bobby's past work and that he is deep in deep swamp territory....(Pray!)

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Where can I find yesterday’s Cowan podcast?

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I’m seeing Bobby using the anti-vaxx push-back to his advantage. The only way he will get the Covidiot/vaxx-nanny crowd to listen to him is to seemingly be on their side…

I never gave Xavier Bacera or Rachel Levine an ounce of my attention, but had they caught some flack from their own Covidiot/vaxx-nanny fanbase then I might have gotten some schadenfreude and actually listened to a little of what they have to say.

When it comes to vaccines, all it takes is for the camel to get it’s nose under the tent and then there’s no going back… If Bobby can use the measles scare to eventually highlight some of the MMR injuries then it’s a win.

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Ahhh, the 4d chess nonsense, it can't be proven, can't be falsified. Keep of the faith 🙏

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That should work

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I go with Jeff Childers. Nothing to worry about. Trust Bobby. We know him too well. The op-ed likely not written by Bobby. The style is wrong. Don’t be quick to judge … put your pitchforks away. It only took a day. So what happened? The CDC is down in Texas with cod liver oil. That’s the well known vitamin A measles fix Henry Ealy was vigorously advocating.

Hotez was arguing the side effects of cod liver oil, forgetting that the mortality of the shots is higher than the disease. One should not forget about anaphylaxis.

Hotez is a lot like the DEMs holding there pathetic protest signs at the SOTU.

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Yes, read the sentence that Jeff Childers highlighted a few more times:

“This includes ensuring that accurate information about vaccine safety and efficacy is disseminated.”

Does that sound like anything we’ve heard from any government agency before, ever? It’s a million miles from SAFE AND EFFECTIVE



RFK knows where the bodies are buried on the subject of vaccine safety. Digging them out is going to be more than a day’s work.

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Susie Wiles as WH chief of staff may have had say in what RFK Jr released about the measles. Mercury, LLC the last lobbying firm Wiles held a high position at represents big harma companies such as Pfizer.

08 Nov 2024

Trump’s chief of staff pick worked as a tobacco lobbyist during 2024 campaign


07 Feb 2022

Wiles joins Mercury -


This was while Wiles was at Ballard Partners. Her last lobbying firm she was affiliated with was Mercury LLC that represents big harma such as Pfizer.

14 Nov 2024



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I wonder at times if Jeff told people to walk off a cliff how many people there would happily do it.

Seems the message is that it’s okay when our side is doing it. Executive orders harkens back to the days of kings. We fought a revolution against being ruled by a king.

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If your sewer line is clogged do you get it cleared it do you vote on it? The Biden administration exterminated about 1.5M Americans, grievously injured another 20M or so … many yet to show up from the tissue damage of the injections .. and imposed economic devastation. Historically death and destruction always follow a usurpation. Think Bolsheviks. Think Cromwell. Under the attempted leftist takeover of the US under the Biden administration, we experienced unprecedented corruption and Constitutional collapse. THAT is what Kings and dictators do. Trump and his team are working hard to reverse the crap .. the utter garbage … that was imposed by murderous and corrupt regime … the Biden administration: a mere malleable figure-head for the elites who launched this assault across the globe.

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You would prefer that all of the Biden EO’s just remained in effect? The Senate couldn’t wrangle 60 votes to keep boys out of girl sports which 80% of the country is in favor of, so obviously nothing is going to change through legislation until there are at least 60 Republicans senators so the alternative for now is EO’s or the status quo. I don’t think Trump won to keep the status quo in effect.

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The ONLY thing that could derail Kennedy is anyone whispering in his ear about running for President in 2028. He will not waiver from his convictions; they are too strong and all absolutely Pharmacologically correct. Do NOT fear the noise around him. He is well able to deal with it and will do the right thing. He doesn’t get every issue right, but on the health and welfare of our people he is crystal clear and absolutely righteous. No man who wrote the Real Anthony Fauci book could possibly backtrack from that avalanche of evidence and have any conscience left that his place in Heaven is secure. He knows the truth, and now will pursue MAHA will everything he has.

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If we believe that Trump, Musk, RFK, Jr., etc., are ultimately controlled opposition, then abandon all hope, ye who enter into that hell. Because then there is no hope at all. Where would hope come from if everyone in power is controlled and there's never any real opposition?

We don't know what's really happening behind the scenes.

We have signs that some people are starting to tell the truth and many of those who were censored during the Biden administration are now in power. It might be mistaken to imagine that after all that's happened, no one had an overall and perhaps elaborate, perhaps very comprehensive, plan on how things might unfold, how the game might proceed. Maybe they really do "have everything" but are being strategic in how this is used.

Everyone might be controlled. Or, there might be people who are fierce for truth and freedom and who are now maneuvering to bring us back from the brink the insane warmongers have led us too.

RFK Jr has to be diplomatic, doesn't he? After all, measles will kill everyone-- or at least, a decent portion of the population believes this aspect of the Truman Show.

If you were trying to dismantle the Truman Show and if you knew that doing so would make nearly half the US population angry, fearful, lost, psychotic, and maybe ready to take up arms to defend "democracy"-- then how would you proceed? I'd proceed a bit carefully.

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"We don't know what's really happening behind the scenes."

No, but we can see what's happening right in front of us.

Trump filled the Swamp, again. And appointed the lobbyist for PFIZER as White House Chief of Staff!

Bobby is still telling people to have their children injected with the Aut!sm-causing vaxxines.

And Trump is still LYING to the people and telling them the Covid vaxxines are safe and to take them.

These are FACTS. No speculation, no hopium delusion. DPF. Demonstrable Public Facts.

Right in front of our faces.

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Trump is the Swamp



9/11 impotence led to Virus Scam subservience / & more Disaster Capitalism


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I think some freedom fighters would advocate for "exit and build" but I think that only works for some circumstances for some people.

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The doctors must be unsure what to do after they heard he was a "antivaxxer". Maybe it is a trap and if they give the wrong advice they will be in trouble? I wouldn't count on it tho. The important thing in the terrain modal is what is going on on the ground. If people are going out and getting 'vaccinated' then that is about as ridiculous as if they listened to the Biden admin telling them to do so. They should be doing their own research and have some sort of intuition. If it was a pig or a sheep they would know to run away from the 'vaxxer'.

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I heard on a YouTube show today that the people in HHS determined to set him up,and make him look bad and that he did not say what they are saying he said. He has not had time to get ‘his’ people in place. We know they hate him and want him to fail. We need to quit believing everything that comes up and especially if it’s MSM. pray for him

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I’ve followed Fitts for years, but I’m finding her analysis of late is often black pilled beyond logic just like Webb. Not to pick on them specifically, it’s just that I have actually followed them for a while and their presumptions regarding this administration are not congruent with the logic they’ve held until late. I think the issue is specifically their lack of imagination with analytic abilities when it comes to political maneuvers. They need to read Art of War or something because as Dark Journalist said making observations is not deep analysis.

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I've appreciated a lot of Naomi Wolf's work, and I think we should be concerned about what comes next after things are dismantled, but her hyperfocus on Musk gaining access to our "data" seems misplaced. "They" already have all my data.

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Yes. Thanks. I had a similar thought on human interactions with data being quite normal, so she's indicating dark agendae with Elon & Co. Being absolutely suspicious of absolutely everyone is exhausting.

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Naomi Wolf is speaking some good warnings of Musk who has a HUGE conflict of interest and a HUGE batch of free reign and fitting the historic “doge of Venice” roll. Musk has made billions grifting off taxpayers for yrs, yet SILENCE from Musk, “doge”, Trump/Trump admin and Trump loyalists.

In all the Musk is the great one again silence of Musk’s desire to make the “x” platform into the same as China has as an everything app that includes the social credit system. Funny how the Christians who back Musk are SILENT about Musk’s family history, mom being a satan worshipping wirch and Musk wearing a baphomet costume including an upside down cross and used that photo as his twittrt/x pic for at least a year.

If any of this happened under Dem rule the right would be squealing.

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"Musk" has got to be made up of more than one man so I am unsure what all those forces are, but the "all digital agenda" was likely to roll out no matter who was in charge. If it was the Dems, they would just use the data they already had on us I imagine.

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This agenda has been around for decades. Alan Watt was a good warning voice. Musk’s maternal grandfather was part of the technocrat crowd and why grandpop got kicked out of Canada landing in South Africa.

If this agenda was pushed by a dem the right would be squealing loud. Trump and Musk were good to install to lead the loyal lemmings off the cliff.

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You may be missing the more important facts about what Naomi and Catherine are telling us about the use of your data.

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"...black pilled beyond logic"

Only for those who don't understand who really runs this planet.

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I agree. I've also followed Catherine Fitts for a long time and respect her immensely. But lately I don't want to hear so much doom and gloom. I want to have hope. I think it's important to have hope that even though it will likely get very difficult for a while, the better part of humanity will overcome.

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CAFitts speaks a lot of truth and give necessary warnings. Truth these days is getting harder and harder to accept. Her warnings are mild compared to what appears to be coming.

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Catherine Fitts knows very well 'the art of war'. Where's the illogic?

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I don't understand why people are so attached to government officials telling them what is good for their own personal health. It has been proven long ago that government is not where you look for medical guidance. It seems that doing the opposite, is usually the wise choice. And during the last couple of decades, doing the opposite of whatever Bill Gates recommends is always the safe choice.

I am hoping RFK Jr. can do something about the poisoning of our environment by chemical spraying, EMF electromagnetic pollution, farm animal and agricultural /food poisoning etc. These are tactics of the government that we cannot have personal control over; we can only try to mitigate the worst aspects.

When it comes to our personal health decisions, we can ignore the government's recommendations or get around them.

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RFK. Jr. Is the head of Health and Human Services, and HE IS NOT RESEARCHING THINGS ON HIS OWN! Dear Gads, what is wrong with everyone? Why don't you get it? He is the HEAD of Health and Human Services!

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Please explain what you mean by "He is the HEAD of Health and Human Services!" and 'HE IS NOT RESEARCHING THINGS ON HIS OWN!" I don't understand what you're trying to convey and would appreciate if you could clarify what you mean.

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If you can’t figure that out, I can’t help you! RFK, Jr. isn’t researching or telling anyone how to get rid of something! He’s the HEAD of the agency! I spelled it out! RFK, Jr. is the HEAD of Health and Human Services!

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Apparently, I and many other commenters, can't figure out what you're talking about either.

If you understand what you mean, you should be able to explain it simply, for anyone's understanding.

Putting exclamation points at the end of each sentence, is not an explanation.

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The only thing that comes to mind is that RFK, being the head (!!!) of HHS, is being given reports that are researched by others. So, like most leaders, he's only as good as his underlings.

That seems to make sense to me.

This might clarify things, though: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That’s your problem!!!

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Purity Spiraling. He can’t do it all at once and some people want their vaccines. He just got in there give him some time. Yes there is real danger. He has a big agenda. I think it will get better.

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This shaman friend of mine emphatically says she doesn't listen or interact with anyone "teaching" about spirituality who isn't at least 60 years old. Throwing pearls before swine, which she's done her share learning from personal experience. From the pictures, can't tell how old these "influencers" are, but showing no respect for an older, seasoned and wise elder––smells of their negative ego running the show. Life is too complicated. It's easy sitting on either end of a teeter totter. Try standing in the middle with persons on either end going up and down...

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I ran across a video today in which rfkjr recounted the dtory of being 42 years old and taking a flu shot after which he developed the neurological condition that affects his voice! I was surprised I had not heard this story earlier!

The Substack Coffee and Covid is about rfkjr. Today and makes a good argument that rfkjr. Is not already co-opted. That his stance is about making jabs available for those who want them—after they get filled in with full information about what the risks actually are when hidden information about them is no longer suppressed— in other words, nobody is going to want them once the full story becomes commmon public knowledge!

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That would be the best strategy. Make the shots widely available but require that the injector read the package insert out loud to the jab recipient before they consent.

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Here's the question: If you believe that RFK Jr is a good person, knowledgeable and sincere with American's best interest, are you going to trust him when he tells you to take the vaxxine and take it?

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He never told anyone to take the vaccine.

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99% will do just that. Remember, the Covid scam would never have been possible without Trump at the helm. ‘Freedom loving’ conservatives would never have gone along with it if Hillary was at the helm. Lemmings, the whole lot of them.

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I preface this by saying: Trump is no savior. But it would not have mattered WHO was the President pushing 'warp-speed'. The people were already psycho primed to do whatever the govt. told them to do. The fear-factor was at high volume and people were/are ignorant for their own reasons.

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Bobby and the ever changing Trump are Israeli shills...What the hell can you expect !?!?!!

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It probably comes down to money. It's Trumps constituents. Those who bankrolled his re-election. And we all know who the biggest one is. Musk. But Austin Fitts makes a great point that he just wants to stay in long enough to get the data. Of course there are plenty of anti-vaxxers that have turned against him. He's being squeezed from both sides for sure. But he's so damn smart and I don't think anyone could navigate these shark infested waters like him. Tread softly, stress alternatives such as supplements for measles, get the data out there and demand the parents to get off their asses and read it. I think he's brilliant.

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Musk of course, is Bloodline. Swiss 'Haldeminn' on his mother's side.

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Musk is a lot of things, none of them nice:).

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Take a look at Musk’s “mother” Maya. She's trans. So where they hatched Elon is unknowable. Who is this guy?

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I never got the vaccine, and I certainly will not get any other vaccine. That is regardless of the conditions.

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How many free donuts would Bobby have to offer you?

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Don't worry about the internet attack poodles and intellectual pygmies, Celia. They lack the stature to do more than nip at your ankles ... You tower above them.

We can all be disappointed in things Bobby does or says, and I certainly have been... But mercilessly attacking, the best chance we're ever going to get, to fix what's broken in the HHS Bureaucracy, has zero upside. When he disappoints us as he has, and likely will - we must simply let him know, that we expect better of him. The people attacking him (and you) are trying to raise their own profiles, from nobody, to somebody.

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So, none of these three know that Cary Mullis died just before the Covid coup began, August 7, 2019. Highly convenient. It does matter.

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