New CAF Interview: Trump Was Either Incompetent Or Broke The Law When He Greenlit Operation Warpspeed; On Sovereignty and Escaping "The Great Poisoning,
I was turned on to Fitts years ago. But, over the last few years she has come into her own. She is a godsend. She cuts right through the BS, and she is a phenomenal with her economics framing.
So glad that you posted this Celia. I watched this podcast a few days ago. In it, Catherine Austin Fitts said as directly and as clearly as possible to Greg Hunter (as well as to the audience) that we need to wake up and stop waiting for Trump (or anyone) to sweep in and save the day. Kuz it ain't going to happen. (those are my words). Rather we need to prepare individually for upcoming events. I like Greg and watch most of his podcasts. But I think he needed to be told flat out what CAF said. Bravo to her!
Hard truth-telling about Trump. He was either incompetent/not in control or he was complicit in mass murder. But as Catherine points out, ultimately it doesn't MATTER. We can obsess about Trump until the cows come home but it's the MACHINE we should be concerned about. Trump is just a cog in the machine into which we are all being fed. The machine has no conscience, no scruples, no human frailties. It will eat us up and spit us out if we are not prepared. Lockdowns and the Great Poisoning are just the beginning. Get prepared. The rough beast slouches onwards towards Bethlehem.
Just found this site and thankful that I have. I have felt so alone, thinking how can they not see that their so-called savior signed the death warrant for so many worldwide. No matter what good he did for the economy. To me he will be classed in with Mao, Stalin, Hitler. Feel like I have been banging my head against the wall for the past six months. Struggling against conservatives in chat. Who are as diligent as me; many smarter than me, why can't they see what I see? I suspect this mass formation event worked differently on the right than it did the left. With the left Trump was the focus of hate. what was the focus for the right? The lefts hate? It needs to be singular, just occurred to me that might be it. I have suspected for some time my friends were under some spell. The lefts salvation singular unarguable, they attack you if you suggest any other. With the right it is Trump same reaction if you suggest any other. January 6th was the test run for what they got planned. Somewhere I read that the plan is to get the right to destroy the left. That is why the elites are coddling any misbehavior from lgbtq, blm, or antifa. Then after the rights Kristallnacht. They round them up inter them. I just joined Twitter last week, not sure what protected me from the effect maybe scripture "the highest among men are abomination to the lord" leaves me pretty skeptical of any high ones in any field. I never needed proof to not trust Trump.
CAF has been on this from the beginning. Thank you for sharing it Celia. I was completely apolitical until 2018. I have also been against vaccines for over 15 years. I woke up about the 2 party system during the RE nightmare in NYS. I had never voted until 2020. I knew that my vote wouldn’t make a difference so I voted 3rd party independent. I knew the trump train was going to take people to death as soon as the pandemic hit because it was and has always been a getting us into mandatory medical tyranny. No matter what people say that trump did helped Americans, there was always a loud voice in my entire body screaming NO PEOPLE. I just don’t understand how people don’t see this
"Either incompetent or broke the law"... How about BOTH! EXCEPT THEY HAVE CHANGED THE LAWS WHILE WE ALL. LAY SLEEPING. Or waiting for the savior that was never on their way...
I love your comment Celia about CAF being a " liberator" in her use of language as well as her no nonsense approach to fairly complex concepts and in some cases incomprehensible motives. Had I not discovered her before this latest PSYOP rolled out on prime time, I'm fairly certain I'd have gone completely bonkers. While there have been many brave and wise men and women across disciplines and backgrounds who have been making sure Truth saw the light of day and found its way to those who chose to remain awake through this unveiling of the Great Reset, none have pulled all the pieces together and asked us to keep our attention on the bigger picture as CAF has. Independent of ones relationship with the concept.of God or any of the world's religions, CAF is most correct, I believe, that we are smack in the midst of a spiritual war on the soul of humanity, and not in a "health crisis gone awry". Thus, the Three Horsemen are upon us and always travel together: Pandemic, War, Famine. And what I fear is while many will continue to be distracted by the one, they will no more see or be prepared for the other two than they were three years ago when the " virus" took center stage.
Next level.control is fast approaching and each stage will be more difficult than the last to evade...once the food and money supply are completely captured and the slavery control grid clicks into place it will be too late for us all.
I doubt it. He just walked into the vipers den. He thought he can bring the corrupt POS together for the betterment of the nation. Meanwhile if they could they would make him penniless, destroy his family and then assassinate him as an example.
I agree. Catherine Austin Fitts as always bring a sense of existential urgency to the pressing issues of the day. As for who occupies the White House—what they do or don’t do, what they might do or might not do—there are far bigger fish to fry. Case in point: The same mindset which prevailed to bring Obama (aka The Great Black n’ White Hope) to power, is not that different from the one which elevated Trump to the Oval Office. Americans are so desperate for a political saviour (understandably, no critique intended), they continue to believe in these false prophets long after any sane rationale for doing so has disappeared.
Perhaps the most striking thing about all this is the following: As counterintuitive as it might be for many to contemplate, there is very little difference between these two past presidents in terms of the promise they offered on the campaign trail and the political rhetoric they employed to underscore it. This is especially evident when we duly dispense with notions of left v right, conservative v liberal. This is one of the greatest political sleights of hand ever perpetrated upon the voting public.
As for Trump, when the dude raises the dead, walks on water, and turns said water into Chateau Petrus, I’ll reassess my opinions of the man. And if Obama taught us anything, it was this: the greater the political promise, the greater will be the gap between the reality of the outcome, and therefore the greater for all of us will be the disappointment. Reality check: Obama had two terms to prove his mettle; Trump only one. But both over promised and under delivered, an understatement of epic proportions.
Again, in Trump, I saw nothing in this ‘one-termer’ to indicate that giving him another bite of the presidential cherry will usher in the critical mass changes required to steer the Good Ship America away from the iceberg. No matter whether one dresses to the left or to the right (politically speaking of course), anything less than that amounts to rearranging the deckchairs in order to get a better view of said iceberg, all whilst arguing over what toon the orchestra should play as the ship goes down the gurgler.
I wish I had heard of her long before this current catastrophe. She is definitely one who knows of that which she speaks. Great insights, truths, and advice. I try to watch all of her interviews.
I spent two weeks at the Reagan Library copying EVERY HIV-related document during the RR Administration. After reading those docs and interviewing RR's HIV/AIDS Domestic Policy Advisor, it became clear that the NIH and Fauci bullied and ignored RR to push Fauci's HIV/AIDS lie.
Along with Team Scarf's recent disclosures and others since, I suspect that the same strategy was used to exploit President Trump to wage this war against us breeders. Until US Citizens dismantle our Deep State, they will continue to bully, attack, and overwhelm our chief executives.
Thank you Celia, ever s much for posting this interview. I am a Solari subscriber and can't imagine where I would be in my thinking if I hadn't been for the last 5 years. Please everyone join Solari and if you don't think you can, at least go to the website to check out the free information it has to offer. This interview is also there for free.
I've supported Trump despite his Operation Warp Speed and the harms we've experienced and his failure to acknowledge them to this day, often doubling down on it as an accomplishment that saved tens, hundreds of millions of people. No mea culpa for, no awareness of the reality OWS harms. Support that is only possible because he is the only leader of high stature who's even carrying the flag of freedom in the direction of the enemy that is authoritarianism. The flag-bearer always takes withering fire when advancing towards an enemy, because when it falls on a battlefield or is seen running to the rear the battle is lost. For me I don't care who is carrying it forward pressing the attack as long as it's pointed towards the enemy of the freedom and liberty I value and cherish most.
Yet as bad as OWS has turned out to be, it wouldn't have been possible without the amplified fear that preceded its deployment. Amplified by authorities responding to the original sin of the pandemic response.
The original sin of the pandemic response was the travel ban from China. We can only speculate why Pres. Trump went against the advice of his top health advisors when he imposed them. He's told us he had such little respect for and trust in Fauci that his instincts were to do the opposite of what he said. But Trump went against all of the prior pandemic planning and science of respiratory diseases like influenza when he banned travel from China.
All of the preexisting pandemic planning guides, CDC, WHO, etc said don't ban travel between nations. It's an ineffective measure that has much bigger dangers lurking within it than any hoped for benefit could be derived from.
The guides, informed by a century of epidemiological research, reasoned that when nations blame other nations for the spread of infectious disease like influenza, that leaders of nations will then blame their own people for the spread. For something the people have no control over. Blame shifting results in governments restricting and penalizing behaviors of their populations that have no or nominal impact on the spread of that type of infectious disease. Resulting in the loss of western democratic freedom, too valuable and fragile to indulge timeouts from.
The best official guides said this, explicitly. Informed by the research and wisdom of experts who understood mass psychology and history. As well as understanding infectious disease transmission. Noting that international travel bans are inherently political acts, provocative in relations between nations similar to blockades and so could be construed as an attack, driven by political science, not based in good medical science.
When Trump's China travel ban was first declared reflect on how it was received. Cries of Trump xenophobia and Trump the authoritarian were all over the media from his detractors. Political opponents went to Chinatown's for rallies, civil liberties champions like the ACLU said Trump was dangerous to ban travel against the prevailing wisdom, they made the exact arguments found in the planning guides and from experts. Who were trained to look at society holistically for infectious disease mitigation measures. This was the initial outrage of Trump's detractors who applied the same reasoning I describe above that the planning guides were informed by.
They were right. Trump's instincts to do the opposite of what Fauci first said were wrong. They knew that pandemic influenza could not be controlled by travel bans between nations or mass restrictions on behaviors of the people.
Which, surprisingly, the AP reminded us of in this 12/20/22 piece on the rise of a police surveillance state using technology implemented for virus control:
"The CDC also could use the information to examine the effect of closing borders, an emergency measure ordered by the Trump administration and continued by President Joe Biden, despite top scientists’ objections that there was no evidence the action would slow the coronavirus."
The pre-pandemic guides warnings and cautions were right. Trump's China travel bans were wrong. I'll add to this in the comments below, including China's initial rebuttals to the travel ban that proved to be insightful and well-informed. How the travel ban became a declaration of a global ideological war between collectivist authoritarianism and western liberal democracy as governing models. Exploring the dynamics of the time that influenced the mens rea of Trump's decision. Submitting to readers reasons to excuse his worst mistakes while still holding him accountable. Understanding that those who declare him to be the biggest threat to democracy, liberty and freedom are themselves the greatest threat to our way of life. Identifying the system itself that they protect and are privileged by is an abomination that stands against the foundation of our republic, against God and against mankind. And how the veil of deceptions work. And how revealing them is the key to our rebirth as the constitutional republic the nation's founders envisioned and established.
I have read him. Sometimes agreeing, but almost as often disagreeing. I find his voice is often reactionary, emotional, shrill, other times insightful and necessarily uncensored.
One of the biggest areas of disagreement I have with him is the unnecessarily confrontational posture towards China. Which, mirrors Trump's travel ban. I find the notion of holding China responsible and uniquely responsible for the virus to be uninformed by both medical science of viral spread and the dirtiest hands of all being those of US officials, acting as agents and envoys of our government.
To establish a causus belie for retaliation knowing that our own government actors had such a large hand in bioresearch and biotech there, even if unauthorized by our own government allows for no recourse or retaliation under international law.
We can't separate our nation's own culpability just because our officials went rogue. Would China saying their officials who worked with our rogue actors be absolved by saying their officials went rogue, too? Fact is it's a wash. Both nations are culpable for lack of institutional control.
And that's if you subscribe to the most popular theories of the coronavirus origination, spread and lethality. Which I do not. Some parts are that are true are nominally so, inconsequential in relative harm of it compared to the harm of the mitigation efforts and vaccination harms.
Paul's frequent alarmism and China antagonism is distracting from otherwise important information he conveys. My .02.
Good link, thanks coop. I am on the sidelines here, observing, reading and learning. I am not a medical professional but rely on my good Dr friend in Oz to learn from:
China's role. The true crimes and development of a bioterror weapon attack on western civilization is home grown inside the US. China has many English-language official media outlets, including Global Times. GT published a series of editorials early in 2020 warning the US and west about politicizing pandemic infectious disease. Particularly respiratory diseases like influenza which don't respect national borders. When the science of CV intervention became political, not medical science-based was when everything changed for pandemic responses. But China was surprisingly forthright and truthful in these editorials. And had leaders in the west heeded their counsel then much of the harm to the world, our economies, civil liberties, children, all of it could have been avoided.
"Medical researchers are already discovering that certain existing anti-viral medications seem to be effective against this Corona virus."
"...whether or not a person specifically does have the Corona virus or some other viral bug presenting as pneumonia, the treatment is the same supportive treatment anyway."
This CCP-officially authorized commentary told us the truth of CV early on. As did coronavirus skeptics here early on. The real science told the truth. Before political science took control of infectious disease. Now the real science, the truth is catching up. As it will do. After a lie has circled the globe millions of times over several years.
Everyone should do themselves a favor and read the link above for great insights into the minds of our adversaries. And the links below. While they tout the advantages of their authoritarian containment measures, it's expected in their system of government. Not ours. Not in western liberal democracies. Not before March, 2020, that is.
Two more CCP editorial insights into our main adversary's mind:
""The key to improving state capacity lies in how to boost the leading role of their own governance system, not breaking away or subverting the existing one." "[Western countries] are subject to different systems and traditions that impede them from directly copying China. Even if they do, the effect will be just the opposite." [Translation: Stick with what you do best in your nation. If you do liberal democracy lean into it during the pandemic, apply that governing model. Don't try to copy our system. It won't fit and you'll end up with an even worse outcome than us and than what you'd have had in your liberal democratic system. They gave good advice. They were right. Our own homegrown sophisticated betters ignored them.] "
Finding fault with China a symptom of West’s ideological crisis
These articles and many others, many editorials, were put out as a response to Pres. Trump's travel ban, which, truth of the matter, was the beginning of the politicization of influenza. Despite his assertions, the bans did NOT save millions of people, respiratory illness influenza does not respect borders.
China warned the US of this fact, that making infectious disease political would have bad outcomes. It's why the WHO and CDC pandemic plans prior to 2020 recommended against travel bans, reasoning that, when nations blame other nations for infecting them that other nation's leaders blame their people for infecting each other, and civil liberties and rights in democracies are lost. They were right.
I don't put all of the blame on Pres. Trump. He was surrounded by liars and enemies subverting and destroying his presidency from within, had few he could trust, was just coming out of impeachment hoax #1 that even Republicans allowed to move forward.
His instincts to go against the early advice of people like Fauci, while understandable, was wrong in this case. The travel bans politicized infectious disease. That destroyed what was left of his presidency and made the theft of his reelection plausible. Tragic. But can't say the CCP didn't warn us. Even about the efficacy of antivirals - like Ivermectin.
Freedom Fox very astute observations. You definitely looked deeply into things while I was spinning tunes in Pal Talk music rooms. Apolitical since the Clinton v Bush debate. One look at that and knew there is no choice here. Disabled in 2008 oil field explosion. found pal talk in 2016 fell in love with music rooms. Thats where I was when in a no pol/rel talk allowed room. DJT was being constantly lambasted. Although I was no fan of DJT couldn't take insults from foreigners to my president to go unchallenged. I started to spend time in pol' rooms. Look into things. I see the arrows and flak flung at Trump to be nothing but a Punch n Judy show extravaganza. Same ones controlling Judy control Punch. All the things he accomplished for our nation took less than a month to be undone by Biden. My theory was that the virus was from one of those Ukranian bio-def*-labs Soros traveled to Wuhan from Ukraine a week before the outbreak. Might revise that after perusing all the links you and the other commenters provided. Must admit after the first 6-9 mo.'s of Bidens presidency I was reeling towards despair thinking whoever is calling the shots is destroying my country before my eyes with a consistent devastating action. Then in Dec of 21 Omicron and I look it up find a solar eclipse occurring between Ophiuchus and Coronis. Omicron/Ophiuchus or Hephaestus or Asclepius. Son of Apollo and Coronis He bears Hydra/Great Serpent to Coronis. Apollo? brings the disease and the cure. Also he flies about the nations firing Syrinx into random tribes of men. Syrinx is where we get the word syringe. Then I knew this isn't some genius plan its Hamlet writ large. "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." Serpent venom and angels blood a potion of immortality. They are following a script an ancient script one that Shakespeare and reflect parts of. I guess Soros must be an astronomy buff because he took a yacht to Antarctica and he and his guests made sure to view the eclipse. Asclepius the symbol of medicine, pharmacy's NIH and WHO he bears the Dragon to the Crown. Trump is Apollo.
GH & CAF - Two of the finest people on the internet.
What citizens need to understand is that the only diffference between the Trump unit and the Biden unit is the syndicates behind them. Otherwise they're both dolts.
Why the Trump unit's syndicate has done a few things really well and at the same time allowed some of the most heinous shit in history to happen I haven't quite figured out yet. Hopefully there's an ultimate righteous plan there somewhere.
Except, for that nagging detail re the citizen's complicity. I still see people wearing masks as if the big bad CV boogey man will kill 'em. Warped speed was sound byte PR at a time when the Devil wanted to shut down America like they did in Australia. The counter move was necessary or the lockdown, and subsequent lockdowns may have come to fruition. What if the mainstream fake media wasn't part of the Pharmonopoly? ...and yet--Deep State is still misunderstood! May the New Year bring further disclosure and revelations re election fraud--and God Bless Kari Lake for her steadfast resolve!
I was turned on to Fitts years ago. But, over the last few years she has come into her own. She is a godsend. She cuts right through the BS, and she is a phenomenal with her economics framing.
So glad that you posted this Celia. I watched this podcast a few days ago. In it, Catherine Austin Fitts said as directly and as clearly as possible to Greg Hunter (as well as to the audience) that we need to wake up and stop waiting for Trump (or anyone) to sweep in and save the day. Kuz it ain't going to happen. (those are my words). Rather we need to prepare individually for upcoming events. I like Greg and watch most of his podcasts. But I think he needed to be told flat out what CAF said. Bravo to her!
"Rather we need to prepare individually for upcoming events"
Agreed REDBOWL - I am working on it:
Hard truth-telling about Trump. He was either incompetent/not in control or he was complicit in mass murder. But as Catherine points out, ultimately it doesn't MATTER. We can obsess about Trump until the cows come home but it's the MACHINE we should be concerned about. Trump is just a cog in the machine into which we are all being fed. The machine has no conscience, no scruples, no human frailties. It will eat us up and spit us out if we are not prepared. Lockdowns and the Great Poisoning are just the beginning. Get prepared. The rough beast slouches onwards towards Bethlehem.
Just found this site and thankful that I have. I have felt so alone, thinking how can they not see that their so-called savior signed the death warrant for so many worldwide. No matter what good he did for the economy. To me he will be classed in with Mao, Stalin, Hitler. Feel like I have been banging my head against the wall for the past six months. Struggling against conservatives in chat. Who are as diligent as me; many smarter than me, why can't they see what I see? I suspect this mass formation event worked differently on the right than it did the left. With the left Trump was the focus of hate. what was the focus for the right? The lefts hate? It needs to be singular, just occurred to me that might be it. I have suspected for some time my friends were under some spell. The lefts salvation singular unarguable, they attack you if you suggest any other. With the right it is Trump same reaction if you suggest any other. January 6th was the test run for what they got planned. Somewhere I read that the plan is to get the right to destroy the left. That is why the elites are coddling any misbehavior from lgbtq, blm, or antifa. Then after the rights Kristallnacht. They round them up inter them. I just joined Twitter last week, not sure what protected me from the effect maybe scripture "the highest among men are abomination to the lord" leaves me pretty skeptical of any high ones in any field. I never needed proof to not trust Trump.
Fitts is a rare gem who just ‘gets it’ as it pertains to those manipulating Covid for their own diabolical interests.
On another note - Merry Christmas to you Celia. Finding your work on Substack has been one of the true blessings of 2022.
CAF has been on this from the beginning. Thank you for sharing it Celia. I was completely apolitical until 2018. I have also been against vaccines for over 15 years. I woke up about the 2 party system during the RE nightmare in NYS. I had never voted until 2020. I knew that my vote wouldn’t make a difference so I voted 3rd party independent. I knew the trump train was going to take people to death as soon as the pandemic hit because it was and has always been a getting us into mandatory medical tyranny. No matter what people say that trump did helped Americans, there was always a loud voice in my entire body screaming NO PEOPLE. I just don’t understand how people don’t see this
"Either incompetent or broke the law"... How about BOTH! EXCEPT THEY HAVE CHANGED THE LAWS WHILE WE ALL. LAY SLEEPING. Or waiting for the savior that was never on their way...
I love your comment Celia about CAF being a " liberator" in her use of language as well as her no nonsense approach to fairly complex concepts and in some cases incomprehensible motives. Had I not discovered her before this latest PSYOP rolled out on prime time, I'm fairly certain I'd have gone completely bonkers. While there have been many brave and wise men and women across disciplines and backgrounds who have been making sure Truth saw the light of day and found its way to those who chose to remain awake through this unveiling of the Great Reset, none have pulled all the pieces together and asked us to keep our attention on the bigger picture as CAF has. Independent of ones relationship with the concept.of God or any of the world's religions, CAF is most correct, I believe, that we are smack in the midst of a spiritual war on the soul of humanity, and not in a "health crisis gone awry". Thus, the Three Horsemen are upon us and always travel together: Pandemic, War, Famine. And what I fear is while many will continue to be distracted by the one, they will no more see or be prepared for the other two than they were three years ago when the " virus" took center stage.
Next level.control is fast approaching and each stage will be more difficult than the last to evade...once the food and money supply are completely captured and the slavery control grid clicks into place it will be too late for us all.
In the BANANA REPUBLIC run by the UNIPARTY supported by the Intel agencies and the DOJ you vote means nothing. They will install whomever they want.
I doubt it. He just walked into the vipers den. He thought he can bring the corrupt POS together for the betterment of the nation. Meanwhile if they could they would make him penniless, destroy his family and then assassinate him as an example.
I agree. Catherine Austin Fitts as always bring a sense of existential urgency to the pressing issues of the day. As for who occupies the White House—what they do or don’t do, what they might do or might not do—there are far bigger fish to fry. Case in point: The same mindset which prevailed to bring Obama (aka The Great Black n’ White Hope) to power, is not that different from the one which elevated Trump to the Oval Office. Americans are so desperate for a political saviour (understandably, no critique intended), they continue to believe in these false prophets long after any sane rationale for doing so has disappeared.
Perhaps the most striking thing about all this is the following: As counterintuitive as it might be for many to contemplate, there is very little difference between these two past presidents in terms of the promise they offered on the campaign trail and the political rhetoric they employed to underscore it. This is especially evident when we duly dispense with notions of left v right, conservative v liberal. This is one of the greatest political sleights of hand ever perpetrated upon the voting public.
As for Trump, when the dude raises the dead, walks on water, and turns said water into Chateau Petrus, I’ll reassess my opinions of the man. And if Obama taught us anything, it was this: the greater the political promise, the greater will be the gap between the reality of the outcome, and therefore the greater for all of us will be the disappointment. Reality check: Obama had two terms to prove his mettle; Trump only one. But both over promised and under delivered, an understatement of epic proportions.
Again, in Trump, I saw nothing in this ‘one-termer’ to indicate that giving him another bite of the presidential cherry will usher in the critical mass changes required to steer the Good Ship America away from the iceberg. No matter whether one dresses to the left or to the right (politically speaking of course), anything less than that amounts to rearranging the deckchairs in order to get a better view of said iceberg, all whilst arguing over what toon the orchestra should play as the ship goes down the gurgler.
I wish I had heard of her long before this current catastrophe. She is definitely one who knows of that which she speaks. Great insights, truths, and advice. I try to watch all of her interviews.
I can't blame DJT.
I spent two weeks at the Reagan Library copying EVERY HIV-related document during the RR Administration. After reading those docs and interviewing RR's HIV/AIDS Domestic Policy Advisor, it became clear that the NIH and Fauci bullied and ignored RR to push Fauci's HIV/AIDS lie.
Along with Team Scarf's recent disclosures and others since, I suspect that the same strategy was used to exploit President Trump to wage this war against us breeders. Until US Citizens dismantle our Deep State, they will continue to bully, attack, and overwhelm our chief executives.
Thank you Celia, ever s much for posting this interview. I am a Solari subscriber and can't imagine where I would be in my thinking if I hadn't been for the last 5 years. Please everyone join Solari and if you don't think you can, at least go to the website to check out the free information it has to offer. This interview is also there for free.
I've supported Trump despite his Operation Warp Speed and the harms we've experienced and his failure to acknowledge them to this day, often doubling down on it as an accomplishment that saved tens, hundreds of millions of people. No mea culpa for, no awareness of the reality OWS harms. Support that is only possible because he is the only leader of high stature who's even carrying the flag of freedom in the direction of the enemy that is authoritarianism. The flag-bearer always takes withering fire when advancing towards an enemy, because when it falls on a battlefield or is seen running to the rear the battle is lost. For me I don't care who is carrying it forward pressing the attack as long as it's pointed towards the enemy of the freedom and liberty I value and cherish most.
Yet as bad as OWS has turned out to be, it wouldn't have been possible without the amplified fear that preceded its deployment. Amplified by authorities responding to the original sin of the pandemic response.
The original sin of the pandemic response was the travel ban from China. We can only speculate why Pres. Trump went against the advice of his top health advisors when he imposed them. He's told us he had such little respect for and trust in Fauci that his instincts were to do the opposite of what he said. But Trump went against all of the prior pandemic planning and science of respiratory diseases like influenza when he banned travel from China.
All of the preexisting pandemic planning guides, CDC, WHO, etc said don't ban travel between nations. It's an ineffective measure that has much bigger dangers lurking within it than any hoped for benefit could be derived from.
The guides, informed by a century of epidemiological research, reasoned that when nations blame other nations for the spread of infectious disease like influenza, that leaders of nations will then blame their own people for the spread. For something the people have no control over. Blame shifting results in governments restricting and penalizing behaviors of their populations that have no or nominal impact on the spread of that type of infectious disease. Resulting in the loss of western democratic freedom, too valuable and fragile to indulge timeouts from.
The best official guides said this, explicitly. Informed by the research and wisdom of experts who understood mass psychology and history. As well as understanding infectious disease transmission. Noting that international travel bans are inherently political acts, provocative in relations between nations similar to blockades and so could be construed as an attack, driven by political science, not based in good medical science.
When Trump's China travel ban was first declared reflect on how it was received. Cries of Trump xenophobia and Trump the authoritarian were all over the media from his detractors. Political opponents went to Chinatown's for rallies, civil liberties champions like the ACLU said Trump was dangerous to ban travel against the prevailing wisdom, they made the exact arguments found in the planning guides and from experts. Who were trained to look at society holistically for infectious disease mitigation measures. This was the initial outrage of Trump's detractors who applied the same reasoning I describe above that the planning guides were informed by.
They were right. Trump's instincts to do the opposite of what Fauci first said were wrong. They knew that pandemic influenza could not be controlled by travel bans between nations or mass restrictions on behaviors of the people.
Which, surprisingly, the AP reminded us of in this 12/20/22 piece on the rise of a police surveillance state using technology implemented for virus control:
"The CDC also could use the information to examine the effect of closing borders, an emergency measure ordered by the Trump administration and continued by President Joe Biden, despite top scientists’ objections that there was no evidence the action would slow the coronavirus."
The pre-pandemic guides warnings and cautions were right. Trump's China travel bans were wrong. I'll add to this in the comments below, including China's initial rebuttals to the travel ban that proved to be insightful and well-informed. How the travel ban became a declaration of a global ideological war between collectivist authoritarianism and western liberal democracy as governing models. Exploring the dynamics of the time that influenced the mens rea of Trump's decision. Submitting to readers reasons to excuse his worst mistakes while still holding him accountable. Understanding that those who declare him to be the biggest threat to democracy, liberty and freedom are themselves the greatest threat to our way of life. Identifying the system itself that they protect and are privileged by is an abomination that stands against the foundation of our republic, against God and against mankind. And how the veil of deceptions work. And how revealing them is the key to our rebirth as the constitutional republic the nation's founders envisioned and established.
I respect your honesty Freedom Fox. He is fortunate to have your continued support. Do you read Dr. Paul Alexander?
I have read him. Sometimes agreeing, but almost as often disagreeing. I find his voice is often reactionary, emotional, shrill, other times insightful and necessarily uncensored.
One of the biggest areas of disagreement I have with him is the unnecessarily confrontational posture towards China. Which, mirrors Trump's travel ban. I find the notion of holding China responsible and uniquely responsible for the virus to be uninformed by both medical science of viral spread and the dirtiest hands of all being those of US officials, acting as agents and envoys of our government.
To establish a causus belie for retaliation knowing that our own government actors had such a large hand in bioresearch and biotech there, even if unauthorized by our own government allows for no recourse or retaliation under international law.
We can't separate our nation's own culpability just because our officials went rogue. Would China saying their officials who worked with our rogue actors be absolved by saying their officials went rogue, too? Fact is it's a wash. Both nations are culpable for lack of institutional control.
And that's if you subscribe to the most popular theories of the coronavirus origination, spread and lethality. Which I do not. Some parts are that are true are nominally so, inconsequential in relative harm of it compared to the harm of the mitigation efforts and vaccination harms.
Paul's frequent alarmism and China antagonism is distracting from otherwise important information he conveys. My .02.
Agreed - he is captured like so many by the Empire of Lies.
Good link, thanks coop. I am on the sidelines here, observing, reading and learning. I am not a medical professional but rely on my good Dr friend in Oz to learn from:
And Sasha has very good technicals:
China's role. The true crimes and development of a bioterror weapon attack on western civilization is home grown inside the US. China has many English-language official media outlets, including Global Times. GT published a series of editorials early in 2020 warning the US and west about politicizing pandemic infectious disease. Particularly respiratory diseases like influenza which don't respect national borders. When the science of CV intervention became political, not medical science-based was when everything changed for pandemic responses. But China was surprisingly forthright and truthful in these editorials. And had leaders in the west heeded their counsel then much of the harm to the world, our economies, civil liberties, children, all of it could have been avoided.
Something's Not Right Here Folks
Gobal Times, February 8, 2020
"Medical researchers are already discovering that certain existing anti-viral medications seem to be effective against this Corona virus."
"...whether or not a person specifically does have the Corona virus or some other viral bug presenting as pneumonia, the treatment is the same supportive treatment anyway."
This CCP-officially authorized commentary told us the truth of CV early on. As did coronavirus skeptics here early on. The real science told the truth. Before political science took control of infectious disease. Now the real science, the truth is catching up. As it will do. After a lie has circled the globe millions of times over several years.
Everyone should do themselves a favor and read the link above for great insights into the minds of our adversaries. And the links below. While they tout the advantages of their authoritarian containment measures, it's expected in their system of government. Not ours. Not in western liberal democracies. Not before March, 2020, that is.
Two more CCP editorial insights into our main adversary's mind:
COVID-19 reveals countries’ differing capacity
Global Times, April 22, 2020
""The key to improving state capacity lies in how to boost the leading role of their own governance system, not breaking away or subverting the existing one." "[Western countries] are subject to different systems and traditions that impede them from directly copying China. Even if they do, the effect will be just the opposite." [Translation: Stick with what you do best in your nation. If you do liberal democracy lean into it during the pandemic, apply that governing model. Don't try to copy our system. It won't fit and you'll end up with an even worse outcome than us and than what you'd have had in your liberal democratic system. They gave good advice. They were right. Our own homegrown sophisticated betters ignored them.] "
Finding fault with China a symptom of West’s ideological crisis
Global Times, March 11, 2020
These articles and many others, many editorials, were put out as a response to Pres. Trump's travel ban, which, truth of the matter, was the beginning of the politicization of influenza. Despite his assertions, the bans did NOT save millions of people, respiratory illness influenza does not respect borders.
China warned the US of this fact, that making infectious disease political would have bad outcomes. It's why the WHO and CDC pandemic plans prior to 2020 recommended against travel bans, reasoning that, when nations blame other nations for infecting them that other nation's leaders blame their people for infecting each other, and civil liberties and rights in democracies are lost. They were right.
I don't put all of the blame on Pres. Trump. He was surrounded by liars and enemies subverting and destroying his presidency from within, had few he could trust, was just coming out of impeachment hoax #1 that even Republicans allowed to move forward.
His instincts to go against the early advice of people like Fauci, while understandable, was wrong in this case. The travel bans politicized infectious disease. That destroyed what was left of his presidency and made the theft of his reelection plausible. Tragic. But can't say the CCP didn't warn us. Even about the efficacy of antivirals - like Ivermectin.
Freedom Fox very astute observations. You definitely looked deeply into things while I was spinning tunes in Pal Talk music rooms. Apolitical since the Clinton v Bush debate. One look at that and knew there is no choice here. Disabled in 2008 oil field explosion. found pal talk in 2016 fell in love with music rooms. Thats where I was when in a no pol/rel talk allowed room. DJT was being constantly lambasted. Although I was no fan of DJT couldn't take insults from foreigners to my president to go unchallenged. I started to spend time in pol' rooms. Look into things. I see the arrows and flak flung at Trump to be nothing but a Punch n Judy show extravaganza. Same ones controlling Judy control Punch. All the things he accomplished for our nation took less than a month to be undone by Biden. My theory was that the virus was from one of those Ukranian bio-def*-labs Soros traveled to Wuhan from Ukraine a week before the outbreak. Might revise that after perusing all the links you and the other commenters provided. Must admit after the first 6-9 mo.'s of Bidens presidency I was reeling towards despair thinking whoever is calling the shots is destroying my country before my eyes with a consistent devastating action. Then in Dec of 21 Omicron and I look it up find a solar eclipse occurring between Ophiuchus and Coronis. Omicron/Ophiuchus or Hephaestus or Asclepius. Son of Apollo and Coronis He bears Hydra/Great Serpent to Coronis. Apollo? brings the disease and the cure. Also he flies about the nations firing Syrinx into random tribes of men. Syrinx is where we get the word syringe. Then I knew this isn't some genius plan its Hamlet writ large. "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." Serpent venom and angels blood a potion of immortality. They are following a script an ancient script one that Shakespeare and reflect parts of. I guess Soros must be an astronomy buff because he took a yacht to Antarctica and he and his guests made sure to view the eclipse. Asclepius the symbol of medicine, pharmacy's NIH and WHO he bears the Dragon to the Crown. Trump is Apollo.
Merry Christmas Celia , thanks 🙏
One of the best interviews around!
GH & CAF - Two of the finest people on the internet.
What citizens need to understand is that the only diffference between the Trump unit and the Biden unit is the syndicates behind them. Otherwise they're both dolts.
Why the Trump unit's syndicate has done a few things really well and at the same time allowed some of the most heinous shit in history to happen I haven't quite figured out yet. Hopefully there's an ultimate righteous plan there somewhere.
I guess time will tell and we shall see.
Except, for that nagging detail re the citizen's complicity. I still see people wearing masks as if the big bad CV boogey man will kill 'em. Warped speed was sound byte PR at a time when the Devil wanted to shut down America like they did in Australia. The counter move was necessary or the lockdown, and subsequent lockdowns may have come to fruition. What if the mainstream fake media wasn't part of the Pharmonopoly? ...and yet--Deep State is still misunderstood! May the New Year bring further disclosure and revelations re election fraud--and God Bless Kari Lake for her steadfast resolve!