People just have to get away from these demon businesses. Parallel economy is building and it is a must for anyone who wants to still speak their mind. If every person who follows Mercola closes their accounts tomorrow, it will have an impact.

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Right, use local credit unions, and never any big bank.

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In all likelihood, the credit unions will fall right in line with the WEF-dictated measures.

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So far, no.

Credit unions are owned by their users, so the WEF has no direct influence on them by appointing board members, etc, like they do with most corporations.

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I'd love to be able to agree, but considering how duped and brainwashed most of the population is already, I put very little trust in the moral rectitude and cognitive capacities of "the users".

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I can’t speak for every credit union but those in my area are used largely by working class people. The well to do prefer traditional banks.

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And what's one of the visible differences between the first and the second credit unions I mentioned above? The first appeals to well-to-do retirees, the second to ordinary people.

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Blah blah blah.

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Agreed Lizzi.

For all here, you need to dig deeper. The narrative (about CUs) that applied decades ago, no longer does, in todays world. Saying that the account holders have say or sway over the board - or take the time to even know who their board members are...is akin to saying "we have a representative form of government in this country". It's a pipe dream.

You have to start digging through their professional journals and associations. Just search credit unions and ESG or a variant and you'll come across plenty of material, from their own associations and professional groups, lauding ESG. Here's one example - in the first paragraph:

"The values related to ESG align with a credit union’s mission of service to members, the community it serves, its duty to employees and interactions with other stakeholders."


Quit listening to these "conservative" political pundits, pushing yesterdays mantras. This is an evolving battlefield and you are only seeing a very very small portion of it...that you are allowed to see.

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I switched credit unions in Belfast, Maine, U.S.A. Why? Because the one credit union seemed more like a bank, constantly expanding and using depositors' money to build new buildings, refurbish recently built buildings, filling the buildings with TV screens, etc. I now use a credit union which is two branches only and which holds a free dinner meeting each year for people to bring up concerns such as these.

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And, you shouldn’t. 😑 the 🐑`ll aint gonna 💡

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They still need licensing from FED to create money out of nothing. They will fall and big banks will take over.

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The Federal Reserve does not supervise or regulate credit unions. Federally chartered credit unions are regulated by the National Credit Union Administration, while state-chartered credit unions are regulated at the state level.


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But it regulates currency itself, right? So if cash is suddenly worthless, it won't matter where we've kept it.

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Do you know what a depositor's legal recourse is for restitution and the likely timeline, if that institution closes their account? The institution cannot simply steal those deposits, can it?

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Not when they make it about 'national security'. They want to trigger 'Continuity of Government' in the States. It's been in the works for a ling time . The major emergency that will allow COG a 'shadow government' steps in and assumes control and the entire Constitution is suspended. Please LOOK at that. A nuclear threat? Maybe their UFO threat they're clearly setting up?

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So whenever does the money come from?

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Credit Unions don't create money unlike private banks which are given exclusive rights to that. Allowing private Banks to create our money supply is the greatest case of welfare in the history of human civilization. Private banks are welfare bums.

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Sadly, Wrong. Only some left. They are still 'regulated' by the Finance Ministers. PIB collections. Any reporting for income tax will be required to be regulated. But dears, it's worse than that. Look at this:

A new "unified ledger" proposal has been published by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), known as the "bank of banks." This new, centralized, globalist-run unified ledger would tokenize all financial assets and control them from a globalist database that can be altered at any time. This includes the elimination of private property and all resources. All spun as for our protection, and for equity and climate change.

It's worse than CBDCs. All assets would be tokenized and "harmonized" under this new system, including real estate, bank accounts, stocks, pension funds and more.

Any deviation from the globalist narratives on climate, transgenderism, elections, "science" or other topics will cause your assets to vanish. You will "own nothing and be happy," remember? They even state ' expirary' dates on using the funds permitted to you. In order.

And this:


Allison McDowell :

Re: "Smart Cities", every parent needs to see this; the Transhumanist Game and "Lifelong Learning"/ DARPA , the corporate /government partnership is not a future anyone wants for our kids! / parent rights / AI 'learning' our kids /

Then this: https://horizons.gc.ca/en/2020/02/11/exploring-biodigital-convergence/

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Your silver will not vanish no matter what they say. You have the problem of storage, but there is no solution that does not have some cost.

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Yay! Good news!

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I have no doubt. Maybe we need to find people that used to work in banking and start our own. True parallel.

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Exactly, I've heard that the Credit Unions will go digital very soon... My partner just closed his Bank of the West account because they told him August 1st they would be digital since the were purchased by Bank of Montreal... good little WEF folks....🤬

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oh my! not looking good at all!

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Yes when the push comes to shove. So to speak

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The concept of credit unions is a good one, although in practice they are not much different than banks. My husband works for a small local credit union, and DEI training (Diversity Equity & Inclusion Training) is foisted upon all the employees with mandatory trainings about once a month. Poor guy is getting really cynical about the topic. We're thinking of pulling our money out of the credit union, but nowhere better to go...

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The users own the credit union, and there are not that many, so you have a much better chance of fighting back against DIE shit by organizing the credit union members against it. A much better chance than against a big bank that is.

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I would love to know how to connect with other members of my credit union. I have a sneaking suspicion it would require the use of anti-social media platforms, unfortunately, given the times we're in...if it would even be possible at all.

That method of communication (including here on substack) tethers us further to the gawldarned beast. In-person is so much better, when possible.

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Yes, it's often a problem, like trying to organize the other parents at a university against DIE.

One thing you can do is try to run for the board of your credit union. There's not usually much competition.

You can also set up your own website for people who belong to a credit union to directly converse with each other, and then advertise it outside the credit union. You're more than welcome to use my own forum if you think it trustworthy: https://patrick.net

Just start a new thread about that credit union and invite people to reply there. The whole site is run by me and no one else.

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Thanks. I will look into the options you have suggested.

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oh no.

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Try gold. Silver, platinum and palladium.

Those metals will never dry up and blow away like paper dollars or bank accounts will.

Stocks aren't good, crypto is mostly smoke.

The futures not going to be easy for any of us. Good luck.

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I get your cynicism. Many challenging times ahead and Let’s also imagine a future soon beyond that inspires us and works for all of us. Then let’s start creating that.

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Credit Unions are not part of the Federal Reserve

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They don't have to be part of the Federal Reserve to adopt FedNow. Several credit unions already have.

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In Canada, and after the Freedom convoy of 2021, when truckers' accounts were frozen, my CU told me "if the government told them to freeze someone's account, they would have to".

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I don't know what Canadian laws are, but I'm pretty sure it would unconstitutional in the US for the government to tell credit unions to block someone's account because of their speech or their protesting.

Canada seems deeply screwed up, and in need of:

1. A constitution like the US has

2. A trial for Turdeau for violating basic human rights on a mass scale

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You seem to believe that our Constitution still has meaning for our present government.

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Clearly the US government is violating a lot of the Constitution, for example the First and Second Amendments, and Article I, section 10, which reads "No state shall... emit bills of credit, make any thing but gold and silver a tender in payment of debts..."

But I think that defending the Constitution is still the right way to go. There are some good and honest Supreme Court justices, like Clarence Thomas.

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Chase has clearly announced, they don't want ANY accounts. Why was Mercola there?

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What do you mean they don’t want any accounts?

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Apparently they think they can borrow directly from the Fed or something to make their loans.

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Includes likes of Southwest Chase Visa

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No impact. Only the Whales have an impact and they dont follow Mercola

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WHY was the man still at chase?!?

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I moved out of Chase in the 70s. I've been trying to get a sibling to move out of JP Morgan, which is buried in derivatives; but, he won't listen to me. Most people apparently have no idea that the government has been printing for years to keep the stock market afloat, as well as these banks. When SHTF, it's going to be a nightmare.

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Chase, JP Morgan & Chemical Bank are all Rockefeller crime syndicate controlled.

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Add in Wells Fargo

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Ah, thank you for the confirmation.

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we could also say this is a shot across the bow to those who’s platforms do not please the con-sensus makers. i am still flummoxed as to why he has been in business with his mortal enemy ?

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I'm imagining he's mostly NOT there but keeping a toe in. Subscribe to his incredible newsletter to learn what he says; he's there EVERY day and the comments are good. I leaned about Celia there.

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Perhaps he believes he's safe with a "too big to fail" institution? Likely, many small business people do not have much education in finance. So, they aren't aware of the perils.

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Be cause it’s still the United States

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not really. surely he must know enough about the current affairs to take his stuff out of circulation with the boys who want to see him go away. but boy o boy he must be speaking some serious hurt on the baddies👏🏽👏🏽

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Excellent question.

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yes. We can all leave - and we have left B of A for this reason - we heard almost right away that BofA had turned over bank card records after Jan 6 of ANYONE who had traveled to the DC area on Jan 6 - like - local Charlotte folks were having FBI agents show up to their homes and small businesses questioning them. Like - January 10. Not OK. Turns out B of A had turned over voluntarily - the credit card records of anyone who had used a card to travel in the area that day. Since then - we have been actively working to disassociate from BofA - our bank for our entire lives...my husband's bank - well - his family's since they were Nations' Bank - and NCNB - so literally - my husband's entire - 50 years of life...and yet...they are traitors...and - so...but look at this...recently the DOJ has turned on BofA just as they did Wells - in fact they are under investigation and have charges now for doing the SAME things that Wells did...interesting eh? And they have been the big guys in WEF - leading the charge- but it sure looks like their "hey look at us...here are the records from January 6" isn't gonna be enough - so looks ike Chase/Citi is gonna be the US bank on top of the pile...and you do understand that FEDNOW is already in motion and actively working...so - we can run - and we have moved our accounts...but at the end of the day - THEY will hold the keys...and the dollars...and the Bible says it will be this way...so just know - that these things are to demonstrate to those of us who will see it...what is happening and will happen...Americans are the problem eh? yes...if they truly pulled this in earnest...the US would revolt like crazy...which is why they have had to slow roll so much - they pushed forward - Paypall and a a few others..but that danged Supreme Court and Glenn Beck telling everyone about it...RATS..and States like Florida calling out WEF and ESG. Ouch...but make no mistake...after 2024 - whatever THEY do...it will be over...not sure how THEY will do it...but - be prepared...and when that happens...seek the Lord with all your heart...because - He alone is MY provision...My Father owns cattle on a thousand Hills...

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probably not. likely no one actually does.

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I closed my Chase account when they did the same thing to some coffee company which supported Trump. I don't even like Trump anymore because he refuses to admit that the toxxine is murdering people, but banks should not be dictating what you can and cannot say.

The right answer is to use credit unions, which are local.

And have multiple accounts, at least two at two different credit unions.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Also get out of PayPal.

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PayPal pulls the same shit as Chase.

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We hurt Bud Light and Target; now it’s time to go after the banks.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

If any of you saw Celia Farber’s Substack this morning, she cross- posted a piece by a Canadian who says (and fwiw I think she’s right) the Canadian truckers won their fight and she brings receipts! It all points to the power we have if we choose to use it.

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

PayPal can still be used. I use it, rather than a credit card, with eBay. You simply don't keep any significant amount of funds there. You open up a separate checking account at a local credit union to use solely with PayPal. But, I'm not involved yet in anything that would make PayPal cancel me; so, yes, that is an issue for some people.

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PayPal threatened to fine members $2000.00 for wrong speech if I recall. I tried to shut down my account and they wouldn't let me for months. I was finally able to.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Yes. Thanks. The fine is $2,500 and apparently has been there since 2013. I did not know that until I read the Forbes article below, just now. PayPal has now removed the "misinformation" violation, but the fine is apparently still possible for the original stated infractions. I don't worry too much about this, since I have no overdraft permission on my credit union (CU) checking account which I use solely for PayPal; and, I keep no money at PayPal, and there's usually less than $100 in my CU "PayPal" checking account. I look at this as a travail of doing business, because I'm not any more enamored of my credit card company. All of this is going to get worse as the globalists attempt to force us into total digital enslavement.

After PayPal Revokes Controversial Misinformation Policy, Major Concerns Remain Over $2,500 Fine


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Respectfully disagree. Absolute NO to PayPal

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What payment method do you prefer when ordering eBay items from other countries; and, how do you puchase a unique item when a seller on eBay or on an ordinary website, for that matter, states "PayPal only"?

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I find I suddenly don’t need the item for some reason🤔. Etsy gave me the run around once and goodbye Etsy.

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Amen Janet. Don’t buy there.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Also, check if your favorite shop or brand is owned by the Big Three:


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Rat bastards

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This is tyrannical totalitarianism unfolding via the financial sectors right before our eyes.

BOYCOTT all financial institutions that engage in this horrible form of tyranny.

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Holy sh....

Dr Mercola is a highly esteemed, highly educated individual.

He is a champion against Big Pharma and vaccinations and GMO foods.

His supplements are some of the best on the market.

This is a hit job if any...

Anyone doing business with Chase bank needs to close their accounts and move them to local banks.

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Time to find a local bank. https://home.solari.com/how-to-find-a-local-bank/

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Love CAF!

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Yes, leave the centralized big banks, and go local. One of the main problems today, and why we are under the thumb of someone else, is the centralization of power and systems, through monopoly.

The solution is decentralizing yourself in every aspect possible, and become knowledgeable on how to leave the existing systems, be it health, finances, email provider, work, computer operating system, money, food sources, etc. and become more self reliant.

Investigate and educate yourself in non-medicine based health, alternative currencies and barter, how to install Linux Mint on your PC, ditch or leave the Smartphone at home, pay cash in shops, grow your own food, get a chicken coop for eggs, start up small project for multiple small revenue streams, etc.

Don't try, do.

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Thank you for your response. G. Edward Griffin's "Creature from Jekyll Island" also helped me understand the Central Bank Ponzi scheme. I would've made other financial decisions had I done so. This is critical US history and important information to protect one's wealth. https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal-Reserve/dp/091298645X

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Yes, the modern money system is rigged, and basically just a myriad of ways to plunder the common man with interest, rent, inflation, increasing and expanding money supply, etc. Without banksters skimming us, everyone could thrive.

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More Rockefeller Shenanigans - attacking dissenters against their Allopathic Pfharma Cartel, just like they've always been doing - since they first stopped selling "snake oil", themselves.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Once again, Catch 22 trumps all other rules:

“Catch-22 says they have the right to do anything we can't stop them from doing.”

― Joseph Heller, Catch-22

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Wow. Never saw that quote before.

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You should read the book, Young Celia.

It will amaze and horrify.

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pick UP a .22

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

I prefer a PPK :)

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Dr. Joe's being attacked for defending truth in science and teaching all of us about the 5g criminal cartel plus the DOD politically corrected science that rotates, using Nazi pharamas as the center, along the path of fake mainstream CFR controlled 'news' supporting the waterfall cascade of orchestrated pandemic, bioweapon nano bugged vaccines and their Vatican Hollywood paid supporters of lies. Look at this link again for a nice memory refresher concerning drug infested Hollywood.


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How does that even work? What happens to his money? Do they give him a cashier's check or what?

There should be legislation to make this illegal without cause.

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Its more criminal activity!!

It’s what they did to the truckers too. I’m not sure if they got it returned.

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He of course will get his funds.

But now he has to find a bank that will do business with him.

When these Big Banks do this, they put the group on a list.

That list is referred to whenever a new account is opened.

But this was a big hit, not only him but his main people and their families.

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The demons do this because they think it'll shut you up, so far it hasn't worked.

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Wow. In Britain, Alexandra Tolstoy, writer, designer, descendent of Leo Tolstoy lost her accounts. No reason given.

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Elizabeth, a good friend of mine, not alive any more, one Guy Alexis Obolensky, (a genius of energy science, after Tesla,) he knew Tolstoy's grandson, and this grandson used to call Guy when we were on the phone and he was very upset. They were harassing him like crazy, at one of the Ivy League colleges, this is what I remember. Maybe Harvard. I asked why and Guy said it was…because he was Tolstoy's grandson. Did Alexandra also lose her money, or just not allowed to bank with them anymore? This shocks even me. They just TAKE all the money? If so, this is straight up Bolshevik Rev. 2.0

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I went to high school with someone named Obolensky in the early 70’s, in Rhode Island. He was a couple years ahead of me. I think he was a descendant of Prince Ivan Sergeievich Obolensky-Neledinsky-Meletsky.

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No, they didn’t take her money, but neither would they tell her why. Farage got his account back, but even though she went public with it, nothing. She is the most unassuming folky decorator, writer about Russian culture and she leads horseback tours thru the Caucasus mountains and steppes. Frightening. Could easily happen to us.

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Nigel Farage too, if memory serves.

This needs to be stopped.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Yes, "Farage: Why I might be FORCED to leave the UK."


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I suggest to close your chase bank account if you have one, but don't tell them why

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Howdy grasshopper!

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In addition to moving away from all corporate banks and to user-owned credit unions, one should use cash as much as possible to limit bank power.

Cash, not credit cards and not checks.

Of course even cash is corrupted by the Federal Reserve, which just prints as much as they want, but it's better than credit and checks.

The real solution is physical silver by WEIGHT, not by dollars. The British Pound was literally a pound of silver by weight for centuries before they debased it. Works well, and there is plenty of silver to go around. Would also eliminate the need to convert between currencies. British trade with China was all in physical silver, no conversion needed. But then the Chinese were winning and collecting all the silver, so the British distributed opium in China very much like China is distributing fentanyl in the US now. But that's a different story.

While you can't use physical silver over the internet, you can exchange _promises_ of physical silver, which is fine as long as you correctly calculate the default risk.

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Wow, this is awful!

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We all need to get out of these big banks.

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Maybe find another planet.

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No, they need another planet...

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Spot on, good sister.

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