I do 3 mg borax twice daily; iodine, turmeric root powder, and other free-radical scavengers, cleaners, etc. The toxins are designed, as were the vax experiments, to reduce our immune systems to nil. Eat only organic wherever possible. Grow your own as much as possible. Work trades with neighbors, friends, etc. Collaborate to unplug from the machine.

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No displacement halides in water!!!

Understand halides and thyroid

Anthony Flechas schools western MD on history of the problem-

The lie is halides in water prevent cavities wholesale smelliest bullshit on earth

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I used to take Thyroxine and then I used a good water filter now my thyroid levels are normal. No prescriptions at all now.

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Mar 8, 2022
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And the one those displace atomically invert is called poison on a bottle butt no skull cross bones on any Seaweed in scene- iodideiodine

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Ashwaghanda root too

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Turmeric root is good stuff. I keep mine in Mason Jar. I order the whole root and grind it in a blender.

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Gonzalo Lira has written a few books and I'm a huge reader so I happen to have a couple. He's a friend of The Duran, whom I happen to trust for all things objective and truthful in the geopolitical arena, they've had him on their podcast as a guest periodically. He used to go by Coach Red Pill or RealCRP. He does not live in Kiev but happened to be there on a business trip when the war broke out, his first live streams were with The Duran and the on his CRP channel. As you mentioned, he had to leave his Kiev hotel, he was able to get back home by train, after some unpleasantness he decided to pull some of his live podcasts and stop streaming through CRP and now posts on YouTube through his name, Gonzalo Lira and as a guest on The Duran and some other podcasts. He also posts as RealCRP on telegram but YouTube is as far as I'll dip my toe into the social media world so I haven't seen any of those.

As I have been familiar with him since prior to the recent Ukraine conflict I feel I can say he is real. By that I mean that he is a real person, he absolutely does live in Ukraine with his family and what you see is his actual personality and experience. He is not always wise and may sometimes over-share. Over the last 2 weeks I have seen him go from cheerful and sincere to exhausted and sincere with a constant undercurrent of stress. I suspect the constant stress and sleep deprivation has at times influenced him towards recklessness. I lived in Israel during Desert Storm (pre-interweb times) and can appreciate the constant stress and the feeling of being unable to vent by speaking freely in your native language; phone service was inconsistent, of poor quality and expensive, if the internet had existed then I absolutely would have done likewise. It was hard for me that the experience I was living was very different from what everyone back home was being told. I hear and appreciate that exasperation from Gonzalo and remember that feeling of constantly living in such dangerous circumstances that doing foolish things just didn't feel anymore risky than life.

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Thanks for the Gonzalo Lira video. Here's a more recent one from him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7NTLZDd4tc

where he tells about the thugs who tried to come after him in his home in Kharkov (he's currently in another safe house), and details the involvement of a Ukrainian billionaire in fomenting the violence, in cahoots with Western powers. Many of his assertions about the situation are corroborated elsewhere. Check it out! And Celia, I hope your stomach ills go away soon!!

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Thanks, Celia, for pointing us towards Gonzalo Lira. Another reporter on the ground is Russell "Texas" Bentley, an American who moved to the Donbass after the 2014 U.S. coup because he wanted to help the people there. He has his own YouTube channel here (https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac), and he's interviewed by Max Blumenthal of the Grayzone here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Mfv2M9q8vc). Then there's Riley Waggaman in Moscow (Edward Skavsquat here on Substack), an American and former RT reporter living in Moscow. The best overall geopolitical analysis I've heard yet is this conversation between Vanessa Beeley and Alex Thomson (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aErJD6mOjDw), which provides context for those on-the-ground reports.

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UK Column News is another excellent source of info & discussion (Alex Thomson whom you mentioned above is a regular guest). They have a channel on Rumble, and regular reports on their website as well.

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typo: Slavsquat

Martyanov has just mentioned Graham Phillips for a Britisher view of things local.


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apple cider vinegar, probiotics = keeping your gut healthy = 💕

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Yes, 1-2 Tblspoons organic apple cider vinegar every morning to reduce bodily acidic buildup. Also 1-3 fruits daily as well as 3-5 vegies.

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For some countermeasures and an interesting POV, check Dana Ashlie on YouTube.

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yes, I have heard of great results with the borax and cider vinegar, like mrjest mentions here

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Wow! Counter measures, of course.

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Discussing counter measures is definitely something to discuss!

Borax (like HCQ & IVM) has been demonised as dangerous, but it is actually a required micro-nutrient and helpful for so many things. Including the stuff being sprayed in the skies all over the world.

Like you, I was reluctant to delve into the chemtrail stuff - but once you do, it is another very deep rabbit hole that is worth exploring.

Here in Australia, we have had a week of massive (very unusual) rain, and record flooding. With a lot of evidence that it has been human-made.

And I am not talking about "climate change" - although all the usual people are ranting about "dirty coal" and so on.

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Borax is poisinous, Celia! Its a stomach poison! Who told you to do that?!!!

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Borax (like IVM & HCQ) has been demonised - and for the same reasons. In fact, it is safer than sodium chloride - table salt. (Of course, huge doses can be toxic - but that applies to a whole lot of things, including most common nutrients.)

Here is the story of how the TGA in Australia reacted to the finding that borax could fix arthritis: http://www.health-science-spirit.com/Healing_the_Body/The-Borax-Conspiracy.html

Tip: download this while you still can - this is a new url for this article, still working when I checked, but I had to replace my previously saved url with this one.

And for the record: I've been taking borax for years, at times regularly, other times sporadically. I dissolve a teaspoon in one litre of water, and drink 10-30 mls of that.

Probably 10-20 mls daily for ongoing, but I took 30 mls 2/day over a few months to address arthritis. No ill effects at all.

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Mar 8, 2022Edited
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Let me clarify: all 3 have been demonised because they might detract from the use of expensive (within patent) pharmaceuticals and thereby interfere with the agenda of Big Pharma to get us all dependent on expensive and toxic new "wonder drugs".

I'm open to evidence (if you have any) re your statements about IVM & HCQ. However, a discussion about the effectiveness/toxicity of these is a bit of a detour from the topic of the main post, and I don't really want to hijack it.

Especially since HCQ is simply not available here in Australia, and IVM is not much better. I did get some Bimectin horse paste, took it when I had CV 3 weeks ago, and admittedly didn't notice any benefit (though it may have prevented a worse outcome in the longer term, who knows?)

I didn't die from it, nor did I notice any adverse effects, so I would still offer it to a family member or friend who was open to taking it.

There were some things that did help - most dramatically MMS (or chloride dioxide solution). But this is a clinical observation with n=1, so I am not reading too much from all that.

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Mar 8, 2022Edited
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You were doing very well there until you referred to MMS as "snake-oil"!

If you have even basic chemistry (and your comments suggest that you do, unless you have just swallowed all this from someone else) you will understand that atomic chlorine is a different beast from the chloride ion - the form we find it in the body - and different again depending on what it might be compounded with. So chlorine dioxide - a molecule similar in structure to that of water - is not really something you can lump in with chlorine gas (what you will get in chlorinated water, from sodium hypochlorite), which is different again from chlorine as found in pharmaceutical products and other complex molecules.

Anyway, I'm not trying to promote MMS, just reporting that it worked for me. Didn't kill me either.

However, if you are coming from a position of "viruses and contagious diseases are bullshit" then we don't have much common ground on which to have a discussion.

For myself, I was raised in western science (real science, which is about observation, making hypotheses, and testing them) and while I disagree with the way that the medical technocrats have hijacked medicine, and with their mechanistic view of the human body (which results in mostly just a symptom reduction approach) I do have a respect born from experience of the damage that contagious illnesses can wreak.

And in terms of treatment, I would draw a conceptual line between short term treatment and long term symptom reduction meds.

Forty years ago, I travelled around India & SE Asia with my 3 year old son, and in preparation looked at chloroquine (and another related one, maybe HCQ but I can't remember) as a malaria prophylactic, and decided against them because of the reported common adverse effects. However, malaria is a nasty disease, and I chose to take the weekly one, a completely different chemical (whose name I also forget) which had much less likelihood of adverse effects. Still, taking a prophylactic over a period of 6 months was not something I was completely comfortable with.

In comparison, when we both came down with amoebic dysentery & giardia in India, I had no hesitation in taking the treatment (flagyl - Metronidazole) which is pretty nasty stuff, but untreated amoebic dysentery is much, much worse - as my sister found out, trying to go the natural route but ending up with intestinal scarring which causes her problems to this day.

It's one thing to be gung-ho about contagious disease when you live in a first-world country with decent public hygiene, and another when you are confronted with the reality of these diseases in a heavily populated third-world country. (Diseases easily prevented by chlorinating the drinking water - instead of fetching it in a bucket from a pristine-looking spring - and installing a reliable sewerage system. We don't actually have any healthy natural environments anymore.

As for covid, I can testify from my own experience that it is a real thing, not as bad as they try to tell us but a lot worse than a cold, and potentially quite damaging. As it was engineered to be. (And the shots worse, but that is a different thing again.)

I find it very interesting that HCQ, IVM and MMS were all developed as treatments for malaria, and all work too as treatments for covid.

(Yes, all are effective treatments according to research, and with much less downside than the real snake-oil treatments they are trying to push. Maybe there are better alternatives, I won't argue with that, but nothing so far with evidence to support it.)

Myself, I'm not against all pharmaceuticals on principle - that would be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. For centuries, healers have been using natural plant compounds to support the body's natural immune defences in treating disease, and there is a huge body of knowledge around this. Sometimes a more potent form of a natural product can actually be more effective. (But I agree this needs to be viewed with caution.)

Disease is a real thing, with multiple contributing factors but one of those factors is infection by micro-organisms. Sometimes the infection needs to be addressed as part of a treatment protocol, not just left to chance with a general health regime, because an infection that takes hold can damage or interfere with the body's own healing processes.

The actual nature of viruses is something still being discussed by the actual virologists, but they do appear to play a part in many diseases too.

Including covid.

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Look up the Borax Conspiracy by Walter Last for health effects.

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Mar 7, 2022
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Homeopathy would possibly work if thats what you mean but a homeopathic dose is on the order of a thousand times smaller than 9 Gms a day. There are many things safer than borax such as very large doses of lactobacillus and non toxic herbal formulas, garlic etc… Celia mentioned she is having abdominal pain and that is one symptom of borate poisoning…

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Dennis, I appreciate your concern. I have not taken any Borax recently but have in the past. I had vomiting and chills yesterday and had only water and sea salt but I am feeling under siege and something is sort of happening in my skin. I mostly don't talk about this stuff here but I listened to a video a few days ago about chemtrails, and counter measures, including small amounts of Borax. It was really shocking.

I think our great challenge in staying in these bodies is trauma. Jordan Peterson says trauma results from the discovery of malevolence. 99% of my life I can't say anything about. I need prayers for finding the right trauma specialist, for extremely deep trauma injuries, layered. The same could be said for most of us. Right now I don't have stable living and it's been this way for the past 2.5 years. I have to act.

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Sister Celia, if you'd like help dealing with trauma from a Christian perspective look up a ministry called Restoring the Foundations. I know a lot of people who have experienced tremendous Holy Spirit led freedom from their ministry including my wife.

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If you haven't, try equine-assisted therapy for trauma.

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I haven't had to revert to using borax as a replacement for boron supplementation as people have done where boron supplements have been banned. A good one is Source Naturals' Triple Boron capsules.


I also use NAC which is banned on Amazon but available elsewhere.

Boron was banned in Australia so people started using borax instead, then borax was banned in Australia as well.

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Mar 8, 2022
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Yes, I agree. It's also stupid, which is another hallmark of government.

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Dr. Kinnane knows - he's a pharmacist and Doctor of Chinese Medicine/herbology - but is too modest to mention all of his credentials. I would give due consideration to his advice, if I were you or Celia.

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As for combating chemtrails etc., I think Dr. Robert O. Young has mentioned using NAC? Anything to keep alkalization up, I think would help. Lemme see if I can find the article...

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https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-healing-properties-of-a-smectite-montmorillonite-terra-phirma-clay Aajonus Vonderplanitz cites raw unpasteurized cheeses as a toxin cleaner.

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Also I’ve been doing Lugol’s iodine, selenium, colloidal silver, DMSO 50/50 topically and several thousand milligrams of Vitamin C. Seems to be keeping the worst symptoms at bay.

Also getting a Faraday cage for the electric company smart meter helped a lot. Made in Santa Cruz, reasonably priced, works: https://smartmeterguard.com/

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Yes please. They have been spraying us like bugs in Middle Tennessee fir the last year. We often see a half dozen planes in the sky for several hours a day. Leaving their X sigils over the fields.

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Celia, check out medicalmedium.com for info on chemtrails and how to detox. Vinegar is a no-no. Thank you for this piece.

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I knew there was a good reason I loved celery daily; now I am wondering how I knew it.... Except some 9-10 years ago I began really trusting my body to tell me what I most need to know right now. It just happens, not every minute, but plenty often for me to love it and follow it patiently. Many surprises some days, few others. One step at a time.

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Mar 8, 2022
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Well if you follow and read the work of Medical Medium, you learn that vinegar ultimately dissolves teeth and bones. Im sure there are other reasons too. He does lives frequently on various health topics.However, he’s pretty clear that if one is going to consume vinegar, apple cider vin is the way to go.

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Mar 8, 2022Edited
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Medical Medium is a bit far out, and definitely different than the mainstream drug and American food pyramid approach but he’s published six books (and just finished his 7th), done hundreds of lives, and has a pretty huge audio recording library on soundcloud or other platforms. He does talk about fermented foods too—they’re not healthy either. He explains fermentation is the bacteria of death, not of life. From a pre-refrigerator time. But of course, most people who find Medical Medium info are there bc they’re suffering a chronic health issue, like myself. So to stumble onto that info randomly will definitely be… eye-opening! Take care.

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Hi Celia- Look into fasting. Been around for thousands of years. Gets overlooked. Not sure why... maybe because you can't sell anything in conjunction with it.

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/4XmB7DRBioH7/ Sometimes it feels like being a survivor in the aftermath of a psychological invasion.

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