Yes. I like Maria too.

Very interesting that she started with Barry Farber and adopted his high standards. Listen to her GRILL the phony Republicans and Kevin McCarthey on what happened.

She really does ask the most important questions. One of the most important answers she got from Trump, before he was removed, was Trump's explanation of how Barr refused to press the Durham investigation, and how Barr was angry when Trump declassified it against his wishes.

The report is STILL out there. https://www.kulr8.com/news/national/republicans-demand-update-on-long-awaited-durham-report/article_29a55965-9bde-54ef-9144-a7abc70ec151.html

Barr was covering for criminals, and working all the time for Verizon and 5G systems before he became AG. I had a bad feeling about him from the beginning.

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Pompeo: "You cannot challenge the United States without real costs being imposed on you."

Bartiromo: "All incredibly important analysis."

I don't see Maria's interview of Pompeo ("also a Fox News contributor", she points out) as an impartial, forensic analysis of the Afghanistan situation at all. I saw a soft-ball interview lacking in penetrating analysis designed to score political points against the Democrats.

I am personally sick and tired of party politics, have been for decades. Why play that kindergarten game? I can see no good reason to support "the left" over "the right" or vice versa. I barely even know what those supposed poles mean in the modern context. In essence, looking back, the so-called left focuses on the importance of society as a whole, while the so-called right focuses on the individual. One without the other makes no sense whatsoever. Flash forward to modernity, and we have corruption from top to bottom, from left to right. The entire structure has lost my trust.

Party politics is a divide-and-conquer sham and should be done away with as soon as humanity is up to the task. The mass media are party political without exception. And what is it about the US these last decades that the rest of the world should want to emulate or learn from, including the Trump administration? To my eyes, what the US projects is little more than cheap and shiny showmanship as stage scenery to conceal unspeakable evil. Which administration in recent history ever took on corporate power and mendacity? (Please watch the excellent documentary "The Corporation".) Power collects to power, whether via state or market mechanisms. As such, there has never been, in my view, a meaningful, lasting separation of powers. The problem is humanity's immature understanding of power, and its essentially materialistic understanding of reality (at least over the last several centuries). "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." But we have to be emotionally and psychologically mature enough to effect such vigilance, to wield liberty with wisdom and compassion. Where on planet earth are there serious efforts from states and corporations to foster and nourish emotional and psychological maturity? They both thrive on the opposite, which is precisely why we see infantilisation everywhere we look. This has absolutely nothing to do with "left" and "right". Structurally, it has plenty to do with measuring value with money (unsuccessfully I should add), but that's a whole other mountain of information.

As to US power. If the world relies on Power Over, there will be power vacuums when empires fall, as they ALWAYS do. Were it now China, or let's say 'communism', falling apart as the once world power, the power vacuum left behind would bring similar turbulence in its wake. And the globalists know this very well (likely Pompeo is of their number). They nudge then ride this artefact of history (decadence) to ensure as best they can that the world remains owned and run by them. That's the critical point, not whether this or that ism is in the ascendancy. This process is geared inexorably towards totalitarianism because that is where Power Over must lead, left unchecked. If you need power to make people behave morally, ethically, compassionately, you have a serious problem. Where is the love in that? And who really cares whether we have the oxymoron of left-wing or right-wing totalitarianism?

What I didn't hear (though I stopped listening after Pompeo):

Did the Taliban grow in capability and popularity over the course of the last 8 months alone? Were they kept so weakened by the "mission set" defined by Pompeo – a "mission" which reeks of US exceptionalism, the root of the problem – that they were entirely ineffective while Trump was in power?

Was Afghanistan responsible for Al Qaeda? Or was it the CIA?

Is the US being embarrassed on the world stage because of its strong mythical connection to democracy? Is, therefore, democracy being embarrassed on the world stage?

Did the Trump administration curb the opium trade? I understand Afghanistan is responsible for 90+% of the market. (The Taliban have announced an end to that, though of course time will tell if they prove true to their promises.)

Is the Ukraine a fascist state? What role did the US play in its destabilisation?

Shouldn't Russia, China and the US, and in fact everyone, collaborate on sharing power wisely, for humanity and planet together as complex living systems? Isn't it beyond infantile to expect Russia and China, historically far older than the US, to magically turn into some sort of replicas of the US because "US power don't take no bullshit from nobody!"

What I did hear, but didn't want to, is the 'prediction' (announcement?) from Pompeo that more terrorism is coming. Could that part of the C19 exit strategy, assuming there is one?

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