It's all planned, Jacinda, Boris and soon Brandon. He was just a stooge that was installed. This is all to distract.

All Biden did was stutter, others are pulling the levers.

Keep your eye on the ball.

One World Gov, vax-passports, digital currency and the culling rolls on with out a bump in the road.

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Case in point, go to the link and listen Tony Blair introducing world wide Vax Passport (1:45 total gibberish).

He exposes the pandemic they're going to unleash ( just look up Contagion @ John Hopkins ) in the next few years and corrects himself, at about 1:38 in, and says future pandemics.

Evil MF's.

oops forgot the link..... here it is below.


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They've got 500, yes, 500! new vaccines all lined up, ready to be jabbed into each individual by the year 2030. Gotta have some way to make sure no one gets only 499.

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Yep. Read an article on HealthImpactNews today about a brand new illness ''code'' that Doctors have on their reporting schedule. Basically, ''Vax Status.'' As if that were an illness!! Excellent article, by Brian Shilhavy, as usual. AVOID DOCTORS LIKE THE PLAGUE!!

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Serafino bueti, just rearranged your words: Avoid the plague, avoid doctors.

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I don't believe in either.

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If digital currency and IDs are enacted we will be in a prison without bars.

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I saw a theory this morning that now Joe has done 2 years, Kamala can step in and do not just the remaining two years of this term but then another two terms - so they waited until now to expose him. While I do think he's being purposefully hung out to dry, can that really be the aim? The world would literally - somehow, I'm not sure how but due to some fundamental immutable law of nature - end if she were leader of the free world for ten years.

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I don’t think Horizontal Harris is being put in power even if she will be but a puppet. The global cabal need Dementia Joe out. He is a liability to their plans as he might run off script and let the cat out of the bag.

The big question for me is why are the world leaders being replaced now? Boris, Kiwi Trans President etc. The global cabal are backed in a corner and are ready to set off an offensive maneuver.

Crazy times. Pray and trust in God

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Is she even capable of being a puppet? I think even that might be beyond her intellectual abilities.


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No, she's not. She's more of risk than Joe.

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Hang the vax Redrums around him and set

Him on fire. With Leftists, the ideology is never wrong. They will always get rid of the doofus (by promoting him) but never examine the ideology.

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Interesting theory.

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hi all -

I know this is off topic from this blog but if everyone that reads Celia's substack can go to this link (story from today) on Realnotrare.com https://www.realnotrare.com/post/kat-pavelek and offer her some support and love.

A small donation too may help her. I just traded messages with her on Instagram and she is dying from ALS due to the vax. She is in a group chat with 3 others that are young and have the same prognosis. Her last message when I asked her to follow certain people on Substack with potential cures was - " i don't have the energy, plus I'm dying.

And no it is not a play for money as you can see from her Instagram profile and her story. On a different note, she never heard of substack, she worked in Hollywood - how can we get the word out that alternative media exists and for the betterment of humanity.

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Will do Mark. God bless you.

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Thank you Celia ... thank you

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And thank you Mark, together we can make the world a better place.

God Bless you and yours

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Time for Joe to ride off into the sunset with Jacinda. I would love to know who exactly is publishing the script. Jacinda looked like a preschooler who got scolded and punished by daddy.

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If the occultic agenda of creating "Order out of Chaos" is at work here, it would figure that they have designed this entire world system's collapse. Just about every facet of our civilization has been a pre-planned train-wreck.

They, (the WEF elite crowd) have ruined:

Our currency and exchanges, health and medical, military, police, courts, news media, education, power and energy, public support and cooperation, distrust of authority, racial relations, sexuality identity, crime, drug abuse, cyber surveillance, illegals flooding in. All eroding faith and optimism about the future. These people want you to believe that God has given up or doesn't exist.

I think Biden's predictable downfall was determined before 2020. This can NOT be all "coincidence: So who will be the replacement and become even more adept to further our destruction? Will the threat of WW III be the final shock to enslave us?

We have a chance to turn things around now, but it may be the LAST ONE.

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You forgot food and water. :-)

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Yes. There are so many other things these Freaks want to destroy. Our food and water, our air and atmosphere, our genetics, our children. Even our eternal souls!

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It does feel strange.

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Good. Robbie Starbuck is a Nashville local. Interesting.

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Looks like everyone is back tracking now. Wow. It’s like they think we are all stupid and blind and won’t notice that they are changing their tune right before our eyes. We are so F’D. Nothing will stop these people. Half the world just keeps the blinders on and this if ya who actually see what is happening are powerless. Unless we all join together it is hopeless.

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Same old playbook as Nixon. Deep Throat was the number 2 man in the FBI. Woodward was from the Office of Naval Intelligence, a group even more sinister than the CIA. They dumped Spiro before Watergate became an issue so they could install Gerald Ford in the oval office. He was portrayed as a genial bumbler but in fact was an outrageous pedophile closely connected with the MK Ultra program. Las Vegas should publish odds on who the Kamel will put in as VP before she is also forced to resign. If she were smarter than a bag of rocks, she would nominate Mr. Ed - but she isn't. This person could serve for 10 years. Step up and place your bets. I have it narrowed down to Michael Robinson Obama or Gavin Gruesome.

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Hard to say who will be the hidden dark horse. Just like with Ford, a pre-selected puppet, with his marching orders in hand. They have to use somebody without any well-known baggage, so everyone will ignore the controversy for a while and he pulls off some things we never saw coming.

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Hillary is never out of the picture.

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Not Hacked! LOL! Part of their plan.

Democrats & their media NEVER turn on their own, regardless of how terrible the person is, unless it is an orchestrated part of a greater plan to succeed in their narrative's goals. LOL!!!

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The only flaw in your assessment is you seem to think this is a partizan issue. The moment you replace Democrat or Republican with simply elected official you are on the road to understanding the full horror of what is going on.

The myth of two parties presupposes everyone will be happy to think half of their fellow countrymen are stupid idiots that don't know where money comes from, AND the half changes every 4 to 8 years.

The rest of the world is watching and wondering how Americans can still believe one party or president is honest. We know all our main parties are evil, some small new parties emerge and in the beginning they are good, then they are given some power in exchange for selling their constituents down the road and they always seem to take the bribe.

In the US you need to vote independent because anyone allowed to run under a party banner is playing their game or would have been kicked out long ago, the few exceptions are just waiting.

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I am reaching into the heavens. looking under my bed, searching through my junk in the basement to find just one---..JUST ONE good reason. to disagree with you. Alas, I can not!

It IS all Part of their plan.

This has to be orchestrated and PHONY!

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Looks like Joe's about to be put out to pasture with ol' What's Her (Horse) Face down in NZ.

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Biden has outlived his usefulness, apparently, as has Ardern. Carlson mentioned that the news about the "Biden documents" broke just after Biden said he'd consider running again. Interesting timing.

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Good but I bet nothing is gonna happen. Also, if CNN is saying it, I'd guess there is some nefarious purpose, i.e., not legitimate journalism holding the establishment to account.

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IMO prepping normies for indictments arising from the hunter biden investigation of the last 3-4yrs.

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They're not hacked. They're controlled.

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So obvious, they need Biden puppet out, Kamala worse-puppet in.

That's what the 2020 coup was about:


WARNING: what’s coming next:


Subscribe for free: I'm about to post a bomb news, you'll find nowhere else.

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