Biden initially claimed to have seen photos of "these atrocities." When asked by the White House Press to share the photos, they had to admit that there were none. As they say, the first casualty of war is truth.

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"I needed to be more careful with my words and I am sorry." This isn't about 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔. Words? It's about facts. "I needed to be more careful with my facts, and because I'm a loser, I wasn't, and ended up inflaming those still susceptible to the likes of me spewing unverified, atrocity porn. Sorry, everybody."

There. Fixed it.

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I heard about the beheading of babies from my mom who watches the news religiously because my dad keeps it on 24/7. I never bought it. In fact, I no longer believe anything unless I can verify it with my own 5 senses...IN PERSON. I will no longer be deceived. My prayer is for ALL innocent people in these geopolitical, new world "disorder" games.

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And then there was the "babies thrown out of incubators" story of the Iraq war crimes, false as well.

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I feel better now knowing that only Planned Parenthood beheads babies.

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The old playbook that justified Desert Storm no longer works. Only now the "victims" in this whole debacle appear to more culpable than we realized. The lies exposed more than deceit, as in the whole facade ginning the narrative.

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You'd think we'd have learned about the use of propaganda from WWI, when apologies were made after, yet they did it again in WWII and no apologies were made, and they've continued to use it relentlessly since.

Project Mockingbird----it's like they're mocking us right to our faces.

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CNN...the bane of all media. What stellar reporting. Where is there Nobel thingy?

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To the brainwashed mainstream:

It’s the same old propaganda bullishit.

Turn off the TV and your nightly “program.”

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When this story first came out, it immediately reminded me of the "babies being tossed from their incubators" story. Do we never learn that we no longer have real, boots on the ground journalists who care about the integrity of the press? I understand the dead girl in the back of the truck is alive, as well. CNN was making fake news as far back as when the "Scud Stud" was somebody.

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"...you needed to be more careful with your words, and you are sorry..." WTF!

You were instructed and knew exactly what to say, in order to mess with the SHEEP minds who watch the CensoredNarrativeNetwwork.

SickBatards need a lashing & I do not refer to eyelashes!!!

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Any babies on bayonets yet? Or in incubators?

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It's call government information, which = disinformation, fake news, Deep State BS (DSBS); certifiably approved content by Youtube & Facebook!

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"Mainstream" is really struggling with this one. https://www.yahoo.com/news/were-israeli-babies-beheaded-hamas-231800102.html

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Yuck, and 4000 years of yuck.

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How many times has it been said that the first casualty of war is truth? This lie sounded so much like previous versions that it almost seemed like parody.

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