NPR has been a cheerleader for HHS/CDC/NIH lockdown, pandemic & vaccine program. For years they have been receiving govt. money through the CPB program. Mint Press reported NPR received over $24 million through BMGF not to mention how much more through GAVI.
Very true. It was LBJ that presided over the deaths of JFK, MLK and Bobby, via the rogue element of the CIA. You might say the Democrats murdered them all. Dr. William Pepper has pressed these investigations. We know now that MLK was NOT shot by James Earl Ray, (and acquitted posthumously on behalf of the MLK family) With Bobby, there was a second shooter in the Ambassador Hotel panty DIRECTLY behind Bobby Kennedy that fired the fatal shot FROM BEHIND Bobby at point blank range. RFK Jr. has publicly stated this now, even against the family wishes.
This provides the nation and the entire World a brilliant ray of light and hope after some very very dark days. God bless him. God give him strength and God please protect him!
Sorry to say, Trump let us All down. I am not a Trump hater, in fact I worked very hard to support him, and to some extent still do. But Trump lacked the skills of law enforcement and was more of a cheerleader, than TOP COP and law enforcer. He needs to repent of his "warp speed Disaster." Even RFK Jr. was there to warn him about it.. along with others like Scott Atlas. Trump let Fauci run the government instead,
the vaxxinator in chief- who brought us 'the great reset' fauci and the rest- give it a rest, please - he's a sorry excuse - a blowhard- throws the people under the bus- over and over and over and will again
I’ve never in my life voted for a Democrat and I never imagined I EVER would, but desperate times call for stepping outside of your comfort zone, putting differences aside and doing what is needed and what is right and we, most definitely, are living in desperate times. So, RFK Jr. will get my vote.
I’m doing this in honor of both my mom and my best friend, Phillip, who are no longer here because they were murdered by the “US government”, Big Pharma and Anthony Fauci.
I have to hurry up and change my party affiliation (I’m a registered Republican).
***I think now would be a good time to remind everyone else who is a registered Republican to do the same, otherwise we won’t be able to vote for him in the primaries (if you live in a closed primary state).***
You do what you want. I see Bobby running as a deterrent. You are wasting your vote. Because Bobby is never going to win. The Presidency is about more than medical.
The only thing that would possibly change my mind is if DeSantis’s campaign picks up major momentum between now and the primaries and it looks like he could actually win the Republican nomination. But I don’t see that happening, either. Because of Warp Speed, I can no longer vote for Trump and keep a clear conscience.
Trump was and is NOT a Doctor. We researched and weren't sick so why take the JAB. Trump
didn't mandate the JAB like that idiot JOE. I don't think people actually realize what deep trouble our Country is in. We are on the verge of something BIG happening. We The People, are going to have to fight our way out of this one.
That's why Trump is the only answer. We have to get tough and follow what the people in
France are doing now. Our Country is in serious trouble from all ends. Why do you think
all those Chinese Nationals are coming over the Border? Take a guess.
trump called himself the 'vaccinator in chief'- he put fauci on the stage- he could have removed him- he rolled in the great reset, he threw his followers under the bus on january 6th- excuse me- that's someone to follow???? I call him the psyop in chief- who else could have gotten white america to take a toxic injection- he kept the white guys down while the lockdowns were put in place- he helped shut down businesses all over the country while costco stayed open. He has a job to do for the deep state and he's still at it- a connsumate con artist like PT Barnum. No different- just better supported
He was forced to take Frauchi. Traitor Pence was in charge of COVID. The States shutdown.
Go after the Governors like Cuomo and Newsom who killed the elderly by putting them in infected nursing homes. Why don't you go after China who infected the United States. You are
only blaming Trump for everything. Take a look at all the DIRTY Politicians that have been
screwing the American people with no end in sight. Trump didn't mandate the vaccine.
We have our own brains. We didn't take the JAB. We weren't sick, We never have taken the
flu vaccine either. Trump didn't mandate the JAB like the Fraud JOE did. What we all should
be concerned about is where the United States fits in all the chaos going on in the world.
JOEBAMA is destroying our Country more and more. We can't wait until 2024. If the
Leftists pull their famous voter fraud techniques in 2024, they will take all 3 and US
will never come back. We will certainly be Communist for sure.
Turmp's FIRST error was his own appointment of Alex Azar, to Sec. of HHS. Azar was an attorney for Eli Libby--not a Doctor, or someone we needed to sort out the problems with Obamacare. Trump was advised, that Fauci, working under HHS was corrupt. (Our Rethinking AIDS group of scientists were readily available to assist in proving that Fauci was a mass murderer with AZT and HIV fraud) Scott Atlas, RFK Jr, and others were THERE then warning him of what he was wandering into. Trump would not have to fire Fauci personally. He could have fired Fauci's bosses, Francis Collins at NIH and Azar. Sec. of HHS if they didn't do it.
of course the u.s.a. is doomed. You are 80% obese and 98% brainwashed. China will own the u.s.a lock stock and barrel. China is owned lock stock and barrel by the central bankers.
In 1839 "we" fought to keep the chinese government from preventing "us" from turning all chinese peasants into opium addicts.
surely the doofuses of the epoch thought that to be a patriot meant to be ready to give their lives to permit banker shill capitalists to turn chinese peasants into dope addicts.
Have you ever read about the opium wars demonstrating the incorrigible corruption of the western world?
No, I don't think you have.
That is proof that you live in a kleptocracy.
Our ancestors fought for the right to turn chinese peasants into drug addicts. That is the quality of western "democracy".
I believe that Trump is often taking medical advice from the wrong kind of people. It seems non-sensical to me to support Robert F. Kennedy who is running as a democrat, the very party that imposed vaccine MANDATES which murdered your mother and friend. This is the party of the devil. This same party imposes green energy mandates which is taking its toll on the US financial prosperity, and contributing to overall inflation. The democrat party is by definition government nannies who want you eating crickets, and living at a lower standard of living because, well, its just fair to the rest of the world.
Look at democrat run cities, what cesspools. What is the Kennedy administration's position on government's mandates on green energy? He is an environmentalist.
If green energy, and vaccines were such a great ideas, they would not require any government involvement.
Desantis, who is also not a doctor would have done nothing different than Trump if he were in office. He would have been listening to the same bad advice about vaccines. As governor, he had the power but never allowed and distributed free of charge, ivermectin as an alternative therapeutic. Desantis isn't perfect either. Trump has changed the face of the republican party for the better, and Desantis is just riding on his coattails.
Great Read. The Democrats have turned into Communists. They want us to like and live under Communism. My husband came from Communist Hungary and became US Citizen. He knows what's going on in our Country. I have called DeSantis' office numerous times leaving messages as to why he can't make
ivermectin available over the counter. The State of Tennessee does.
I remember going to a Rally for DeSantis when he first was running.
Don, Jr., Matt Gaetz, and Dan Bongino came to speak. I never thought
DeSantis would do this to the Trump Family. He and Casey should be
and yet it's the medical establishment which is running the world. Perhaps you need to re-think that. Remember that the medical establishment is owned by the same people who own the oil, the nuclear reactors, the governments, the banks.
we can't do much until most people see it. so I guess all we can do is to help most people see it. They resist information with more effort than they bring to any other endeavor.
But if we get them to realize that we are right and they were wrong, the power of the "elite" will be over.
Henry Ford said it a long while back. If the people figure out what they're up to, they'll find themselves hanging at the end of short ropes on low branches. (paraphrase).
it's so very important to support a person with ethics, intelligence, and a moral imperative- we haven't had that choice since i've been voting!- hurray bobby
I agree that Jesus Christ is our ONLY savior, but all the philandering I couldn’t care less about. I didn’t care about Trump grabbing p*ssy the same as I didn’t care about Clinton and Monica getting it on in the Oval Office. They ALL do it; some of them get caught and some don’t. I’m not the judge and it’s not my business or problem. The ONLY thing I care about is how they’re gonna run the country.
Sherry. I don't think you will be voting "Democrat" by supporting RFK Jr, because the Democrats under LBJ were the ones who implemented the rogue CIA , who killed JFK, MLK, and Bobby.
I can't speak for RFK Jr. but he has been very forthcoming about what REALLY happened to his father and uncle. I don't think he will change his views. RFK Jr. KNOWS what happened and has publicly said so. So unless the Democratic party wants to get very honest (Ya, get real!) they won't be supporting RFK Jr.
Thank you for that, Steve. That’s kinda the way I feel too. I’m sure RFK Jr. knows what really happened and who’s really responsible for murdering his family. And I feel like because he’s willing to go out on a limb and risk so much by standing up to the “establishment” to get the TRUTH out about the vaccines, then I’m sure that honesty, integrity and genuine desire to do the right thing will carry over into every other facet of his work.
I was talking to someone about this very subject this morning and they brought up the fact that he supports gun control, which is concerning. But honestly, when I ask myself if it really matters, it doesn’t because regardless of whether or not the government tries to take our guns away or eventually passes laws making gun ownership illegal, it’s NOT going to stop me from owning a gun ~ it just isn’t. 🤷🏼♀️
I am a lifelong Republican, but if Kennedy gets the nomination, I will vote for him. Of all the evils we have faced these past several decades, none has been more pervasive and damaging as our own ‘healthcare’ industries. Alas, I am afraid the same machine politics that has produced so many fake winners in the last couple of decades will cheat him out of any Democrat nomination. We can only hope the voter integrity efforts have some success before the primaries, or the malevolence that rots in our current regime will refresh its stench upon all of us.
Voter integrity? What's that. In the Midterms, the Leftists threw the voter fraud right in our face. What did the Republican candidates do? They certainly didn't challenge.
For those who cannot make it in person to the April 19th event, I have a suggestion for how we might, en masse, send some support & blessing to this worthy human and his critical endeavor. April 19th is Saint Expedite's Feast Day. He is the Saint of "Dire Situations", often financial or medical. I think it's an understatement to say that this country is in dire straits on both those fronts (among several others). Might I suggest that everyone who is so inclined, perform a 9 hour Novena on the 19th to Saint Expedite to pray for the ongoing healthy & safety of RFK Jr, and success in his bid for President; as well as for some aid on the financial and medical fronts to this besieged nation (we literally ARE besieged, by the WEF and their many lackeys).
Note: One does not have to be Catholic (or even Christian for that matter) to perform a 9 hour novena to the Good Saint E. Also note: a 9-hour novena doesn't mean you pray for 9 hours straight (LOL), it means you do a short set of prayers once an hour, for 9 hours. Traditional novenas to Catholic Saints are typically spread over 9 days, but the Good Saint E likes to do things in a hurry, hence the 9 hours :)
If you're not a "traditional" Christian, and/or are open to giving your prayers a little extra oomph, then there is an alternate version where you set up an altar and make an offering: The Good Saint E is also said to enjoy premium rum instead of water on his altar, and if you do choose to make an offering of pound cake, it should be lemon.
I had not yet listened to RFKjr's speech at Hillsdale College, Celia, so thanks very much for helping me make it a priority. He is on fire. I am letting myself imagine good things happening, and the ripples that could come to Canada. Bill 36 has passed in BC, and it is beyond draconian. It is really scary.
I DO NOT VOTE - I never have nor ever will - perhaps, until now! coming from someone like me, I think that's a helluva an endorsement!
I don't vote (nor ever have) because I refuse to support and enable the massive corruption, malfeasance and subterfuge. People say I've no right to then complain but just the exact opposite holds true - YOUR the ones who hired these bastards, not me!
The answer (up until now) was to boycott voting - make these bastards EARN your vote NOT BUY IT with all these false promises and bromides! Bush exploited the religious zealots - Obama exploited the black community (ten fold)! What was his campaign slogan? Hope and change? Name one candidate that doesn't promise change or run on it? Seriously? Hope? He was also exploiting the horoscope and lottery folks!
Anyhow I digress, I too fell for ALL the Kennedy family lies until I began watching and listening to RFK Jr! For the very first time in my entire life (middle 60s) I actually beleive (if this man holds true to form) he is the ONLY person capable of saving this country and perhaps the entire world (from these lethal injections)!
I have followed and listened to him so closely that I sensed he was going to run when he traded in his (heavily starched) oxford shirts for suits and ties! I told everyone months ago - he's gonna run!
The reason I support him (thus far) is because I find him to be a man of tremendous integrity (an anomaly today) he is absolutely brilliant - his knowledge of people places and dates is truly frightening - not only in government but history itself - he is not the least bit rehearsed - never repeats himself (unlike every single politician) - he already HAS fame and fortune and certainly nothing to gain from any of this in addition to NAME recognition - but the beauty of RFK Jr is that he is NOT a politician but rather a man willing to risk his life to SAVE this country!
While I have much respect for Kennedy...his Dem party is the Demon party. That will not change because of him. Impossible.
Bobby Jr. has some very dark skeletons in his closet that need be addressed.
He has been quite a deviant, and needs to address this himself before the media use it against him in his campaign.
Believe me...they are sitting on a treasure chest that makes The Donald look like an incapable by comparison.
His Kennedy name will not be enuf to protect him from msm...unlike Trudeau in Canada. After all...RFK Jr. is challenging the narrative. This will get ugly shortly.
I fully support most of his this is not a character assination...just a wake-up call.
His positions aren't Conservative. Who is putting up all this money against Trump? Is that what this is all about? Bobby could've run many times, why now? One has to wonder.
An exceptional speech by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. which was intense, spontaneous and gripping throughout. He encapsulated the critical deep state historical picture and corrupt context of recent decades leading up to the peak Covid-1984 tyranny of recent years. He's clearly an exceptional and gifted man with great integrity.
Yet the one niggling thing that's gnawing at me is why he doesn't also expose the fraudulent science of virology for what it really is? With all his intense knowledge and deep investigations of the overall fraudulent political dynamics, malevolent actions and grand deceptions, why doesn't he also confront the viral elephant in the room - that no 'virus' has ever been isolated or purified and shown to exist?
This seems to be the Achilles heel to the truthful completeness of his stance - along with any support for 'vaccines' whatsoever. I can only assume that he's strategically calculated and decided that to ruthlessly criticise 'vaccines' and virology as fraudulent pseudo-science would be a purist self-defeating 'bridge too far' politically (at this time) and that 'vaccines' are a necessary defensive option in a global biochemical war. Perhaps this is a necessary strategic political compromise - but for me it takes the cherry off his very formidable cake.
I appreciate Robert F. Kennedy Jr's recent tweet about NPR getting tens of millions of dollars from Bill Gates. What a scam.
NPR has been a cheerleader for HHS/CDC/NIH lockdown, pandemic & vaccine program. For years they have been receiving govt. money through the CPB program. Mint Press reported NPR received over $24 million through BMGF not to mention how much more through GAVI.
NPR = National Pharma Radio.
Wish him luck. He will face more headwind from the Democrat establishment than Trump did from the Republican.
from the Deep State*
Same difference.
no. the initiative is different.
The Deep State is international; the US Democratic Party is just one component of it.
Very true. It was LBJ that presided over the deaths of JFK, MLK and Bobby, via the rogue element of the CIA. You might say the Democrats murdered them all. Dr. William Pepper has pressed these investigations. We know now that MLK was NOT shot by James Earl Ray, (and acquitted posthumously on behalf of the MLK family) With Bobby, there was a second shooter in the Ambassador Hotel panty DIRECTLY behind Bobby Kennedy that fired the fatal shot FROM BEHIND Bobby at point blank range. RFK Jr. has publicly stated this now, even against the family wishes.
This provides the nation and the entire World a brilliant ray of light and hope after some very very dark days. God bless him. God give him strength and God please protect him!
The only brilliant ray of light, hope, and force is President Donald Trump.
Sorry to say, Trump let us All down. I am not a Trump hater, in fact I worked very hard to support him, and to some extent still do. But Trump lacked the skills of law enforcement and was more of a cheerleader, than TOP COP and law enforcer. He needs to repent of his "warp speed Disaster." Even RFK Jr. was there to warn him about it.. along with others like Scott Atlas. Trump let Fauci run the government instead,
the vaxxinator in chief- who brought us 'the great reset' fauci and the rest- give it a rest, please - he's a sorry excuse - a blowhard- throws the people under the bus- over and over and over and will again
I’ve never in my life voted for a Democrat and I never imagined I EVER would, but desperate times call for stepping outside of your comfort zone, putting differences aside and doing what is needed and what is right and we, most definitely, are living in desperate times. So, RFK Jr. will get my vote.
I’m doing this in honor of both my mom and my best friend, Phillip, who are no longer here because they were murdered by the “US government”, Big Pharma and Anthony Fauci.
I have to hurry up and change my party affiliation (I’m a registered Republican).
***I think now would be a good time to remind everyone else who is a registered Republican to do the same, otherwise we won’t be able to vote for him in the primaries (if you live in a closed primary state).***
Sorry for your loss+
You do what you want. I see Bobby running as a deterrent. You are wasting your vote. Because Bobby is never going to win. The Presidency is about more than medical.
The only thing that would possibly change my mind is if DeSantis’s campaign picks up major momentum between now and the primaries and it looks like he could actually win the Republican nomination. But I don’t see that happening, either. Because of Warp Speed, I can no longer vote for Trump and keep a clear conscience.
Trump was and is NOT a Doctor. We researched and weren't sick so why take the JAB. Trump
didn't mandate the JAB like that idiot JOE. I don't think people actually realize what deep trouble our Country is in. We are on the verge of something BIG happening. We The People, are going to have to fight our way out of this one.
That's why Trump is the only answer. We have to get tough and follow what the people in
France are doing now. Our Country is in serious trouble from all ends. Why do you think
all those Chinese Nationals are coming over the Border? Take a guess.
trump called himself the 'vaccinator in chief'- he put fauci on the stage- he could have removed him- he rolled in the great reset, he threw his followers under the bus on january 6th- excuse me- that's someone to follow???? I call him the psyop in chief- who else could have gotten white america to take a toxic injection- he kept the white guys down while the lockdowns were put in place- he helped shut down businesses all over the country while costco stayed open. He has a job to do for the deep state and he's still at it- a connsumate con artist like PT Barnum. No different- just better supported
barnum was a lot smarter and more articulate.
He was forced to take Frauchi. Traitor Pence was in charge of COVID. The States shutdown.
Go after the Governors like Cuomo and Newsom who killed the elderly by putting them in infected nursing homes. Why don't you go after China who infected the United States. You are
only blaming Trump for everything. Take a look at all the DIRTY Politicians that have been
screwing the American people with no end in sight. Trump didn't mandate the vaccine.
We have our own brains. We didn't take the JAB. We weren't sick, We never have taken the
flu vaccine either. Trump didn't mandate the JAB like the Fraud JOE did. What we all should
be concerned about is where the United States fits in all the chaos going on in the world.
JOEBAMA is destroying our Country more and more. We can't wait until 2024. If the
Leftists pull their famous voter fraud techniques in 2024, they will take all 3 and US
will never come back. We will certainly be Communist for sure.
Turmp's FIRST error was his own appointment of Alex Azar, to Sec. of HHS. Azar was an attorney for Eli Libby--not a Doctor, or someone we needed to sort out the problems with Obamacare. Trump was advised, that Fauci, working under HHS was corrupt. (Our Rethinking AIDS group of scientists were readily available to assist in proving that Fauci was a mass murderer with AZT and HIV fraud) Scott Atlas, RFK Jr, and others were THERE then warning him of what he was wandering into. Trump would not have to fire Fauci personally. He could have fired Fauci's bosses, Francis Collins at NIH and Azar. Sec. of HHS if they didn't do it.
of course the u.s.a. is doomed. You are 80% obese and 98% brainwashed. China will own the u.s.a lock stock and barrel. China is owned lock stock and barrel by the central bankers.
In 1839 "we" fought to keep the chinese government from preventing "us" from turning all chinese peasants into opium addicts.
surely the doofuses of the epoch thought that to be a patriot meant to be ready to give their lives to permit banker shill capitalists to turn chinese peasants into dope addicts.
Have you ever read about the opium wars demonstrating the incorrigible corruption of the western world?
No, I don't think you have.
That is proof that you live in a kleptocracy.
Our ancestors fought for the right to turn chinese peasants into drug addicts. That is the quality of western "democracy".
I believe that Trump is often taking medical advice from the wrong kind of people. It seems non-sensical to me to support Robert F. Kennedy who is running as a democrat, the very party that imposed vaccine MANDATES which murdered your mother and friend. This is the party of the devil. This same party imposes green energy mandates which is taking its toll on the US financial prosperity, and contributing to overall inflation. The democrat party is by definition government nannies who want you eating crickets, and living at a lower standard of living because, well, its just fair to the rest of the world.
Look at democrat run cities, what cesspools. What is the Kennedy administration's position on government's mandates on green energy? He is an environmentalist.
If green energy, and vaccines were such a great ideas, they would not require any government involvement.
Desantis, who is also not a doctor would have done nothing different than Trump if he were in office. He would have been listening to the same bad advice about vaccines. As governor, he had the power but never allowed and distributed free of charge, ivermectin as an alternative therapeutic. Desantis isn't perfect either. Trump has changed the face of the republican party for the better, and Desantis is just riding on his coattails.
Great Read. The Democrats have turned into Communists. They want us to like and live under Communism. My husband came from Communist Hungary and became US Citizen. He knows what's going on in our Country. I have called DeSantis' office numerous times leaving messages as to why he can't make
ivermectin available over the counter. The State of Tennessee does.
I remember going to a Rally for DeSantis when he first was running.
Don, Jr., Matt Gaetz, and Dan Bongino came to speak. I never thought
DeSantis would do this to the Trump Family. He and Casey should be
ashamed of themselves.
look at his mafia roots, and tell me why you would support him
Everyone thought Trump wouldn’t win either. His party didn’t want him either.
and yet it's the medical establishment which is running the world. Perhaps you need to re-think that. Remember that the medical establishment is owned by the same people who own the oil, the nuclear reactors, the governments, the banks.
Good point. So, what do, We The People, do?
we can't do much until most people see it. so I guess all we can do is to help most people see it. They resist information with more effort than they bring to any other endeavor.
But if we get them to realize that we are right and they were wrong, the power of the "elite" will be over.
Henry Ford said it a long while back. If the people figure out what they're up to, they'll find themselves hanging at the end of short ropes on low branches. (paraphrase).
Great comment :-) I would love to see them hang at the end of short ropes on low branches that break off.
it's so very important to support a person with ethics, intelligence, and a moral imperative- we haven't had that choice since i've been voting!- hurray bobby
You need to do some research. You didn't know from the Kennedy's Father including JFK,
RFK, and Ted that they all had women. You didn't know about Marilyn Monroe and the
Kennedy Brothers? Really? Ted Kennedy let Mary Jo Kopechne drown in his car that
went into water. She could have been saved. But, his Father JOE and others covered it
up. Bobby, Jr. has women baggage, too. His wife committed suicide by hanging herself
at home. Usually, women don't hang themselves, if they decide to end their life. I am
not saying Bobby had anything to do with it. I am saying he is not innocent in his marriages,
either. Bobby is not our Savior. Jesus Christ, is, to me anyway.
I agree that Jesus Christ is our ONLY savior, but all the philandering I couldn’t care less about. I didn’t care about Trump grabbing p*ssy the same as I didn’t care about Clinton and Monica getting it on in the Oval Office. They ALL do it; some of them get caught and some don’t. I’m not the judge and it’s not my business or problem. The ONLY thing I care about is how they’re gonna run the country.
Yes, I care about how President Trump will run our Country again. If we
still have one by 2024. I don't think our Country can wait until then.
Sherry. I don't think you will be voting "Democrat" by supporting RFK Jr, because the Democrats under LBJ were the ones who implemented the rogue CIA , who killed JFK, MLK, and Bobby.
I can't speak for RFK Jr. but he has been very forthcoming about what REALLY happened to his father and uncle. I don't think he will change his views. RFK Jr. KNOWS what happened and has publicly said so. So unless the Democratic party wants to get very honest (Ya, get real!) they won't be supporting RFK Jr.
Thank you for that, Steve. That’s kinda the way I feel too. I’m sure RFK Jr. knows what really happened and who’s really responsible for murdering his family. And I feel like because he’s willing to go out on a limb and risk so much by standing up to the “establishment” to get the TRUTH out about the vaccines, then I’m sure that honesty, integrity and genuine desire to do the right thing will carry over into every other facet of his work.
I was talking to someone about this very subject this morning and they brought up the fact that he supports gun control, which is concerning. But honestly, when I ask myself if it really matters, it doesn’t because regardless of whether or not the government tries to take our guns away or eventually passes laws making gun ownership illegal, it’s NOT going to stop me from owning a gun ~ it just isn’t. 🤷🏼♀️
If Bobby Kennedy is willing to do this gargantuan task, I am with him 100%.
I am a lifelong Republican, but if Kennedy gets the nomination, I will vote for him. Of all the evils we have faced these past several decades, none has been more pervasive and damaging as our own ‘healthcare’ industries. Alas, I am afraid the same machine politics that has produced so many fake winners in the last couple of decades will cheat him out of any Democrat nomination. We can only hope the voter integrity efforts have some success before the primaries, or the malevolence that rots in our current regime will refresh its stench upon all of us.
Voter integrity? What's that. In the Midterms, the Leftists threw the voter fraud right in our face. What did the Republican candidates do? They certainly didn't challenge.
I am with out a doubt voting for Robert F. Kennedy for President.
For those who cannot make it in person to the April 19th event, I have a suggestion for how we might, en masse, send some support & blessing to this worthy human and his critical endeavor. April 19th is Saint Expedite's Feast Day. He is the Saint of "Dire Situations", often financial or medical. I think it's an understatement to say that this country is in dire straits on both those fronts (among several others). Might I suggest that everyone who is so inclined, perform a 9 hour Novena on the 19th to Saint Expedite to pray for the ongoing healthy & safety of RFK Jr, and success in his bid for President; as well as for some aid on the financial and medical fronts to this besieged nation (we literally ARE besieged, by the WEF and their many lackeys).
Note: One does not have to be Catholic (or even Christian for that matter) to perform a 9 hour novena to the Good Saint E. Also note: a 9-hour novena doesn't mean you pray for 9 hours straight (LOL), it means you do a short set of prayers once an hour, for 9 hours. Traditional novenas to Catholic Saints are typically spread over 9 days, but the Good Saint E likes to do things in a hurry, hence the 9 hours :)
If you are a "traditional" Christian, this is how:
If you're not a "traditional" Christian, and/or are open to giving your prayers a little extra oomph, then there is an alternate version where you set up an altar and make an offering: The Good Saint E is also said to enjoy premium rum instead of water on his altar, and if you do choose to make an offering of pound cake, it should be lemon.
Wonderful! Thank you.
Thank you for your post and the links ~ most excellent. Glad to find them today. XO
Elect him and protect him in God’s name we pray.
I had not yet listened to RFKjr's speech at Hillsdale College, Celia, so thanks very much for helping me make it a priority. He is on fire. I am letting myself imagine good things happening, and the ripples that could come to Canada. Bill 36 has passed in BC, and it is beyond draconian. It is really scary.
I DO NOT VOTE - I never have nor ever will - perhaps, until now! coming from someone like me, I think that's a helluva an endorsement!
I don't vote (nor ever have) because I refuse to support and enable the massive corruption, malfeasance and subterfuge. People say I've no right to then complain but just the exact opposite holds true - YOUR the ones who hired these bastards, not me!
The answer (up until now) was to boycott voting - make these bastards EARN your vote NOT BUY IT with all these false promises and bromides! Bush exploited the religious zealots - Obama exploited the black community (ten fold)! What was his campaign slogan? Hope and change? Name one candidate that doesn't promise change or run on it? Seriously? Hope? He was also exploiting the horoscope and lottery folks!
Anyhow I digress, I too fell for ALL the Kennedy family lies until I began watching and listening to RFK Jr! For the very first time in my entire life (middle 60s) I actually beleive (if this man holds true to form) he is the ONLY person capable of saving this country and perhaps the entire world (from these lethal injections)!
I have followed and listened to him so closely that I sensed he was going to run when he traded in his (heavily starched) oxford shirts for suits and ties! I told everyone months ago - he's gonna run!
The reason I support him (thus far) is because I find him to be a man of tremendous integrity (an anomaly today) he is absolutely brilliant - his knowledge of people places and dates is truly frightening - not only in government but history itself - he is not the least bit rehearsed - never repeats himself (unlike every single politician) - he already HAS fame and fortune and certainly nothing to gain from any of this in addition to NAME recognition - but the beauty of RFK Jr is that he is NOT a politician but rather a man willing to risk his life to SAVE this country!
I think he is a great and good man. Perhaps too good for the sordid office he seeks. Still, I would vote for him if he ran.
I've always said I would vote when someone ran that I believed in. That time has come.
While I have much respect for Kennedy...his Dem party is the Demon party. That will not change because of him. Impossible.
Bobby Jr. has some very dark skeletons in his closet that need be addressed.
He has been quite a deviant, and needs to address this himself before the media use it against him in his campaign.
Believe me...they are sitting on a treasure chest that makes The Donald look like an incapable by comparison.
His Kennedy name will not be enuf to protect him from msm...unlike Trudeau in Canada. After all...RFK Jr. is challenging the narrative. This will get ugly shortly.
I fully support most of his this is not a character assination...just a wake-up call.
His positions aren't Conservative. Who is putting up all this money against Trump? Is that what this is all about? Bobby could've run many times, why now? One has to wonder.
An exceptional speech by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. which was intense, spontaneous and gripping throughout. He encapsulated the critical deep state historical picture and corrupt context of recent decades leading up to the peak Covid-1984 tyranny of recent years. He's clearly an exceptional and gifted man with great integrity.
Yet the one niggling thing that's gnawing at me is why he doesn't also expose the fraudulent science of virology for what it really is? With all his intense knowledge and deep investigations of the overall fraudulent political dynamics, malevolent actions and grand deceptions, why doesn't he also confront the viral elephant in the room - that no 'virus' has ever been isolated or purified and shown to exist?
This seems to be the Achilles heel to the truthful completeness of his stance - along with any support for 'vaccines' whatsoever. I can only assume that he's strategically calculated and decided that to ruthlessly criticise 'vaccines' and virology as fraudulent pseudo-science would be a purist self-defeating 'bridge too far' politically (at this time) and that 'vaccines' are a necessary defensive option in a global biochemical war. Perhaps this is a necessary strategic political compromise - but for me it takes the cherry off his very formidable cake.
Give him time.
I hope he gets Nader's endorsement!