Such fantastic news. Just splendid to hear this. Thanks for updating us, Celia!

Now, hopefully Malone will drop his newest lawsuit - this one against Mike Yeadon, of all people - before it goes any further. For Malone to claim Yeadon defamed him and sue him for $25 million dollars is a wildly bizzaro scenario.

IMO Yeadon exemplifies integrity and regard for human life. Malone seems to need a primer on both.

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Wow. Did not know about that one...Mike Yeadon is another hero.

I agree. He is a man of integrity.

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I didn't know about that one either--Mike Yeadon is a courageous whistle blower and truth teller who deserves our support. I'm so glad the suit against the Breggins was dismissed. Who will Malone sue next?

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Michael Yeadon is one of the strongest voices exposing the pharmaceutical (drug scandal) program. Lately Dr. Yeadon is backing Dr. Denis Rancourt, professor out of Univ. of Ottawa who calculates that 17 million (world-wide) have died because of the C19 shots. Suing the Breggins on a defamation lawsuit is suspect but to add Yeadon seems like a sophisticated project supported by pharma.

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Malone is a lawfare puppet, with his masters pulling the strings. Conversely, his actions validate all accusations and claims made against him. Might be worth checking on the George Webb case status, where Malone is being sued for a change.

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God bless the judge.

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He never should have filed it in the first place and I said so on his substack.

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Best news of the day. Let's hope that the judge forces Malone to pay; let's also hope that Malone's sway in the public arena is reduced to absolute zero. What a tool!

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We still have good judges 🙏

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This is fabulous. The "Conscience of Psychiatry" has been vindicated. If not for the Breggins, the abusive lobotomies and electro-shock tortures would have disabled millions of people in the last 40 years in the Western world. Dr. Breggin has also spoken up and written books about the misuse and danger of psychiatric drugs, ( he was part of the black box warnings on the SSRI's) the immoral human experimentation by hospitals and doctors, and the sovereign dignity of all patients to have humane treatments. They are heroes. Mattias Desmet's theory on mass COVID response was victim-blaming and implausible and Dr. Breggin called him out on this. Robert Malone is Desmet's friend and began defending and presenting his theory, Breggins didn't back down and then Malone turned on the Breggins to sue them. This suing other freedom fighters became a pattern of Malone's.

Such a wonderful end to a hellish situation. Can you imagine living with that stress? Just a marvelous development.

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Wow, I had no idea Dr. Malone was an ash hole. Why would he want to sue Dr Jane Ruby and the Briggins? Makes no sense? So Dr. Malone is deep state for life? I bet he is a Non-free Ma$on, serving the dark side of life.

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When most of us feel slighted, we might get pissed off or throw a tantrum or any number of other things.

When Robert Malone feels slighted, he takes out a defamation lawsuit against someone / something for a whole lotta money.

I'm not sure what's going on with him in this regard, but it's troubling for sure.

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Malone is an ‘opportunistic grifter’. Has been his whole entire career.

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Where y’all been?...Dr. Bob is bad news...knew when he ‘showed up at the gate’ he was a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”!

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I think he is or tried suing Dr. Peter McCullough too.

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This is probably the least harmful outcome all-around. I have felt bad about this whole thing, where people I admire and see as allies are at each other's throats.

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Dr. Bob’s carefully ‘crafted house of cards’ is falling...just another layer proving the ’opportunistic grifter’ that Dr. Bob truly is...and that you can’t have spent years on the Big Pharma/DOD ‘side of things’ and then think you can ‘crossover’ to the HFM ‘side of things’! Like I always felt when BM showed up ‘on the HFM scene’ he was a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”.

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Earth should file a lawsuit against Malone for what he has done . Would there be a Bio weapon shot without his inventing it and being silent to long after people got sick and died ?

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Malone is a cohort of RFK Jr. I consider them both to be controlled opposition. CHD and ICAN were my go-to's for the plandemic and Kennedy and Del Bigtree were my heroes. The crisis in Canaan challenged these loyalties. Bobby's support for what most of the world deems genocide ends my support for him and I'm now leery of his persona.

We certainly could use a good lawyer in the White House:


Here's a good lawyer speaking with a Turkish public broadcast service about Israel/Palestine:


Real leaders break the shackles of realpolitik and stay true north. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, running for POTUS, has my attention:


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Great News!

It was obvious from the beginning.

But one cannot count on that.

If not for that "error" of the lawsuit, most of us would still not realize who Robert Malone really is. Was it a mistake on his part, or was he told to do it?

Regarding Desmet, I think that Peter did a great job of debunking him right away. From that controversy I learned the subtle problem of confounding the stratagem of blaming the victim (a favorite pastime of the worst Psychiatrists and Psychologists, the more "academic" the worst they are) with the idea of empowerment or overcoming "victim mentality." It's a similar phenomenon as what happens when people try to leave a cult and the leadership starts attacking them, to keep them inside.

There was a video about this: https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Juxtaposing1:f

This was published a few weeks before the lawsuit started.

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TO OUR LOVING FATHER IN HEAVEN we give our many thanks . . . . . shalom to all

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Please God, now free Reiner Fuellmich 🙏❤️🙏

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Such great news! Thanks for spreading the word!

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Congratulations to Dr. & Mrs. Breggin and Dr. Ruby!!! Justice will be done once they are compensated for EVERYthing they expended during Malone's witch hunt -- which, apparently, continues with Dr. Yeadon. (Recognizing there is little to compensate for the emotional trauma imposed with such an anomalous, sideways, mean spirited attack.) Whilst at it, let's also ask Malone where he was the morning of 9/11. George Webb and Mark Kulacz both have a series of questions for Malone, a wolf in sheep's clothing. (Sources: On Twitter @realgeorgewebb1 and @housatonic.live; georgewebb.substack.com; on YT Housatonic Live (1, 2, or 3 -- depending on what's being canceled at any given time in our culture of cancel.)

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Since the world is so divided, I thought Malone was on the good side, the side of humanity.

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Can anyone explain why he's not considered trustworthy and honorable?

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We would be here too long...if you want to know the ‘long sordid back story’ on Dr. Bob check out Sage Hana on Substack...there’s a lot of ‘archived’ posts on Malone there, his past and how he has ‘grifted’ his way through Big Pharma and the DOD and made a lot of dinero (money to you Gringos)!

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Thank you. I had no idea. He seems pretty sincere and intelligent. I thought he helped develop mRNA or Frankenstein and felt like Richard Feyman with a Manhattan project and had to make up for his unintended plague on humanity.

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Oh no…his connections and tentacles to Big Pharma, The DOD and the CIA run deep…his fingerprints are on a lot of Big Pharma drugs and he has extensive knowledge about how the fore mentioned three letter agencies work.

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Read analysis by Diana West of Malone. You won't have doubts after you read it.

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That'll keep me busy :-)

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Wow even though we're divided I can't possibly go against people that I agree with just because somebody stretches the imagination with fringe ideas about a lot of people that I find very genuine and caring. Now there are a lot of people that aren't genuine and caring and I would say that they're more like the serpent in the garden. However, they must be kind of clever because they fool a lot of people. I don't think most of the people that I agree with most of the time are those people that I should worry whether they're honest and reputable.

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This just popped up on a Sage Hana post that was shared from Dr. Paul Alexander Substack on Dr. Bob.

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Just wow! Perhaps he's an FBI or CIA agent that infiltrates a movement to portray it as radical or fringe or to just make their propaganda look like truth and the truth look like a conspiracy theory? Counterintelligence for the intelligence agencies.

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It is sad that he developed mRNA technology and so he would know quite well that it wasn't doing what they would like it to do. Therefore, and endorsement like that given above for the pseudo vaccine was probably be the work of a shill.

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Malone is one of those types that fools people…he speaks with this mellifluous voice that comes off as “genuine and caring” with enough “intellectual heft” that makes him seem credible and convincing.

He’s not ‘screecher or a rager’. But you have to look to his past, what he has done, said, and been involved in pre Scamdemic times.

Things that go way back.

That he has appointed himself this ‘authority’ in the Health Freedom Movement and on The Deep State now, when he was part of Big Pharma (Drug Development), received Government money for that ‘development’ and had (and probably still has) deep connections to the DOD and a certain 3 Letter Agency for most of his ‘career’, makes one suspect at the get go. Regardless of his so called “caring and genuine” demeanor.

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Reading the title of all these articles I suppose this link represents that we are all human. No one's story is perfect but everyone's story points to what is perfect.

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