I’d like to believe this is authentic but smells more like one of those psyops where they release accurate information along with something that is easily discredited so as to cast doubt over the true portion.

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Jan 14, 2022·edited Jan 14, 2022

Major's memo looks VERY fake. He makes several claims that are not supported by his evidence. E.g. he says that EHA proposal described HCQ as a treatment, while in fact there's not a single mentioning of it.

He says the bat-vaccine was being made by attenuating a synthetic human-infecting CoV chimera, but the proposal contains a different path for that (spike protein spliced into raccoon pox virus).

Also, there's a claim about making of efficient bat-vaccine aerosol against MASKED civets which looks like a complete baloney. What the heck is a 'masked civet'? (by the way, there're no civets to be worked on in the proposal, masked or unmasked).

I can go on, but that should be enough to put credibility of the memo in question. All the other docs look legit, but it was DRASTIC team who uncovered and posted them back in September

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Celia…are you querying your circle about this information? I’m imagining yes. I keep looking for Rappoport (who I worked with for several years along with Catherine Austin Fitts) to reference it, or Steve Kirsch. I hope it can be pinned down with certainty. Thanks for being on the case!

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I'll send it to them both--Jon and Catherine. I don't know Steve Kirsch but I'd love to get his take on this.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Celia...Have you been in contact with Dr David E Martin (davidmartin.world), a former U.S. government biological warfare consultant, who has studied all of the 4000+ coronavirus patent filings and related U.S. government funding? Martin has, in part, stated the documents prove that Fauci was funding coronavirus research as early as 1999; and, this research had produced the man-made SARS coronavirus bioweapon by 2002, which was then patented in 2003. This is the SARS coronavirus that broke out in China. DARPA began funding as early as 2008.

Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits gave an initial introductory explanation to Canadian constitutional law attorney Rocco Galati and Robert F Kennedy, Jr in the following January, 2021, video:

Dr. David Martin tells us this is not a vaccine but rather a medical device.


Martin has further discussed this government document paper trail in numerous interviews, many of which are on BitChute, Brighteon, Rumble, etc.

In the Sept 1, 2021, "Mike Adams interviews Dr David Martin" at https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZxGqUdGddRPo/ , Martin states the following:

"The code that is injected into your body - between January 12th and January 20th of 2020, that code was uploaded (from China) from a simulated server that was a simulation of the spike protein mRNA; and, it was given to the Vaccine Research Council; and, Kizzy Corbett, the doctor who made the stuff at the very CDC - all the stuff submitted to the FDA - Kizzy Corbett said; and I'm quoting from her interview with Francis Collins, "It's really cool, because you don't even need much of a little lab. You can build one of these on your computer at home." - That's an admission of biological warfare."

During the following Sept 7, 2020, interview, Martin states that he predicted the precise locations, globally, where coronavirus breakouts would occur, should there be a pandemic.

DAVID E. MARTIN – Exposing Moderna; the Star of Plandemic: Indoctornation Reveals the Truth - https://freedomplatform.tv/david-e-martin-exposing-moderna-the-star-of-plandemic-indoctrination-reveals-the-truth/

"You are being essentially suckered into a message that you are unwillingly consuming in this weird exchange where somebody wants to control you mind and you're playing along, I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all; I uncover criminal conspiracy theories. And when I find a paper trail and I find evidence that allows me to predict where a pandemic that never happened is going to come, that's not a theory. There's no question that by 2015, we had actually seen a joint US-Chinese publication that anticipated the variations that are now SARS Coronavirus 2.

When they planned a global pandemic preparedness exercise, which had to be done by September, 2020; when they planned that, my assertion is that was an act of war by a corporate industrial complex that decided that the governments that they had acquired through influence, through lobbying, through everything else, wasn't playing ball anymore, and they needed to assert power over all of them. And the fact of the matter is, if you look at who's been the winners, you can't point to a country that's been the winners; but, you can point to corporations that have been the winners. And if you really wanna know probably who funded the whole exercise, there's probably a pretty good shortlist to start with."

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022


That guy knows his you know what! Of all the people speaking out about this ‘Scamdemic’ he truly knows the score! Also has the goods on Fauci! He has sent all his documents to every member of Congress stating what he knows & how he knows this information and no one has replied! That tells you a lot…Congress is also a huge part of the Problem!

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Mr. Kirsch should know You CF! 🥸🕵🏻‍♀️

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Those who called this spike protein disease were absolutely on the money.

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I did. Long ago. Here's my advice to Tony and Bill:


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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

So far regardless of the amount of evidence, the evil scam continues. Majority of people event though unhappy with mandates, don't realise that they are victims of premeditated Genocide, and the entire scam has nothing to do with a virus. This is satanic End Game, the war against humanity. Planned yeas in advance. Things are not what they seem. People are being MOCKED. The entire PLANDEMIC is a prescripted ritual with human sacrifices. France Detects New COVID-19 Scariant . More of The Satanic Mockery https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/france-detects-new-covid-19-scariant Omicron: The Corona End Game The Truth Behind The Symbols https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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The Olympic rituals in 92 and 2012 are stunning to look at in retrospect. Why would they interject virus and death and satanic figures into a joyful Olympic ceremony unless they were sending the World a message?

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I hate to beat a dead horse, but . . . even if, and no matter whether, "they" decide to stop mass inoculation, "they" still will have won. Granted they really did want to inject us with poison, likely in an effort at depopulation, the real goals are (1) effective and near-complete control of entire populations (i.e., masks, social distancing, medical tyranny), (2) near-complete obliteration of sovereignty of 190+ countries of the world, (3) imposing a Great Reset of the world's monetary system, wealth transfer from us to "them," and imposing a Central Bank-controlled Digital Currency that will provide a near-total control mechanism akin to China's social credit mechanism using your new Digital ID.(pending).

Make no mistake - we are not out of the woods yet, by a long shot. Regardless of the nefarious acts by treacherous, greedy monsters to impose this tyranny on all of us, none of the perpetrators will ever be held accountable. They are too well insulated and protected. Especially since the real bad actors in all of this, the ultra-wealthy banksters who own virtually everything (e.g., Blackrock, Vanguard, etc.) will not ever be connected with what their puppet politicians and healthcare officials have done to us.

And we still have those 30% of mass hypnotized covidians who will never accept that they have been conned. Sadly, many of those people are some of the brightest and best-educated in the country, and many are in positions of power and control. I

hate to sound like a doomsayer, but someone has to remind us all that "they" still have a agenda, that that agenda is not designed to benefit us, and that "they" are driving toward completing that agenda no matter what happens with covid. Bill Gates still wants to control all food production in the world, for example. We need to refocus our efforts toward bring down the architects of the Great Reset, or on finding ways to exist completely outside the dystopian paradigm they are forcing on us.


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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

The Major is either available or in deep storage, but there's at least this piece of string to pull on if anyone wants to contact him directly. https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-murphy-a243b3b3/

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Jan 12, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Celia...In addition to my reply to you below, under your reply to AStarr, if you have not viewed the following conversation between RFK, Jr and David Martin, please do, since it showcases the incredible depth of detail which Martin has with regards to everything coronavirus and "Plandemic". In my opinion, Martin likely can answer all of your questions.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. ~ Interviews Dr. David Martin about Fauci, Moderna, Corruption


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While it has been said about almost every year, although not by me, I am of the opinion 2022 is the decisive year. The eventual end point is the same, but how it is reached is what will be made more obvious this year.

Hang on, it’s going to be a wild ride!

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

"What am I looking at?"

Dr Robert Malone: "I think that what we may be seeing is one of two things: we either [1] have a false flag operation aimed at Project Veritas and discrediting Project Veritas and anybody who will buy into the Project Veritas narrative... around these documents, or [2],... someone at DARPA basically throwing Tony Fauci under the bus. And it's really difficult to tell the difference between those two [at this time]..."

Source: beginning at 00m59s:

[Tues, 1/11/2022, sometime before noon CT] Exclusive: Dr Malone responds to Project Veritas Fauci 'gain of function' bombshell (full interview [with Infowars host Kristi Leigh])


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Jan 12, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

substack went down for about 10 minutes just now

meanwhile I posted gab, gettr and twit looking for help



It's back up now.

Archive alot everyone please.

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What do we think of this phrase “quasi species swarm?”

It's a relatively new theory of viruses. See substacker "from Harvard to the Big House" for fuller explanation.

Briefly, that viruses exist in swarms with possible mutations already existing, all seeking the right circumstances to replicate. The fittest infect, grow their #s & predominate. Which mutation is fittest changes with circumstances.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

This sounds like another attempt to preserve the virus/germ theory which has never been proved, along with no virus ever been proved to cause any disease. According to Dr. Lanka, viruses are the debris of the metabolic process, no two alike, and all of them dead. If illness from toxins or some other cause is present it makes sense that there are “swarms of viruses” from the metabolic processes in action to neutralize the toxins.

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I'm not so sure. Let's look again at his words: "..Less a virus..."

He's saying, essentially, that the spike protein Frankenstein science trying to "vaccinate" those poor bats in Wuhan, with "engineered spike proteins" IS the attacking "swarm," but he is saying it is chemical.


”The reason the disease is so confusing is because it is less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitch-hiking a ride on a SARS-CoV quasi species swarm.”

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"Quasi species swarm" is a new theory of viruses described by the substacker I referred above.

The spike on the Sars-Cov virus was engineered -- in Fauxi's foia emails, a researcher (name redacted) explains in general terms how they "added HIV" to the "bioweapon."

Nothing more to write on this. I consider Lanka a fraud.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

HIV has also never been isolated and proved to cause anything, including AIDS. It was just thrown in as a bogeyman to scare ignorant people who still think it does.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

No SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been proved to exist. FOIA’s from 156 research institutions have come back negative. The $1.8mm for a sample and proof of its causing any illness is still on offer.

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“I consider Lanka a fraud”. Your evidence?

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Agreed. this language ("quasi species swarm"" is not just gibberish on its face, but implies a new description of viruses. A virus is classically genetic material surrounded by a protein coating. Now we have the new idea that the protein is a hitch-hiker instead. So what is that? Not an integral part of the virus now, just some sort of passenger? And we now have multiple viruses existing in superposition, the winner waiting to emerge triumphant. Who can believe this manure? Lots of fictitious evolutionary theory packed into all this. Kaufman and Cowan say that the spike protein has never been found under a microscope or other modality (at least there are no published pictures) and that all we've ever gotten is artistic renderings. Is there actually a "spike" protein? Further, the trypsin that is part of the putative viral culture brew is a protein dissolver, which would create spikes to the extent there are proteins to form spikes in the fake viral brew. As Lanka stresses, virologists believe their own bullshit as to what isolation means and we know better. But let's be clear: There are poisons being manufactured here, and that "virus" etymologically MEANS "poison." The Vaxx is the kill shot poison, not the fake virus. Or, rather, if you take poison as the definition of virus, you're spot on. They're just laughing at us.

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I think what’s going on is straight up poisoning with graphene oxide for beginners which has the same toxicity profile as some of the symptoms being described. It’s known that graphene has been present in conventional flu vaccines in 2019 via La Quinta Columna. Additionally, there is the 5G connection, and an NIH study on the 5G-Covid disease connection. Steve is correct that Cowan and Kaufman have seen no evidence of spike proteins. I think what is poisoning people, Celia, is chemical, and the virus, GOF and etc. is just throwing out red herrings for the purpose of confusing.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

LQC certainly make a good case for graphene oxide doing lots of harm here. Of course, other modalities of toxicity are possible, and we don't know for sure what ELSE is in these shots. If we don't know if there are actually "spike" proteins, what else don't we know? We also need empirical insight into whether graphene alone can cause all of the many varieties of damage that these shots are causing. Lots of ways to kill/maim people, and we surely don't know much about many of these. They've been patenting bioweapons for over 20 years, as per David Martin. Maybe some of the coroners out there can get busy. Shakdi and Burkhardt found lots of vaccine deaths in 15 people said not to die of the vaccine. But dying of the "vaccine" (and we know there are huge numbers here) is not specific enough as to underlying active causal agents.

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Please explain how "metabolic debris" spreads through a population.

I had the measles virus as a child. 40+ years later, O tested with sufficiently high antibody titers to not require a measles vaccination to work in a hospital.

Dr. Lanka offered $100k to anyone who could prove viruses exist. A young Dr. offered up 6 studies that together provided that proof. Lanka refused to pay, so the young dr sued & won. The case was later overturned in a German court based on a technicality: Lanka wanted proof in 1 paper whereas the dr. provided it in 6 papers

Btw, viruses most certainly do exist, have been isolated, can be grown in cultures & viral infections caused in unfortunate lab animals.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Dr. Lanka won the ‘measles is not a virus‘ case in 2017. It is now established German law. The sixth paper his opponent submitted to prove measles is a virus was the paper written by John Enders in 1954. This is upon which the pseudoscience of virology predicates all their virus ‘isolation,’ which is not isolation at all. There has never been a virus culture, only tissue cultures with many other types of material in them including monkey kidney cells. Enders’s paper, which he had misgivings about because he never had a control, won the Nobel prize before he could return to redo the experiment with a control. Unfortunately, after winning the Nobel he never returned to do the study with a control and all other virologists have since continued to heap mistake upon mistake because the entire foundation is unsound, and no other virologist has done the original experiment with a control either, until Dr. Lanka came along and challenged the original study.

Bottom line, the proof of the measles virus existing was based on Enders’ paper, one of the six submitted, being accepted, which it was not.

Reference measles the illness, it is accepted by many that measles is a developmental illness like other normal childhood Illnesses like chicken pox/varicella. These illnesses happen so that the body may rid Itself of the used material from one stage in preparation for the next stage. There have been studies done that indicate that if children go through these illness processes in the normal time frame that this enhances their ability to resist other more serious illnesses like some cancers and heart disease later in life. If they do not it causes problems later in life. Recent studies have proved that unvaxxed children are by far healthier than those who have been vaxxed. Naturally Pharma seeks to suppress this information. There were also studies done by Dr. Gary Goldman before the varicella vaccine was ever released on the population that it would cause a shingles epidemic, which it has-among all demographics including children. The CDC, for whom Goldman worked at the time, successfully suppressed Goldman’s study till the vaccine was firmly entrenched.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Furthermore, the US government did studies right after the Spanish flu to prove its contagion. This included three trials of 100 volunteers each during which the volunteers were injected with blood, had snot put in their nose, eyes, etc. were in very close proximity to the victims. None of these attempts at cross pollination of diseased body fluids from the victims ever made a single volunteer ill.

There are other stories behind all of these supposed ‘viral’ diseases. No more than 20% of the population was ever vaccinated for smallpox. The disease disappeared when the vaccine stopped being used. Polio, a disease of summer, was from lead arsenate and later from DDT that was being sprayed on crops, which drifted causing children especially to develop spinal cord lesions. The Black Plague, according to tree rings and glacial cores, happened because of a possible comet hitting the earth and/or volcanic eruptions spewing noxious gas, not from fleas on rats, with some effected areas not even having rats.

This information is in What Really Makes You Ill? By Dawn Lester and David Parker.

The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg, Contagion Myth by Tom Cowan, Virus Mania.

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All are possibilities; as for a comet actually hitting the earth, that is not even necessary - the mere proximity of a cosmic body would do the trick due to energy flows (viz. Velikovsky). It seems cosmic radiation has traditionally been the main causal agent of human diseases, and now there is the added element of man-made sources of radiation as well.

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Metabolic debris does not spread through a population. People do not ‘catch’ anything through a ‘virus’ from another person. Sometimes people living near one another come down with similar symptoms, but this is because they have been exposed to the same toxins, nutrient deficiency, stress, or trauma. It’s not because of an invisible, never been proved to be pathogenic viruses.’ Scurvy was presumed for centuries to be caused by a germ until someone took citrus on a voyage and the truth was revealed. Same with pellagra, a niacin deficiency, which happened because people in the south were eating bread from corn, which has no niacin, instead of from wheat, which does.

If you want to learn more about the serial ‘viral’ diseases which are being claimed to be pandemics, I suggest you begin reading the articles of Jon Rappoport on his blog. Jon has been revealing the true cause of these fake pandemics for 4+ decades.

The reason this information is not more assessable should be obvious: the multi trillion Pharma business is based on this. Most vaccines are for ‘viral’ diseases. Pharma has at least double the lobbyists in DC as do fossil fuel companies, according to RFK, jr.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber


More on the court case of Dr Stefan Lanka.

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Still waiting for you to explain how "metabolic debris" spreads through a population.

I won't be holding my breath, tho.

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It doesn't spread through a population as Amanda just explained.

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Why are you asking me? Do your own research instead of expecting someone else to explain things to you.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

The big question here is: who is paying/blackmailing Fauci and all these politicians to run this fraud!

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Unfortunately, nothing likely will come of it. Nothing ever does.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Easy to be pessimistic these days, but one bolt of lightning can get the herd stampeding in the OTHER direction.

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When the presence of spike proteins was cited as a characteristic of the disease, not a shred of proof was offered. The spike protein is present in a human body only after injection of the vaccine. The vaccine is the disease.

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The problem remains: ALL spokesmouths for the "vax" are simply talking heads. NONE are actual doctors, researchers, etc. 100% of those in the know, Malone, McCullough, Benton, Brownstein, Duesberg, Fleming, Makary, David Martin, Mullis, Mercola, Zellensky, and hundreds more, have offered PROOF, and yet the mass-murderer Fauci is still free to come and go as he pleases. Fauci is the most prolific mass murderer in human history.

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I read the Maj. Murphy missive, and a good part of the Proposal and reject response. It does seem quite a reach, that DoD would turn away such a clever project because it was overly hazardous. There is a definite preposterous quality to such reasoning, given the context, moratorium notwithstanding. Also there is this "Look Look!! See--it says right here that they rejected it [also] because NOT including any discussion of G/F"....qui bono on that whopper. Rhymes with Couch. The minutiae of study detail, opaque to all but the equally steeped in zoonotics, clashes with the (amazing) pangolin tie-in. Last but not least, if one reads passages of the letter aloud, the choice of words, phrasing, and so on is eerily similar to a prominent persona. Or maybe it just seems that way. Alas, there are those who would argue that neither the 'origin' nor the G/F truth(s) will be enough to end this, but the architects, funder, and producers have committed acts of domestic threat which might could.

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