i was somewhat aware of all this background but it is great to have someone put it all together eloquently

thankyou allen

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Ditto. I have tried to explain this to family and friends... they do not have the will to hear.

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Same. I’ve tried to explain to my dad that he’s going to lose everything he’s worked his entire life for, if he doesn’t invest in gold and silver. But it just falls on deaf ears.

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im no expert on silver and gold but be careful, get the real stuff, no paper gold.

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Same here, and they absolutely do not have the will to hear. I think they are like lemmings, they just want to go with the crowd, but at last our voice is gaining numbers, so I am hoping for a breakthrough.

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Neither do I, but here we are.

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That 2018-19 financial scam also dumped $4.5 tn into the US debt column. Most of that money went to Blackrock, Vanguard, JPMC, and a few other billionaire-owned Financial cults. Yes, it remains a work in progress as well. Follow the money from the "major legislative successes" of the Biden POTUS run. Most of that money goes into billionaire accounts.

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Aug 22, 2022
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"I am not a Repub and have never supported any R/D candidate in my life."

well, what have you supported?

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Re: The pLandemic--"... If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense." Some of us have been aware of this since the git. I love the use of "Crime Story" as shorthand and a contextual premise for the emerging dialog! Excellent. We are at the precipice of transformation, people--as bad as things look. When we shut down the oligarch's Pharmedia we will begin anew. We must create Our version of a RESET. Kudos for this article!

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Explains all the walls and barricades going up. If Biden is putting a wall up around his house, it probably means the collapse is soon. I had a feeling the Ukraine was a money laundering operation to convert the last of the casino poker chips into oars and water on this sinking ship.

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Allen gets it. Too few others do. The root of all this evil is (are) central banks. People don't understand that central banks have hijacked the entire world through debt for centuries. We're conditioned to believe that every country must have a central bank. If more people read and understood their history, they would understand that the root of all evil in the world is usurious interest paid to central banks. Can you imagine that kind of history being taught in today's public schools?



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‘Robber Barons’ Documentary is a well written insightful gem.

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Thank you.

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“usurious interest”, Hate Speech, almost.

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So this is why Jesus warned us to drive the money lenders from the temple. I get it now.

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Do not underestimate human ingenuity. Early in this insanity, it was uplifting to watch businesses survive by thinking outside the box… and thusly rewarded by We The People for their efforts.

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So what do we do now? How does this play out for the normies? Is there any way to prepare/protect ourselves?

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As John Prine would say...

“Spanish Pipedream (Blow Up Your TV)"

She was a level-headed dancer on the road to alcohol

And I was just a soldier on my way to Montreal

Well she pressed her chest against me

About the time the juke box broke

Yeah, she gave me a peck on the back of the neck

And these are the words she spoke


Blow up your TV throw away your paper

Go to the country, build you a home

Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches

Try an find Jesus on your own

Well, I sat there at the table and I acted real naive

For I knew that topless lady had something up her sleeve

Well, she danced around the bar room and she did the hoochy-coo

Yeah she sang her song all night long, tellin' me what to do


Well, I was young and hungry and about to leave that place

When just as I was leavin', well she looked me in the face

I said "You must know the answer."

"She said, "No but I'll give it a try."

And to this very day we've been livin' our way

And here is the reason why

We blew up our TV threw away our paper

Went to the country, built us a home

Had a lot of children, fed 'em on peaches

They all found Jesus on their own



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Such wisdom in a song!

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I’ve always thought so too.

His lyrics are on point.

Another good John Prine is ‘Some humans ain’t Himan’

Heck I love all of Prine’s songs since first hearing Him in the 70’s.


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A part of me felt ripped apart when I realized John had been harpooned.

The fear the medical mafia instilled into so many was insane!

I still see it affecting elders and young alike.

I just don’t understand how anyone can be led by fear.

I say to those who cling to their quacksines, “People survived for millennia without quacksines. Think about that. Quacksines never saved one soul. Not one!”

I get a lot of squint eye looks for that. But it’s true.

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Perfectly explained Allan ...all those poor souls who should’ve been able to trust the system who have been injured or who died alone and for what? So the rich can get richer and the powerful ...more tyrannical each and everyone of them needs to pay for what they have done NO getting away

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wow Allen has nailed it so eloquently. so many quotable phrases!! thanks!!

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Whose Allen

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Oops sorry. Guy who wrote the article. My bad

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John prine I think

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People *are* getting sick and it *was* perfectly timed. It certainly isn't a contagion, though. The protocols did most of the damage.

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This rings true to me and had read this stuff in other summaries of the financial crisis of 2019 such as this one by Fabio Vighi https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/?fbclid=IwAR29w7e3AIEkvE9Cpi7UCrhe9jNuiEiRY1inB-H3yK-Bz84vg4u7_zn7keU

However, I also guess that there may be some kind of new/different/unique illness happening. It felt different to me when I had it, and was a bit scared when I started to have shortness of breath (and I have not been injected). I would not be surprised if there had been some kind of intentional release of a virus or toxin or something- to facilitate the reset.

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There are no pathogenic viruses, however, there are many, many toxins in all areas of life, more now that in any other time. Remember that fear is a toxin as well, and the elite know this all too well.

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> I started to have shortness of breath (and I have not been injected).

Same here. For me after each nasal test I took, it became worse. I'm suspicious that the nasal test is an alternative way of vaccinating. Hopefully I'm just paranoid.

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I have NEVER been tested for that very reason.

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Link some dots to all those aeroplanes flying over leaving trails that don't show up on Flight radar apps. perhaps? I was ill too with a shortness of breath never experienced before. I bought one of those things that you put on your finger a bit earlier on just in case, and my oxygen levels were down to 86%. I was a little worried, for sure, and then someone recommended wormwood tea. (Artemesia) I got some delivered next day and within 24 hrs of having several cups with raw honey, as it tastes very bitter, I was feeling great and able to breath easily. Could just be a coincidence but worth having some in.

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Yes, Allen is of course quite right. When governments responded to the alleged pandemic by hosing the financial system with freshly-printed currency, many of us immediately made the connection with the crisis in the Repo market the previous fall and smelled a very large rat. Catherine Austin Fitts was one who spoke out and, as soon as a so-called "vaccine" was touted as a so-called solution, she warned us that the so-called "vaccine" would be more dangerous than the alleged virus. Clif High is another who has been giving valuable opinions on the truth of the scamdemic since the beginning of 2020. My heartfelt thanks to all who had the knowledge, wisdom, strength of character and courage to speak out 🙏

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Allen gets it. I was among many who smelled something very strange about the whole COVID mania since early 2020, and I focused on the political fear --> intimidation --> tyranny political scam, but could not connect the economic dots the way Allen has.

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The Arctic Fox Cometh by Dmitry Orlov proposes the same financial COVID cover argument that Allen above explores.

The more interesting current explorations of this narrative is exploring the different factions inside the "great reset". Tom Luongo of Gold, Goats, and Guns explores the different factions between the "Davos Elites", the US Bankers who maybe not be so game any more with the "Great Financial Reset" and the Davos Elites who are -- thru his analysis one can try to understand the current financial battles between possibly anti Davos hawks like Fed Chair Powell who are trying to implode the European Market by hiking US interest to "Save/Prop" the US Financial Currency and "Davos" controlled 3rd term Obama's President Biden who are fully captured by European interests who wish to implode the US market first and to shift control to European Financial interests (to cover their debt nightmare). The Chinese + Russians are no longer game with COVID Finance game and are pushing for a multi-polar world. Allen/Orlov's COVID / Finance scam might have explained 2020 but things are currently not going to their plan.

Tom Luongo makes a very strong exploration of the different 'Davos' factions and worth exploring. He just had a great podcast on this with Tom Woods exploring the factions from a finance/geopolitical lens (https://tomwoods.com/ep-2187-the-ruling-elites-are-divided/).

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People learn the term, "Deep State," and tend to imagine a large, dark and sinister monolith. While it is large, dark and sinister, it is definitely not monolithic. It is more of a mob of criminal gangs/factions. Sometimes, these gangs compete/fight with each other. Sometimes, they co-operate and team up. Sometimes, they are doing both at the same time, depending on the issue/power/control concerned. Trump/America First seems to be one such faction, while Bush/Cheney/Clinton is another, and so on. Trump (and Putin and Xi) is a nationalist, while Bush/Cheney/Clinton are globalists (Khazarian/Illuminati), who have an Operations Department we know as the CIA/FBI. At the same time, however, Trump seems also to be beholden to the Khazarian/Rothschild faction; so the picture is both complex and confused - which is probably exactly how they like it. It is all held together with the nasty, stinky glue of kompromat and blackmail courtesy of the likes of Hoover and Epstein. Behold, The Swamp!

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Without going into where I was working (wasting your taxpayer dollars like a boss), I told all the folks working with me in March 2020 that this was a controlled demo of the economy, and that we about to get raped. When the "Stimulus" was announced, I told them that the money would be used to gobble up tangibles. Here we are...🤷‍♂️

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