I don't think I have ever had such a visceral response to an article in my life, Celia! I felt my stomach knot and my heart race as tears stung my eyes.

The fact that these people exist is terrifying. That they wear white coats and swore an oath to firstly do no harm whilst murdering innocent people instead of trying to help them makes me enraged.

I am not a violent person and never have been, but if anyone should be availing themselves of the state-sponsored murder masquerading as MAID, these so-called doctors should go first.

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One must look with fresh eyes at the doc's that are administrating the non-vax on the masses, especially into children.

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It’s WWII Nazi Doctor mentality. They are quite literally Evil Scientists(take “scientist” with a pound of salt).

In a fair world they would be hung by a jury of their peers, unfortunately MSM has glorified/humanized euthanasia or murder as I like to call it

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Playing God (or aspiring to BE God) is an abomination to the Lord. This will not end well.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Exactly I had the same thought. These people will burn in hell.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

These "people," actually demons, are FROM hell, so I don't think they'll mind the heat.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Some people just want to kill.

They can be found in many fields. Soldiers. Law enforcement. Medicine. Boardrooms.

Rarely can they conceal their crime so easily.

And never before has Power been so keen to facilitate it. MAID is spreading faster than the putative 'virus' that plunged our world into disarray.


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Add to the list, mercenaries, FDA, NIH, CIA, FBI, DHS, ICE, power-crazed egomaniacs in government, medicine, religion ……….where does the list end??

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Welcome to my world. Literally. I am a disabled Canadian, mother to a disabled Canadian and another with mental health issues. My sister is homeless.

Ugh. The odds that we all go naturally look bad

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I wish you could all leave the country, go somewhere less expensive and more humane, and warmer.

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My wife and I are thinking about retiring to Ecuador. My father was actually born there.

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I’m looking for an escape as well but this is GLOBAL I don’t think one can escape to anywhere. That being said if someone gave me a chance to get out of dodge I’d take it.

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Ecuador is NOT good right now!

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

God created us and we should say thanks for the life we got. More we suffer, more we assure our place in heaven. We should take our suffering quietly, with humility, and thank God that we are alive.

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What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

By the way my little sister is homeless too, disabled on psychiatric drugs. We can’t know what suffering others take every day and don’t show it to others

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I'm sorry.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023


Where is she getting money for all the drugs and food she is eating to stay alive?

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I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since more than 10 years

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You each can apply for almost $ 40,000. a year in money grants from the gov ( other citizens ) in the US they call it welfare and social security disability. Pool it together and live in one house with a Victoria nurse stopping by almost daily. You Healthcare and meds are free...

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When are people going to stop trusting and admiring doctors? How is it not obvious by now that these power-crazed egomaniacs love killing! We have evidence going back centuries, killing people off deliberately during the Black Death to keep their businesses going, and it is enshrined in literature with Frankenstein and Dr Jekyll. This century we already have the Care Homes scandals with them snuffing people out the second they were told there would be no autopsies (ie. as soon as they were let off the leash), their willingness to kill with Remdesivir and for government bonuses plus their absolutely across the board, uniform support for death/sterilisation jabs that may do far worse than just kill people, like blocking puberty in their search for a gender neutral society.

Behind every horror, invariably, there are doctors facilitating the insanity, and it's in every field of medicine. These demonic, status-driven egotists never lose interest in experimenting on humanity and behind them they have left a trail of blood, death and misery which has almost become a new circle of hell, and is as horrific as anything you will find there. From Mengele, to Ewen Cameron, to Shipman, to every GP you'll find on the High Road, they are all insane!

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Maybe not all, but a hell of a lot of them. I used to get annoyed at the docs who think they know better than the rest. Now I get annoyed at the ones who play god.

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I think since being given the chance to view them through the Covid lens it has become so much clearer how many of them are insane, or at least lost in their crazed world of power over human life, pride and status and, of course, money and freebies in the Caribbean. We are infinitely less important to them than their Mercedes dealer. And all of these are gargantuan psychological flaws, that would easily tip ordinary people into insanity; and I think have done with nearly every doctor. Even before taking into account their God complexes, these are traits we should run from, in anyone.

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I’ve had surgery twice since August. I was absolutely terrified! I prayed so hard for protection and that God’s will be done.

Please people keep yourselves and those you love healthy! Stay away from doctors!

I no longer trust doctors and nurses (I know there are good ones out there.).

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I would have been terrified as well. I am steering clear of hospitals, doctors pretty much anyone/think captured by the narrative. Once again, I ask myself “is this REALLY happening?”

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It's like the world fell into some type of Sci-Fi Horror movie that has no ending;

I'm a grown man and a fairly "big" build guy with an innate lack of fear BUT i will not freely go to any hospital, doctor or as you say, go near any of the narrative believers;

I don't trust "them" and i don't trust what might happen if i get confronted by some head case with an axe to grind

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It happened to me a long time ago. I watched way too many people die of medication towards the ends of their lives. As soon as you get on pills, it's a downward spiral until you are dead.

I won't even take an aspirin. Plan on dying at home when it's my time.

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WELL SAID Christian!!!!

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Quackery comes to mind

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

This is the result of a scientific community that believes and teaches that life is a cosmic accident because the universe is comprised of trillions of stars and planets, so it’s mathematically possible there would be a planet (or billions of planets by their estimation) that just happened by chance to revolve around a rare, special kind of star, in an even more rare “goldilocks zone”. The outcome of an almost impossible, but feasible, chance that random amino acids combined to form proteins, proteins became viruses, viruses became single celled organisms, etc. until eventually the result after billions of yeas was millions of species of plants, animals, and insects of such complexity, diversity, and specialization that it defies comprehension. They refuse to admit that there is an intelligent creator, but use phrases like, “nature designed…”, which proves that they know there must be a designer.

It is also the result of the slippery slope: "Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare". "We don’t want to get married; we just want to be able to visit our loved ones in the hospital and get them on our health insurance." Now we have abortion on demand at any stage of development, a man dressed as a woman as the Surgeon General, and transvestites dancing in front of children. The next step is forced euthanasia to fight climate change and economic collapse. Oh wait…I forgot about Covid-19 and its cure. We’re already there. Canada is just trying to get the gold medal from the WEF and WHO.

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Absolutely correct.

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I think you've got the context exactly right. We're in this insane mess because people have been persuaded to believe in laughable and insane ideas like evolution. (Frankly, if they were to find a BMW factory on the sea floor, dating from Atlantis, they would still say that it got there by chance and that the ocean currents sculpted out the moulds.) And with no appreciation of the sacred, or even of life, everything has become utterly artificial and a monument to man's cleverness, while completely ignoring the wondrous.

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We are now seeing the world without God! And I’m definitely not digging this evil!

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Multiple thumbs up to the two previous comments.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Well said!

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The next step is also the attempted legalisation of raping children. You can see them trying to pave the way for it. As zombified as the general public is I do have hope that this will be a hill they might die on

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I am not going to tick the like box because NOBODY can 'like' the legalised raping of children. But I hear where you are coming form. When deviant men get themselves appointed to positions in 'ethics' - so they can manipulate the rules to enable there monstrous perversions - we need a massive cleanup of our ethics regulators.

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Who needs ‘ethics regulators’?! They don’t need to be ‘cleaned up’...they shouldn’t even exist in the first place. I am my own ‘ethics regulator’.

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Or just look at who is the head of "Amber Alerts" and her connections to the Clintons and Haiti kidnappings.


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It’s sickening. I know that this battle is a hill I am willing to die on. I will do ANYTHING and I mean anything to save my kids and their future

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

They love death.

But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. (Prov 8:36)

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

It would be interesting to know how much the doctors are paid for each "procedure."

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Looks like about $400 per pop Canadian. So a total of approximately $280,000 for the 2 doctors mentioned. The average salary for an executioner in Canada is $57,126 per year. Another reason for class war.

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Are you serious? How did you find this out?

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Looked it up on the internet. The fees per kill may vary among the provinces but I didn't dive that deeply. I did find the reference to the executioner salary, but I started to wonder about that because Canada doesn't have the death penalty. I didn't take the time to go further.

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No we don’t have the death penalty but we have a new Moderna plant in the works ready to inject millions of RNA shots into willing and unwilling arms. Justin Castreau has only best intentions for us. NEVER COMPLY

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Australia also has a Moderna plant being built......smack bang in the middle of the biggest University/Medicine/Health district in the country

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Makes sense. Once it is monetized, and the HMO’s learn how to maximize their return per patient interaction, staff will proceed as instructed. Now after profiting from making and keeping patients sick, the HMO will be able to bill for the coup de gras. Bravo for the managerial architects here. The system move toward maximum efficiency and maximum suffering for all involved. Hell constructing itself.

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coup de grâce, please. Gras is the French for fat, or fatty, from which we get our 'greasy'.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber






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I have Gavin NEWSCUM as a governor. He’s just as bad as Turdeau.

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Each and every "western democracy" has it's own "poster boy" my friend; This is indeed a "lockstep" operation as "they" even so blatantly announced as "they" shut down the entire planet;

How in God's name did such a minuscule amount of individuals cause so much harm and grief on billions of people?

How is it that (what appears) only a relatively small number of us appear to be resistant to all the brainwashing techniques being used on the masses?

Is this mayhem a test to ascertain what happens in the next (if any) realm?

I think those of us that have resisted the brainwashing are truly the blessed; What we inherit, i have no idea, but it looks like we will find out in the very near future

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

It is such a shame how the human life has been devalued by abortion, and now with assisted suicide. This is just so sad.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

And we saw this coming decades ago.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Well, since that little tunt Trudeau's WEF-directed gub'mnt is pushing to follow his master's voice, pushing for more deaths by any means, even assisted "suicide" is just another arrow in the quiver, right?

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GHASTLY. The people facilitating & promoting this have been co-opted/hi-jacked/possessed by something other than their original, human/e soul. 🍂

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I AGREE! Perfect point! I always say that evil is literally walking the Earth.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

my 94 year old aunt in Holland chose assisted suicide after a fall took her out of her home of 65 years.

i still think she would have wanted to live if only her two very rich daughters would have taken her in to live with them. even if they had to insist!

my aunt had beautiful grandchildren and grand pups!

to watch grow. they had more than enough money to get her any care at home.

i just sent this article of Celias' to the brother.

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How sad! I'm sorry, Jane.

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i think when old people keep

saying they don't want to

bother their kids who have busy lives,,, when old people sacrifice themselves, they really hope that their kids will

say " of course you aren't a bother. you are loved and need to live with us!"

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In most other countries, "elders" are revered, respected and cherished, not banished to and forgotten in "care home" in the later days of their lives. The West took a wrong turn a few decades back.

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My father was Chinese, family was meant to help each other it was just their way…opposite to my German mother whole family could care less.

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ohh that's sad.

i hope your Dad had good influence on your family. same with my Dutch / Indonesian sides of family.

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With age comes wisdom; There is no doubt about that as i am now living proof; I am not saying that i am the doyen of all things wise, but i know much more now than what i thought i did when i was a brash young man;

My point is, i honestly think that the psychos running this show want to be rid of the (wise) elderly by any means necessary to stop the young from being taught by those with experience;

Education has turned full swing into indoctrination

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It’s exactly what they want to hear. Both of my parents died at home surrounded by family. I could never have put them in a home or euthanized them.

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thank you for your humanity.

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Omg...I’m so, so sorry. This is an absolute heartbreak. You make it through 94 years and that? That is despicable. My heart breaks for her.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

thank you. very disturbing.

she was totally clear minded. her family should have insisted she come live with them.

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Yes, they should have.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Disgusting people that enjoy euthanizing people... I had no idea how messed up Canada was

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Basking in the glory of being the angel of mercy and compassion …

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Horrifying. And I’m telling you, TikTok is helping young people feel like this is a good option. They are vaxed and lonely and feel hopeless.

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It is CCP run...the CCP wants to demoralize.

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It's not just the CCP, it's absolutely everyone in power. Don't let anyone off the hook or give them excuses.

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Tik Tok and all the other social media Evils are ruining / have already ruined many young folks. It’s a shame more parents don’t keep their kids away from this evil crap.

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Tik Tok is ChiCom. They want the viewers to be demoralized and question …it’s definitely doing its’ job. This is why Trump was against Tik Tok.

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