Dave Portnoy: Election Outcome A "Ringing Indictment" Against Democrat Elite Vilification Of More Than Half The Country, Says That Arrogance and Moral Superiority "Drove People Away"
A Fascinatingly Abysmal Campaign That Relied Upon Scaring Americans That Trump Was A Nazi And Maybe They Were Too
Dave Portnoy tells the story, here.
It's not complicated.
Only snobs will struggle to understand “what happened?”
This moment is the moment of the mass uprising against the bullies, snobs, and media beast class that have had its boot on our collective neck for as long as we can remember.
Their stock is all the way down; Their culture has died.
I for one intend to document their expressions of pain, there at TTB, in the days and weeks to come.
"There is a reason why educated people vote blue", she says. Yes, they are brainwashed! There are many educated people who love America, know real history, and are law-abiding, not marxists. WE vote red. What an offensive statement and attitude to have.
totally agree! When Dem's lost in 2016, I thought okay, now they will be forced to look at themselves, figure out what they did wrong, realize that the people wanted a populist candidate like Bernie Sanders. Boy was I wrong! Instead, they doubled down on their elitism. I thought Hillary had made a classic mistake by criticizing the voters. As a politician you NEVER criticize the voters. Her deplorables comment was off the charts in that direction. But it turns out that her comment was exactly how the entire party now feels.
They are a bunch of elitists, feeling that only they are smart enough to rule, and the rest of us--working class, uneducated serfs, deplorables, garbage--should just shut up and do what we're told. That is not America and not what Americans are. If the Democratic Party is going to survive, THEY need to shut up and do what WE are telling them! We are not deplorable, we are not garbage, we are not Nazi's. And all you smart, educated people out there with PhD's who think you're so smart that you never make mistakes--how many of YOU took the poison jabs?