"There is a reason why educated people vote blue", she says. Yes, they are brainwashed! There are many educated people who love America, know real history, and are law-abiding, not marxists. WE vote red. What an offensive statement and attitude to have.

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Her statement is proof positive that education does not equate intelligence.

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they are trapped by their own intellects! They "know" they are "smart", and so they assume that their "logic" would never fail them. So they conclude it's us who are wrong. Smart people are the worst because they will never believe they made a mistake, they're too smart for that! Look at how many "smart", "educated" people took the poison jabs.

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Knows-all-the-rules-and-enforces-them is a different kind of "smart" from solves-novel-problems, innit? ;-}

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Sure is. Definitely. :)

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they're conformists who've never had an original thought in their lives!!!

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Exactly pimaCanyon.

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…not just one jab - MULTIPLE jabs. Amazing how stupid the smart are. #AmIRite ?

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yeah, it's incredible, almost unbelievable. It's very very sad, but also scary because they all vote!

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and reproduce.

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That is so insulting. So more than half the country are drooling ignorant clods. Wow.

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Yes, that is their thoughts exactly.

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Guess I’d better keep my garbage bag—unscented—nearby. Or according to them, they see me coming not even wearing one. I can’t be at my coffee group on Saturday. All older retired fairly well off Dems. I’ll let them cry into their lattes and hate on President Trump voters then rejoin on Tuesday. I do have a very narrow tightrope to walk with a couple of relatives. A sister and my daughter. I normally just say I am not engaged with politics at all and won’t talk about it. My grandchild has been handed over to the worst of the liberal atrocities. It is very tricky without them pushing me completely out. I have no influence in any case. I’m kind of nervous about that as saying nothing will be construed as support of the right. My sister is just plain nuts so it’s easy to stay away.

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I can totally relate-it started during covid and the George Floyd riots and has continued on. I made a commitment to keep a relationship with my nearest family, even if I have to keep a bit quiet! It is tough out there. I can't put a sign on my lawn (i live in 75% blue area) and then watch the grades of my kids sink thereafter.

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I don’t have signs either. I keep my mouth shut except for a few remarks when outright lies are repeated. But who am I to judge right now. I don’t want to be like them so the other cheek is mostly in “turned” mode. I will not comply for the big stuff being leveled onto us.

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Hang-in. Be constructive.

They need your clearer-view, even if they have not made the paradigm-shift into it yet.


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Thanks. My grandkid is trans. I cannot give my real opinion about this at all. The family has been through hell and I support and love this kid as a grandma would. The parents were groomed and duped as much as the child. They all in all have made the best of it and he is a great kid. But they are stuck in the liberal wasteland. If they do realize what all this really is someday, their grief may be horrible. I plan not to add to it but be there for them. God bless us all.

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The child is blessed to have YOU, Janet.

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Much of this new-transgender seems to be a subset of autism-spectrum disorder from vaccine-injuries. It is different from what transgenderism was in the 1990s, when I was one of the few MDs in Austin who would see and treat these adults, mostly middle-aged, who had been trying to find a track that felt right for decades.

It is very different, and it is now popular and well-funded, and I got fired for "vaccine-refusal", and so on.

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...which is what you know you have to do Janet.

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I hear you. Whenever politics came up with friends, I remained somewhat non-committal. But I would usually point out that if the Dem's win, we get a continuation of the Ukraine war, a continuation of censorship, and vaccine mandates which might affect all of us next time. If the Republicans win, at least there's a chance Trump will try to stop the Ukraine war, and we won't continue down the road of censorship and vaccine mandates. But I'm pointing out the obvious and I suspect your friends know this already.

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If you read the comments on Portnoy’s Twitter…clearly the brainwashing and vitriol on the blue side runs deep. Highly disturbing.

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Considering that you can get a PhD so long as you pick some hair-brained dissertation subject, one might argue that these academics are lowering the standards at American universities. To wit--her statement that Republicans are weakening education--how exactly did this unfold when clearly all of academia are lefties, all donor money comes from lefties, all administrators are lefties. Those are scales on their eyes.

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When I was a teenager, my brother in law and I happened to be watching a quiz program. When I commented on how smart one of the contestants was because he had the answer

to every difficult question, he replied that anyone who had a good memory could study encyclopedias and have those answers, but smart people could come up with productive inventions and theories. He started with almost nothing and became a multimillionaire bac in the 1960's when that was a lot of money.

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And look at how often plagiarism is found in our “elites.”

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Definitely lower academic standards-I can attest to it- most if the kids can’t take notes- have never read real classic books , have never taken rhetoric, philosophy, real civics -

state school cancels classes- (never had a cancelled class in my college career),they have silly group projects like public school-

Everyone has one ear bud in and they need to ride a scooter to class -

God help them🙏

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Yes. It was happening 25 years ago, and I got out, even though I loved teaching. There are so many problems--one of which is now that college is so consumer based, and costs so much, they have to please the customers. Parents complain about their kids grades to professors, professors forced to allow students to take the final at a later date--I've heard a lot of crazy stories from my former colleagues.

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amazing isn't it? Elitist rhetoric is often breathtaking.

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I'm pretty educated, including by grandparents who traveled the world and talked about global-bankers and FDR dying-funny and stuff.

I vote my conscience, and voted Green, for Jill Stein again, but I'm in that awkward 5% that doesn't really care what the majority thinks when it is wrong again.

I did well on standardized tests, though. ;-)

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Very odd that Sueanna Smith. PhD, doesn't mention that the Republican Party, was the party that set the slaves free, and gave them the right to vote. Maybe her "education" was actually indoctrination and propaganda?

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Yep, same reason why doctors think shoving 20 prescriptions down an unhealthy patient's throat is the key to good health.

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And we don’t like killing innocent pre born citizens . How sad that the elite forgot biological science existed.

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Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli university professor, and one of the scariest fuckers on the planet. Enough said about 'education?'

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he really is scary. He is also a mystery. He sounds like at times he could be NOT on their side. he says all the quiet parts out loud. Is God using him to help us be saved?

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Could Yuval himself be vaccine-injured and mildly autistic?

He does seem to be bit of a cold fish.

I don't follow him and haven't read anything by him. I only know of his views through the words of his critics. And I know he's a member of the "Intellectual Dark Web", which looks very much like an organized attempt to corral and control the thinking of today's smarter young people, just as Chomsky, Zinn and others looked like they were doing to the youngsters of half a century ago.

Anyone writing on "serious" subjects whose works are on prominent display in airport bookshops must always be a little bit suspect.

But I found that Yuval does appear to be in favor of an even-handed approach to the Israel-Palestine problem and he cautions against people viewing their side primarily as victims, which absolves them of all responsibility, and of adopting supremacist attitudes. This, on the face of it, seems a lot more reasonable than, "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible......"

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Brainwashed! Absolutely.

Conservative views have long been eliminated from the education system.

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Anyone voting is consenting to be ruled by other humans so maybe your analysis is a little undercooked.

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The Founding Fathers set up a government whereby the people would govern themselves, not be "ruled" by others. Our government was usurped and overthrown long ago. The people have risen again.

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Well what's funny is that there has never been a time in human existence where people have been more educated than they are now.

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De[ends on the definition of "education".

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Well, I'll agree that most college is bullshit, but some of it isn't (still). And people can self-educate online as well. Of course, this does not teach most common sense. That's for sure.

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totally agree! When Dem's lost in 2016, I thought okay, now they will be forced to look at themselves, figure out what they did wrong, realize that the people wanted a populist candidate like Bernie Sanders. Boy was I wrong! Instead, they doubled down on their elitism. I thought Hillary had made a classic mistake by criticizing the voters. As a politician you NEVER criticize the voters. Her deplorables comment was off the charts in that direction. But it turns out that her comment was exactly how the entire party now feels.

They are a bunch of elitists, feeling that only they are smart enough to rule, and the rest of us--working class, uneducated serfs, deplorables, garbage--should just shut up and do what we're told. That is not America and not what Americans are. If the Democratic Party is going to survive, THEY need to shut up and do what WE are telling them! We are not deplorable, we are not garbage, we are not Nazi's. And all you smart, educated people out there with PhD's who think you're so smart that you never make mistakes--how many of YOU took the poison jabs?

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Brilliant Pima. SO TRUE.

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yeah, they're on a Death Spiral. that Hellary could say that -- let's remember her words at the Death of Khadafi, her indifference to the Death of our ambassador in Benghazi -- pure venom dripping from her wizened lips. her unconscionable contempt for the Heart of this country -- and I'm sure she still has her admirers!

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She's evil. How did she get that way?

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She was an apostle of Saul Alinsky who wrote Rules for Radicals- she and Obama

Alinsky dedicated that book to Lucifer

That says it all.

God help them when they meet their Maker🙏

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what's that Didion opening line -- "People ask what makes Iago evil? I never ask."

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It has more punch when written in full --

"People ask what makes Iago evil? Some people ask. I never ask."

What makes people evil is often the choices they made at a very young age. A newborn baby is totally dependent on others to serve their needs, for feeding, changing diapers, warmth and comfort. So they develop a strategy that answers the question, "How am I going to get what I need out of the world?"

They can scream and shout, or be calm and quiet. They can try to be very naughty and nasty or very nice and out to please. They can adopt a default mode of being basically honest or dishonest or sneaky or sadistic . The base strategy is probably cemented in place by the age of five, and after that it becomes second nature.

We can all imagine the kind of kid Hillary was, based on how we perceive her today. Most people don't change their spots very much.

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Exactly. Do you know they’re up to 12 jabs now?? A couple was in line waiting to vote and I heard him ask her if she got her shot and she said yes. He then asked which one and she told him Moderna. It stunned me. I didn’t want to know which number she was on. I was horrified with just that information. I wanted to get away from them both as fast as I could.

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astonishing. An actual real world full on suicide cult.

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She said we were deplorable but meant we were expendable.

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The technocrats feel exactly as you describe. They, alone, are fittest and capable of ruling.

They fy from conference to conference, talking to themselves, while condemning our tractors and pick-ups.

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Thank God for the American people!!!! the start of the saving of AMERICA!!!!!!

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America saved by Americans. Imagine.

That IS the amazing story line here.

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I love watching the leftists cry this morning, God is Great!!

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me too. I'm enjoying it. Is that un-Christian?

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Looks like they are not going to go quietly into the good night. No hint of any concession being made. Someone said Harris had to stop and think which accent to use, so hopefully that is the reason for the delay but I doubt it.

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Kamala can't find anyone interested in writing for her teleprompter anymore. They are too busy redoing their resumes, queueing at the paper-shredder, and running for the hills.

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yeah that too. It's like a trade show when it starts to pack up. The show is over so fast.

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Whatever they do, it's theater to keep us watching the wrong show and missing the jaws of our digital prison snapping shut. Remember, the parasitic 'federal' reserve CENTRAL bank is going to implement it's Going Direct Reset in 2025. The Bank for International Settlements will help of course since that's where the satanic Zionist star chamber resides that controls us all....

I have been massively harassed by Google/Youtube constantly planting trackers on my VPN software to stop me from watching Youtube videos until I register and log in and prove I am not a bot. I asked ProtonVPN to look into Google doing this, but all I got was my account shut down until I could convince them that I was an old customer. So, I just uninstall and re-install ProtonVPN over and over...

The banksters are rocking up here in Helene-destroyed Western North Carolina. I went to Swannanoa and took photos of the Truist bank there that is almost restored and ready for business while the community around isn't even functioning. There were hundreds of homeless camped up and down the river right there. On 09/27/24 they were washed away in the 60 foot+ wall of debri and water that came raging through after one of three dams were opened to keep them from collapsing (the dams were not maintained by the state or federal government and our elected officials never noticed).

I want to see Mountain People Rising now. I want to see the Plains People Rising, and the Coastal People. From Sea to Shining Fucking Sea. We better get up RFN and do something, because un-natural disasters are coming wherever there are minerals or real estate that the central bankers want.


10/01/24 How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium - The lithium rich mines in North Carolina and the thieves who occupy government



Weather Wars – FEMA, and Equitable Mass Murder

The government is no longer trying to hide, they are now killing us out in the open.



10/25/24 Multiple FEMA Camps Being Built Around NC Flood Devastation - Housing for themselves... really?



Western NC. Be a megaphone! Operation Mountain Relief



What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 1)



What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 2)



What Is Also Going on in North Carolina (and Everywhere Else, Part 3)


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Could not have said it better myself. Trump already made a comment similar to

"we are going to leave these old slow banks behind for a better system."

Hmmmm....Pied Piper of the digital prison.

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OR…the return of gold backed? who knows?

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I concur. For great info on fighting for transactional freedom, visit Solari.com. Some of it is not behind the paywall anymore.

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transactional freedom. Solari.com.

wonderful and helpful.

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That is very concerning, especially w Elon in there too.

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Harari said this would be a death blow to the predators. No - unfortunately. However, it is at least a bit of a setback.

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I'm going with DEATH BLOW.

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I think there's way more to the predators than that.

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yes. we still have a long and difficult road ahead of us if we are to dethrone the predators. I pray they don't try to kill Trump again. Or RFK. Or Gabbard.

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They should not fly. there are Stinger missiles out there, I have read.

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I think trump has anti-missile systems. He and RFK Jr. flew together recently. They must have serious technology to do this.

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Sword of Damocles...


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I agree. Trump has handlers too. He serves Wall St, Peter Thiel, Larry Fink, and the rest. He is going to sell us out differently than Kamala Harris would have - but at the end of the day, it's still the Uni-party, and we are still going to lose - unless we join freedom groups like Tactical Civics and take back our local governments first.

The North Carolina State Board of Elections is run by a blue person named Karen Brinson Bell. Ms. Bell wrote a congratulatory "Letter from our Executive Director" and placed it on the back page of a "2024 Judicial Voter Guide."

On the page next to her letter, the guide itself had pie charts showing the percentages of Democrat and Republican voters... but, even though Independent party member affiliation data is in the SBOE's possession - her guide did not describe us at all. The pie chart shows everyone who has walked away from the uni-party as "unaffiliated." There is a little note " * " about the fact that the Constitution, Green, Libertarian, No Labels, and We The People parties make up less than 1% of the combined NC voters. But no Independent party membership data anywhere.

According to Represent.us about 5 years ago, the Independent party now includes 41% of ALL US voters. The majority of Americans have walked away from the Uni-party corruption and futility - and they did it years ago. The Uni-party must be really scared to have Ms. Bell publish such an obvious manipulation of the facts and complete omission of the data on Independent voters. The saddest thing is that the Executive Director of North Carolina's State Board of Elections is not non-partisan and controlled to a level that is just insane. How many other state boards of election are managed by people who will engage in blatant censorship like this?

NC politics are utterly neanderthal. By keeping the basic compensation for legislators very low, the State General Assembly is made up of only the taxpayers who can afford to work there. [The same thing happens in DC on 'the hill' where junior staffers are not paid enough to live on in DC, so only the subsidized rich kids can afford to work for the US congress and become mind controlled staffers with solid business connections].

Anyway, this means we are represented almost exclusively by lawyers and businessmen / women who have no science training. When you look at the PFAS drinking water contamination maps for NC and consider the forced introduction of deadly smart meters and 5G masts, you know that the industrial class, the telecoms, the biotech and utility companies, etc., just lead these 'elected' folks around by the nose.

The agencies themselves are no better. The response by agency reps is usually to ignore public inquiries or questions that require an answer of any depth. If it's not routine or the question challenges a seriously wrong statute or regulation - the agency response will be to run and hide.

Unless the taxpayer can make a full court press out of a topic, it dies from lack of response and these agency bureaucrats have played this hand for decades. We pitch, they catch and take the ball to another building and go on vacation. E-level and mid-level agency employees have been doing it for so long that they cannot imagine the older public outing them and their disrespectful behavior on the Internet.

But freedom groups are coming together. Tactical Civics is creating lists of officials to remove. Substack's legal historical genius Katherine Watts has comprehensive lists of officials that must be fired from their jobs or prosecuted, for constitutional violations and creating the DARPA designed and contagious C19 injection and the on-going Global Democide we are living through right now.

And other activist groups are identifying the agency psychopaths and sociopaths, plus their connections to Wall Street/the Deep State. These people will be the first to be outed on the Internet and removed from office at the first possible opportunity.

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Maybe it won't pan out that way. Maybe the American people will become American, sovereign, tough, and anti-statist again.

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I hope so too!!

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And you forgot the constant plane farts in NC- Chem trails abound…

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We average 3 planes every day... topping out at 7 planes when they really want to kill us...

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Exactly point on. Every time the Clintons, Obamas and their ilk are at the podium it is all finger pointing and finger wagging, telling us all of their moral and intellectual superiority. Watch some clips and turn the audio off (always a good idea in general) and you can see it.

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Harari looks like Nosferatu, and Schwab looks like Nosferatu's grandfather. Creepy.

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True that.

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This bitterly clinging (Obama) deplorable (Clinton) garbage (Biden) would like to thank Celia for your steadfast output during these last years. In my opinion you should take some credit for the victory as you stood strong during the information complex censorship.

I am tired of no cash bail, 7 Eleven lootings, open borders, 24/7 trans this and that, and endless wars with no hint of negotiations. This is just the start, like others have noted. New paid subscriber. God bless you, and thank you.

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Thank YOU, eyes open. You made me smile. It's dawning on me that God has given us a moment in time to shed trauma based mind control, defeatism, weakness, pessimism—all things I have been guilty of, one might say. We can all stand tall now, and see OUR world view reflected. by which I don't mean DJT per se, but the MAGA and MAHA transmutation story, how our values all finally got REFLECTED and counted. It's hard to say what I am trying to say. We have each other. That's what I am trying to say. And we have ourselves. And we should be so thankful. And we are.

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Yes, the media circus is overwhelming. After all, as Frank Zappa said, it's for entertaining the masses.

My impression is that the (s)election result is a digression from noticing the inevitable:


For comic relief, here is a Nazi:


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Free Front Row Substack Seat to the 'Comments of Tears' happening on the Left right now, in the comments section of the following two publications... The following two sites -- above all other CIA-beachhead 'writers' on substack (these two, who happen to also be substack millionaires),... the following two sites serve as magnets that capture the anguish of 'the other side' like no other sites on that side (except for possibly Dan Rather's substack)... One realizes by reading their comments, we were ALL traumatized by the 'monarch mind warp', both sides of the isle... traumatized...



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Tom—amazing, I will examine. Only you ever mentioned to me these "CIA-beachead" substack millionaire (grrrr) people. I can't wait to study their tears. They never studied mine, but I am way more attentive than they are. Is it wrong to feel pleasure over the tears of malicious, chronic, destructive bullies who took your life, decades ago? or maybe not. But you know, Tom, I have only ever fought ONE gang of demons. They are all the same. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Very important. "CIA beachhead writers on Substack."

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I was just reading some comments over there at both Popular Information and Heather Cox Richardson's "Letters from an American." Wow. And interestingly these 2 sites recommend each other.

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When the masses throw their TVs out the window then I'll believe we're on a new frontier.

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Dennis Pennis needs to come out of retirement to interview Kamala, followed by Ali G. Questions, how many BJs did you give on your way up? Are your knees arthritic as a result? If you jailed a mum of a disabled girl for truancy, what do YOU deserve for your crimes?

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IMHO - At the heart of this is love vs fear. High vibrations vs low. For some reason, most adult people stay stuck in low vibrations (fear, shame, guilt, anger, grief, desire and materialistic lacking) throughout life, while others are able to grow through their traumas. We're all traumatised, and it's a matter of humanity not education or intelligence per se, as to what paths and choices we take. Erik Erikson's Life Stage Theory offers a good model for trying to make sense of the mystery - why some people get stuck, arrogant, bitter, dependent, naive, etc., whereas others grow in humility, selflessness, faith, etc. It's a love thing; a consciousness thing maybe. Connectedness with life-forces greater than ourselves. I think nutrition and lifestyle are factors too. Inflammation and dependency on pharma and allopathic interventions is not healthy. Thanks Celia as always. Love and gratitude to you and all.

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Alan I am so with you, about the life giving (yes) properties of extreme trauma. Trauma does not merely destroy it also transmutes. The alchemy of trauma. It can bring about incredible gold, compassion, insight and love between human beings. the very traumatized are often my favorite people. I'm sure you understand how I mean it.

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Sueanna Smith, meantime the educated go to grocery stores to buy food produced by farmers who work ten to twelve hour days. Educated people call tradesmen to fix their plumbing, and uneducated people to cut their lawns, clean their houses and shovel their driveways. Other uneducated people work in slaughter houses to kill meat for educated people to eat.

The truth of the matter is that uneducated people are highly educated in the skills and trades they possess. Can you build your own house? Electrically wire it? Install heating systems or plumbing?

Nope. An education has proven up here in Canuckistan that it was educated "fools" who voted for turdo who is useless as teats on a boar. Thus the real truth outs...uneducated people can look after themselves and educated people need them to survive.

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I'm not sure what makes me more giddy with delight; Trump's and MAGA's victory, or the Democrat's loss. Maybe it's both. Back in 2016, when I didn't really like Trump, but really couldn't stand Hillary (I voted third party)!, my delight was all about her loss. It was rich and savory! I heard rumors that Hillary went into a drunken rage when she lost on election night, after all it was "her turn" to rule. That's why she couldn't face her supporters. So what's going on with Kamela? Is she in some sort of emotional meltdown? Self medicating with chardonnay and cocaine? I don't mind the idea of women leading, but we need to try harder to avoid the narcissistic types.

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I am relishing the D defeat. Totally. Bordering on getting in touch with my inner sadist. Haha.

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thanks for the image of entitled Hillary having a tantrum -- I loathed her for Bengazi and Khadafi -- but I couldn't say aloud the glee I felt at the prospect of 2016 Trump breaking up the machine -- the political MACHINE -- I was surrounded by 20somethings who were terrified by the spanner-thrower Trump -- I think it's his fearlessness.

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We need more info about this 2016 tantrum. Very telling. We should have enjoyed in MORE.

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